Chapter 285 Something's up, new job
Back to Ningxiang Hall.

Zhou Sen took a hot bath to wash off the bad smell from his body, otherwise, how could he have the nerve to lie down beside his fragrant wife.

Conditional, hygiene is still very necessary.

Not only makes yourself happy physically and mentally, but also makes the people around you feel happy.

"Are you free these two days? Come with me to see Doctor Liu again?" Bai Yulan sat with her back against the head of the bed, and when she saw Zhou Sen coming in, she put down an idle book in her hand.

"Let me squeeze some time, the Police Department has assigned me another task and seconded me to the Foreign Affairs Division."

"Foreign affairs department, what are you doing in the foreign affairs department?"

"I can speak Russian and Japanese, right? I want to hold a large-scale diplomatic and fellowship event, but I'm short of manpower, so I'll be seconded." Zhou Sen said, "I don't want to go either. For Chinese New Year, I'll take a rest at home and accompany you. How nice."

"Foreign affairs fellowship activities, what activities?"

"It seems that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ice City government have organized a sorority meeting for the consulates and diplomats of various countries in Ice City. Not only did they visit the governance situation, but also held a ball in the evening. The consulates of various countries have received invitations. If conditions permit, they are willing to participate in the ball. Those who show off their dancing skills and singing skills can perform on stage!"

"Who thought of this, let the diplomats perform on stage when you are full?" Bai Yulan asked in surprise.

"Those who can do diplomacy are all versatile, without any talent, how can they be good at dancing?" Zhou Sen chuckled, "This is an opportunity to show his face. Of course, the Japanese are taking this opportunity to promote their so-called kingly paradise in Manchuria Construction, face-saving activities, whitewashing peace."


"Around the [-]th year of the year, it may be the year before or after the year, but such a big event will take at least a week to prepare. I think it is more likely after the year." Zhou Sen analyzed and judged.

"That's okay, don't let people stop after another year." Bai Yulan said, "By the way, that Xiao Yuehong, what do you think about it?"

"Yulan, what do you think?"

"I know you are concerned about Xiaorou's feelings and are unwilling to use Xiao Yuehong, but in this way, we will become Su Wenqing's vanguard against Qin Xiong?"

"Qin Xiong came after me this time. No matter what I do, he won't let me go, even if I send Xiao Yuehong to Su Wenqing."

"However, since Su Wenqing wants to use you, he can't hide behind and reap the benefits, right?" Bai Yulan said.

"Yes, then pull him in. If you want to watch a show, there's no way." Zhou Sen is not a gentleman, and Xiao Yuehong's presence here will indeed bring danger to the safety of everyone in the Ningxiang Pavilion.

Qin Xiong has already done something to Jiang Rou, and he probably won't do it again in a short time, but if Xiao Yuehong is in the Ningxiang Pavilion, it's hard to say.

"Xiao Rou is just too kind..." Bai Yulan sighed and turned off the bedside lamp.

"Xiaorou didn't know about Sun Qingkui's death, did she?"

"I haven't had time to say yet."

"Find an opportunity tomorrow and tell her."



Songhua School, the interrogation room.

Hou Wu was escorted in. He didn't have a trace of fear on his face. Instead, he was cursing and didn't pay attention to people at all.

However, when he saw that the person interrogating him was actually Li Shaotang, his expression finally changed.

He knew Li Shaotang's reputation. He was known as "Li Yanwang" in the Bingcheng Police Department. No matter how tough the prisoners were in his hands, no one would speak obediently. He almost never failed.

He never thought that he would meet Li Shaotang.

"Hou Wu, it's in my hands, you should know that you can't do it without opening your mouth, and I don't want to embarrass you, so you should say it." Li Shaotang came in with a teacup in his hand, and said very easily.

"I'm Qiye's man, you know, if you dare to attack me, aren't you afraid that Qiye will be angry?" Hou Wudao.

"I know, but the seventh master has retired, and now the Qin family is Qin Xiong's business." Li Shaotang said, "If you were Qin Xiong, I would still be a bit afraid, after all, I can't afford to offend the big Buddha above him, but You are different."

"Li Shaotang, you don't want to get anything from me."

"I have no grievances with you, so what do I want?" Li Shaotang chuckled, and said slowly, "I don't know what crime you committed yourself, do you want me to go through it for you from beginning to end?"

"Li Shaotang, this is the grievance between the eldest son and Zhou Sen and Su Wenqing. Why do you want to intervene?" Hou Wu asked.

"I don't care about your grievances, but you have done something illegal, so I can't ignore it. I have to be worthy of the clothes I'm wearing. What do you think?"

"Li Shaotang, you and Director Lin get a lot from our Qin family every year, why do you have to do everything?"

"It's what you gave, and it's indispensable to replace someone in this position, and it's not specially given to us." Li Shaotang said with a chuckle.

"Anyway, you won't get anything from me." Hou Wuyi gritted his teeth and said.

"Then I'm sorry, although I'm not very familiar with this place, but things should be the same." Li Shaotang smiled slightly.


Waking up early in the morning, Zhou Sen went to work. There were a lot of things to do today, and the day was not long. If he didn't make good use of it, it wouldn't be enough.

"Uncle Li, thank you for your hard work. Here's the breakfast I brought you, and it's still hot." Zhou Sen drove to Songhua School first.

Li Shaotang stayed here with Hou Wu all night.

Eyes are red.

"Oh, I'm getting old, I can't stand it without sleep all night." Li Shaotang took the breakfast bought by Zhou Sen and laughed at himself.

"Not old, you are in your prime, how can you be old?" Zhou Sen hastily flattered, "By the way, did he recruit?"

"Are you doubting your Uncle Li's ability?" Li Shaotang took a bite of the meat bun, then slid out and gasped.

"No, I heard that Hou Wu is a famous hob knife meat. If he cheats on Uncle Li, it's hard to say."

"This prisoner is in my hands. It's hard not to say anything. Don't worry, he has said everything he needs to say." Li Shaotang said.

Zhou Sen nodded. What Li Shaotang said was obvious. Hou Wu must have said something, but he had reservations.

"Thank you, Uncle Li, I'll go and meet this Hou Wu." Zhou Sen said.

"Next time you have this kind of work, it's best to call in advance." Li Shaotang nodded and reminded Zhou Sen.

"Yes, I remember."


Zhou Sen saw Hou Wu, a half-dead human body, obviously Li Shaotang kept his sense and didn't kill him.


This guy is really tough enough, if it were someone else, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to pry his mouth open overnight.

There was hardly a piece of good flesh on his body, and if he wasn't still breathing, he would almost think it was a pile of rotten flesh.

Li Shaotang's attack is really ruthless.

No wonder it is called "Li Yanwang". Ordinary people really can't bear such torture.

"Master Hou?"

When Hou Wu heard someone calling him, the slits in his eyes slightly opened, and when he saw clearly that it was Zhou Sen, he struggled to support his body and wanted to sit up.

Zhou Sen reached out and helped him up.

"Hou Wuye, if I knew this earlier, why did I do it in the first place?" Zhou Sen sighed.

"Zhou, Zhou Sen, eldest, the eldest son will not let you go..." Hou Wu opened his mouth slightly, and said through the wind.

"You should still care about yourself." Zhou Sen said, it is rare to see such a foolish and loyal person who does evil without repenting.

Hou Wu suddenly laughed, which was so penetrating that it made people feel hair-raising.

Zhou se knew that Hou Wu had nothing to ask, so he retreated directly from the cell.

"This is the testimony of Hou Wu's own handwriting. I leave it to you. This case belongs to you. I'm just helping out." Li Shaotang said as he handed Hou Wu's confession to him.

Zhou Sen looked through it, and sure enough, Hou Wu was charged with all the crimes, including instructing Luan Yuanhui to kidnap Jiang Ruan and Qin Lang.

Hou Wu said in his testimony that the person he wanted to invite was actually Qin Lang, and the kidnapping of Jiang Rou was incidental, which was completely contrary to what Luan Yuanhui said.

This is obviously a lie, but he admits it.

In any case, he admitted that he was the mastermind of kidnapping Jiang Rou and Qin Lang. This one charge is enough to sentence him to ten or eight years in prison.

Hou Wu did this to protect Qin Xiong.

Of course, people with a discerning eye will know at a glance that whether it is Hou Wu who admits that he kidnapped Jiang Rou and carried Qin Lang with him, or the target Qin Lang and carried Jiang Rou with him, it is Qin Xiong's instigation.

Hou Wu is Qin Xiong's subordinate, and he has no enmity with these two people, so he did the kidnapping just for the purpose of pleasing Qin Xiong?
Normal people don't think so.

However, it was Hou Wu's idea to bite him to death, and Luan Yuanhui had never had direct contact with Qin Xiong.

His testimony can only be indirect testimony, and cannot directly prove that Qin Xiong was involved in the case.

The only one who can prove that Qin Xiong designed to kidnap Jiang Rou and Qin Lang is Xiao Yuehong, but with Qin Xiong's prudence, he will not easily tell Xiao Yuehong what he thinks.

At most, he said ambiguously that if Jiang Rou couldn't appear on the stage of the box-sealed performance, then she, the only substitute, would have a chance.

As for the method, he would definitely not say, and even if he asked, he could just push it away, saying that he asked Hou Wu to do it, but he didn't let him kidnap Jiang Rou.

The only thing that can be fought is that Hou Wu didn't know that Xiao Yuehong had been controlled, and he said in his confession that the purpose of his kidnapping was Qin Lang, not Jiang Rou, but if Xiao Yuehong didn't come out to testify, everything would be in vain .

Whether the evidence is important or not depends on the person. If Zhou Sen and Jiang Rou were just ordinary people, none of this would matter. Even Hou Wu would not be arrested at all, and he would be at ease without any punishment.

But when two people with backgrounds and strengths confront each other, then the evidence is important, because one party cannot persuade the other, then use the evidence to speak, unless one party can make the evidence unavailable.

Zhou Sen was mentally prepared for this result.

This battle has just begun, and the key to deciding the outcome is the attitude of the Japanese.

A dog cannot beat its master.

Since Zhou Sen is pretending to be a "dog", he can only do things within the scope of this rule, because it is not yet time to take off the dog's skin and lift the table.

(End of this chapter)

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