Chapter 365 Erase hidden dangers ([-])

The wine is half drunk.

Duan Laosan asked: "Who are you going to interrogate this Boss Bai? Since we want to ask for a ransom, we have to send a letter to his family, right?"

"Third brother's words make sense. I'll arrange for someone to bring him up and ask him. This guy has been scared out of his wits for a long time..."

Duan Lao San didn't say anything, just lowered his head and continued to drink, but after a while, because he was too strong to drink, he was helped to rest.

Zhou Sen was tied behind his back and brought in front of Ma Wu and Wu Banxia.

"Boss Bai, Young Master Bai, I'm sorry, our brothers are just asking for money, if you want to go back alive, please write a letter to your family, so that your family can get the ransom." Wu Banxia said, anyway It's all exposed, why bother to cover it up.

"Really, you didn't lie to me?" Zhou Sen asked innocently.

"Of course it's true. We fell into trouble because we couldn't survive. Now that we have money, why do we need to get blood on our hands? How unlucky is that?" Ma Wu also smiled, and the smile seemed to reveal With a trace of sincerity.

Zhou Sen sneered in his heart, these people are the kind of people who kill people without blinking an eye, if you really believe it, there will be no bones left, of course, now you can only pretend to be a snake and act with them.

"Then, how much do you want? If it's too much, our family doesn't have one?"

"Then how many people are there in your family?" A bandit blurted out and asked.

How did you ask such a stupid question? Is it because Zhou Sen was short-sighted at the time, or was he himself?

Ma Wu gave the bandit a hard look. He felt ashamed to have such a subordinate.

"Our family doesn't have a lot of money, but we have some land and shops..." Zhou Sen promised without giving details.

Wu Banxia and Ma Wu looked at each other and smiled. Those who have land and shops at home these days are naturally not poor.

"Okay, Young Master Bai, just write a letter, and I'll send someone to send it back to you. When your family sends the money, we'll pay the money with one hand and release the other hand." Ma Wu waved his big hand.

"Then, how, how to write?"

"Old Wu, this is your strong point, you tell him." Ma Wu squinted Wu half-blindly, he is a rough man, and this kind of work of chewing words is naturally left to those who look like they have read it. The gentlemen of the book.

"Well, let me tell you to write, and bring a pen and paper to Young Master Bai!" Wu Banyan was delighted to see Zhou Sen cooperate so much.

The subordinates brought the paper and pens, there is always a need to write and draw in the stockade, and naturally there is no shortage of them, they are available at any time.

"My parents and adults..."

"100 million..." Zhou Sen was so startled when he heard Wu Banxia's quotation that he almost broke his pen.

"Are you the only child in the family?"

"No, I have a younger brother and younger sister."

"Then 80 yuan." Wu Banxia said, if this is the only child in the family, the price is naturally no problem.

If there is too much, the other party can't bear it. Anyway, there is still an heir, and if he really can't pay to redeem him, then he will lose money.

If he meets Lao Cai, a stingy landlord, he can really do this.

"80, 40 each for you and your wife. In addition, write down that your wife is pregnant, so your father is willing to give up the money in order to have a grandson."

Trembling, Zhou Sen followed what Wu Banhua said, and wrote down the amount of the ransom on the paper, as well as the situation about his wife's pregnancy.

"Signature, and your fingerprint." Ma Wu came over, grabbed Zhou Sen's arm, scratched it directly, then pinched his right thumb, stained some blood, and pressed the signature on the letter s position.

"Ma Wu, you are too bloody!"

"This is the rule here. If you don't see Jianhong, how can he cooperate obediently?" Ma Wu said with eyes full of hostility.

"It's up to you, up to you." Wu Banxia didn't want to argue with Ma Wuduo. The more he talked, the less interesting this kind of rough man was.

"Take people down, give me two steamed buns and pickles!" Ma Wuyi waved his hand.

Two bandits came forward and dragged Zhou Sen out, not caring that the wound on Zhou Sen's arm was still bleeding.

"Blind Wu, make arrangements. Send the letter out early tomorrow morning, get the ransom early, and kill the person, so we can go down the mountain and have fun." Ma Wu said, "I'll put the water first, take it easy, take it easy ..."

Wu Banxia smiled and nodded. How could he not know what Ma Wu was doing? He obviously fell in love with that Russian girl. It's a pity that such a bright girl made Ma Wu such a hot guy. Ruin, I'm afraid it's out of shape.


In another cave, although Anna was also bound backhanded, the environment she was in was obviously different.

There is not only a large carved bed, but also a dressing table with a mirror.

From this point of view, it is not the place where ordinary bandits live in the village, at least it is the residence of a leader, and there are no female bandits in the village, what is this dressing table used for?
Needless to say, this is the place where Ma Wu used the golden house to hide her beauty and put the robbed girl.

Needless to say, she was brought here, and Ma Wu must be coming tonight. Anna waited for the bandits who escorted her in to close the door, and with a light twitch of her hand, she broke free from the ropes that bound her.

This kind of binding is too easy for her.

After finding out the situation in the cave, Anna restored them one by one to their original state, then put on the rope and sat down in their original position.

Just as she was almost falling asleep on the big carved bed, Ma Wu's voice came from the entrance of the cave.

"Get away, you two, don't bother me!" Ma Wu reprimanded, followed by two "yes".

With a bang, the door was almost knocked open, and Ma Wu bared his chest and came in reeking of alcohol.

As soon as he came in, he smiled at Anna, showing that kind of malicious look.

Anna subconsciously showed a look of fear and dodge.

Seeing Anna's helpless expression, Ma Wu, who had been drinking, felt a surge of hotness rushing to his forehead. He had played with many women in his life, but he had never seen such a beautiful Russian girl. Tonight he blessed.

"Beauty, don't be afraid, the fifth master will love you well..." A vulgar person like Ma Wu, who doesn't know anything about sentimentality, just rudely tore off his coat and threw himself at Anna.

Anna screamed and quickly rolled to the side, dodging Ma Wu's pounce.

Seeing that Anna had escaped, Ma Wu was furious, but also became more excited. Her two copper bell-sized eyeballs were as red as blood, and she opened her arms again, and rushed towards the woman who had been driven into the corner. anna.

"No, don't come here..." Anna had to dodge because she was suddenly rushed by Ma Wu and couldn't break free from the rope on her wrist. With this buffer, she had already untied her hands , but still hidden behind.

Coupled with Anna's terrified expression and screams, Ma Wu naturally regarded her as a "little white rabbit" who was allowed to be slaughtered by her.

Unexpectedly, the "little white rabbit" who was about to be eaten by him was a she-wolf wearing a white rabbit's skin all the time.

So when Ma Wu rushed over again, he didn't have such good luck.

Anna drew out her right hand with lightning, and hit Ma Wu's neck heavily, and knocked him out before the disgusting mouth that revealed the "fragrance" fell down.

Ma Wu's eyes were dazed, and he couldn't control it at all. He rolled his eyes and closed them immediately. Anna stretched out her hand to push him, then sat up, and changed the rope from her hand to the opponent's body, and tied the sailor's knot.

Then stuff the clothes that Ma Wu took off by himself into his mouth, so that even if he wakes up, he can't make a sound.

When all this was done, she closed the door from the inside and waited.

She knew that Zhou Sen would definitely find him, it was their prior agreement, and as expected, she didn't make her wait long.

There were footsteps at the door again.

It was obviously different from the two guarded bandits before. It was the sound of leather shoes and rubber-soled shoes, and it could only be Zhou Sen and Wu En.

Even so, Anna still remained vigilant, after all, this was in the bandit's den, who knew what would happen.

The knock on the door was agreed with Zhou Sen. Anna knew that the two of them were the ones at the door, so she immediately came to open the door and welcome them in.

Both of them were not in their original attire, but changed into bandit clothes, which probably made them come here smoothly.

Otherwise, the outfits they wore were so conspicuous that they could be easily recognized at a glance.

As soon as Zhou Sen came in, he saw Ma Wu who was lying on the big carved bed and was trapped on it, and everything became clear.

This Ma Wu must want to take advantage of Anna, but he has no idea who Anna is, how could he take advantage of it, and the ending is naturally not much better.

"What's next?" Anna asked.

"If we want to wipe out this gang, we have to cooperate internally and externally. Next, we have to wait until they send someone to send out the letter. That's the signal I agreed with Captain Bei Dao." Zhou Sen said.

"What about the rest of the time?"

"I'll pretend to be Ma Wu first, I've seen him before, and we imitated his voice almost the same..."

"They have achieved their goal, and they won't trouble me for the time being. Therefore, there is a time difference between us, but Wu En, you have to monitor Duan Laosan. I didn't see him when I was taken there for questioning. He must be Hiding on purpose, unwilling to show up, and never let him slip away." Zhou Sen instructed Wu En.

"I know he's there, I'll keep an eye on it later." Wu En nodded.

"Okay, let's do this first, adapt to the situation." Zhou Sen nodded and said, "Let's wait for the dawn together."

"But we are in the cave, how can we know the time outside?" Anna asked.

"Don't worry, when the time comes, someone will come to call us." Zhou Sen said, the bandits naturally have a way of watching the time.

Even if the people in the cave don't know, there must be their observation posts outside, and the news will naturally be sent back to the cave at dawn.

Therefore, there is no possibility of not knowing the time, but for the specific time, there are only timing tools, such as clocks or pocket watches.

Zhou Sen was searched and one of his pocket watches was searched when he was receiving Ma Wu and Wu Banbiao.

I don't know whose hands it is now.

Anna did have a watch, but she didn't bring it with her, and put it with her luggage. Now their luggage has been put away, and they don't know where it is for the time being.

These are trivial things, and when this gang is wiped out, things will naturally return to their hands.

The problem now is how to put the shit pot on this group of people. He can only guide, not force it. Yamamoto Toshi and Sato Toshi are not fools.

"You go to bed first, I'll keep watch until midnight." Zhou Sen instructed and sent Wu En away, turned around and came back, and said to Anna.

Drag Ma Wu directly off the bed and stuff it under the bed.

Early the next morning, a well-behaved bandit came down the mountain with the letter and token written by Zhou Sen last night.

Just when he shouldered the ardent entrustment of Ma Wu and the bandits to complete this "glorious" mission.

Unfortunately, he was surrounded by a group of "locks".

This group of "cubs" were naturally dressed up by Qian Yanbo, Bei Dao Erlang and others. After taking down the bandit, after a brief search and interrogation, they got Zhou Sen's letter and the general situation in the cottage.

"Captain Bei Dao, look, this is the mark Zhou Zhuantuo left on the letter. He knows that we will surely rob the messenger, so we can act now!" Qian Yanbo said as he handed the letter to Bei Dao Erlang.

"Yaoxi, take that guy and set off!" Kitajima Erlang nodded. Although suppressing bandits is not his main job, if he can eliminate the banditry on the border, it is also his credit, because these bandits are not the same as the big ones. The Japanese Empire is against them, and they may turn to the Anti-Union Organization instead.

Suppressing a bandit cuts off a way for the Anti-Union Organization to incorporate the opponent and strengthen itself, and suppressing bandits is also a matter of making money.

It's just that the lairs of these bandits are all in the remote mountains and old forests, and ordinary people can't find them at all, so it is difficult to exterminate them.

This time it was a cooperation between the inside and the outside. Jiro Bei Dao naturally saw the hope that the credit would come to him, so he was naturally full of motivation.

The bandit also knew now that what he encountered was not another group of gangsters, but those dressed as regular soldiers.

Judging from their weapons and equipment, they are Japanese, how dare they not cooperate, the Japanese kill people without blinking an eye.

If you want to survive, you can only obey their orders. At this time, the brotherly loyalty and the rules of the rivers and lakes have all gone to hell.

Ma Wu's men are still sleeping soundly.

The lair they chose can be said to be quite secretive, and there is only one small path in and out, so it can be said to be easy to defend and difficult to attack.

This terrain is indeed unique.

With the cooperation of the captured bandits, Jiro Bei Dao and Qian Yanbo reached the entrance of Ma Wu's lair very smoothly.

The battle after entering the hole was uneventful.

Because, when Zhou Sen got up early in the morning, he drugged the bandits' breakfast. The drug was found in Ma Wu's room.

As a result, Ma overthrew all the bandits.

One by one, they were all tied up and thrown on the floor of the Juyi Hall. The leaders were Ma Wu, Duan Laosan, and Wu Banxia.

Ma Wu was already awake, but he was tied up, with something stuffed in his mouth, and he could only watch helplessly as his subordinates were being carried and piled on the ground like a dead dog.

Duan Lao San was beaten up with a bruised nose and a swollen face. He realized that something was wrong with the breakfast and wanted to take the opportunity to run away. He was beaten by Wu En and captured alive.

As for Wu Banxia, ​​when he saw Zhou Sen and Anna appearing in front of him, he was so frightened that he knelt down and surrendered.

(End of this chapter)

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