Chapter 405 Information Room

"From now on, your group can come to me every month to receive a special fund..." Sato Ying said.

"Yes, I understand."

Coming out of No. 3 Yiyuan Road, Zhou Sen's mind was heavy. It was obvious that Satoying had given him a very difficult task.

I have a feeling that what he wants to do must be closely related to next year's "Guan Special Performance". Of course, the plan for "Guan Special Performance" has not yet been announced.

This was Zhou Sen's intuition.

There have always been people in the Kwantung Army preparing to attack the Soviet Union, and it is a common thing to do "wave" operations over the Far East. (The "wave" operation is aerial reconnaissance)
Including his cheap teacher, Saburo Shibuya, who was also a staunch supporter of the war against Su, otherwise he would not have paid so much attention to him.

These people all want to expand the territory, make contributions, and leave a name in history.


"Old Liang, I want to see Arman, as soon as possible, you can arrange it." Zhou Sen went directly from No. 3 Yiyuan Road to the back kitchen of "Food for Heaven", and called Liang Yiming to him.

"Are you in a hurry?"

"It's not urgent, but it's better to hurry up. I have some things to tell him face to face." Zhou Sen said.

"Okay, let me report. Originally, your liaison with that side was 'pine needles', but now it's my job." Liang Yiming said.

"Hey, it's a lot of work for those who are capable. It's true that she is not as secretive as you are." Zhou Sen chuckled.

Liang Yiming nodded, Zhou Sen was telling the truth, Jiang Rou was indeed not as convenient and secretive as him.

Most people would not think of his relationship with Zhou Sen.

Jiang Rou is Zhou Sen's adopted sister, so it is easy to associate the relationship with her. Once exposed, both of them will be suspected.

After a simple meal, Zhou Sen drove to Mr. Hong's residence.

After taking Dr. Liu's medicine, Mr. Hong's condition has indeed improved a lot, but he has reached the point where his oil is exhausted, and the time he can procrastinate is limited.

Zhou Sen asked, and Dr. Liu said that it will take half a month at most, and I can't guarantee it if it is too long.

It's fate.

It seemed that Hong Lianghui and Mr. Hong had to meet for the last time as soon as possible. The old man was definitely not allowed to go out, so Hong Lianghui had to come back.


Waterway Street·Old Fengtian Tailor Shop.

Anna came by herself in a carriage, got out of the car, paid for the parking space, and went straight into the store. The young man Xiangzi was cleaning the counter. When he saw Anna coming in, he hurriedly greeted her from inside.

"Miss Martha, you are here."

"Where's Master Zheng?" Anna smiled slightly and asked in a well-spoken Chinese.

"You can speak Chinese?"

"A little bit, I just learned." Anna smiled shyly.

"Miss Martha, please." Xiangzi invited Anna inside. Zheng Han was sitting in front of the sewing machine, stepping on the thread.

Seeing Anna coming in, he looked up: "Miss Martha, wait a moment."

In fact, Anna had already seen the cheongsam she had ordered, and she signaled to her assistant Xiangzi to help her take it off.

"Miss Martha, there is a fitting room here, follow me." Xiangzi led Anna into a fitting room inside.

About seven or eight minutes later, Anna walked in wearing a cheongsam.

European and American women have relatively large skeletons. If they are cut according to the size of the skeleton, they will have a loose feeling when worn on the body.

Cheongsam is close-fitting, fleshy, but not worn by too many women. It is best for women who are too thin or too fat, one is too loose, and the other is too bloated.

Fortunately, although Anna is white, her frame is not too big. Apart from being taller than Asian women, her body shape is pretty good.

"Well, the waist is a little bigger by about half an inch, it can be modified..." When Zheng Nan made it, he left a margin. It is easy to make the clothes smaller if they are too big, but it is not easy to make them bigger if they are small.

"Miss Martha, how do you feel the shoulder movement?"

"It's okay, it's not bad." Anna moved her shoulders, and felt neither stretched nor loose.

"You can do some minor repairs and put the buttons on the plate, and the work can be completed." Zheng Nan said, "Come back to pick it up in three days, and I will send someone to your home for the latter?"

"Let's see when the time comes. I'll pick it up when I have time. If I don't have time, please send it to me." Anna nodded, "You also do a good job of suits here. I'll ask my husband to come over and make a set next time. suit, he's a businessman and needs a decent one when he's out and about.'
"Miss Martha, do you speak Chinese so well?"

"Hehe, I actually know a little Chinese, but I can't speak very well, so I can only hide my clumsiness, but in Ice City, if you don't speak Chinese, you can't do many things, so I can only keep talking. " Anna explained with a slight smile.

"Oh, your language talent is awesome." Zheng Nan gave a thumbs up.

"Thank you." Anna thanked politely.


"How is it, the second meeting, how do you feel?" Anna returned to the police station, and Zhou Sen almost returned.

"Good workmanship, worth the price."

"I'm asking what impression do you have of this Zheng Nan?" Zhou Sen asked angrily.

"Professional, calm, very friendly, very nice person." Anna closed her eyes and said after thinking for a while.

"You didn't see any flaws in him?" Zhou Sen frowned and asked.

"We don't have any flaws yet, but we can focus on this person," Anna said.

"Where's the manpower?"

"Manpower is indeed a problem, but let's apply upwards, don't you have a quota?" Anna said.

"If this Zheng Nan is really a hidden army lurker, then ordinary people are useless to him. You have to find someone who has undergone special training."

"You want to go to Yiyipo?" Anna immediately saw Zhou Sen's thoughts.


Zhou Sen nodded: "I just accepted a mission, which was assigned by Chief Sato himself, and there is a special budget, so from now on, we can recruit troops."

"Okay, what's the mission?"

"Collect all military-related intelligence information in the Far East of Soviet Russia, including army mobilization, personnel changes, weapons and equipment, logistical support, etc., as long as it is military-related information is collected, in addition, there are intelligence Analytical work."

"Isn't this the job of the Ice Spy? How did it get transferred to us?" Anna asked strangely.

"I don't know, but Chief Sato said so. It should be that the work of the ice spy will be adjusted." Zhou Sen nodded. There are some things that he doesn't want to ask.

"Does Shibuya-sensei know?"

"I don't know, but the higher-ups made this decision, so they should communicate with Shibuya-sensei, but we still need to report and listen to Shibuya-sensei's instructions." Zhou Sen said.

"I'll send a telegram to ask for instructions when I get back tonight."


"You want three days off?"

"Yes, Section Chief Akiyama, Chief Sato asked me to talk yesterday and gave me a task, so I'm here to ask you for leave."

"Is three days enough?"

"Should be enough." Zhou Sen thought for a while. It took less than two days to go to Yimengpo from here, and back and forth. One day is enough to pick people.

What's more, he has already greeted Rang Intelligence Department and Yimianpo.

"Are you going with Anna?"

"Yes." Zhou Sen wanted to go alone, but he thought it might not be objective to pick someone by himself, so it's better to go together as two people.

"Okay, I'll grant you a five-day vacation, so you have more time." Akiyamanosuke didn't ask any more questions, and Zhou Sen didn't say anything, which meant that Hideo Sato had imposed a ban there, otherwise, he should have known about it.

The intelligence department specially assigned Zhou Sen a secret mission. It was obvious that the intelligence department already trusted Zhou Sen very much and paid enough attention to it.


"Business trip, why are you on a business trip all of a sudden?" Back home, Zhou Sen packed his luggage. In fact, he didn't have anything else, just a few changes of clothes and toiletries, and a small rattan box was enough.

But Zhou Sen went on a business trip during Bai Yulan's confinement, which surprised everyone, including Bai Yulan herself.

"It's only three days, and the business trip is not far away, just in Zhuhe County in the east." Zhou Sen explained.

"Oh, is that you alone?"

"And Anna, she's on a business trip with me, and I'll take the early train tomorrow." Zhou Sen could have taken the evening train, but after thinking about it, it's better to choose to leave in the morning.

"Since it's business, you should go there early and return early, and be careful on the way." Bai Yulan also knew that Zhou Sen's job was beyond her control.

"I've already told Qin Lang about the full moon wine, and I'll put it in 'food is the sky'. It is estimated that there will be many people coming. I mainly have more colleagues here. I will prepare the list of invitations. Your side is mainly friends from the shopping mall, let’s estimate the number first.” Zhou Sen nodded, this matter needs to be prepared.

"There are still a lot of people. You said that if I don't run a bar, we won't do anything when we get married. If we don't do it this time, there will be a lot of gossip. People should say that we are too stingy, so let's make it simpler." " Bai Yulan nodded, if it was an ordinary person, it would not be entangled, even if there were banquets, it would not be able to invite many tables.

She is a celebrity and a rich person, if she really manages it, the guests will definitely be indispensable.

"How many tables can Food for Heaven set up?"

"Eighty tables are not a big problem, but if you exceed it, it will not work."

"That is to say, we need to limit the guests to eighty tables, let's do some calculations." Bai Yulan said, "I want Chang Bo to come back sooner. There are so many things, there is always someone to take care of."

"Okay, if he's not here, it will arouse some people's suspicion." Zhou Sen nodded.

"The dishes and drinks have to be decided first, and what should be bought and what can be bought are bought first." Bai Yulan said, "It is estimated that 'food is the sky' needs to buy some food storage equipment."

"You don't have to worry about this. Let Qin Lang and Xiaorou do it. Anyway, the new stage is being renovated now. She only needs to come and inspect the scene. There is still plenty of time left." Zhou Sen said, "The manpower at night, I also Let Shuangqinghui arrange people to train intensively first, and then let them go to work, so as not to cause chaos when they are busy."

"As for the chef, we can borrow some of the past from 'Sen' Kee, this should be enough."

"Well, it's almost time, I have to breastfeed the baby." Bai Yulan glanced at the time and pushed Zhou Sen out of the room.

"I have to take a look at the child before going to bed. I won't see the child for three days..." Zhou Sen said.

"Go, go, you can see the same thing tomorrow morning."

Zhou Sen had to catch the morning train and got up early. After seeing the two little guys, he went to see Bai Yulan.

Finding that Bai Yulan hadn't woken up yet, he couldn't bear to wake her up, told Ah Xiang, and went to the train station with Wu En.

As a lesson from the past, Zhou Sen will naturally bring Wu En with him, lest some people will have evil intentions on the way.

However, Wu En is not qualified to go to Poe's special training base. He can only wait for him in the town and come back together.

Business trips cost the money given by the Japanese, and if you don’t spend it, he won’t give you the money, but there’s no need to buy a sleeper car for daytime travel, as soft seats are fine.

The soft seat is comfortable to sit in, and the space is still large. Most importantly, you can also enjoy the high-quality service of the flight attendants.

After getting on the bus and finding his own seat, Zhou Sen closed his eyes and fell asleep. It wasn't that he didn't sleep well at night, but that the journey would be very hard. Take the time to rest, lest when you want to rest, you won't find a chance.

Wu En's ticket was with Zhou Sen, so Anna couldn't find any chance, and could only watch this opportunity slip away from her eyes.

A few hours passed in the blink of an eye.

After arriving at the station, get off the car and find a place to eat first. Someone came to pick him up, but Zhou Sen refused.

It's not the first time he and Anna have come here, so there's no need to mobilize the crowd, and if you don't pick up something, if you really come to pick someone up, maybe something will happen.

The three of them randomly found a restaurant on the street near the station to have lunch, and after some inquiries, they rented a carriage and took the three of them to Yimianpo Town.

Although it was a main road, the road was not easy to walk on, and I escaped a shower of rain, and arrived at Yimianpo Town around four o'clock in the afternoon.

Entering the mountain at this point would definitely not reach the special training base, and it would be dangerous. Zhou Sen decided to stay in the town for one night and then enter the mountain the next morning.

Anna naturally refused to miss such a good opportunity, but she never expected that Zhou Sen would open two rooms in order to save money, one for him and Wu En, and one for Anna.

Now Anna hates her so much that her teeth itch, but there is nothing she can do about him. There are some things that can be done, but they cannot be said.

Wu En became Zhou Sen's perfect shield.

But Wu En couldn't go into the mountains, and Zhou Sen didn't want him to go, so he could only stay in the town and wait for them to come back.

The two rented a horse each in the town, and went into the mountain smoothly. It was broad daylight, and they were familiar with the road, so they easily entered the special training base.

Since they left, the special training base has been expanded, adding many houses and training facilities.

There are hundreds of people stationed here for training and logistics support. In addition to training intelligence agents, they also train soldiers for special operations, mainly Belarusians and Mongolians, and even special gliding and parachute training. The training period is much longer in .

Zhou Sen and Anna came to pick people, and Sato Hideo gave him four places, but Zhou Sen was not satisfied, he just packed up and took away as long as he liked it.

(End of this chapter)

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