Chapter 402
Not everyone has the will of a Communist Party member. If Huangfu Jun really had that will, he would not be addicted to opium.

Not long after the interrogation, Huangfu Jun began to convulse, suffering, and runny nose...

Begged Meng Qiang to give him a happy time.

Meng Qiang has handled countless cases. One look at Huangfu Jun's situation and you can tell that this guy's addiction to smoking has exploded, and people who have an addiction to smoking cannot be considered human beings.

Then just give him a sip, even if he sells his wife and children on the spot, without blinking an eye, Huangfu Jun has surpassed many people in asking for a happy death.

Meng Qiang watched Huangfujun's drug addiction attack with cold eyes, and finally curled up into a ball, knelt on the ground, with snot and tears, hit the ground with his head, and kept scratching the skin of his chest with his fingers, leaving bloody spots bar.

"Huangfu Jun, did you kill Ye San'er?"


"How did you kill Ye San'er? Bring it here?" Meng Qiang sneered coldly, ordering Huangfu Jun to bring him here.

"I covered his mouth from behind and smothered him to death."

"Suffocate, Ye San'er is a living person, doesn't he struggle?" Meng Qiang asked.

"I poured ether into the towel beforehand, he didn't have a chance to struggle at all, quick, give me the big smoke, I can't stand it..."

"Ether, this is a controlled drug. Where did you get it?" Zhou Sen heard that, a cold light flashed in his eyes. Ether is not an ordinary thing. It is used in medicine for anesthesia, and it is generally only available in hospitals or clinics with surgical conditions. Yes, and this thing is volatile and not easy to store. Generally, it needs to be stored in a sealed container, and it is also flammable, which is one of the very dangerous chemicals.

Most people don't understand the properties of ether at all, let alone get it and use it.

"I stole it from the pharmacy."

"Drugstore, which pharmacy, this kind of thing is kept very strictly in pharmacies." Zhou Sen continued to ask.

"There is a pharmacy on Toudao Street called Zhongtai Pharmacy." Huangfu Jun said.

Zhou Sen searched the memory in his mind. There is indeed such a large pharmacy called "Zhongtai" on Toudao Street outside the road. It is quite large in scale. It sells both Chinese and Western medicines, and it is quite famous.

"How did you know that this ether can be used to stun people?"

"Once, a subordinate was injured and needed anesthesia for surgery. I saw the doctor used it, so I remembered it."

"Ye San'er has no grievances with you, why did you kill him?" Meng Qiang asked, he had to figure out the motive of the murder.

"He followed me to send Young Master Feng off. I thought he was going to be bad for Young Master Feng, so I wanted to grab him and find out why he came. Who knew that I used too much force and suffocated him to death."

"Do you carry ether with you?"


"After you found out that Ye San'er was dead, why didn't you call the police, instead you threw the body directly. Manslaughter is not the same as murder, and the sentencing is also different."

"They all killed people anyway, so what's the difference?"

"Does Feng Hua know that you killed someone, or that Feng Hua ordered you to attack Ye San'er, and he also knew about it?"

"I do not know."

"You don't know?" Zhou Sen frowned. According to his assumption, after Huangfu Jun confessed to killing himself, he would definitely blame Feng Hua for the murder, but he actually said that he didn't know, and there was a kind of defense for Feng Hua. the meaning of.

This is something that he can't understand.

"Let's do this first, let him sign and draw a pledge!"

"Sir, give me a sip, just a sip..."

Zhou Sen thought about it, nodded, and asked someone to prepare a big cigarette for him.


"Brother Sen, although Huangfu Jun has signed this statement, why do I feel that a lot of it is too vague?" Meng Qiang said to Zhou Sen while holding the statement.

"There is an expert behind him. Someone should have taught him these words." Zhou Sen nodded slowly.

"He is like this, and he deliberately gave us a false statement?"

"Only in this way can the confession be authentic and believable." Zhou Sendao said, "What kind of person Huangfu Jun is usually, and compared with his performance during the interrogation today, we can naturally see it."

"Brother Sen, you should think carefully, I almost really believe what he said." Meng Qiang said embarrassingly.

"You arrange someone to keep an eye on him, and you can't leave your sight for 24 hours. You have to have two people and two posts." Zhou Sen said, "Our people have to taste the food before giving it to him."

"You suspect that someone will do something, but this is Songhua School?" Meng Qiang was surprised. Songhua School is a secret detention center of the Security Bureau, and there are people who dare to do something here.

"There's no harm in being careful." Zhou Sen said, "I'll let Lao Liu arrange someone to take shifts with you."

"Okay, I'll arrange it." Hearing what Zhou Sen said, he also felt that he had to be cautious.

"That's it for today." Zhou Sen ordered, took Huangfu Jun's statement, got in the car and left.


New Taiping Bridge Casino, Qin Xiong's office.

Qin Xiong put his daily office here. In addition to running this new casino well, he also wanted to surpass the Taipingqiao Casino that was taken away by Su Wenqing in terms of casino management. He wanted to completely defeat Su Wenqing. , Take back what belongs to you.

However, he also knew that Su Wenqing had a deep foundation in Bingcheng and a strong background, otherwise, when his old man was around, he would have already pushed him down.

Wanting to defeat or even defeat Su Wenqing is definitely not a matter of overnight, so he has never expected to knock him down with one blow.

Although he did not tell his wife Jin Yazhen that he attacked "Ye San'er" arbitrarily, it also provided an excellent opportunity.

Originally, I just wanted to use the "Xiaoyu" trick to slowly drag Feng Hua into the water. At that time, I didn't expect Jin Yazhen's method to be more radical. She directly killed "Ye San'er" and provoked the conflict between Su Wenqing and Zhou Sen. relation.

Ye San'er is Zhou Sen's subordinate. Zhou Sen must have instructed him to investigate Feng Hua, and Feng Hua is Su Wenqing's son-in-law. Although there is a lot of noise now, the news of the final breakup has not been confirmed yet!
Feng Hua's men killed "Ye San'er", will Zhou Sen let Feng Hua go?Will Su Wenqing give up his foster son and son-in-law for a "Ye San'er"?

The matter of Xiaoyu has been exposed, and there is no use value. Only Xiaowan, she and Feng Hua have a son, which is the biggest clue.

It's useless for Su Wenqing to admit it or not. Now that everyone outside knows that Xiao Wan gave birth to an illegitimate child for Feng Hua, he has to admit it if he doesn't.

He was thinking about whether he should take the initiative to contact Feng Hua. Anyway, he is now living with Xiaowan, and it is completely reasonable to go to see "Yimei" by himself.

It is estimated that Feng Hua is still angry now. He may not doubt himself about Xiaoyu, but that old fox Su Wenqing will definitely doubt him, and Zhou Sen, he already knows that Feng Hua is hiding in the golden house outside, but he has no doubts. Immediately expose it, but let Ye San'er continue to investigate, obviously, he is also suspicious...

This talent is his biggest opponent. He looks young and doesn't have a deep foundation in the police department, but behind him is a big boss who even his old father-in-law can't afford to provoke now, let alone married a The woman who once made him salivate.

The only good thing is that this woman has washed her hands and stopped doing those unorthodox businesses, and there is no conflict or confrontation with her in business.

But sooner or later, the Qin family will go the right way. The underworld and the side door can only gather temporary wealth, and if they want to keep this wealth for a long time, they have to wash it for nothing, put some wealth in the sun, and turn it into a treasure. Clear and clean.

At this point, he was a little envious of his brother who had betrayed his family, so he completely drew a line with the past, no longer participated in the businesses he had run in the past, and successfully landed.

But now, he actually accepted Su Wenqing's offer to take over from Feng Hua and temporarily manage the Taipingqiao Casino.

Qin Lang didn't touch "gambling" anymore, and he actually accepted Su Wenqing's offer, obviously Zhou Sen's tacit approval was involved.

This shows that Zhou Sen and Su Wenqing have a judgment on the death of "Ye San'er". They will most likely think that Huangfu Jun killed someone, but Feng Hua didn't know about it.

Trying to use the death of "Ye San'er" to break the relationship between Zhou Sen and Su Wenqing didn't seem to have any effect.

This woman Jin Yazhen thinks too simply.

"Madam, the eldest son ordered that anyone who sees him must report..."

"Should I also report?" Jin Yazhen's angry voice suddenly rose an octave.

Qin Xiong heard the quarrel outside and knew that his subordinates could not stop Jin Yazhen at all. Just as he wanted to get up, the office door was pushed open by a strong force.

Jin Yazhen, who was dressed in an elegant cheongsam, appeared at the door with an angry look on her face, followed by two awkward subordinates, either to stop her or not to stop her.

Qin Xiong glanced at his wife, suppressed the anger in his heart, waved his hand, and signaled his two subordinates to go down, they are not needed here.

"Why are you here?" Qin Xiong didn't give Jin Yazhen a good look.

"Why, I'm the eldest daughter-in-law of the Qin family. This gambling house belongs to the Qin family. Why can't I come?" Jin Yazhen asked back.

"Don't you dislike places like casinos and dislike the places where low-class people and upstarts gather?" Qin Xiong asked back.

"Huangfu Jun was arrested, did you know?"

"Didn't he go back to his hometown in Zhaodong? Why, was he arrested in Zhaodong?" Qin Xiong asked in surprise.

"Don't play dumb with me, don't you know that he didn't actually return to Zhaodong?" Jin Yazhen snorted coldly.

"So what if I know, but I don't know where he is hiding." Qin Xiong spread his hands, turned around with a smile and said, "Drink something, I only have wine here besides tea."

"I'm worried that Huangfu Jun will confess me."

"You now know how dangerous it is to do so?" Qin Xiong came over with two goblets and a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet.

"The problem is, Huangfu Jun was not locked up in the police station's detention center." Jin Yazhen said.

"Not locked up in the police station's detention center?" Qin Xiong was taken aback, remembering that when Sangbiao was arrested, he hadn't received any news, obviously this time it was the same again.

"I wanted to inquire about the situation from my father's former subordinates, but the news I got was that he was not locked up in the police station at all."

"This case was handled jointly by the Police Department and the Butou Police Station. Will that person be locked up in the Butou Police Station?" Qin Xiong asked.

"No, I've also asked. Meng Qiang, the deputy chief of the criminal department who is in charge of this case, hasn't returned to the police station today, and none of his subordinates are there," Jin Yazhen said.

"It is very likely that they will be locked up elsewhere. Obviously, they don't want outsiders to know the results of the interrogation." Qin Xiong said.

"Qin Xiong, what should we do now, we must not let Huangfu Jun talk nonsense." Jin Yazhen said.

"Aren't you very confident in him, sure that he will never betray you?"

"I'm afraid that Zhou will find out the relationship between our Qin family and Huangfu Jun, and then he will suspect you and me." Jin Yazhen said, "And he suspects you more than me."

"You didn't consider this when you ordered Huangfu Jun to kill Ye San'er. Killing people is not a last resort. Zhou Sen had Shibuya Saburo behind him, and Su Wenqing also had Kato from the gendarmerie. We can fight, but we can't hurt you." As for human life, whoever stirs up trouble first will be at a loss, don't you understand?" Qin Xiong said.

"It's a rare opportunity. If I don't grasp it, how can I vent out the bad temper for you?" Jin Yazhen said.

"You are unhappy in your own heart. Zhou Sen took Ni Juan in. You want to take revenge on him, don't you?" Qin Xiong didn't know what his wife was thinking. Still not letting her go?"

"When I think about her ever making an oath to you, I feel disgusted!" Jin Yazhen said disgustedly.

"This is all in the past. Why are you still holding on to it? Besides, this is what happened before I married you..."

"Haven't you been together since you got married? Then whose child in Ni Juan's stomach belongs to, could it be some wild man?" Jin Yazhen sarcastically said.

"The child was aborted, do you still say this is interesting?"

"I'm going to say, what's the matter, you dare to do it, but you don't dare to let others say it, Qin Xiong, you are the one who sorry me first!"

"It's also because you can't give birth to a child. I can only find a woman outside to give birth. I want to pass on the family line of the Qin family. This is my mission." Qin Xiong said.

Jin Yazhen was indeed at fault for this matter. She is a woman and cannot bear children. If she had committed the seven crimes in the past, she would have been divorced by her husband's family.

"It's meaningless for the two of us to speculate like this. Let's discuss how to make Huangfu Jun shut up." Jin Yazhen said.

"This matter is not easy to handle. The reason why Zhou Sen backed down last time was because Nakamura stepped in to mediate for us. In addition, the Japanese didn't want Su Wenqing to dominate the family in Bingcheng, so they came forward to suppress the matter. Come down, this time, I'm afraid it won't be so easy."

"So what this time, as long as Huangfu Jun dies, who can testify? Besides, I told him that once he is caught, he will push the matter to Feng Hua. Anyway, he is Feng Hua's subordinate. What does it have to do with me if he kills someone?"

"The matter of Hou Wu has already put them on guard, and they won't give us this chance." Qin Xiong said.

"Why, when things come to an end, you backed down?"

"It may not be possible to kill someone, but it shouldn't be difficult to find someone to give him a message, as long as he can afford it." Qin Xiong said.

"Can you make Huangfu Jun shut up?"

"If he doesn't know how to assess the situation, the consequences are not something he can bear." Qin Xiong said slowly.

"Did you have a plan in advance?" Based on Jin Yazhen's understanding of Qin Xiong, this man's mind is deep, and he can be so calm at this time, there must be something to rely on.

(End of this chapter)

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