Chapter 259

Bai Yulan's heart is very sensitive. If Zhou Sen wanted to refuse Su Wenqing's request, he would refuse on the spot, and would not say that he would think about it again.

Of course, he also has the consideration of wanting to ask his own opinion, which is his respect for his own side.

If the child has a problem.

Then Qin Xiong was playing the trick of "the dove occupying the magpie's nest", so he was much more insidious than Qin Lang, the second child.

This kind of person is terrible.

Song Wan'er is a dancer with no special identity and background, she definitely can't play tricks like this, there can only be someone behind her.

If Song Wan'er was with Feng Hua back then and got dumped after she got pregnant, then Qin Xiong would have known about it.

In the name of Feng Hua, she secretly gave money to let Song Wan'er give birth to a child, and then recognized a set of dramas of being a "god sister" after the production...

The depth of the scheming is more than terrifying, it can be described as "devil".

"Xiao Mori, you can promise Su Wenqing about this matter, but don't have anything to do with me and Lao Ma." Bai Yulan said.

"Yulan, in fact, I think so too. Su Wenqing's use of this as a condition is too inferior, and it also shows that the fact that you are brooding over the old horse's death has been thoroughly confirmed. If he is the poisonous person, it is tantamount to telling the other party that you have not given up on the investigation of the cause of Lao Ma's death, which may not be a good thing." Zhou Sen nodded, and Bai Yulan agreed with him.

"I can tell him clearly that the old Ma is in the past, and you and Ma's family have also completed the separation, and there is nothing to do with it. Now it is Mrs. Zhou. I don't want to turn over the past accounts. It doesn't make sense to turn over and over again. .”

"Well, but how do you accept Su Wenqing's request?"

"I also want to find out whether I have any clues in Qin Xiong's hands. I am not as good as Feng Hua. I work outside to raise women, but I have often been in and out of romantic places. Is there anything stupid about me? Hard to say……"

"At least you didn't do anything wrong in Ningxiang Valley, otherwise, do you think you would be the lucky one that night?"

"Really, there is another reason for this?" Zhou Sen was stunned, he and Bai Yulan had a good time that night, and they had a beautiful marriage. Unexpectedly, there was also the reason of the original body's usual accumulation of character.

"Although I'm not perfect, I'm not a casual woman either. I was drugged. If it wasn't for my familiarity and sensitivity to drugs and my timely discovery, I wouldn't have been caught by the other party. In the end, I was taken advantage of by you." Bai Yulan Gouged out Zhou Sen fiercely with those big black and white eyes and said.

Zhou Sen smiled silly.

"Yulan, this shows that our fate is arranged by heaven."

"This reason is a bit far-fetched."

"Yes, I'm worried about this. I can investigate it myself. There is no need to investigate Feng Hua's affairs. The two are not necessarily related." Zhou Sen said, "There is no other reason than that Qin Xiong is our common enemy. .”

"What about Su Yun, why didn't you consider Su Yun?"

"You mean, let me ask Su Yun's opinion?" Zhou Sen said in surprise.

"You have nothing to do with Feng Hua, but Su Yun is a good girl. Her marriage to Feng Hua is already dusty. If this Feng Hua really has an illegitimate child, then her life will be difficult in the future." Bai Yulan sighed One sound.

"Yes, if Feng Hua didn't have those messy things, it would be fine, but he has a woman and a child outside, and the days to come will be really hard. Although I only meet her a few times But it can be seen that she has received a new type of education and is a woman of the new era, she will never accept such humiliation, she has restrained herself by not asking for a divorce directly with Feng Hua!"

"Maybe she wants to but can't?"

"Leave Su Wenqing alone on this matter for a while, I only said to think about it, and didn't say how long it would take to reply to him." Zhou Sen said.

"Otherwise, I invite Su Yun to sit in the teahouse tomorrow, so I can relax?" Bai Yulan suggested.

"I have no problem with that, but what did you tell her?"

"Naturally, we have persuaded them to make peace. The wedding is over, so can we still get a divorce?" Bai Yulan said, "This marriage is no joke."

Zhou Sen didn't object either. After all, Su Yun agreed to marry Feng Hua. After all, there was still affection between the two of them. Even if it wasn't love, it was better than an arranged marriage or a blind marriage.

"Let's listen to Su Yun's real thoughts first."


Qiao Sanlang was really taken aback when he received Su Yun's message. He just wanted to develop some good young people in his bookstore.

I didn't hold such gatherings a few times, and they were targeted by the Japanese and puppet secret agencies. Fortunately, the other party didn't arrest people immediately.

If he directly arrests people and confiscates "Yi Gu Zhai", then he will definitely not be able to escape.

However, he was also shocked by the news and energy of "pine needles", and he could get news from the fake police agency.

This is also great.

He also knew that he should not be asked. This is the discipline of the organization. Besides, Jiang Rou is not as old as him, but his rank is higher than him.

Fortunately, these young people have only made preliminary contact with him, they haven't gone deep into it, and they don't know much about his identity.

At most, it is a frustrated businessman who is not very satisfied with reality.

"You can't close the store, you can't run away, let alone have any contact with your superiors, and cut off the relationship."

"But if we cut off the relationship with our superiors, wouldn't we become kites with broken strings?"

"You won't report the situation and then cut off, and wait until you pass the dangerous period and send a safety signal before contacting?" Jiang Judao.

"I'm so anxious, my mind is confused."

"If you want to get through this crisis, you have to go in for a while, otherwise, you won't be able to stay in the ice city, understand?" Jiang Judao, "And, my relationship with you must not be exposed."

"Pine needle, I..." Qiao Sanlang hesitated.

"Why, do you want to get out of the battle?"

"No, no, Comrade Songzhen, you have misunderstood. Since I am your contact person, I am already mentally prepared for this, but those young people don't need to..."

"You don't have to worry about this, as long as they don't know your exact identity and what you are doing, they should be fine." Jiang Rou warned.

"Is it all right?"

"It is certain to suffer a little bit. If you are afraid of suffering, there is no need to do this."


"This incident is not only for you, but also for me. We all let our guard down and did things we shouldn't do. We must report this matter to our superiors and sum up our experience and lessons, especially those of us who are lurking under the eyes of the Japanese invaders. Comrades under the nose, must not make our mistakes again."

"I see. According to our study plan, we will have a discussion in the afternoon two days later..."

"Okay, I get it, you have to be mentally prepared." Jiang Rou reminded again.

"I know."

"They will definitely search your house. Don't make your own house look like you want to leave. This will arouse groundless suspicion. You have to pretend that you don't know anything, understand?" Jiang Judao, " Only in this way can you pass the test, even if it is closed for a while, there will be no problem."

"I still have to be locked up, so how should I explain it to my superiors?"

"Don't worry, I'll write you relevant materials when you come out, so you don't have to worry about that," Jiang Ju said.

"Okay, I understand." Qiao Sanlang knew that Comrade Songzhen had already thought about him, if he just walked away.

The progressive youth in the 'communism' study group in his store were in trouble and bound to be implicated.

He cannot and does not want to implicate others because of his own mistakes.

To run is to confirm one's identity, and these progressive young people don't even have a chance to defend themselves.

If he doesn't leave, he can take everything down, anyway, as long as he doesn't admit who he is and what he has done.

There is still a chance. Comrade Probe knows the danger of doing this, and he must be sure to let him do it.


"Toshi Yamamoto came to see me. He said he would come to see you today." Just after going to work in the morning, Anna knocked on the door and came in after she took off her coat and hung it on the hanger.

"Come to see me, what did you tell him?" Zhou Sen was surprised and asked back.

"Tell him briefly about the task Shibuya-sensei assigned you, and he will come to see you." Anna explained.

"Ms. Shibuya will not assign me such a task for no reason. Now it seems that Toshi Yamamoto must be responsible for instigating Natasha's rebellion." Zhou Sen blinked his eyes and analyzed and judged.

"Is this about him?"

"Why would Mr. Shibuya think of Natasha for no reason? He is so busy with work, and we haven't reported the relevant situation recently..."

"No, didn't the hunter send us a confidential telegram before the mission, mentioning something about Natasha?" Anna retorted, "Didn't we report to Teacher Shibuya?"

"But don't forget, Mr. Shibuya already knew that Natasha was coming to Ice City, and he didn't ask me to take any action."

"Maybe it's because you don't know the specifics?"

"Then why is Toshiro Yamamoto so interested in Natasha's affairs? He also received a secret message from the hunter?" Zhou Sen said, "Could it be because you told him that Mr. Shibuya assigned me such a task?"

"It's not like, when he heard what I said, he didn't seem to be surprised at all. He should have known it a long time ago." Anna recalled and said.

"Then it's over. Natasha's mission must be related to him. If you don't believe me, wait for him to come. I'll find out when I ask." Zhou Sen said with a chuckle.

"If that's the case, what are you going to do?" Anna asked.

"He's looking for something for me, so naturally I can't let him watch the show, he has to work hard." Zhou Sen said.

"Are you really planning to instigate Natasha?"

"Even if you can't do the task assigned by Mr. Shibuya, you have to try it, don't you?" Zhou Sen asked back.

"That's true, I wish you good luck!" Anna smiled. This mission has nothing to do with her, and she only helps out as a support at most.

The person who has a headache is Zhou Sen, how should he face Natasha.

(End of this chapter)

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