Chapter 371 The Death of Toshi Yamamoto

Toshi Yamamoto didn't smile that much, he didn't cover up the traces of walking on the ground, that would be too much.

After Zhou Sen and Jiro Bei Dao had breakfast, he led the team to follow Toshi Yamamoto's trail.

"After these two people stole the medicine, they will definitely not stay there, because they know that they have exposed their traces..."

"Mr. Bei Dao, do you think they will deliberately come up with such a clue to escape to lure us to hunt them down. In fact, they are still hiding in Sanlitun?"

"Zhou Senjun means, it's dark under the lamp?" Jiro Bei Dao actually knew it was dark under the lamp.

"It's not impossible." Zhou Sen closed his eyes, and smiled deeply, "Should we turn back, anyway, Director Yamamoto has already followed this clue, and we went there, just picking up people's teeth?"

"If we go back, how will we check?" Kitajima Jiro asked.

"That's right, this is just my guess. If it's not done well, it will give people an excuse to be accused." Zhou Sen said, "Let's go, follow up, don't ask for nothing, but for nothing."

Kitajima Jiro nodded, which was in line with his state of mind at the moment.

The two led the team and walked unhurriedly. There were very few traces left by the other party, so they could only speculate where they might go by relying on analysis and judgment.

Once this person is in the wild, there are many places to hide. Even if Toshi Yamamoto brought military dogs to track people's scent, it would not be easy to find him.

What's more, the information they can grasp now is very limited, only the bottles and worn clothes that were discarded after time, because they left in a hurry, although they dug holes and buried them for disposal, they were just dug out.

Finding people through the aura above is not an easy task, even though one of them was seriously injured and walked slowly.

But after all, the other party is one step ahead, and no one is sure if the chase continues like this.

Zhou Sen knew that Markovich was the key, and Toshi Yamamoto would hunt him down at all costs. If it was just an ordinary Soviet spy, even if he fell in love with Jun Sato, he might not be so anxious to hunt him down.

This is exactly what Zhou Sen wanted.

Last night, although Zhou Sen didn't meet anyone, he knew that Ale had been here and had already received the message.

Ale has lived in the mountains and forests all year round. Although he is young, he is the best hunter. He even has a way to avoid hunting dogs.

Therefore, no one noticed that he had been here.

Ai Qingshan should have received the news, and the action is today.

Zhou Sen didn't slow down on purpose, anyway, he walked at a normal speed. As for what happened to Toshi Yamamoto, he didn't know at the moment.

At noon, everyone was hot and hungry, so they could only find a place to rest and eat, and then set off on the road later.

Zhou Sen couldn't get used to Japanese rice balls, so Anna prepared big pancakes for her, which don't last long, especially in summer.

So, if you don’t eat it, it’s a waste, not to mention rushing at noon, how can you have time to light a fire and cook, take a few bites of flatbread, and drink some mountain spring water to count as a meal.

In the wilderness, how can there be so much attention.

Just as Zhou Sen took out the pancake, he took a few bites and found it hard to swallow. Wu En hurriedly handed over the water bottle.

Zhou Sen took two sips of water and felt much better. Just as he opened his mouth to bite the pancake in his hand again, there was a "bang" gunshot.

Bei Dao Erlang and others who were eating all looked up in astonishment, obviously they were all frightened by this shot.

bah bah...

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of fierce gunshots. Hearing the gunshots, the number of people was indispensable. Obviously, two groups of people were fighting fiercely.

There were also [-] large gunshots.

"Zhou Senjun..."

"To the southwest, it's five kilometers away from us." Zhou Sen had already figured it out, he couldn't care less about eating, and suddenly stood up, "Bei Dao-kun, if my guess is correct, it should be Toshi Yamamoto and the others, hurry up, Gather your team and immediately reinforce."

Jiro Bei Dao immediately gave the order, and everyone rushed in the direction of the gunfire.

Because it is a mountain road, the straight line distance is five kilometers, even if it takes twenty minutes to run, not to mention the rugged and euphemistic mountain road.

The gunshots kept coming.

Zhou Sen and Bei Dao rode horses, but not all of them rode horses. Therefore, even if they arrived ahead of time, they did not dare to take risks alone.

A few explosions were heard, and then a few sporadic gunshots were heard...

Both Zhou Sen and Kitajima Jiro panicked. This was clearly a sign of the end of the battle. Everyone knew that it would be fine if Toshi Yamamoto's side won, and if the opponent won.

The consequences are really horrifying. Even though it was Toshi Yamamoto's own actions, if he didn't die, he would be responsible for it. If he died, then someone would be in trouble, except for Zhou Sen, it would be Jiro Kitajima.

The two of them plus Wu En couldn't care about the people behind them anymore, and rushed towards the direction of the smoke.

When they came to a mountain depression and looked at the scattered corpses lying all over the ground, Jiro Bei Dao jumped off his horse, his heart went cold.

"Wuen, be alert!"

Naturally, Zhou Sen was also very panicked, dismounted and quickly searched for Toshi Yamamoto.

Although Toshi Yamamoto was wearing casual clothes, it was easy to find, and soon he saw a Japanese spy with a piece of clothes under his body.

After pushing the dead agent away, who is it but Toshi Yamamoto, Zhou Sen hastily stretched out his hand to check his pulse.

There has been no beating for a long time.

Zhou Sen quickly called Bei Dao Erlang.

Hearing the news, Jiro Kitajima hurried over, and when he saw Toshi Yamamoto lying on the ground, his face instantly became extremely ugly.

Zhou Sen shook his head helplessly at him, meaning he was out of breath.

Except for the corpses, the battlefield has been cleaned, and the guns, ammunition and supplies that these missions carried with them have been taken away.

This action is fast enough, and it is completely well-trained.

"Bei Dao-kun, it's not suitable to stay here for long, we have to leave immediately!" Beads of sweat dripped from Zhou Sen's forehead, of course it was suffocating, he was so happy when he saw Toshi Yamamoto's death, this guy finally died.

General Peshkovkov can finally close the net and catch the lurking "mole".

Without Toshiro Yamamoto staring at him, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. This guy's doubts about him have not been eliminated, and the threat is too great.

"But how to deal with these corpses, we can't let them be exposed to the wilderness, right?" Kitajima Erlang said, the Japanese don't have the habit of throwing away the corpses of their compatriots.

"We're only leaving temporarily, and it's not that we won't collect their bodies. The point is that it's too dangerous for us to stay here now. When we mobilize our troops, we can naturally take the bodies away or bury them on the spot." Zhou Senda.

"What about Chief Yamamoto's body?"

"We can take Director Yamamoto's body away, but not the others," Zhou Sen said.

Jiro Bei Dao nodded, and Zhou Sen was moved by the fact that he didn't abandon Toshi Yamamoto's body because of old grievances.

The three of them carried Yamamoto Toshi's body on their horses, then quickly returned, joined their own team, and quickly returned to Sanlitun.

Get in touch with the JMS Gendarmerie Command by radio, and quickly mobilize large forces to rush over.

Captain Nishihara rushed over.

JMS Gendarmerie Brigade Commander Moriyama Nakasa also came.

In the mortuary room of the Sanlitun police station, Yamamoto Toshi’s body was groomed and placed on a door panel. Underneath were ice cubes from the ice cellar of a wealthy household in the town. It was too hot. Without ice, the body would decompose quickly.

Nishihara also brought forensics from JMS.

Everyone wore masks, and looked around Toshi Yamamoto's body, watching the forensic doctor examine the wounds on the body.

"One shot killed him. Naturally, he entered from the back of the head. This man's marksmanship is extremely high." The forensic doctor said after the examination.

"What gun?"

"You have to take out the bullet in your head to find out, but judging by the shape of the wound, my judgment is our Type [-] rifle."

"Our own weapons?!" Nishihara asked in surprise.

"Although the [-]-style rifle is the standard weapon of the Imperial Army, many of them have been lost or captured by the enemy in the battles in Manchuria over the years. Unfortunately, we couldn't go to the scene to check, and maybe we can find more." The forensic doctor said.

"Forensic doctor Sugimura, we can take you there, but I'm afraid there are not many clues left at the scene." Jiro Beijima said.

"You don't need to go to the scene. Do you know which part killed Chief Yamamoto?" Nishihara asked.

Jiro Bei Dao lowered his head. In fact, he didn't know who did it, but it was an extremely beautiful ambush.

This is by no means an encounter. Toshi Yamamoto fell into the opponent's well-designed pocket before he died.

"Officer Nishihara, Director Yamamoto was probably designed by someone."


"Officer Nishihara, our Captain Bei Dao once suspected that this time the enemy's sudden appearance in Sanlitun may be done on purpose, the purpose is to lure us to hunt down, and then give us another serious injury."

"Wait, again, is there already a first time?" Nakasa Moriyama narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his hand, and questioned.

"Didn't Chief Sato be seriously injured last time, and also lost an arm?" Zhou Sen said slowly.

"You mean, all of this fell into someone else's scheme?"

"Your Excellency Moriyama, all of this is my analysis and guesswork, and it may not be accurate. It's just that Director Yamamoto was killed in an ambush this time. All the jades were broken in such a short period of time?" Zhou Sen explained with a slight bow.

"Isn't it because of your slow speed that this led to such serious consequences?" Nakasa Moriyama asked sharply.

"Sir, when the subordinates and others heard the gunshots, they rushed to help immediately. However, the distance was too far, and our feet were not strong enough. When we arrived, it was already like this." Jiro Kitajima explained.

"Why didn't you go with director Toshi Yamamoto, but fell behind? If you joined forces, maybe it would be different!"

"It's true that we were wrong, but Director Yamamoto and we have been tracking separately. This is also to prevent one mistake from going to the dark and let the criminal go." Zhou Sen saw that Jiro Kitajima wanted to tell the truth. Hastily opened the mouth to explain.

I really think I can't hide it, but I can't tell the truth at this time, and I have to maintain the dignity of the deceased.

Of course, it wasn't that he was showing kindness, but that he was in a position where he had to do this, and he had to maintain it.

After listening to Zhou Sen's explanation, Moriyama Zhongzuo's face softened a lot. Toshi Yamamoto died. For such a big matter, the superiors will definitely be held accountable. As the captain of the JMS Gendarmerie, he must have a responsibility. Because the accident happened in their own jurisdiction.

There is also Lieutenant Nishihara, who is currently the temporary head of the JMS agency. He will also be held accountable if he fails to grasp the situation of the gangsters and anti-Japanese armed activities in the area under his jurisdiction in a timely manner, which leads to a tragedy.

On the contrary, it was Zhou Sen, who was seconded from Bingcheng to assist in the investigation. He had already helped arrest Wu Banxia and Ma Wu before.

And the subsequent work was all led by Toshi Yamamoto from Bingcheng, and he couldn't find anyone who was responsible for it.

Together with Zhou Sen, Bei Dao Erlang is a good target to take the blame, and the rescue was not timely enough. This is a reason.

However, with Zhou Sen's explanation, it seemed that Jiro Bei Dao had nothing wrong with him. If he wanted to blame, he could only blame Toshi Yamamoto for being too eager for quick success.

Who would have known that in the pursuit of two important criminals, one was ambushed while one was still seriously injured.

The most unreasonable thing is that I haven't figured out which team the opponent is.

Is it the Anti-League or the Squad?
If this is the Anti-Japanese League, then report the number to the report, if it is a gangster, then send heavy troops to encircle and suppress it. Now there are no clues, so we can only organize a big crusade.

Anyway, relying on the strength of the JMS Gendarmerie and the police, it is definitely impossible. Moriyama has already figured out how to ask for support from above.

"Mr. Nishihara, Chief Moriyama, I will hand over the detailed autopsy report to you tomorrow." The forensic doctor Sugimura said at this time.

"Okay, please."

Everyone is dead, the case seems to be out of order, and there is still the problem of aftermath. Zhou Sen naturally uses the radio to report the relevant situation to Akiyama Nosuke in Bingcheng, and waits for the next order.

Toshi Yamamoto is the director of the Hart spy. This position is very important in the Kwantung Army's intelligence agency. Even though Yamamoto Toshi is just a minor, his status and weight are even more important than the senior staff of the Kwantung Army's intelligence department.

And he has many secrets in his head, some of these secrets are known, and some may never be known.

With his death, Agent Hart was in a mess. In such a sudden situation, it was really not an easy task to find someone who could succeed Toshi Yamamoto.

At this time, Zhou Sen had already returned to JMS, he was put on leave, and Nishihara took over the case.

Duan Laosan was tortured to death, and his second brother and illegitimate son were also dug out. As for how he was treated, Zhou Sen didn't know, and couldn't control it if he wanted to.

And Wu Banxia, ​​this guy was identified as being with "Chang Bo" and Malkovich. Not only was Sato Toshi's injury, but even Yamamoto Toshi's death fell on him.

Duan Laosan and Wu Banxia couldn't argue with each other, and they probably wouldn't survive, and people like Xiyuan and Morishan wouldn't let them survive.

Someone has to take their anger for them.

Xiaofeng has completed the spy war trilogy: "Behind the Scenes", "Secret War Without Trace", "Secret War without Sound", welcome to taste!

(End of this chapter)

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