Chapter 262 "Yiguzhai" case
A prison car for arresting people stopped at the door of "Yiguzhai". It was a car from the Special Affairs Section of the Police Department, and Zhou Sen had borrowed it from the action team.

Based on his relationship with Lin Dakuan, Zou Shuxun lent it to him without saying a word.

Of course, whether Zou Shuxun would talk to Lin Dakuan about this matter was out of Zhou Sen's control.

Seal up Yiguzhai, put a seal on it, and arrange guards at night.

Qiao Sanlang and others who were arrested were all put on hoods and put into a prison car. The young man had never experienced such a battle, and some of them were scared to pee their pants.

This is all too normal, there are only a few people who have never experienced this kind of thing and are not afraid.

"Zhou Sen, where are you going to lock these people?" Anna asked, although Zhou Sen and Gu Lao Liu worked together on this case.

But after arriving at the police station, it's hard to say.

After all, this case belongs to the Nangang Police Station. The Nangang Police Station will definitely fight for the dominance at that time. Even if Akiyama Nosuke was in charge of the Nangang Police Station before, the new director of the Nangang Police Station will not easily miss a meritorious service. of opportunity.

The detention center of the Police Department is already overcrowded, and the Judicial Section is so busy that the detention conditions for these people will be very poor, and even the use of the interrogation room will be problematic.

If Zhou Sen wanted to take control of this case, he had to find another way.

"Let's go to Songhua School, I'll give Mr. Yingshan a call." Zhou Sen had already thought about it, and these people must not allow others to intervene.

Naturally, his appearance as a person who "enjoys all the credit" must be strengthened, so he thought of the secret detention center of the Security Bureau.

Yingshan has a good relationship with him, this case is not very attractive to Yingshan, if he wants to borrow a place to use, he will definitely not refuse.

Kageyama is also a member of Saburo Shibuya, so he will make it easier for him.

"This is a good choice. In this way, we can independently control this case." Anna said.

Zhou Sen made a phone call to Yingshan's office.

Naturally, Yingshan had no problem. Zhou Sen was a student of Saburo Shibuya, and he was handling the "anti-Manchurian Anti-Japanese" case. He had no reason to refuse. The Security Bureau originally had the power to handle the case.

As for Zhou Sen's selfishness in detaining people in the "Songhua School", this is not worth mentioning. In the police department, a newcomer like Zhou Sen really does not have much say. constraints and constraints.

The prison van drove into the Songhua School at a high speed, and Kitano, the director of the detention center, had already received instructions from Yingshan on the phone and waited at the door with someone.

"Kitano-kun, I'm sorry to trouble you!" Zhou Sen got out of the car, walked towards Kitano, shook hands, and bowed.

"Zhou Sang is polite." Kitano did not have the arrogance that many Japanese look down on the Chinese, and he was very easy-going.

But Zhou Sen knew that under the docile appearance of this Kitano, there lived a rather cruel soul. All the prisoners held here had not been tortured by him, and his methods were extremely cruel, but for such a person, he still had to smile Welcome.

"Mr. Kitano, this is the first case I have led in the Special Affairs Division of the Police Department. Although it is not big, I hope it will be a hit. That's why I have to be so cautious." Zhou Sen explained and handed over two packs of cigarettes at the same time. .

Of course it is not an ordinary product, American product, he knows that Kitano likes to smoke American cigarettes, so he bought two packs specially.

"Thank you, you can do whatever you want with this case. Even if it kills someone, I can help you clean it up!" Kitano smiled and stuffed the cigarette into his pocket.

"To prevent collusion, they should be held in isolation before interrogation. Are there enough cells?" Zhou Sen asked.

"Several people?"


"No problem, I'll be fine after I arrange other people."

"Thank you very much." Zhou Sen thanked again.

Beiye went to arrange a cell for Zhou Sen, and Anna and Gu Laoliu escorted Qiao Sanlang and other captured prisoners from the prison van.

"Take off the hood." Zhou Sen ordered, and they were all in place.

After tearing off everyone's hoods, I felt my eyes brighten. What I saw was a strange place, like a school, but it gave people an inexplicable cold feeling.

In just one cigarette, Kitano had already arranged to free up eight cells for Zhou Sen's men to detain the prisoners one by one.

"Cheng Yunfeng and Xiao Hong stay here, and the others follow me back to Yiguzhai." Seeing that Qiao Sanlang and others were taken into the cell according to the procedure, Zhou Sen ordered.

"Shouldn't we conduct a surprise interrogation right away?" Anna asked. At this time, the person had just been arrested, which was the best time for a surprise interrogation.

"We haven't had time to search in Yiguzhai, so we don't care about the moment." Zhou Sen said, "Let them get used to it first, and think about what to say when the time comes."

"Why don't you two go through these people first and have a rough understanding of the situation?" Zhou Sen turned his head to Yunfeng and Hong Yumei and asked.

The two looked at each other in dismay, then shook their heads: "Let's wait for Brother Sen to come over, we don't have much experience in interrogation."

"Let's go, don't waste time, it will be dark soon." Zhou Sen reminded Anna.

On-site evidence collection is the most time-consuming, especially when it involves books and publications, which requires searching one by one.

After returning to the scene, Zhou Sen and Anna plunged into the pile of books, began to search for relevant evidence, and fixed it.

Although there was an element of acting in it, it still had to be a complete set of acting, and he couldn't show any flaws in front of Anna.

The two were busy, except that some prohibited articles and manuscripts were found in the small room where they gathered.

There were no other special discoveries.

"That's it for today. Let Xueming and the others do it. This case is of little value, not as good as the case of the 'Yiyou' bookstore." Zhou Senchang sighed.

"The case of Yiyou Bookstore is different from this one. It is an important transportation station for the CCP's underground party in Bingcheng. Besides, the CCP is not stupid. They use the identity of a bookstore to cover up their activities?" Anna asked amusedly.

"I thought it was a big case, but now I can make meritorious service. Who knows, it's just a few kids who haven't had much experience in the world gathered together to discuss the current situation, and their remarks are a bit out of line." Zhou Sen said.

"Looking at the topics and articles they discuss, they obviously have that tendency, and there must be an organizer. Without an organizer, these people would not gather together." Ana analyzed.

"Yes, no matter how small the case is, it's still a case. If we run into it, we can't ignore it." Zhou Sen said, "Go back to the hall tomorrow, report this case, and apply for going out to handle the case for a few days, sitting in the office every day, with waist pain Almost sat down."

"Well, okay, then I'll go first." Anna nodded, got up and said.

"It's time for me to go back. If I don't go back, I won't be able to catch up with the meal at home." Zhou Sen raised his wrist and said, looking at his watch.

"Is going home to eat more important than the case?" Anna asked.

"Of course, if you have a beautiful wife waiting for you to eat every day, you will come home on time every day." Zhou Sen chuckled, "Of course, you are a woman, you can't have a wife, I can't understand."

Everything is not going well, Zhou Sen has long been aware of this.

He was not in a hurry to go home, but went to the Lu Restaurant to find Liang Yiming. He had to communicate the relevant situation with Arman through Liang Yiming.

"Old Liang, I want Arman to make arrangements. I will meet with Natasha first, so we can finish this play well." Zhou Sen made a request.

It's not that I don't believe in Natasha, but it would be better if we can meet and communicate with each other.

"I'll help you get in touch, but I can't guarantee that it will be arranged."

"You can just bring my words to Arman, and the rest is up to his decision." Zhou Sen also knew that it would not be easy for Natasha to sneak out to meet him.

"I see."

"I'll take away your specialty dishes. It should be lighter and not too greasy." Zhou Sen ordered.

"For girls?"

"Don't ask me any more questions about this," Zhou Sen said.

"Okay, wait for a while." Liang Yiming smiled, turned and went out.

Zhou Sen took the food box and went directly to the new stage. There were more frequent performances years ago. Jiang Rou was not only the president of the "Lan Rou" drama club, but also the art director of the new stage. Naturally, he was very busy with work and had to rehearse the new stage. Repertoire, you have to perform on stage at any time, even if it is a guest appearance, you have to put your heart and soul into it, and you can't be perfunctory. This is disrespect for yourself and the audience.

It is a common thing not to go home for dinner. Tonight, she is too busy to go home for dinner. Zhou Sen just took the opportunity of delivering meals to tell her about the case of 'Yiguzhai'. Too much, too many words, why not come to the new stage.

The lights in Jiang Rou's office were on, and Zhou Sen walked over with the food box. Everyone on the new stage knew Zhou Sen.

Naturally no one stopped.

Knock on the door.


As soon as he entered the door, he found that Jiang Rou was holding her stomach, sitting on a chair, her face looked ugly.

"What's the matter, what is this?" Zhou Sen put down the food box and hurried forward to ask.

"Stomach ache, old problem, drink some hot water, and it will be fine in a while." Jiang Rou explained, a fine layer of sweat beads could be seen on her forehead.

"Isn't this the problem of eating irregularly in the past, full and hungry?" Zhou Sen asked.

"Well, in the past, when it was time to practice and perform, it was too late to eat. I hurriedly took a couple of bites and went on stage. When I caught a cold, I felt a little uncomfortable." Jiang Rou explained.

"You need to find a doctor to take a look at it. Take care of it. Drink some millet porridge in the morning. That stuff nourishes your stomach. I'll ask Aunt Chun to make it for you tomorrow."

"Don't be so troublesome..." A pain hit, interrupting Jiang Rou's words.

"You, you just didn't pay attention to your body. You have to seal the box and rest. You have to find a doctor to take a look and treat it properly." Zhou Sen poured her a glass of warm water, tested the water temperature, and handed it to Jiang Rou, "Come on, Take a sip of hot water first, and when you calm down, let's eat dinner, and the dishes tonight are all light and easy to digest."

"Brother, can you still guess if my stomach hurts at night?" Jiang Rou asked with a ninja stomachache.

"You can still laugh. If I had that ability, I would have already set up a stall to tell fortunes. I don't want to waste my life." Zhou Sen said angrily.

"Brother, how is Old Qiao?" Jiang Rou asked.

"From the existing evidence, it's not too serious. I'm afraid it's inevitable to suffer a little. It's just that this guy has bad eyesight and doesn't know people. Among the people he's looking for, there are obviously spies bought by the Puppet Manchukuo. Eager, impatient, if this lurks, sooner or later you and he will be targeted by the puppet secret service." Zhou Sen said.

Jiang Rou nodded. Qiao Sanlang did make a mistake, but he can't blame him entirely. He had to listen to the tasks assigned by his superiors. In fact, it was mainly due to his lack of professionalism.

(End of this chapter)

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