Chapter 391 Finding the Murderer ([-])

"Just tell me, did you do this?"

Jin Yazhen said indifferently: "So what, what if it doesn't, a little policeman died, what are you doing?"

"It's really nothing to kill a little policeman, but there is someone behind this little policeman, do you understand?" Qin Xiong said angrily.

"Someone, who is that little police officer surnamed Zhou, hum!" Jin Yazhen snorted coldly, picked up a small bottle of perfume and sprayed it on her body.

"Ah!" Qin Xiong sneezed, "How many times have I told you, don't use perfume in front of me, I have an allergic nose."

"Forget!" Jin Yazhen stood up abruptly, walked to the closet, and pulled the door open. Inside was a row of expensive clothes in various colors, each of which was worth a lot of money. It's amazing to have one, let alone a whole cabinet.

"Although our father is an official to the police chief, after all, he is in Xinjing. Although he still has some influence in Bingcheng, it is beyond his reach, and I can't swallow that breath. You have to take it slowly, and you can't act too hastily. You moved him. People, it's like waking him up." Qin Xiong said.

"It's still your theory of shrinking your head. You don't have any masculinity at all. You have to pay back the loss you have suffered. What are you waiting for? Wait until someone puts a knife on your neck before you know how to fight back?" Jin Yazhen disdainfully With a smile, "It's late."

"Nonsense, you fought back and provoked me. You thought Zhou Sen didn't intend to kill me last time. If he caught me this time, it might not be as simple as giving up the right to operate the gambling shop." Qin Xiong said.

"Look at how timid you are. What are you afraid of? My father is here." Jin Yazhen changed into a water-blue cheongsam, and walked around in front of Qin Xiong, "A few little sisters are gathering today. How do you see me wearing this?"

"It's okay." Qin Xiong said weakly.

"Perfunctory." Jin Yazhen gave Qin Xiong a hard look, turned around, and picked another one to change.

"Xiaozhen, let me ask you, does Ye San'er's death have anything to do with you?" Qin Xiong asked solemnly.

"You really want to know?" Seeing that Qin Xiong became serious, Jin Yazhen put away her contempt, she still understood her man.

"Can you tell me?"

"That Ye San'er knew something he shouldn't know, so he can't stay." Jin Yazhen said slowly.

"You really did it?" Although Qin Xiong was mentally prepared, he was still very surprised.

"If you don't let him shut up, your secret will be discovered by him, and all your plans will be exposed." Jin Yazhen said.

"What did you say exposed?"

"If you secretly arranged that Xiaoyu that Feng Hua took care of, although you arranged it very secretly, there are still loopholes. Are you familiar with the foreman named Sister Feng in Xinxin Song and Dance Hall?" Jin Yazhen asked.

"I know this Sister Feng, what's the matter?"

"You arranged for Sister Feng to recommend Xiaoyu to Feng Hua, right?" Jin Yazhen asked Qin Xiong with a glance.

Qin Xiong acquiesced.

"You want to use this handle to pinch Feng Hua, right?"

"Yes, I wanted to use this as a stepping stone, but I didn't intend to use it as an excuse to blackmail the other party. Threats may not be the best method for a person like Feng Hua. He must be willing to be used by me." Qin Xiong explained.

"You want to pull Feng Hua over from Su Wenqing, is that possible?" Jin Yazhen "sneered", "He is related to Weng and his son-in-law."

"Sister-in-law Weng, the Miss Su family hasn't let Feng Hua sleep on her bed so far, where is the son-in-law?" Qin Xiong sneered.

Jin Yazhen said in surprise: "This Feng Hua is too omnipotent, can a mere little girl handle it?"

"Feng Hua is a married man, and his position in the Su family was given by Su Wenqing. If he comes by force, what will happen to Su Wenqing?"

"It's true, then as long as Su Yun nods, will people still listen to you?"

"Su Yun went to work at Bai's Orthopedic Hospital, and Su Yun also knew Zhou Sen in the past. Unfortunately, she was a step too late, and Bai Yulan took the lead. Otherwise, it's not sure whether there will be Feng Hua or not." Qin Xiong said.

"It's not enough for this Zhou Sen to have a Bai Yulan, and he's actually eyeing this girl Su Yun. That Bai Yulan is not an easy-going woman, can she tolerate her man putting a small one under her nose? "Jin Yazhen said in surprise.

"Maybe we are thinking too much, they have nothing at all, but Feng Hua is not necessarily, he is a very axis person, once he believes in something, he will doubt it in his heart, once the seeds of doubt are planted, he will not Stop, he is a person with a strong desire to control." Qin Xiong said, "As long as Feng Hua and Su Wenqing fall out with constant reinforcement and instigation, the possibility of completely leaving the Su family will be greater. At that time, not only will I I can take back the gambling house and lose Su Wenqing's arm, but now the time is not ripe, if you do this, my plan will be completely ruined."

"But Ye San'er already knows that Xiaoyu was arranged by Sister Feng for Feng Hua. If you continue to investigate, you will be exposed, and your plan will not succeed?"

"I've already bribed Sister Feng, she won't reveal my relationship with me, and Feng Hua and Xiaoyu are acquainted by themselves, I didn't deliberately arrange it, I just pushed behind, and couldn't catch me at all This is different from Xiaowan's midwife last time, why didn't you discuss it with me before doing something?" Qin Xiong was very angry.

"Then why doesn't Sister Feng betray you?"

"She has something in my hands."

"Then knowing the relationship between you is found out, wouldn't you still suspect that you are instigating behind the scenes?" Jin Yazhen asked back.

"Ye San'er can find Sister Feng at most. He can't find me. Even if he asks Sister Feng to ask questions, he can't find out. Xiaoyu, whom Feng Hua met in the dance hall, let Sister Feng introduce them. If I push secretly, they will still be together." Qin Xiong said.

"Feng Hua sees that his maintenance of the outer room has been exposed. In order to prevent the secret from being leaked, he ordered his subordinates to kill people to silence them. Isn't this a more straightforward way?" Jin Yazhen was silent for a while, and then said.

"You arranged someone under Feng Hua?" Qin Xiong asked in surprise.

"Of course, Feng Hua is Su Wenqing's son-in-law, right-hand man, and our biggest opponent. How can I not prepare early? Do you think I will only bury my opponent by my opponent's side?" Jin Yazhen said, "For this, I still have to Had to sacrifice a pawn arranged many years ago."

"who is it?"

"Huangfu Jun."

"Feng Hua's most trusted thug, the earth-burrowing leopard Huang Fujun?" Qin Xiong asked in surprise, "How did you do it?"

"Huangfujun's father has received my father's kindness. When I found him, he naturally wanted to repay the favor. Besides, after the matter was completed, I gave him a sum of money and asked him to go back to his hometown directly." Jin Yazhen said, "People have long He is no longer in Bingcheng, and even if Zhou Sen finds out, Feng Hua will not be able to argue without anyone being caught."

"You still want to instigate the relationship between Zhou Sen and Su Wenqing?"

"These two people used to be rivals, but now they are as good as one person. If they continue to unite like this, will you and I still have a way out?" Jin Yazhen said coldly, "If it wasn't for that bitch Bai Yulan who hid in the The Ningxiang Pavilion won't come out, otherwise, I will let her give birth to the child so easily?"

The most poisonous thing is a woman's heart.

It was only then that Qin Xiong realized that his ruthlessness was still inferior to Jin Yazhen's. She really inherited her father Jin Ronggui's viciousness and ruthlessness, killing people without blinking an eye.

The person next to the pillow felt that he was not what he wanted that day, even if he was a killer, he would not be relentless, right?Thinking of this, Qin Xiong couldn't help but a layer of sweat dripped down his back.

"Jin Yazhen, you'd better not have such thoughts, otherwise, even your father might not be able to protect you." Qin Xiong solemnly reminded.

Zhou Sen is different from him. Zhou Sen is a student of Saburo Shibuya, and Saburo Shibuya is now the deputy head of the Public Security Department of the Puppet Manchukuo. In fact, he is the head of the Ministry of Public Security. hand.

Although Zhou Sen was not Shibuya Saburo's only student, his backstage background was definitely not much worse than theirs.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have taken the initiative to admit defeat and apologize last time.

The person he was targeting was Su Wenqing. Although he also hated Zhou Sen, it was not his primary target, and Jin Yazhen went directly to provoke Zhou Sen. Ye San'er was Zhou Sen's former subordinate, and Zhou Sen was naturally investigating Feng Hua. Instigated.

No matter how powerful Su Wenqing was, he still couldn't command Zhou Sen's men.

Qin Xiong didn't seem to be confronting Zhou Sen directly, but now Jin Yazhen stabbed Zhou Sen first, completely disrupting his steps.

"Zhou Sen loves his wings, and he will definitely investigate Ye San'er's death. Right now, we must clear up our relationship."

"What are you afraid of? Huangfu Jun is no longer in Bingcheng, what else can they do?"

"If Huangfu Jun doesn't leave, they may not be able to find out. His leaving is tantamount to exposing himself. With Zhou Sen's keenness, he will definitely suspect Huangfu Jun. Your move is too wrong." Qin Xiong said.

"Then what to do, it's already like this."

"The only thing that is beneficial to us now is that Huangfu Jun is no longer in Bingcheng. As long as he can't catch anyone, there will be no evidence. On Sister Feng's side, I can let someone spread the word and stop her from talking nonsense, but even so, the other party only I'm afraid I know it well." Qin Xiong said.

"There is no evidence, what can he do to you? Even if he knows that Xiaoyu was arranged by you, so what. Flies don't bite seamless eggs. It's not that Feng Hua can't control himself, so who is to blame? No one with a gun forced him to raise a concubine outside?" Jin Yazhen said.

"Well, that's true, as long as your relationship with Huangfu Jun is not exposed, so what if you know that Xiaoyu was deliberately arranged by me for Feng Hua?" Qin Xiong nodded, and couldn't help but decide in his heart that they were all opponents. Isn't it normal to use black hands and dig holes to make people stumble?

Could it be that if he doesn't do these things, the other party can let him go?


Zhou Sen accompanied Qin Lang to temporarily take over the Taipingqiao Gambling House. By the way, he learned about the situation of Huangfu Jun who asked for leave to go home the next day after Ye San'er was killed.

"Huangfujun, he is in his early 30s this year, and his hometown is Dongshan Village, Zhaodong. He has this information now."

"Where are the parents and family members?" Zhou Sen asked.

"This is not very clear. He came out to ask for a living when he was a teenager. He seldom mentioned the family and the situation. He just heard that the situation at home was not very good. He had to send money home every two or three months. He still I'm not married, and I haven't heard of a woman who has a good relationship. I don't own any property in Bingcheng. I still live in a rented apartment. I usually have a good relationship with my subordinates. I have a cruel and ruthless style of work. I have followed Feng Hua for four or five years... ..."

"How many years has he not been back?" Zhou Sen asked.

"Looks like I went back the year before last, maybe half a month." Another subordinate of Feng Hua, Lao Hong, who was in charge of order in the casino, said.

"When did you go back, did you just go back to visit relatives during the Chinese New Year?" Zhou Sen asked very carefully.

"Visiting relatives was not very busy at that time. It seemed that his family had sent him a letter saying that he had told him about a daughter-in-law and asked him to go back and have a look. If he was satisfied, the marriage would be settled." Lao Hong recalled and said.

"Is there anyone who has a good relationship with him?"

"Xiao Tong, Xiao Tong has a good relationship with him. He orders Xiao Tong to do many things." Old Hong said.

"Then call the little boy over," Zhou Sen ordered.

When Lao Hong went out, he quickly called in a young man in his early 20s. He was Xiaotong, who worked with Huangfu Jun.

The young man looked a bit restrained, Zhou Sen glanced over, and subconsciously bowed his head guiltyly to avoid it.

"What's your name?"

"Child Maverick."

"Who chose this name?" Zhou Sen asked with a dumbfounded laugh.

"My father took it. I was born on the same day as my cow's calf, and my father took a calf. He also hoped that I could be like the calf." Tong Xiaoniu explained.

I understand that the older generation, especially many illiterate ones, know that children are easy to die when they are young, so the lower the name, the easier it is to support them, such as dog, donkey and so on.

"Tong Xiaoniu, how long have you been a Huangfujun?"

"A year and a half."

"How much do you know about him, don't have any scruples, just say as much as you want." Zhou Sen greeted, "Come, pour Brother Tong Xiaoniu a glass of water."

"I'm just a handyman. Brother Jun is not very particular about life, and he takes good care of me. He loves sugar cakes and often asks me to take him to a sugar cake shop on Station Street..." Tong Xiaoniu drank After taking a sip of water, he became less nervous and began to talk.

Tong Xiaoniu's stories are all about the trivial things in Huangfu Jun's life. His language organization ability is limited, so he can't make an accurate summary of Huangfu Jun's character traits, and he can clearly explain every bit of Huangfu Jun's daily life. It's not easy.

Huangfu Jun, who came from the countryside, may have lived a hard life since he was a child. He is relatively frugal and not too particular about his life. Although he works in a gambling shop and helps people collect debts, he rarely gambles.

He didn't have many friends, they were all under Feng Hua's hands, and there were a few who had a good relationship with him, and they often ate and drank together.

Huangfu Jun is also a man, and he would go to that kind of place occasionally, but he didn't have a fixed relationship.

This guy has no other hobbies, only one, smoking opium, and his addiction is not small.

This man who smoked opium and gambled was basically useless in his life, and Huangfu Jun was undoubtedly a useless person.

(End of this chapter)

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