273 Found the car
"Mr. Sun Xu, you don't need to say it, but the price is that if your lover kills someone, then you will be an accomplice to the murder. At that time, you will definitely get out of prison!" Zhou Sensen said coldly.

"Officer, I really didn't kill anyone, you must have made a mistake!" Xu Chunmei panicked in fright.

"Looks like you're given a chance, but you don't intend to take it, come here!" Zhou Sen yelled lightly, and the two policemen in charge of the torture walked in with their sleeves rolled up.

"Mr. Zhou, please order."

"Give her a stick first!"


"Director Zhou, Mrs. Sun Xu is the wife of the suffering master..."

"How do you know that it wasn't her relationship with me. Fu Tucai murdered her and killed her in a fit of rage?" Zhou Sen retorted, "This woman has already transferred most of Sun Qingkui's real estate to her name. Premeditated."

Reminding Zhou Sen that Zou Shuxun's subordinates were speechless.

"I'm wronged, Lord Qingtian, the women are wronged, I really didn't kill anyone, it was all that damned Huang Wei..." As soon as he got on the stick, Xu Chunmei started shouting "wronged" .

The two torture policemen didn't care what Xu Chunmei said, and immediately began to use their strength, and the restrained woman suddenly screamed.

"I'm wronged, we really didn't kill people..." The screams were mixed with excuses, Xu Chunmei didn't seem to admit that she was the murderer.

"Maybe it wasn't you who did the murder, but it might be your lover. Are you going to bear all the charges for him?" Zhou Sen scolded.

"I didn't ask him to kill the one who received a thousand knives!" Xu Chunmei cried out, obviously frightened.

"Mr. Sun Xu, tell me what you know." Zhou Sen ordered someone to loosen the clamp, allowing Xu Chunmei to relax, and asked.

"His name is Huang Wei. I met him again at a temple fair. He's a man of no capital..." Xu Yumei told the story of how she met her lover Huang Wei in detail.

The two had known each other for less than a week before they had an affair. Of course, a woman like Xu Chunmei, a mid-aged woman, was in great demand, and Sun Qingkui was over half a hundred years old. Marrying a wife was supposed to be a companion when she was old. When I was sick, there was a person serving tea and meals by the bedside.

I never thought that after marrying a woman who is dissatisfied with desires, if he can't be satisfied, he will naturally have various things that go wrong and quarrel every day.

This Xu Chunmei also has the ability to coax the real estate and shops under Sun Qingkui's name into her name.

Of course, Sun Qingkui also has his own ideas, he likes to gamble, if these are in his name, sooner or later he can't help but take them as collateral and exchange them for gambling funds.

This thing is not in his own hands, so he can't mortgage these things.

In addition, when they first got married, Sun Qingkui, whom Xu Chunmei really served, was extremely comfortable. Once the ecstasy soup was poured down, the house and shop would be revealed immediately after they got the house and shop.

Ever since Xu Chunmei had a concubine, it was common for her to stay out at night, and Sun Qingkui was also addicted to gambling, and spent more time in the casino than at home. Originally, the family hired a maid, but the maid also left, and there was no money for anyone. work?

Then the two of them figured it out, this Sun Qingkui owed a whole lot of debt, let him divorce Xu Chunmei and get out, Huang Wei came to occupy the magpie's nest.

Xu Chunmei wants a divorce, how could Sun Qingkui agree, he is not stupid, this woman divorces him at this time, he has nothing but gambling debts.

So it's been a while since this happened.

Although Xu Chunmei's name was on the house deed and land deed at home, Sun Qingkui was not stupid, he kept all these things.

Without these things, Xu Chunmei wants to occupy the real estate and shops, but she can't just rely on her words, and the original evidence of the real estate and shops purchased by Sun Qingkui is in the hands of others.

After Zhou Sen heard all this, he couldn't help sighing, these two people are really the same, no one is better than the other.

This is not a way of life, it is all a calculation.

"Who does your husband, Sun Qingkui, owe usury? How much?" Zhou Sen asked.

"He is a gambler, who else can he owe, the casino, he owes a lot, it must be tens of thousands."

"Tens of thousands..."

"How many thousand is it?"

"I don't know the details. It's about forty to fifty thousand. However, it seems that no one asks him for debt collection. Casinos are like this. They won't ask you for debt at first. When you owe a certain amount, they will come to press for debt. " Xu Chunmei said.

"Which casino?"

"I don't know about that..."

"Don't you know, or are you lying on purpose?" Zhou Sen's face darkened, and he scolded, this woman, why don't you give her some color, she is full of lies, this dancer, how many words can she say in her mouth it is true?
"He has been to several casinos, the ones I know the most about are Taipingqiao Casino and Yingtong Casino, I don't know about the others." Xu Chunmei replied cautiously.

"I can warn you, don't lie to the police, otherwise, you will know the consequences." Zhou Sen said.

"I, I don't dare, I don't dare." Xu Chunmei's head shook like a rattle.

"Put people in prison first."

"Yes, Director Zhou."

Although Xu Chunmei was the wife of the deceased Sun Qingkui, she was under serious suspicion. Although she had evidence of her alibi, she was detained for 48 hours for investigation, which was also in line with the rules.

On the other hand, Zou Shuxun also questioned some of the players who played cards with Xu Chunmei. With his ability, it was easy to get the information he wanted from a few inexperienced women.

"This Mrs. Sun Xu arrived at Wu Dan's home at about six o'clock last night, and then Wu Dan called two other players to play cards with them. They played mahjong at home until twelve o'clock in the morning. One of them Said that I was sleepy and didn't want to fight anymore, Sun Xu's luck was not very good, he lost a few, and insisted on fighting again, so the game ended at about one o'clock, because it was too late, none of them went home, They all slept at U Thant's house, and they didn't go home until they got up at nine o'clock the next morning."

"How far is it from Sun Qingkui's house to Wu Dan's house?"

"It's not very far. If you can't walk, it will only take about 10 minutes."

"That is to say, she started from home and went to Wu Dan's house for up to 10 minutes, so even if she started from home at [-]:[-], and my Xiao Rou and Qin Lang left at [-] o'clock for the new stage, they drove , I should have arrived at Sun Qingkui's house in half an hour, so it is possible that they met at home, or even met each other?"

"Your inference is very possible, but if they met and Miss Jiang Rou and Qin Lang did not leave after that, why didn't she tell the details?"

"Then there is a possibility that Jiang Rou and Qin Lang left after not staying for long, even before she left home?"

"It's possible, but Miss Jiang Rou and Qin Lang can't be found now, so there is no way to prove all this." Zou Shuxun said.

"I'll interrogate Xu Yumei again." Zhou Sen said, "She doesn't know my identity now, and she won't be wary of me. This is the time to get the truth out of her mouth."

"I agree."


Zhou Sen interrogated Xu Yumei again, this time when she saw Zhou Sen, there was a hint of fear in her eyes.

"Last night, when did you go to Wu Dan's house to play cards and leave the house?"

"Not until six o'clock, I don't know the exact time." Xu Yumei thought for a while and said.

"Yesterday was a young year. On such an important day, you didn't spend the holidays with your husband at home, but went out to play mahjong with others?"

"I had a quarrel with Sun Qingkui, and I didn't want to stay at home, so I went out." Xu Yumei explained.

"Quarrel, why?"

"It's not about the divorce and the house. He wants to divorce and get rid of me completely. Of course I don't want to. His body has long since failed. It won't last long. By then, I don't have to divorce him. His It's all mine."

"But you didn't divorce him, so you have to pay back his debts in the future?"

"Death debt is gone, what does his debt have to do with me, and I didn't borrow it." Xu Chunmei had a natural expression.

"Also, before you quarreled with him, did someone come to the house?" Zhou Sen asked.

"Even though it's a little vixen I'm talking about, hehe, I know, the old man originally wanted her to serve him forever, but unfortunately the little vixen climbed onto a high branch, not only leaving him behind, but also working so hard for him. The theatrical troupe also snatched it away, and now people want money and fame, so naturally they look down on him, an old and sick child!" Xu Chunmei said viciously.

Zhou se frowned, but did not correct the other party's slander, and continued to ask and answer: "before you left home, did she come to the house?"

"Yes, she came here and brought a man with her. They were talking in the study, and I listened outside. The main idea is that the old man wants the little vixen to help him pay off the debt, but the little vixen disagrees, so the old man Selling the real estate and shop to pay off the debts by herself, she can find him a place to live and raise him for the rest of his life, but this old man disagrees, and there is a big quarrel, the quarrel is so severe that the man is about to fight, and finally I was persuaded by the little vixen, and then the two left without reaching an agreement!"

"Are you sure they left together?"

"This one……"

"They were arguing too much, and I didn't want to stay at home anymore, so I left directly, so I didn't actually see them leave with my own eyes."

"Did they quarrel in the study?"

"Yes, it's in the study." Xu Chunmei thought for a while, then nodded in affirmation.

"Okay, let her sign it!" Zhou Sen asked a few more detailed questions, and then told the clerk to ask Xu Chunmei to sign the record.

Zhou Sen was about to go to Zou Shuxun to discuss the case with his confession. Someone came to him and said that the car driven by Qin Lang had been found.

It was the second son of the Qing brothers who came to report the letter in person.

"Brother Sen, the car was found in an auto repair shop in Majiagou. When we found it, they were already dismantling the car." Qing Lao Er said.

"Let's go and have a look now." Zhou Sen dragged Qing's second child to Majiagou without saying a word.

No matter how Jiang Rou and Qin Lang left Sun Qingkui's house, the car was their means of transportation. Now that they were taken to the auto repair shop and dismantled directly, there must be something wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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