Chapter 395 Finding the Murderer ([-])

Tong Xiaoniu brought it.

Zhou Sen called Wu En to bring him directly in front of him.

"Tong Xiaoniu, I'll give you a chance. If you can seize it, I'll let someone arrange an easy job for you, and the salary will be higher than the current one." Zhou Sen tempted directly.

A gleam of light flashed in Tong Xiaoniu's eyes, obviously a little moved. Although he was honest and dull, he didn't want to spend his whole life serving people.

"Apart from the colleagues who worked together, Huangfu Jun has some good friends outside. They don't meet many times, but they have a very good relationship, and they are still in Ice City?" Zhou Sen asked.

Tong Xiaoniu thought about it.

"No matter what comes to mind, you can say it. As for whether it is or not, I will decide." Zhou Sen added.

"Third brother has a fellow countryman, I don't know what his name is, I only know that third brother keeps calling him 'Stone', every time he comes, third brother is very happy, and even takes him to drink, but I have only met before and after three times."

"Do you still have any impression of what this person called 'Stone' looks like?" Zhou Sen was shocked when he heard this, and ordered someone to pass over a white paper and a pencil.

"He's not too tall, about the same size as me, with a round face and thicker eyebrows. When he smiles, his eyes narrow into a slit..."

"What about clothes?"

"It's just an ordinary gown, made of coarse blue cloth, I can't remember the others."

"What shoes are you wearing?"

"cloth shoes."

The Tong Xiaoniu said with certainty.

There are a lot of people in this costume on the street, which shows that this person named "Stone" is an ordinary low-level citizen, and it is impossible to distinguish his professional characteristics.

"By the way, sir, his nose is big and red." Tong Xiaoniu suddenly remembered something and added.

This is a very obvious feature, and most people really don't have it. Generally, people with rosacea can drink well.

"Does he like to drink?"

"I don't know about that, but every time he comes, the third brother will treat him to dinner. When he sends people back, the third brother is always drunk and I serve him." Tong Xiaoniu said.

"Then have you ever seen Huangfu Jun bring a woman back?"

"No, I haven't seen it." Tong Xiaoniu directly denied.

"Are you sure?"

"Third brother is a big smoker. Even decent women dislike his smell, so he usually goes to that kind of place and brings women home. There may be some, but I haven't seen them." Tong Xiaoniu explained.

"Okay, Tong Xiaoniu, if you think of anything, come and tell me at any time, you can go here or go to the port police station to find Section Chief Meng of the criminal department." Zhou Sen nodded and ordered Wu En to give Tong Xiaoniu I took a little compensation and sent him back.


"Qin Lang, help me find a person whose nickname or nickname is 'Stone'. He is not very old, about 30 years old, and he is about half a head shorter than you. The most important feature is that this person has rosacea. He should be a A person who usually likes to drink."

"Yes, check it out right away."

"Boss Qing, it's me, Zhou Sen, immediately arrange for your brothers to help me investigate someone..."

"The assisted investigation notices of all police stations will be sent out immediately, and this person named 'Stone' must be found as quickly as possible!"

"Hey, Uncle Lin, do you have an order?" Lin Dakuan unexpectedly called "Food is the Heaven".

"It's okay, can't Uncle Lin give you a call?" Lin Dakuan seemed to reveal a hint of reproach in his tone.

"No, Uncle Lin, I didn't expect you to be able to call Shiweitianlai." Zhou Sen hurriedly explained.

"I know you are looking at Ye San'er being killed, what's the matter, do you need help?" Lin Dakuan asked.

"For the time being, there is no need to trouble Uncle Lin."

"Why, look down on Uncle Lin?"

"No, Uncle Lin, you handle big cases. I'm working on your small case. That's a waste of talent."

"I saw that as long as you have something to do, you put Uncle Lin aside. This case is one of our colleagues who died, and it's not a small case." Lin Dakuan said, "Are you investigating a man named Huangfu Jun?"

"Yes, Uncle Lin also knows."

"Come here, I'll show you something." Lin Dakuan ordered over the phone.

"Am I going to your office or your home?"

"It's almost time to get off work, come to my house, just in time for your aunt to order some food and wine, let's have a drink." Lin Dakuan said.

"Okay, then I'll bring two bottles of wine produced by my winery." Zhou Sen agreed without hesitation.

Putting down the phone, someone prepared two bottles of "ice" wine from his own winery for him, called Wu En, and drove to Lin Dakuan's home in Xiangfang.

It takes half an hour to drive from Shiweitian to Lin Dakuan's house.

"Xiao Sen is here, and Da Kuan just came back..." It was Lin Dakuan's wife, surnamed Gao, who opened the door for Zhou Sen. Except for a little snobbishness, everything else was pretty good. The common problem of women is not a big problem. .

"Auntie, I brought two bottles of wine, and have a drink with Uncle Lin in the evening." Zhou Sen said, "I came in a hurry, and Senji's dim sum will double for you next time."

"Xiao Mori, you just come and bring any presents, which will not be allowed in the future." Mrs. Lin happily took the two bottles of wine.

"Wu En, find a restaurant to eat by yourself, and pick me up in an hour and a half." Zhou Sen instructed Wu En, and followed Mrs. Lin into the house.


"Uncle Lin."

"I'll go to the kitchen first, let's chat." Mrs. Lin put the wine in the wine cabinet tactfully, and then went to the kitchen.

"Come on, talk to me in the study." Lin Dakuan greeted, the living room is too big and the privacy is too poor, it's better to go upstairs to the study.

Lin Dakuan is also an old smoker, but he doesn't smoke opium, he only smokes cigarettes, and he has a lot of good cigarettes in his family.

Lin Dakuan took a pack of cigarettes from the desk and handed it over: "Smoke, take it yourself, you don't need to be polite to me."

"Camel, American cigarettes, Uncle Lin, these cigarettes are not easy to buy in Bingcheng." Zhou Sen took a look, took one out, and put it in his pocket.

Lin Dakuan didn't care when he saw Zhou Sen's little action. On the contrary, he was quite happy. Zhou Sen hacked his cigarette in front of him, so it wasn't considered stealing.

"You like to smoke. When you leave, take one with you. They are all given by others. I am not used to smoking some, and they are easy to break if they are left at home for a long time." Lin Dakuan said.

"Then I would like to thank Uncle Lin." Zhou Sen chuckled, sometimes he could only get in and out, so he would become a brave man.

"You also gave me a lot of good wine, it's reciprocal!" Lin Dakuan chuckled, he was better at wine than cigarettes.

There is a lot of wine in the cellar at home.

As long as Zhou Sen collected a lot of good wine for him in Bingcheng during the festivals, the relationship was maintained.

Some relationships need to be managed, and in Zhou Sen's position, even if he is reluctant, he still has to do it.

Not only for their own safety, but also for one more information channel.

"I'll show you something." Lin Dakuan took out a brown paper document bag from his briefcase and handed it to Zhou Sen.

Zhou Sen took it. The file bag was not sealed and could be opened directly. He opened it directly and took out a stack of documents inside.

"I know you are investigating the murder of Ye San'er. This case involves a man named Huangfu Jun, and this man is Feng Hua's subordinate, but do you know what is his relationship with the young mistress of the Qin family? ?” Lin Dakuan asked.

"Ah, there is still a relationship between them?"

"What is Director Jin's origin? You should know that when Jin Ronggui was able to become the director of the Bingcheng Police Department, some people made great efforts. Huangfujun's father, Huangfusong, is an old subordinate of Jin Ronggui. Jin Ronggui is still unknown. I followed him when I was young, and was forced to go back to my hometown because of injury and disability, and he was injured that time because of protecting Jin Ronggui, the relationship between the two of them can be said to be quite deep, you don’t know that.” Lin Dakuan said.

"Uncle Lin, how do you know these secrets?"

"In my position, if I didn't have the means to save my life, I would have been pushed down a long time ago." Lin Dakuan said, "Do you know that Uncle Lin is very optimistic about you, and soon my position will be yours."

"Uncle Lin, my qualifications are too low, how can I take over your class, are you kidding me?" Zhou Sen was taken aback.

"I'm 44 this year. If I don't have the opportunity to go further, I can only go to a place where I am transferred, so I can only retire. I don't want to go to a strange place to fight again. Bingcheng is my retirement place. I will retire. You can also rely on my contacts to start a small business, and it doesn't have to be so hard."

"Uncle Lin, according to our police retirement system in Manchuria, you can work until you are at least 60 years old, and you are more than ten years away from retirement. Besides, if an experienced old policeman like you retires, it is the Bingcheng Police Department. Loss." Zhou Sen didn't know whether Lin Dakuan said this on purpose or had other deep meanings, so he hurriedly said.

"It's too selfish for me to dominate my position and not give future generations a chance to be promoted," Lin Dakuan said.

"You are not the only one in this position, but if you are not the head teacher of the investigation department of the Secret Service Division, that would be impossible." Zhou Sen said.

"Feng Hua didn't have the guts to kill the police, but someone did." Lin Dakuan said.

"That's not necessarily the case. You still remember that if I hadn't been prepared, I'm afraid I would have turned into a handful of loess." Zhou Sen said.

"At that time, you were just a small patrolman, so he dared to attack you. Now, you wouldn't even dare to give him the courage." Lin Dakuan said.

"This kind of person usually doesn't take other people's lives seriously, and doesn't have any sense of awe. I don't want to believe it." Zhou Sen said, he knew Feng Hua's temperament very well, even though he and Su Wenqing both gave him advice. He has a chance.

But he is different from Su Wenqing, Su Wenqing still thinks of family affection, while he is purely considering the overall situation.

Feng Hua still has value, he will not take revenge on Feng Hua, but he will not regard him as his friend either.

Just out of jealousy, or even under unwarranted circumstances, he has the idea of ​​killing someone. How narrow-minded is this kind of person.

This kind of person cannot be handed over.

No wonder he fell into the pit Qin Xiong dug for him every time.

It's good to use him to deal with Qin Xiong. Feng Hua really hated Qin Xiong after being tricked several times, and revenge would become his biggest motivation.

"It's true, I know the grievances between you and Qin Xiong, he is a person who is good at holding grudges, you must be careful." Lin Dakuan said.

"Thank you, Uncle Lin, for giving me these materials." Although Zhou Sen couldn't figure out Lin Dakuan's real intentions, if the materials in his hand were true, the mystery of Ye San'er's murder case might soon surface. .

"I heard that the Qin family had some relationship with the south in the past, do you know, Uncle Lin?" Zhou Sen asked suddenly.

Lin Dakuan narrowed his eyes slightly. He was really surprised that Zhou Sen raised this question at this time, but at the same time he was secretly surprised. He realized that he really underestimated Zhou Sen. This young man can be appreciated by Shibuya. It's just a face, he is real.

Can make Bai Yulan give birth to him willingly, this kid is definitely a typical example of "pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger".

"I also hope that you can catch the murderer, bring him to justice, and avenge our dead colleagues." Lin Dakuan chuckled, "As for the relationship between the Qin family and Nanbian you mentioned, I really don't know much about it. At the time of Bingcheng, Kant of Manchukuo had lived for two years."

"How much do you know about our first old director?" Zhou Sen asked another question.

"I was only a police officer when I was transferred to Bingcheng, and I was not enough to meet important people. I only know that when the old director was here, our Bingcheng Police Department was strong and strong. Now, the number of police officers in the city is not enough. Half of it." Lin Dakuan sighed with emotion.

"The old director is generous and has very strict requirements on his subordinates. I heard that he also served as a director of the Middle East Railway. He is very fond of calligraphy and has a high level of calligraphy attainment. There are many places in Bingcheng with his inscriptions." Lin Dakuan Said.

Zhou Sen nodded. Zhou Sen didn't know much about Jin Ronggui, but he had heard some from Anthony in the past. He wasn't very interested at the time, so he didn't remember too much. However, the cases he handles now always involve him. His daughter and son-in-law naturally want to know more.

"Dakuan, Komori, come down to eat!"

"Xiao Mori, let's go down." Lin Dakuan stood up and greeted him.

The two immediately went upstairs to the restaurant. Lin Dakuan had a son who was studying in Xinjing, and here he was the only one living with his wife, Gao Shi.

There are not many dishes, just four dishes and one soup, but the quantity is quite a lot. Lin Dakuan asked Gao to bring over a plate of peanuts, which is a must for drinking.

"Is Boss Bai giving birth soon?"

"The due date is said to be this week, but it's hard to say when exactly." Zhou Sen replied.

"This woman's childbirth is equivalent to going through the gate of hell, Komori, you have to be careful, it's better to go to the hospital." Gao Shi said.

"She wants to give birth at home, and the conditions at home are actually no worse than those in a hospital," Zhou Sen said.

"You don't have to worry about this. Komori has a hospital in his own house. Whether it's at home or in the hospital, there must be no problem." Lin Dakuan explained with a smile.

"Then it's fine."

(End of this chapter)

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