Chapter 39 Dream

Bai Yulan was filled with embarrassment and anger, and what was even worse was that this guy left after molesting...

Could this guy be his nemesis?
She wanted to get angry several times, and even hit someone directly, but in the end she couldn't do it, and what's more, every word he said was in her heart.

Make it impossible for her to refuse.

Is this guy really a rascal?Why does it look no worse than those shrewd old foxes in the mall?

Also, when she was leaving, she reminded herself that "it doesn't taste right" made her feel ashamed and anxious, almost violently kicking him out.

However, after the other person left, she recalled it carefully, and realized that she had heard it wrong. He was not talking about her "smelling bad", but Sister Yan.

Why did he say that "Sister Yan" smelled wrong? Did he see something? How did he, an outsider, know that "Sister Yan" had something wrong?
"Sister Lan, it's time for dinner... Where's Brother Sen?" Ah Xiang walked in with the food, only to find that Bai Yulan was alone, and Zhou Sen was no longer there.

"Brother Sen, Ah Xiang, are you familiar with him?" Bai Yulan was suddenly furious, her brows like knives.

Axiang let out a guilty conscience: "Sister Lan, how are you talking?"

"You girl, do you want to sell me so that you can find someone else?" Bai Yulan said angrily. How could she be angry with Ah Xiang? She bought this girl from abducted human traffickers. Over the years, she has rescued many such girls, and also funded an orphanage for girls.

"Sister Lan, did you stay with Brother Sen for dinner?" Ah Xiang asked in a low voice.


Bai Yulan's heart suddenly moved. She seemed to have gone a little too far, and it wasn't him who was at fault. She still spoke so viciously at each other, and she couldn't help feeling a little guilty for a while.


Located on the bustling Central Street, it is a Japanese-style building. There are many cars and carriages parked in front of the door. It can be said that there is a lot of traffic.

On a winter night, there are not many places in the entire Ice City that can have such a scene. It is the high-end Japanese grocery store "Musashino" in the Ice City.

This is the first choice for many expatriates and military officers in Japan's Ice City to eat, and many ingredients are shipped directly from Japan.

It is said that one is hard to find, and Chinese people are not accepted yet.

In a secluded box.

A Japanese man with a small crew cut wearing a kimono and glasses was kneeling in front of the desk. In front of him was a woman in a colorful kimono, but the woman in this picture was not an oriental face, but a Caucasian face.

"He went to the Taipingqiao Casino yesterday?"

"Yes, sir." The woman knelt on the ground, not daring to look at the Japanese man with a crew cut.


"His subordinate, Ye San'er, was framed as a cheater and imprisoned in a gambling house. He is going to redeem him with money." The woman replied.

"Why did such a thing happen?" The cup in the hands of the Japanese with a flat head slammed on the wooden table with a bang!

"Sir, please calm down. Someone must be jealous of Zhou Sen's promotion, so you plan to teach him a lesson?"

"Ba Ga, go check!"

"Yes!" The woman stood up and bent over to leave.

"Wait a moment!"

"What else do you want sir?"

"What happened to that?"

"Still looking, but no progress yet..."

"Baga..." A frightening light flashed in Xiaopingtou's eyes, and he pulled the woman in kimono over.


In fact, just as Zhou Sen walked out of the back door of the Ningxiang Pavilion, he regretted it again. Why did he say "again", it was the same as last time.

Speaking of which, Bai Yulan smelled really good, a smell that reassured him, he really didn't want to leave.

It was getting dark. Although there were street lights on the street, passers-by had already returned home. The quiet street, the biting cold wind, and the hungry stomach...

Didn't get a bite of hot food, failed, next time you must not choose to come at night, if it is during the day, at least drive out, and you can still get a car.

Zhou Sen headed down and hurried on his way home from Huifang, at least an hour or so, and it was time to exercise his body.

Don't dare to take shortcuts and take small paths, it's not safe in broad daylight, not to mention it's nighttime.

On this street, at least there are street lights on both sides, and you can meet a few pedestrians from time to time, especially walking along the streets along the railway line.

There are patrolmen on this railway, and ordinary road bandits dare not approach them. If they are caught, they will have to go to prison.

Passing by a small night market, at this point, there are still many people. The station unloads goods at night and needs workers, so the night market is up.

Zhou Sen reckoned that it would not be appropriate to ask Irina to cook on fire when he went home, so he just ate a few bites at the night market and went home.

"Boss, have a bowl of gnocchi."

"Hey, sir, you are a decent person, why did you come to eat in our pickled place?" The boss covered the dark pot, raised his head, and saw Zhou Sen in a woolen overcoat, feeling quite moved. surprise.

"Respectable people have to eat too."

"It's true, wait a moment, do you want to bring you some more side dishes?" The boss asked enthusiastically.

"You still sell alcohol here?"

"In such a cold day, if you don't drink something, you can't stand working at night. This is my authentic sweet potato roast."

"Okay, give me two taels, and you can serve the food and drink." Zhou Sen is thinking about drinking wine and eating hot rice now.

"Here comes your wine and appetizers." As soon as he sat down, the boss brought over the appetizers in a short while.

Peanuts, pig ears, fat intestines.

The wine is not a good wine, but it is spicy enough, and when one sip enters the throat, there is a burst of heat in the stomach, and it is indeed strong enough.

Zhou Senyuan would never come to this kind of place, so it feels quite fresh.

After a while, two or two drinks were eaten, and more than half of the appetizers were gone. The waiter brought over a large bowl of gnocchi.

It's steaming hot, pick another piece of lard, make some chili sauce, and drizzle a little sesame oil on it. The aroma is so tangy and so tempting.

In terms of eating, we Chinese are still particular about it.

"Sir, have you eaten yet?"

"Not bad, boss, your gnocchi is so good." After eating, Zhou Sen took out a handkerchief and wiped his mouth and praised.

"The gnocchi is [-] cents, the wine money is [-] cents, the peanuts are [-] cents, the pig's ears and fat intestines are [-] cents..."

Zhou Sen took out a dollar and put it on the table: "One dollar, don't change it."

"Thank you sir." The boss accepted the money happily, nodded and bowed and sent Zhou Sen out of his small shop in person.

When I was full and not cold anymore, I naturally had the strength to walk, and my steps were much faster than before.


Could it be that I drank too much alcohol just now, and my eyes were blurred, so why does it feel like there is someone following me all the time?
Zhou Sen stopped on purpose, turned his head and glanced behind him, but found no one.

But just now, I clearly felt that there was a dark shadow behind me. I was right. If it was a cat or dog, it couldn't be that tall.

Maybe it was because I was dazzled, I didn't care, and I continued to move forward.

But turning around inadvertently, he seemed to see another black figure flashing by, his eyes were not bad, it must be a person.

Could it be that someone is still following him? Since Lin Dakuan was caught following his subordinate Sun Erhu, it shouldn't be.

Forget it, just follow!
As long as it's not bad for you, what can you do? If you overreact, you will be the one who suffers.

Zhou Sen didn't care whether there was a little tail behind him or not, and headed home along the way.

When he finally got home, he took out the key and opened the door. He didn't go back to the house immediately, but stood with his back against the big iron gate.

Da da……

There was a slight sound of footsteps, someone walked past his door, stretched out his hand to open the small hole in the iron door, and looked outside.

Sure enough, he saw a figure in a black windbreaker and a woolen hat with his head lowered passing by the gate of his house. He was not tall and slender, with his hands in his coat pockets. Looking at his back, he looked like a woman.

Who is this person, in that respect, and why is he following him?
He remembered the smell, it was very strange, he probably had never seen it before, he was becoming more and more sensitive to the smell, and he didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

Zhou Sen returned to the house with doubts, but did not turn on the light. He was afraid that he would be seen by the stalker once the light was turned on in the house.

He went upstairs in the dark, entered the study room, closed all the curtains, then turned on the lamp on the desk, and sat down.

A lot happened this day.

Zhou Sen leaned back on the chair, feeling exhausted thinking about nothing and doing nothing. Wu En's matter, as long as there is nothing to do in the next two days, it probably won't be a big deal.

On the contrary, Bai Yulan's troubles are a bit serious. She is a woman, but she is attracted by both the underworld and the big businessmen in Bingcheng at the same time.

They all wanted to swallow her down to the bone, but now it seemed that it was him, the humble little guy, who got the upper hand in the end.

According to his previous personality, this Bai Yulan could hide as far away as possible, but now, if he wants to hide, he can hide from those he hasn't seen.

If Su Wenqing and Qin Laoqi knew that he took the lead over Bai Yulan, would they have to eat him alive?
He dare not say that this matter can be concealed, there is no impenetrable wall in the world, not to mention, the Ningxiang Pavilion will not be an iron wall in the future.

what can we do about it?

After sitting for nearly two hours, I suddenly saw the wall clock on the wall pointing to the eleven o'clock position.

The fable that was played on the radio last night immediately jumped into Zhou Sen's mind.

Will tonight...

Once the curiosity arose, he couldn't restrain it. Zhou Sen's palms were sweating, and he walked over, tore off the covering from the radio, connected it to the power, and slowly turned up the volume.

Rustle... slap...

After fine-tuning the frequency knob, a female voice came out from the radio. It was the young voice from yesterday, and he recognized it.

"A group of wild wolves lived in the cold Siberian forest. One day, the queen of wild wolves gave birth to a little wolf. This little wolf was born different from other wild wolves. Its fur was snow-white and its eyes were white. is black……"

It was this story again, the content of the story was lacking in Chen Kexin, Zhou Sen listened to it again, and he no longer felt so scared.

This is the story of an abandoned wolf cub who was adopted by a hunter, went hunting with the hunter, met his own group, escaped to protect the hunter, and finally died with his own group.

In fact, this story can be applied to any kind of ferocious beast, it is nothing more than being domesticated.

After listening to it twice, just as Zhou Sen reached out to turn off the radio, he suddenly frowned, as if thinking of something.

So, he found a pen and paper, continued to listen to it for the third time, and recorded all the content of the whole story.

After the story was played three times, the previous "rustling" sound of the current was restored.

After reading this story over and over again, Zhou Sen memorized it fluently. Even in his dreams, he dreamed that he had turned into that snow wolf.

And the face of a hunter who tamed a snow wolf was replaced by that of Papa Anthony.

Maybe it was because of thinking day by day and dreaming at night. Zhou Senmeng woke up and found that he was actually sweating all over.

It was still dark outside the window, and the temperature inside the house was much colder. He got up and licked some firewood for the fireplace, and made the fire a little bigger.

The temperature in the room gradually increased. Zhou Sen poured a glass of water and put it on the bedside. At this time, he could no longer fall asleep.

Putting on a thick coat, leaning against the head of the bed, he took out a novel. It was the novella Ball-of-Fat written by the French writer Maupassant. He had read this novel when he was in school, and he himself had also read it , but reading it now makes me even more emotional.

In a sense, his current role is similar to that of Ball-of-Fat. Many choices are not what he wants, but he has to face.

A group of French nobles, parliamentarians, and self-proclaimed superiors, shouting patriotism, are indeed selfish and shameless wretches in private, but they are not as noble and pure as the soul of a prostitute. What about the current situation of the Puppet Manchukuo?

I can't degenerate into that kind of person.

(End of this chapter)

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