Chapter 249

Su Wenqing and Feng Hua finally came to a table, and there was a very special person on this table, the eldest son of the Qin family, Qin Xiong.

Although the two families of Su and Qin had been in conflict for a long time, but this time for Su Yun's big wedding, Su Wenqing still sent someone to send invitations to Qin Lao Qi.

Unless there is an open break, there will be no other.Morally passable.

Su Wenqing also made preparations that Qin Laoqi would not be present, after all, Qin Laoqi's body and bones were not as good as before.

One day is one day, and it is not surprising that one day suddenly goes away.

However, he didn't send an invitation to Qin Xiong. You can invite your father, but not your son, but Qin Xiong is so cheeky that he came here with an invitation from Qin Laoqi.

Also brought a gift.

All the guests came, no matter what Su Wenqing did, he couldn't drive away the guests on the day of his daughter's wedding.

What's more, if Qin Xiong makes trouble at Su Yun's wedding banquet, then he will lose his morality first, and then, don't worry about him bullying the small with the big.

He, Su Wenqing, was not afraid of a junior like Qin Xiong.

"Uncle Su, congratulations!" Qin Xiong cupped his fists and smiled playfully, without any sense of solemnity.

"How is Master Qi, I will visit the door personally that day." Su Wenqing's face was as calm as water, showing no signs of happiness or anger.

This skill of nourishing qi is not to say the pinnacle, but it is also extremely extraordinary.

"Thank you." Qin Xiong chuckled, turned around and picked up his wine glass, and said to Feng Hua, "Brother Feng, congratulations, I finally got what I wanted. You have become the son-in-law of the Su family. From now on, the Su family will be yours." .”

"Qin Xiong, what are you talking about..." Feng Hua became angry when he heard it. Can he say this in front of Su Wenqing?
What's more, the current posture of the two families?

"Brother Feng, Uncle Su is just a daughter like Su Yun, and you are his son-in-law. The Su family will be yours from now on. Is there anything wrong with that?" Qin Xiong chuckled, "However, you plan to take my daughter Did the goddamn sister Xiaowan's son go overboard with Miss Su?"

One stone caused a thousand waves!

All the guests were in an uproar after hearing this!

This Qin Xiong came to mess things up tonight, and picking this moment would completely tear his face apart.

Feng Hua's face immediately became pale as paper and his eyes dodged when he heard the words, while Su Wenqing's face changed suddenly when he saw it, and the hand holding the wine glass couldn't help shaking.

After the wedding was over, Qin Xiong brought this matter up, clearly wanting to deal a heavy blow to Su Wenqing in front of more guests.

Make Su Wenqing completely unable to step down.

How did Qin Lao Qi give birth to such a sinister son?

This drama is really too dramatic and bloody.

Feng Hua actually gave birth to a son outside, and this woman is Qin Xiong's god-sister?Whether it is true or not, it doesn't matter whether it is true or not from Qin Xiong's mouth.

This kind of thing is not uncommon among wealthy families. Many families are married. Before getting married, it is normal for them to marry concubines and have children.

But that was all in the past, and there are very few now, but such things as illegitimate children are not new. Didn't Su Wenqing also hear that there are illegitimate children out there?
It doesn't matter if a man is out in the wind, as long as he doesn't keep the seeds outside, everything is easy to talk about, but if he keeps the seeds, as long as he covers it, it's not a big problem, and it's exposed in public, especially when he's still married , in front of many guests, the fun will be great.

"Uncle Su, don't you know about this?" Qin Xiong had an innocent expression. He didn't think it was exciting enough, so he gave Su Wenqing another knife in public.

Su Wenqing's blood rushed to his brain in an instant. If it wasn't for Su Xing who was beside him with quick eyesight and quick hands, he reached out to support him, otherwise he would definitely fall down.

"Mr. Qin, hearsay is not enough to believe." Su Xing retorted, "Today is my young lady and uncle's big day, if you are willing to drink a cup of wedding wine, please stay here, if you come here to make trouble and ruin my young lady's marriage , then please leave!"

"If I don't have evidence, how dare I act presumptuously in front of Uncle Su?" Qin Xiong chuckled and put down his glass, "My god-sister, Qin Wan, mother and son are outside, do you want them to come and confront the groom?"

"Qin Xiong, did you come here on purpose to make trouble today?" Feng Hua was also angry. Although he had a ghost in his heart, he couldn't coax him at this time, and his reputation would be completely ruined if he coaxed him.

Not only would the Su family not tolerate him, even Bingcheng would not be able to stay any longer.

"It's fine if Uncle Su doesn't admit it, I'll take their mother and son away now, and I won't let them disturb Ling Qianjin and Brother Feng's life from now on." Qin Xiong is not afraid at all, so many guests tonight, dignitaries and celebrities, don't say anything Half of them will support him, at least they won't let Su Wenqing attack him, he has nothing to fear, let alone he has arrangements.

Otherwise, he would not have come.

"Since Mr. Qin said so, please come in, mother and son. Feng Hua is my adoptive son. If he really spreads out, he can be considered as the son of the Feng family. Today, it is Double happiness!" Su Wenqing had passed the period of anger, he calmed down, if today's matter cannot be handled properly, maybe after tonight, he will become the laughing stock of the whole ice city.

As soon as this word comes out.

The whole place shook.

Many people were dumbfounded. Su Wenqing's response was simply too powerful. Although it was a sin for Feng Hua to leave a seed in the outside world, it was reserved for the Feng family and had nothing to do with the Su family. In the future, even if If you admit it, the child's surname is only Feng, and the child born to Feng Hua and Su Yun will only be surnamed Su.

Feng Hua couldn't object yet.

In other words, Su Wenqing had already prepared for the worst, and at the same time thought of a solution. This ginger is still old and spicy.

Although this matter will definitely have an impact on the Su family, it will be much smaller than Qin Xiong's use of this to attack and separate Feng Hua from him and let him cut off Feng Hua's arm.

"Su Wenqing, an old fox, probably already knew about it." Bai Yulan whispered to Zhou Sen.

"Can he bear it?" Zhou Sen asked in surprise, how cruel it is for a father to marry his daughter to such a man.

"For the continuation and benefit of the family, is there anything he can't do?" Bai Yulan said, "He is always a selfish person."

"But Su Yun's happiness was sacrificed like this?" Zhou Sen still disagreed.

"Do you feel distressed?" Bai Yulan gave Zhou Sen a beautiful look.

"This kind of parents arrange marriage, there is no happiness to speak of, except to continue the family blood and become a reproductive machine, which is too cruel for individuals." Zhou Sen said.

"That can't be helped. We are outsiders, so we can't control it even if we want to." Bai Yulan said, "Are you going to ask the groom to give red envelopes later?"

"Forget it, he's been miserable tonight, let's not make trouble." Zhou Sen felt a little sympathetic to Su Wenqing tonight, how should this end?


Under everyone's attention, a young woman in plain clothes walked in holding a little boy about three or four years old.

The little boy was a little timid, almost clinging to the bend of his mother's leg.

Although this woman's appearance is not stunning, but among the guests, her appearance can be regarded as above-average level. Walking along, her cautious expression makes people feel pity for me.

Seeing the woman and the little boy appear, Feng Hua's face turned even paler.

"Xiao Wan, you're here." Qin Xiong hurried up to meet her.

"Brother." The woman's "brother" made Su Wenqing and the others change their expressions. This situation was beyond his expectation.

Originally, if the woman and the child recognized it as not a big problem, but if they were involved with the Qin family, then the matter would be complicated.

This is most likely a trick played by Qin Xiong for Feng Hua. Feng Hua didn't know it, he fell into it completely, and even gave birth to a child with this woman.

This situation also made Zhou Sen think of himself and Bai Yulan, and he and Bai Yulan were also designed to be Qin Xiong.

However, what Qin Xiong didn't expect was that he stumbled on himself and Bai Yulan, but succeeded on Feng Hua.

This guy really knows how to play. This set has been played for at least several years. At that time, Su Wenqing hadn't planned to marry Su Yun to Feng Hua. Did this guy expect it long ago, or did he hit it right?

"Xiaowan, you have served this guy with all your heart these past few years, and even gave birth to a son for him, but in a blink of an eye, he forgot you and married Miss Su. This kind of person is really not good. It is worthy of your entrustment for life." Qin Xiong pointed to Feng Hua and said.

"Brother, in fact, I know, as long as he can visit our mother and daughter from time to time, I don't ask for a name..." The woman named Xiaowan grabbed the little boy's hand and kept her head down, not wanting Dare to raise your head and speak.

This trick is brilliant.

First put yourself in the position of a weak person who is not here to fight for fame. If you are so sensible and bear the humiliation, you will definitely win more people's sympathy.

And no matter what the Su family did, they would be injured. Let Feng Hua recognize the mother and son. What about Su Yun? How would the Su family arrange for the mother and son?

Don't admit it, Su Wenqing is cold-blooded, Feng Hua will definitely have a reputation as a heartless person, this reputation is not good, especially when Feng Hua is about to flex his muscles?
Qin Xiong's move was too poisonous.

This is to put the Su family to death.

Su Wenqing didn't have a son, so he asked Feng Hua to marry his daughter Su Yun. The purpose was to wait for a hundred years from now, and the Su family would have a successor.

And having an heir is very important to a family, just like the ancient emperor, why did he establish a prince, why is the prince important to the country, the emperor is old, and the prince is there, so there is an heir, and the court is stable.

And if there is no heir, then there will be more people with different intentions, the Su family is the same, once Su Wenqing gets old, no one will inherit the Nuoda family business, and with such a big piece of fat, there will be many people staring at it .

"Mom, Dad!" At this moment, the little boy suddenly pointed at Feng Hua and called out.


The voice of God.

If this hadn't been planned in advance, then this sound would completely shatter the little fantasy that everyone still had in their hearts.

"Feng Hua, tell yourself what this woman and child have to do with you." Su Wenqing asked Feng Hua with a livid face.

"Father, I..." Feng Hua hesitated, with cold sweat dripping from his head, unable to answer.

The muscles on Su Wenqing's face twitched violently. Feng Hua's reaction really disappointed him. This is the son-in-law he found for himself, the heir, and he didn't take any responsibility at all.

Even if he stood up and admitted it today, he would bite the bullet and admit to this marriage. Man, it's normal to make mistakes.

"This Feng Hua is too irresponsible. Now Su Wenqing is quite disappointed in him." Zhou Sen is an outsider, but he can see it clearly.

A man makes a mistake and dares to admit it. He is still a man. If he dare not even admit his own mistakes, what courage can he have?
"A normal person's reaction."

"The problem is, he was chosen by Su Wenqing to be the heir of the Su family, so he shouldn't have reacted like this." Zhou Sen said with a sigh.

The situation froze all of a sudden, and the big dinner party also fell silent.

 You Qing recommends a senior boss's new book "I Trained My Sister to the Eighth Level of Boxing", if you like it, you can read it.


(End of this chapter)

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