Chapter 283
It's too loud.

Even Zhou Sen downstairs heard it. Is this "gossip" a bit big? If so, it would be ironclad proof that the two had an affair.

Once a woman is contaminated with love, she will become stupid, and it is even more so for a woman who is narrow-minded.

Qin Lang also twitched the corner of his mouth.

He knew that his elder brother was so flirtatious, but he and Xiao Yuehong had both progressed to this point.

"It's been more than two months. Dr. Liu from Huichuntang has taken the pulse. If you don't believe me, you can ask him." Xiao Yuehong continued.

"Xiao Yuehong, you are crazy, how could I have a child with you?" Qin Xiong asked coldly.

"Why is it impossible, isn't you a man?"

When asked this question, both Qin Lang outside the door and Zhou Sen downstairs couldn't help opening their mouths wide and took a long breath.

"This child cannot be kept, it must be destroyed!"

"Why, this is our child, why don't you want him?"

"You must not give birth to this child, otherwise, it will be of no benefit to you or me." Qin Xiong said coldly.

"You are afraid that your wife will know..."

"Bitch!" Qin Xiong raised his hand angrily, and slapped Xiao Yuehong hard on the face, "I told you to kill it, and you have to kill it, understand?"

Qin Lang couldn't listen anymore, and with a look, he signaled his dark chess player to come forward and knock on the door.


"My lord, it's me."

"What's the matter, didn't you tell you not to come in?" Qin Xiong's angry voice came through the door.

"Fifth Lord is here, just outside the door..." Qin Lang instructed, dark chess said.

"Hou Wu, what is he doing here at this time?" Qin Xiong was still angry, but he had already heard the news of Jiang Rou's return from Xiao Yuehong's mouth, and he also knew that the matter had been exposed. Presumably Hou Wu also knew the news, so he just Come and see yourself in a hurry.

"Lead him in and wait for me downstairs." Qin Xiong straightened his clothes a little and said to Xiao Yuehong, "Stay here obediently and don't make a sound."

After speaking, Qin Xiong opened the door from the inside, and was about to go out, when suddenly a strong force pushed him in directly.

As soon as he raised his head, Qin Lang walked in with a smile on his face: "Brother, can you make it easier for the second brother to find him?"

Seeing Xiao Yuehong who was slumped and curled up on the sofa, she smiled frivolously: "Is this the little sister-in-law of big brother Jinwu Zangjiao?"

"Qin Lang, how did you find this place?" Qin Xiong's expression changed, and he scolded.

"Shouldn't I ask my elder brother this?" Qin Lang's face changed, "You kidnapped my 'Lanrou' drama club, what should you say?"

"Second brother, you misunderstood..."

"Misunderstanding, I heard it very clearly when I was outside. Miss Xiao Yuehong is pregnant with your child." Qin Lang said, "At this time, it should be the time for the new stage to seal the performance. The lady did not hesitate to give up the great opportunity of sealing the box to perform, and came here to meet you, and you said it was a misunderstanding, would I believe you?"

"Second brother, is he your man?" Qin Xiong stared at the dark chess piece.

"Yes, he has been my man from the very beginning." Qin Lang admitted, "With a sinister and scheming elder brother like you, if I hadn't guarded against it, I would have been killed by you long ago. Put your eyeliner under my hands."

"Okay, let's not talk about this matter, let's make a tie with each other." Qin Xiong was also decisive, and said, "What conditions do you have, tell them."

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in the Qin family's property at all. It's yours, not mine." Qin Lang also figured it out. For him, the businesses of the Qin family are not wealth and power, but rather shackles.

Once he gets on it, he can't get rid of it, and he has no freedom to speak of.

Only after leaving and getting rid of these burdens did he clearly see that what he wanted was not the life he wanted.

"Then what do you want?"

"I want you to plead guilty to the law. It seems that I am not a policeman, and I can't do it. You may not admit it." Qin Lang said to himself, "If this is the case, you let me take this woman away."

"You want to threaten me with her?"

"She has already said that she has a baby of elder brother in her womb, that is to say, the child in her womb belongs to my old Qin's family, so I naturally want her to be born." Qin Lang said with a chuckle.

"Qin Lang, don't go too far!" Qin Xiong's face changed drastically, this was more terrifying than snatching the Qin family's property from him.

"If you don't agree, I'll go see our father, what do you think our father will say?" Qin Lang chuckled and grabbed Qin Xiong's seven inches.

"Xiao Yuehong is still a registered actress of my new stage 'Lan Rou' drama club. You can't stop me from taking her away."

"Qin Lang, what exactly do you want to do?"

"I just want to take people away, and I don't think about anything else, big brother, don't always think of people as dark as your heart, okay?" Qin Lang sneered.

"She is my woman now, it is impossible for you to take her away!" Qin Xiong said.

"Xiao Yuehong, you can stay or go with me. You can think about it. You have seen what kind of person my big brother is. When the time comes, not only will the child in your stomach not be able to keep, I'm afraid you My own life was also ruined." Qin Lang looked at Xiao Yuehong and said slowly.

"Yuehong, don't listen to his nonsense, since the child in your womb is mine, how can I be willing to harm my child?" Qin Xiong's face changed drastically, and he said quickly, "How can I be willing to harm you?"

Xiao Yuehong looked at Qin Lang, then at Qin Xiong, she was confused for a while, not knowing how to choose.

Of course she knew that Qin Xiong had a wife, and she didn't know that it was impossible for him to divorce his current wife and marry her. She just wanted to find a backer, but she didn't know that she was pregnant with Qin Xiong's child. Child, she can tie this man even more.

But Qin Xiong's attitude towards children made her feel extremely chilled, and she was even terrified.

"Xiao Yuehong, do you know why my elder brother fell in love with you?" Qin Lang asked, "You don't really think that he likes you, you're wrong, he is trying to deal with me and the boss Bai behind Miss Jiang Rou He is just using you, he is taking advantage of the conflict between you and Jiang Rou, and promised to help you win the chance to seal the finale performance tonight, and then you will become famous in one fell swoop, and then help you leave the 'Lan Rou' drama club, when the time comes, You can stand against Jiang Rou, right?"

Xiao Yuehong was silent, obviously Qin Lang had hit her heart.

"You are wrong. He never thought of promoting you to the top. If you were on stage tonight, I am afraid that you would have been kicked off the stage at this moment. By then, you will be just one of his abandoned sons. Throw it away ruthlessly, otherwise, why would he let you kill the child in your belly, once the child is gone, you have nothing to do with him."

Qin Lang's words hit Xiao Yuehong's heart like heavy hammers.

"Qin Xiong, is what he said true?" Xiao Yuehong asked sadly.

"Nonsense, how could I do such a thing?" Qin Xiong immediately denied it.

"Brother, do you want to invite Hou Wu to confront you?" Qin Lang chuckled. He inferred based on Qin Xiong's usual practice. Anyway, Hou Wu has been arrested, so he can say whatever he wants.

The corner of Qin Xiong's mouth twitched. In the plan, he had indeed arranged it this way. In his eyes, Xiao Yuehong was just a plaything, a tool from beginning to end. When it was used up, it would naturally have to be discarded. Could it be possible to keep it for the New Year? ?

"Qin Lang, you are too much."

"Brother, did I say what you think in your heart, you know it yourself." Qin Lang chuckled, with a calm expression, "Miss Yuehong, I will not take you away by force, everything is voluntary , if you are willing to come with me, my elder brother will not be able to stop you."

"Yuehong, don't listen to his nonsense. I told you to abort the child. It's also for your own good. If you are pregnant and have a child now, then I'm afraid you won't be able to compete with that Xiao Xiangning again?" Qin Xiong bewitched.

A trace of doubt flashed in Xiao Yuehong's eyes.

"Yuehong, I have feelings for you, but our relationship cannot be made public. If someone uses it to blackmail me, I will be in trouble." Qin Xiong strikes while the iron is hot.

"Are you using the tricks that others used against Su Wenqing's son-in-law Feng Hua against you?" Qin Lang said with a chuckle, "My dear brother."

"Qin Lang, shut up, if you weren't my brother, I would have killed you long ago!" Qin Xiong yelled at Qin Lang.

"Have you finally said what you want to say to me?" Qin Lang sneered, "I'm afraid you wanted to kill me a long time ago?"

"I don't want to argue with you. You'd better not tell anyone about tonight, otherwise, I won't let you go!" Qin Xiong threatened.

"Brother, you haven't understood your situation yet, and you dare to speak such wild words to me?" Qin Lang sneered.

"That's because you don't know how powerful I am at all." Qin Xiong said.

"Your power is greater than mine, but it doesn't belong to you. You are just taking advantage of other people's power to pretend to be a tiger." Qin Lang sneered.

Qin Xiong's face was gloomy. Of course he knew that what Qin Lang said was the truth, but he thought he was irreplaceable. As long as the people behind him needed him, he would protect him. This was also his confidence. Only he could bring benefits to those people.

Xiao Yuehong watched the two brothers bicker, and for a moment she didn't know who to trust.

Standing downstairs and listening to it for a long time, Zhou Sen was a little annoyed, Qin Lang was wasting his saliva with Qin Xiong.

Right now, taking Xiao Yuehong away is the right way, but she is still chattering here, she is really out of her mind.

No, if I don't go up by myself, will the two of them chat upstairs all night? This is endless.

He still has to go back to participate in the celebration ceremony for Jiang Rou's successful box sealing performance.

"Qin Lang, what are you doing? I asked you to bring someone down. What are you talking about?" Zhou Sen came upstairs, opened the door, and cursed at Qin Lang directly.

Qin Xiong was stunned.

Xiao Yuehong was also dumbfounded.

"Zhou Sen, how do you know this place?"

"Are you stupid? Your brother is now my man. I rescued him from Hongtuling. Do you think he will tell me when he comes here to catch rape?" Zhou Sen looked at him like an idiot. He glanced at Qin Xiong and said.

"And you, you silly woman, really thought we didn't know about your mess with Qin Xiong. If you don't hit the south wall and don't look back, we won't bother to care about your life." Zhou Sen said to Xiao Xiao again. Yuehong scolded, "Heart is higher than the sky, life is thinner than paper, have a good life, but you have to be wishful thinking, do you really think that the sky can drop a pie, and it can fall on your head? It's just you." Small abacus, you can be counted as someone who has spent decades in the rivers and lakes, you are not only short-sighted, but also innocent and cute!"

The blood on Xiao Yuehong's face faded in an instant, she was as pale as paper, and she had no love in her life.

(End of this chapter)

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