Chapter 389 Finding the Murderer ([-])

"This pervert!"

"President Su, this is just my inference. I haven't confirmed anything yet. Maybe I misunderstood him. However, Ye San reported to me about the foster room earlier. That woman's name is Xiaoyu, and she lives on Lot Street. ..."

"The birth of Xiao Wan's mother and son made me lose face in front of everyone. He still hasn't learned his lesson. I'm so pissed off!" Su Wenqing felt a pain in his chest.

"President Su, this is your family business, I can't do it for you." Zhou Sen said solemnly.

"I know, thank you, Brother Zhou, if it weren't for you, I would still be in the dark about this matter!" Su Wenqing said after taking a deep breath.

"Xiao Hai, serve the food."


"Brother Zhou, how can I still eat this meal?" Su Wenqing's mouth was full of bitterness. What happened to him was no less than a huge crisis.

"People are like iron, and rice is like steel. No matter what, you have to eat." Zhou Sen said, "How about I take a walk with you after dinner?"

"Is this bastard tonight..."

"Well, but, wait a minute, he should still be in the gambling house to call for business, at least he won't go there until after nine o'clock." Zhou Sen said.

"Okay, then brother Lao Zhou will accompany me for a walk tonight." Su Wenqing gritted his teeth and nodded. Although it is a family scandal, it should not be publicized, but this is someone who helped to find out and remind us. Let's meet together so what?

"Let's drink less wine."

"Okay." Su Wenqing nodded, this wine is also bitter wine.

While eating and chatting here, it is natural to talk about the "black market grain" business. Su Wenqing is planning channels in this area, but his grain sources and production channels are not very stable, especially in terms of primary processing. processing plant.

That's why he came up with the idea of ​​Zhou Sen's shares in Anthony's company. Of course, these shares had to be redeemed from the bank.

It will cost a lot of money, but it is cheaper and more time-consuming than direct acquisition and construction of factories. Acquisition and mergers are always the fastest.

Zhou Sen called Qin Lang in.

"Qin Lang wants to do grain business. I can hand over the shares of the fire mill and rice factory that I pledged in the bank to you. There is only one requirement. Qin Lang is only responsible for production, and he doesn't care about sales, and he doesn't intervene. As for the distribution of profits, you two Make a charter, sign an agreement, and follow this." Zhou Sen said.

"Qin Lang's black market channels are given to President Su in exchange for profits." Zhou Sen added.

"I have no objection, what does Master Lang say?"

"I'll listen to Brother Sen." Qin Lang glanced at Zhou Sen, nodded and agreed.

"Then it will be decided like this. As for how to distribute the profits, you should discuss it first and make a specific charter."


"You have to redeem the bank's shares with money. How much money you can use to redeem them is also up to you. I won't take any of them." Zhou Sen said, "I will sign the transfer agreement after redeeming them. Qin Lang's share The son signed under Xiaorou's name, and it will be used as Xiaorou's dowry in the future, do you have any objection?"

"No." Qin Lang dared not have an opinion.

"Brother Sen, Feng Hua's car came out of the casino, and its destination should be in the direction of the port." Wu En pushed the door and came in to report.

"President Su, it's time for us to go." Zhou Sen got up together and greeted Su Wenqing.

"This rebellious son, I can admit all his romantic debts before, but he is already married to Xiaoyun, and he is still messing around outside. This is too much. I must make him look good!" Su Wenqing flashed across his face. A hint of anger said.

"President Su, don't worry, wait until we see someone." Zhou Sen comforted.


If Su Yun didn't go home for dinner, there was no need for Feng Hua to go home. As for whether Su Wenqing would be unhappy, he didn't care.

The gambling house only does business well at night, so even if he stays there all night, there is a reason.

But if he really wanted to stay in the casino all day and all night, he couldn't stay any longer. As long as there was nothing to do in the casino, usually after 09:30, he would go to Xiaoyu's place.

Xiaoyu's tenderness and obedience can actually be compared to that of a young lady like Su Yun who grew up in rich clothes and fine food.

Of course, Xiaoyu is indeed not as beautiful and temperamental as Su Yun, but Xiaoyu is obedient and relies on herself in everything.

Men, who doesn't want to have a gentle and understanding woman.

Therefore, in Xiaoyu's place, he has gained unprecedented relaxation. He doesn't need to look at other people's faces, and he can do whatever he wants freely.

In addition to bringing him wealth and status from the original family, all that was left was suffocation and humiliation.

He already has wealth and status. In Bingcheng, he can be regarded as a number one person. Even without Su Wenqing, he can support his career by establishing his own family.

A fair-faced policeman like Zhou Sen can rely on a woman to rise to the top. Feng Hua's starting point is much higher than Zhou Sen's, and there is no reason why he should be worse than him.

"Park the car and come pick me up early tomorrow morning." After the car was parked, Feng Hua got out of the car, walked to the driver's seat, and gave instructions to the driver.

"Yes, Brother Hua."

Feng Hua looked back, then looked around, and then walked towards Xiaoyu's house.

The light was on in Xiaolou's room, obviously waiting for him at home.

A smile appeared on the corner of Feng Hua's mouth.

He has the key, so he unlocks the door directly.

"Xiaoyu, I'm back." Feng Hua softly called upstairs while stepping on the stairs.

There was no movement upstairs, Feng Hua sped up his feet and went upstairs quickly.


Feng Hua pushed open the door and was stunned for a moment. Besides his Xiaoyu, there were two other people in the room, one was his adoptive father and father-in-law Su Wenqing, and the other was someone who made him jealous and tried every means to compare Zhou Sen.

After being discovered, in an instant, his back was soaked, and he turned around and was about to run, but there was also a person behind him.

Turning his head, the two faces were about to bump into each other.

Qin Lang!

"Master Feng, why are you going?" Qin Lang smiled, stepped forward, and forced Feng Hua into the room.

It is impossible to leave.

"Ah Hua, shouldn't you give me an explanation?" Su Wenqing's face was so gloomy that it was almost dripping.

He still had a little bit of hope left, and even if Feng Hua didn't show up tonight, even if it was true, he could still keep his old face, even though he knew it, it was just deception.

"Dad..." Feng Hua trembled for a moment. After years of accumulating power, he still couldn't help but feel a sense of fear in his heart when he saw Su Wenqing.

"I know you have resentment towards Xiaoyun. You two are married, and she has been unwilling to consummate the house with you. But, you have to think about it for her. If she is the one who made the mistake, will you forgive her easily?" Su Wenqing asked.

Feng Hua looked embarrassed, and lowered his head in shame. Although men and women are different, no man can accept his woman wearing a hat for him. Even if it happened before, he still feels shocked.

It's just that men are superior to women in this world, but women can also look down on men if they have a high family background.

"Of course, I know that you are a man, and you are angry and want to vent it. This is understandable, but you have to understand that you are a family man. What can this woman give you?"

"She can give me the respect I want and give me the feeling of family. Only here in Xiaoyu can I feel that I am a man and the head of the family." Feng Hua took a deep breath, and finally mustered up the courage to speak out what was in his heart .

Hearing this, Su Wenqing was a little startled. He didn't expect Feng Huazhen to give him an answer, and it was such an answer.

"Feng Hua, respect is not given by others, it is earned by yourself. If you look down on yourself, do you expect others to look up to you?" Zhou Sen said.

Feng Hua smiled wryly: "Officer Zhou, you are not me, you cannot understand my situation."

"My background is similar to yours. I am also an orphan, and I was also adopted. My adoptive father, Anthony, has a bad temper and says nothing. No one can disobey him, but I have never disobeyed myself just to cater to him like you. If you want to suppress yourself, it will only be counterproductive." Zhou Sen said.

"I'm different from you. If I don't do well, if I don't obey, I will lose everything." Feng Hua argued.

"Feng Hua, you take gain and loss too seriously, so that your mentality is out of balance. In fact, what others give you can't keep it, but you just keep it for others. If you fight for it yourself, it truly belongs to you, and no one can take it away. "Zhou Sen said calmly.

"You said it lightly, I can have everything I have today, isn't it because of my hard work?" Feng Hua asked back.

"Ah Hua, I treat you like my own son and marry Xiaoyun to you, isn't that enough?" Su Wenqing asked.

"If that's the case, Dad, why did you insist on going to Boss Bai, and now you marry Aunt Mei to fill in the house?" Feng Hua said.

"Can't Dad have a companion when he's old?"

"Companion, if Aunt Mei really gave birth to a son for you, would you still entrust the Su family to me?"

"Yes, your Aunt Mei is pregnant with my child, but even if it involves inheritance, it will be 20 years later. After 20 years, I will already be in the same loess. Don't they have to rely on your help? If you don't rely on you, who else can you rely on?" Su Wenqing said in a deep tone.

"Dad, I know you too well. If Aunt Mei is pregnant with a girl, maybe it will be like this, but if it is a boy, you will definitely not give me this big family business."

"Feng Hua, Su Yun has the right to inherit the Su family's big family business. Although you are his adopted son and son-in-law, you do not have the right to inherit according to law. Unless he makes a will, otherwise, the things in Su Yun and Aunt Mei's stomach The child is the legal heir, it belongs to you, you can get the reward you deserve, and you shouldn't try to occupy other people's property, you are too greedy!" Zhou Sen said slowly.

Feng Hua was stunned.

"Why, if you don't believe me, you can ask some people in the legal profession to see if I'm right?" Zhou Sen sneered, "Of course, President Su will give you a part of the inheritance rights at his discretion for the sake of you being an adopted son, but It's not something you're guaranteed to get, you're just a migrant worker."

"I'm just a migrant worker..." Feng Hua couldn't accept this identity for a while.

This sounds a little heartless, but the fact is that it is difficult for many people to figure out their own position.

If you don't know who you are, it's easy to misjudge your abilities.

"Feng Hua, if you think you are capable and can stand on your own, then everything you earn belongs to you, but you didn't choose to work for Chairman Su, then your success is based on the resources he gave you. Yes, of course, you can ask for a reward that matches your ability, but you have to be worth it. Obviously, your performance is not worthy of the kindness that President Su treats you. President Su put his favorite daughter I've left it all to you, but you are still not satisfied and want more, that's your fault." Zhou Sen continued.

"Ah Hua, I'm so disappointed in you. Originally, I kept persuading Xiao Yun to stop fighting with you and let the two of you live a good life. Now it seems that I was wrong. Yun will marry you." Su Wenqing said in great disappointment.

"Dad, I was wrong, I was really wrong..." Feng Hua was frightened, and as soon as Su Wenqing said this, it was obvious that he was going to give up on him.

"Ah Hua, it's impossible for you and Xiaoyun. You two divorced and settled down separately." Su Wenqing suppressed his emotions and didn't let himself explode.

"Dad, I was wrong, can you give me another chance?" Feng Hua knelt down and begged regardless of his status.

"Haven't I given you a chance yet? Haven't I given you too few opportunities?" Su Wenqing said bitterly, "Ask yourself, what did I do for your marriage with Xiaoyun, and even how did I treat you in the past? Forget about the things you provoked, and that child also recognized it. For this reason, I was laughed at by my colleagues in Bingcheng for half a year, but I still hope that you can get along well with Xiaoyun, but you are still not satisfied. My father-in-law will hand over the Su family to you now, you guess you are satisfied, right?"

"Dad, I didn't mean that. I was wrong, I was really wrong, I shouldn't have misunderstood you, and I was dissatisfied with you, especially because I raised a woman outside..." Feng Hua admitted his mistake incoherently.

"Tomorrow morning, go to the quarry, where you can reflect on yourself," Su Wenqing said.

Hearing this, Feng Hua lost his eyesight and sat down on the floor.

This is obviously to give up his intentions. Although the quarry was Su Wenqing's first business, it now accounts for a very small proportion of the Su family's business.And the quarry is far away from the town, the conditions are quite strong, all of them are rough guys, there is nothing, not only is it hot this day, but also feed mosquitoes!

He has lived such a life before, but now he does not want to live it again.

"Girl, since you followed him, then go with him, and you two can be companions." Su Wenqing suddenly turned his head and said to Xiaoyu who was sitting on the bed.

Xiaoyu was startled, and quickly waved her hands, "I, I won't go."

"Why don't you go? You followed him. He is your man. Shouldn't you share joys and sorrows?" Su Wenqing said, "Didn't he like your gentleness and understanding? I'm here to help you two, he After divorcing Xiaoyun, I will decide, how about letting him marry you?"

Xiaoyu was frightened, her face turned pale, she was just greedy for vanity, this Feng Hua was young and rich, he could give her the life she wanted, but she never thought of marrying this man, of course it was not impossible Yes, but the question is why should she accompany him to suffer that kind of hardship?

(End of this chapter)

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