Chapter 256 Persuasion
"Xiaorou, you have to be careful about this matter. I'm not a member of your organization, so I don't have the right to comment on your decisions." Zhou Sen reminded him very seriously, "But you want to transform him into what you want Man, it’s not that it can’t be done, but it’s hard.”

"Brother, in our anti-union team, many people who are similar to him have been reformed by us, haven't we?" Jiang Rou asked back.

"Yes, you are right, but Qin Lang doesn't have any national consciousness, and he doesn't hate the Japanese invaders that much. He even got a lot of benefits from the cooperation between the Qin family and the Japanese in the past. It is difficult for him to do anything with us. If you feel the same empathy, he can change from a villain to a good person, but it is difficult to become the person you want!" Zhou Sen said.

"I think he is not so obedient and obedient to the Japanese, or he is willing to be an obedient citizen under the Puppet Manchukuo!" Jiang Judao, "Brother, you are not the same person as him, you Why can it be changed?"

"Brother's situation is different from his. Brother and you have both suffered hardships since childhood. He is different. Since he was a child, he was well-clothed and well-fed. Even if no one wants to be obedient citizens under the puppet Manchukuo and the Japanese rule, everyone is the same. But to be a person like you, he might not have the courage and courage." Zhou Sen thought for a while and said, "Even if he said yes, can you guarantee how much of it is sincere and how much is for you? "

"This..." Jiang Rou was immediately stopped by the question, and it was undeniable that if Qin Lang was really pulled in by him, then his purpose would be somewhat unsophisticated.

"Xiao Rou, brother hopes that you can find someone with the same goals, so that you have common ideals and common beliefs, so that you can go on hand in hand. It doesn't have to be now. You are still young. It doesn't matter if you wait a few years." Zhou Sen said.

"Brother, I know, you are doing it for my own good, don't worry, I will find a chance to make it clear to him." Jiang Judao, "I'm hungry, what delicious food did you bring?"

"Did you get it from Brother Chi, or is it on this table?"

"Of course it's from my brother, and these dishes don't suit my taste..." Jiang Rou glanced at the dishes on the table and said.

The dishes Qin Lang ordered were all Jiang Rou's favorites, how could Zhou Sen not recognize them, they didn't suit his taste, and he opened his eyes and told nonsense.

However, that doesn't count.


"Brother, this taro is really delicious, did you make it?" Jiang Rou took a piece of taro and put it in his mouth. It was soft and salty, very delicious.

"I don't have any skills. It's the new cook, Aunt Chun."

"Aunt Chun, is there a newcomer here?"

"Well, Yulan needs to rest and not be too tired. Many things have to be done by Axiang. Someone at home cooks and does laundry..." Zhou Sen explained.

"That's right, Sister Yulan is now our family's key protection target." Jiang Rou nodded and said.

"Okay, eat quickly, it won't taste good when it's cold." Zhou Sen looked at Jiang Rou eating, like a brother pampering his sister.

He has always regarded Jiang Rou as his younger sister. After all, there are not many people in this world who can be regarded as relatives.

"Xiaorou, 'Yiguzhai' is one of your points, right?"

"Cough cough cough..." Jiang Rou was so startled that she almost coughed up a mouthful of vegetables, the suddenness was too scary.

"Brother, what are you talking about?"

"I know you have discipline, what you can say and what you can't say, but 'Yiguzhai' is in trouble now, you'd better tell me the truth, otherwise, I can't help you." Zhou Sen said slowly.

"Old Qiao is my contact person." Jiang Rou said after being silent for a while.

"What does this Qiao Sanlang want to do? As your contact person, he shouldn't hide his identity as much as possible to ensure his own safety. Why did he mess up the gathering of people in 'Yiguzhai'?" Zhou Sen asked rhetorically.


"Yiguzhai was reported anonymously. Fortunately, Nangang Police Station intervened in the investigation and let my subordinates in the past find out the situation." Zhou Sen said, "If it was a white pole, someone would have copied 'Yiguzhai' a long time ago. , I reminded Qiao Sanlang before, don’t put some banned books in the store, is he a real iron?”

"Brother, what should we do now?"

"Does Qiao Sanlang know your exact identity?" Zhou Sen asked.

"I know." Jiang Rou nodded.

"If he evacuates now, I'm afraid he will be on the wanted list immediately. However, there are too many reports of this kind. Although most of them will inevitably end up in prison, as long as they spend money, basically there is no problem." Zhou Sen said.

"Brother, what do you mean?"

"He has been reported, and it is impossible for nothing to happen, otherwise the person behind the report will not let it go easily. This time it is anonymous, and the next time it will be a real name. Once the real name is real, it will be uncontrollable. Do you understand? "Zhou Sen said.

"I have this authority now. Gu Laoliu was my subordinate in the past. It is reasonable for him to hand over this case to me. As long as the case is in my hands and it is not a particularly important case, generally no one will argue with me. Besides, I always have to handle a few cases, so let me fool the higher-ups, otherwise, during the assessment, I don’t have any grades at all, so I can’t justify it, right?” Zhou Sen said.

"Then how should I tell Old Joe about this?"

"Don't go anymore, just find someone to pass a letter to him, and let him insist that the so-called gathering in his store is for literary exchanges, without any other purpose, and he is just providing a place, not participating in the discussion !” Zhou Sen said.

"But what if those people..."

"If the person who made the report is among the gathered people, then he is very likely to remain anonymous, or he will report the next time they gather," Zhou Sen said.

Jiang Rou hesitated to speak, there were some things she couldn't tell Zhou Sen, it was discipline.

"The Anti-Japanese League's next strategy and policy against the enemy will undergo major changes, and the direction of you lurking underground workers will also change. I know that you want to hide and concentrate, accumulate strength, and wait for the opportunity, but do your work. There is also a division of labor, different people do different things, you can't always think about doing everything, when the time comes, you will expose yourself and implicate others."

"Brother, what should we do now?"

"Stop this kind of activity immediately, don't use the reason of being investigated or reported. If the whistleblower hides among these people, if you say this, it is equivalent to saying that the police station has your people. Find a reason to suspend it. Don’t run, it’s all over if you run.”

"I understand. I asked Old Qiao out to meet. Tell him about it in detail." Jiang Rou said.

"Tell that Qiao Sanlang to be careful when he goes out, and don't be followed by others." Zhou Sen said, "You also have to put on makeup, it's best to dress up as a man."

"I see, bro."

"We are in the heart of the enemy, we must be cautious in all actions, and there is no chance of any mistakes." Zhou Sen said. "If you have anything over there, you can communicate with me at any time. What I can do is definitely much easier than what you can do."


"Let's eat, the food is cold, this matter is also a pitfall for you, and you will learn a lot of wisdom." Zhou Sen said slowly.

Jiang Rou lowered her head to pick up the rice grains in the bowl, and suddenly felt that the delicious food was not so fragrant anymore.


"How about it, what does Xiao Rou say?"

"This girl has her own opinions since she was a child. She is soft on the outside and strong on the inside. Even if I analyze her interests, I'm afraid she won't listen to me." Zhou Sen closed a book in his hand and said.

"That's right. Although Qin Lang is not a good match, he is still much stronger than those men outside." Bai Yulan said, "Xiaorou won't suffer if she follows him. If Qin Lang dares to bully her, there will still be Us?"

"In this matter, all we can do is analyze the stakes for her. Can we still decide for her?" Zhou Sen sighed.

"That's right." Bai Yulan nodded, "Have you paid attention to the matters of the Su family?"

"Family affairs, what should I pay attention to?"

"The mother and child were pregnant and gave birth, and the date of birth was matched. Now Feng Hua can't admit it even if he doesn't want to." Bai Yulan said.

"Hehe, Bai's son, isn't it good?" Zhou Sen smiled awkwardly.

"Qin Xiong is meticulous in his work and has never leaked anything. Even if we know what he has done, can we find any evidence?" Bai Yulan said, "I guess, this guy erased all the evidence that should be there, and the rest That's what we can see now."

"Tell me, could this child belong to Qin Xiong?" Zhou Sen said, "Qin Xiong has been married for many years, but his wife has never been able to give him a son and a half, isn't it strange? "

"This Qin Xiong hasn't said anything for many years. If a son is born outside, then hurry up and take him back. Otherwise, who will inherit this big family business?"

"What if Mrs. Qin is also a powerful character, would Qin Xiong not dare to do this?"

"Jin Ronggui's daughter, I haven't heard that she has any great deeds before." Bai Yulan frowned slightly.

"Yulan, do you think that a person who loves power will easily hand over the power in his hands, even if his health is already dying?"

"You mean Qin Laoqi was forced to hand over power?"

"It's hard to say, this is a matter of the Qin family, maybe Qin Lang needs to know more." Zhou Sen chuckled, "Go to sleep, I have to get up early to go to work tomorrow."


The Su family has been in dire straits these past few days. It was supposed to be a happy event, but it turned into the current situation.

Su Yun firmly disagreed with letting Feng Hua into his room, especially after learning that the little boy might really be Feng Hua's child, his attitude became even more determined.

Su Wenqing originally only had a few strands of gray on his temples, but now almost half of his hair is gray.

Although the Su family's business has little impact, everyone in Bingcheng is watching Su Wenqing's jokes, to see how he will deal with this matter.

Is it true that, as he said at the wedding banquet, in the name of Feng Hua, raising Xiaowan's mother and child outside is considered an "external room".

In this way, he would be ashamed. Originally, Feng Hua was counted as a married man, but now it is a good thing. The son-in-law who married him still has a woman and an illegitimate child outside. After a hundred years, this illegitimate child may divide the property of the Su family.

Once he died, the Su family would be inherited by Feng Hua. At that time, if Feng Hua wanted to favor this son and give him more, what would he do?
And if Su Yun can't give Feng Hua a son...

Su Wenqing didn't dare to think about these things, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this hurdle in his heart was difficult to pass.

He regretted forcing Su Yun to marry Feng Hua now. It would have been fine if it hadn't been this year in the first place, but once he thought about it, it would be difficult for him to turn back.

"Ah Xing, ask me to meet Zhou Sen. Don't let anyone know. I want to meet Zhou Sen alone." Su Wenqing told Su Xing.

"Master, what are you going to do?"

"Qin Xiong is staring at our investigation, maybe what he sees is not what he really thinks, so I want to ask Zhou Sen to help me secretly investigate the origin of this mother and child." Su Wenqing said.

"Then Zhou Sen can help us?" Su Xing was stunned for a moment, a little surprised, did this master go to the doctor in a hurry.

"Now I can only try."

(End of this chapter)

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