Chapter 384
Who Hong Lianghui is, Zhou Sen can be said to know a little better than Hong Bo, the father.

So, today he didn't come to listen to Uncle Hong talk about his son, but he wanted to know who came to his house after Hong Lianghui's accident.

Especially strangers who have never met.

Under Dr. Liu's acupuncture, Hong Bo's spirit improved a lot, and then Dr. Liu prescribed another medicine.

Zhou Sen asked Wu En truck to take Doctor Liu back, and brought back the medicine by the way.

Because, once Old Liu was gone, when he had a lot of questions, no one would add or answer them. Uncle Hong was sick in bed, and Old Liu basically took care of the house.

Old Liu Tou followed Uncle Hong when he was young, and he didn't have a family, he was alone, so even if two widowed and lonely old people live together, Old Liu Tou is more conscientious.

Zhou Sen asked questions one after another for more than an hour. He was afraid that Hong Bo would not be able to take it anymore, so he asked him to lie down and rest for 10 minutes.

Hong Bo also knew that this might be his only chance to help his son get out of trouble, so he cooperated very much and told what he knew.

The notebook that Zhou Sen brought contained more than a dozen thick sheets, in addition to written records, there were also profile sketches of characters' faces.

Although there are so many records, Zhou Sen focused on three people, one named Lu Changming, who claimed to be a policeman in the Nangang Police Station who handled the case. Instead, he works in the logistics cafeteria. Many people know him, but few know his name.

Basically everyone calls him "Old Road".

How could this person have the ability to take the initiative and interfere with the case, and even be sure to clear the relationship and get Hong Lianghui out.

He cheated Hong Bo of an emerald finger ring, three gold bars, and a handwritten letter from Hong Bo.

The second person, Sun Zhiyou, claimed that he had a relationship and knew Bai Shoutian, the special agent director of the Nangang Police Station who was handling the case. He could pass on a message for him, so that Hong Lianghui could suffer less.

This guy also took Old Liu Tou to the Nangang Police Station. He went in easily, but Old Liu Tou couldn't.

It's hard to say what's going on. The Nangang Police Station has a complex staff, and even Zhou Sen doesn't know about it. Besides, he has been away for a year and a half.

But he had never heard of Sun Zhiyou.

There is another one who claims to be Wen Lin's uncle. He is not tall, and he came with things. He is very polite, like a person who has studied. He didn't ask for anything. He just hoped that if Uncle Hong had the opportunity to meet Hong Lianghui, please He helped Wen Lin more inside. Wen Lin was in poor health and couldn't bear the hardship. "

This person did not leave his name, did not ask Hong Bo for property, and even left gifts, including food and a piece of ginseng.

Naturally, Hong Bo didn't eat this ginseng himself, but asked Old Liu to pawn it, and he paid back the money to support the two of them.

There were also some people of all kinds who came for Hong Bo's shop and family property, most of them were the children of the family, even the elders and peers.

They all believed that Hong Lianghui was definitely going to be shot, and that Uncle Hong's time was running out, so he gave all of his big family property to an outsider, Liu Tou, so they asked Uncle Hong to leave the property to the family.

Hong Bo's illness has not improved all the time, it was forced by these calculating family members.

Wu En brought the medicine back.

"Doctor Liu explained that he stopped all the medicines he took before. He can take this medicine for as long as he can take it. Don't change the prescription. If you are afraid that the medicine bought in the pharmacy is not enough, you can go to his Huichuntang. He can pay for the medicine. No!" Wu En brought back Dr. Liu's original words.

"Thank you, thank you Officer Zhou." Old Liu was so grateful that he almost knelt down to Zhou Sen.

"Don't be like this, old man, that's all I can help." Zhou Sen stretched out his hand and quickly helped Old Liu up.

Before leaving, Zhou Sen thought for a while, then took out an old sheep from his wallet and put it in Old Liu's hand: "He wants to eat something, you can buy it for him as much as you can."


"Are you really a bodhisattva?" Anna finally couldn't help but say something while sitting in the car.

"If he lives for a day, our investigation will be more guaranteed. Besides, we have to open a gap from Hong Lianghui. It is more beneficial for us to have Uncle Hong alive." Zhou Sen explained.

"I now understand why Teacher Shibuya chose you as the leader of our group." Anna said.


"Your brain is different from ours."

"What's the difference? Isn't it all human brains?"

"What you think in your mind is not at the same level as what we think. We are superficial. Your thinking is deeper than ours, and you see problems from a different perspective." Anna explained.

"I just like to think a lot, and sometimes it's just random thoughts. Don't learn from me." Zhou Sen laughed and led the way.

Anna was silent.

Seeing that she suddenly fell silent, Zhou Sen didn't know how to react. The relationship between the two of them was somewhat responsible.

Partners, subordinates, and lovers?
He can't pretend that everything that happened before didn't happen, although the first time was not his will, nor was he on his own initiative, but what about the next few times?
He was all sober.

He admits that he is not a good person, but he is definitely not a bad person. Human nature is such a contradiction. In his situation, it is impossible to make a clean break with Anna. Otherwise, they work together every day. To avoid suspicion, it will lead to even more unpredictable consequences.

This is difficult, even more difficult than dealing with the Japanese.

"I'll go to the Nangang Police Station in a while. You can find a clue about Uncle Wen Lin, and then we'll meet at the flower delivery school." Zhou Sen arranged tasks for Anna.


"You can ask people in the team to help you." Zhou Sen said, "This division of labor will be more efficient."

"You just want to push me away?"

"We work in the same office every day, is it necessary?"

"As long as you don't want to push me away." Anna leaned her head on Zhou Sen's shoulder.

Wu En, who was driving, glanced at the two people who were printed upside down on the front windshield of the car, and the corners of his mouth slightly pursed.

"Send Miss Anna back to the police station first, and then we will go to Nangang Police Station."

"Okay, Brother Sen."


"Brother Sen, your relationship with Miss Anna..." Putting down Anna, the car restarted, Wu En asked while driving.

"I also have a headache. Do you have any good ideas to help me out?" Zhou Sen also went to the doctor in a hurry.

"Actually, Miss Anna is not bad, otherwise, why don't you just marry her and take her home as a child?" Wu En said.

"Nonsense, can this work? Give me bad ideas." Zhou Sen scolded, "On this point, your sister Yulan can agree, even if she agrees, I can't you do it. From now on, you will be a husband." In the monogamous system, both husband and wife must be loyal to each other, and it can be said that they can't stand the temptation if they make a mistake for a while, so how can they still be greedy?"


"Why didn't you speak?"

"Brother Sen, you've already said that, what else can I say, if this Miss Anna is really pestering you, what will you do?" Wu En asked.

"You said, find a way to transfer me away?" Zhou Sen said.

"I think it's easier to transfer you away from her," Wu En said.

"It's not impossible, but this opportunity is hard to find..." Zhou Sen lowered his head and thought.

It would be too deliberate if Anna was transferred away, but if he was transferred away, then he would be the only one to leave the ice city.

But are you willing to leave your wife and children?
Such a choice is really difficult, but short-term pain is worse than long-term pain. Sometimes, if you can't make up your mind, things will get worse.

No matter how you say it, you have to spend the remaining five years smoothly.

When passing by Haicheng Street, Zhou Sen asked Wu En to stop for a while, intending to get out of the car to visit Gu Lao Liu and smoke a cigarette by the way.

It was found that Gu Lao Liu and Ye San'er were not there.

He asked where he was, but his subordinates didn't know. Ye San'er didn't come today, and Gu Lao Liu was called away by a phone call.

He didn't explain what happened specifically.

Zhou Sen could only suppress the doubts in his heart, and asked Wu En to drive to Nangang Police Station first, and then come to Gu Lao Liu to ask about the situation when he comes back later.


"Brother Sen..."

"Brother Wang, long time no see."

After all, Zhou Sen went out from the Nangang Police Station. Although the Nangang Police Station had changed a lot of people during the time he left, most of them didn't move. Naturally, there were many acquaintances, and it was inevitable to say hello.

Moreover, Zhou Sen is now in the police department, and he was promoted from police lieutenant to police lieutenant in less than two years. If he returns to Nangang Police Station, at least he will be a section chief, or even a section chief. There are several Manchurians in Nangang Police Station Sergeant?
Moreover, Zhou Sen is still so young, and there are still people covering him above. It is only a matter of time before he is promoted to a police officer in the future.

Such a potential stock, even if you don't fawn on it, you can't offend it.

"Captain Song..."

"Zhou Sen, why are you here?" Section Chief Song of the security unit looked up in surprise when he saw Zhou Sen, and quickly got up to greet him, "Come in and sit down, I'll make you tea."

"Song Gu, do you know Lu Changming from the cafeteria of our police station?" Zhou Sen asked after taking the tea made by Chief Song.

"Old Lu, that's an old man from the police station. He's been here since I came to Nangang Police Station. He's always been in the cafeteria, working diligently and hardworking. What's the matter? You suddenly asked him what he's here for?" Song Song The chief asked strangely.

"I have a case here, and I want to ask him something, first understand his behavior." Zhou Sen said.

"Why, something happened to him, and you still need to investigate him?" Song Gu was taken aback.

"It's okay, it doesn't have to be him, it just gets involved in a case, maybe it has nothing to do with him at all," Zhou Sen said.

"Oh, he should be in the cafeteria now, you should be able to find him in the ingredients room." Chief Song said.

"Okay, thank you." Zhou Sen took a sip of tea, chatted for a few more words, and left.

Zhou Sen seldom comes to the cafeteria of Nangang Police Station to eat. After all, he used to have a rich adoptive father who patrolled the streets. How could he be happy to come to the police station to eat? The food in the police station is not very good. It used to be sorghum rice. Half of the sorghum is half, and now, one-third of the rice is not bad, and it is getting less and less.

As for the food, it would be nice to have a meaty meal a week, but for low-level police officers, this free lunch or dinner is a rare benefit, at least it doesn't need to take up the family's rations.

In this family, there are old people at the top and young at the bottom. It is different if there is one less person to eat.

The dishes at noon are either cabbage tofu soup, or pickled vegetable soup, and then there are roasted potatoes or seasonal vegetables, meat and eggs, which are all for officials.

As for the evening, it is basically just a soup. Few people eat at the police station at night. Except for those on duty, they basically go home to eat.

So, in the afternoon, there is basically nothing to do. This job is much more comfortable than a regular police officer, and you don't have to take any risks, but the salary is much worse, but what people care about is not the salary, but the job.

After all, at least with a flick of the spoon, everything came.

Lu Changming is in charge of the cafeteria. He has been in charge for so many years, and he still keeps in charge. This is enough to show his ability.

"Old way, old way..."

"Who is it?" Lu Changming heard someone calling his name in the room, and hurried out, poked his head out and saw that it was Zhou Sen, and quickly smiled, "Oh, isn't this Director Zhou, you are here to inspect the work ?”

"What kind of inspection work? I just came here to take a look. I haven't been back for a long time. I'll get in touch with the people in the department. I'll be transferred back that day, so don't get involved with everyone." Zhou Sen said with a smile.

"How can that be? You are joking." Lu Changming wiped his apron with his hand, "Director Zhou, come in and sit down."

"Okay, I've been at the Nangang Police Station for so many years, and I've never come to the old road to sit with you." Zhou Sen lifted his foot and walked in.

The ingredient room is the canteen warehouse, and Lu Changming has the power to enter and exit the warehouse. Except for a desk, the rest are rice, flour, grain, oil and other daily necessities purchased by the police station.

If the police had no food to eat, the common people outside would have starved to death long ago.

"Things are a bit messy, don't you mind, let me make you tea?"

"Thank you."

Zhou Sen sat down on the chair opposite the desk. The chair looked old, and the backrest was worn out.

"Director Zhou, drink tea."

Lu Changming quickly poured a cup of tea, and handed it over respectfully. He is in his 40s, and he seems a little cautious.

Of course, it's true, and it's just pretending. Only he knows. It's hard for you to see his flaws for this kind of old man.

"Old Lu, where are you from?"

"I'm from the local area, but I'm not considered a local for three generations. My ancestors were from within the Guan, and they migrated all the way north through the east of the Guan in times of famine." Lu Changming chuckled and took out a pack of cigarettes. Come out, "Officer Zhou, do you smoke?"

Looking at the crumpled cigarette case in Lu Changming's hand, Zhou Sen smiled and took out his own cigarette: "Come on, old Lu, smoke mine."

"Jin Shuangfu's, good smoke." Lu Changming smiled, quickly took one, put it under his nose and took a puff. He was about to take out a match from the drawer, but Zhou Sen had already pulled out a lighter and handed it over.

"Thank you, Officer Zhou." Lu Changming bowed his head, lit the cigarette in his hand, took a puff, and showed a satisfied expression.

Zhou Sen also lit a cigarette for himself, and was about to speak when an anxious voice came from outside: "Brother Sen, Brother Sen..."

(End of this chapter)

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