Chapter 407
"You are welcome to join the intelligence room. We will discuss your arrangements after you report." After talking with Muren, Zhou Sen sent out an invitation. After thinking about it, Muren agreed to go with Zhou Sen.

Even if the first person is finalized.

In the evening, Ozawa took Zhou Sen to a barbecue, all of which were wild game from the mountains and homemade meat skewers. If he hadn't restrained himself, Ozawa would almost have gotten drunk.

He doesn't want to be "do whatever he wants" secretly by someone at night, and he doesn't want to be made a joke by the people in the special training base.

Although he wasn't drunk, he still drank a lot, and it was inevitable that he still felt a little uncomfortable the next morning.

After breakfast, Zhou Sen and Anna went to watch the academy's morning training, which was much lower than their original standards.

At the beginning, their standards were based on the highest standards, and they practiced more frequently. In the end, their results were even higher than the standards set for excellence.

Of course, the current students are not bad, but the training atmosphere is much better than when they were there.

At that time, they were sent to lurk, and the requirements were much higher. Although they also have this intention now, the urgency is not as good as theirs.

The focus is to start observing a few people on the list they picked to see their training attitude and performance.

The attitude towards training can tell a person's attitude towards doing things. Zhou Sen knows that it is difficult to understand a person just by meeting and talking a few words.

However, from point to point, it is still possible to see something. After all, he doesn't have that much time to screen.

In the end, it is all about getting along at work and getting to know each other.

Ten people, 10 minutes for one person is enough.

After the morning class, Zhou Sen asked Ozawa to arrange for these ten people to come and meet them one by one. He prepared some questions, all of which were similar.

"If you and your partner are performing a mission to cover the retreat, and at this moment, you suddenly see an enemy sniper aiming at your partner, what will you do?"

"I will shoot the police as soon as possible."

"What if you don't have a gun?"

"Then I will remind him with my voice, and try to make him deviate from his position as soon as possible."

"Would you take a bullet for your companion?"


"You hesitated just now, can you tell me why?"


"Fear of death is a person's first instinct. It's nothing, as long as it's your true inner thoughts. Okay, let's go to the next one."

"Your companion violated discipline and did not report it, what will you do?"

"I will report it as soon as possible."

"Didn't you betray your companion by doing this?"

"Although he is my partner, bad rules and violation of discipline will bring more serious consequences, which is absolutely not allowed." The sonorous and forceful return.

"Well, okay, you can go down first, the next one.


"Nina, if you are sent to infiltrate the enemy, at this time, one of the enemies likes you and pursues you, and you also have a little interest in him, what will you do?" Zhou Sen's question is often very sharp. .

"I will keep a distance from him. I will neither give him a chance nor let him hate me for it." Nina replied after thinking for a while.

"What if the other party is willing to give up everything for you?"

"I will consult my superiors before deciding whether to make further contact."

"Very well, let me ask you another question. Among the students who participated in the special training with you, is there anyone you like, or that you are interested in him, and he also has feelings for you, please answer truthfully?" Zhou Sen asked .

"No." Nina thought for a moment and replied.

"Think about it, if you don't say it, you may miss an opportunity to work with your lover, and you may be separated from each other, and you will never have the chance to meet again." Zhou Sen tapped his finger on the table lightly Board, leaning back slightly.

Nina lowered her head, but finally said nothing.

"Okay, you go down first." Zhou Sen didn't say anything, and let her go out directly, and continued to meet the people below.

The other girl, surnamed Han, named Han Songyue, is not tall, has a baby face, and is quite deceptive.

The most interesting thing is that she is similar to Bai Yulan, but Bai Yulan comes from a family of generals, while she comes from a family of martial arts.

Such a woman is notorious in the entire police system in Manchuria, and she is quite beautiful.

Such a woman is still a policeman, so the coveted man is definitely indispensable. However, because she is strong enough, her too cold personality makes her not very popular in the unit. Although some people appreciate her and recommend her to come here , but she seems to be quite resistant to the job of being an agent.

Her training results are seriously biased, and her results are very good for those that are more action-oriented, but not so good for those that need to use their brains.

It's not that she is stupid or not smart, but that her interest is not in this area, so this is the result.

"This Nina has an unusual relationship with Bekovsky. It's not a secret at the base, it's just the private life of the students. As long as they don't affect the normal training, we as instructors generally don't interfere..."

"Aren't special trainees not allowed to fall in love?"

"Of course, this is the rule, and we have some special courses, but not for them." Ozawa said calmly, "Lilac should know that in Nakano School, our courses are much stricter than those here. gone."

Anna nodded. She was trained at Nakano School. The male students are okay, but the female students have to learn some special courses. She has also experienced it, but some of them have special identities and do not need to practice.

But she knows that many Japanese female students, especially beautiful female students, have experienced it, and after experiencing it, they will become another person.

If Anna didn't have Russians, she might have been given some special tasks to avoid those cruel trainings.

Otherwise, she can't escape.

The special training on Yimianpo's side is also mainly based on military skills and intelligence skills. Those special skills are only taught by instructors or demonstrated by instructors, and students will not be allowed to conduct them in person, but there is no prohibition for students to discuss with each other.

Of course, there will inevitably be some unpleasant things that happen, but that's another story.

"This Bekovsky is also on the list I'm interested in. These two people, either don't want it, or want it, Anna, what do you think?" Zhou Sen asked Anna, even if he came together, although he was the first Lord, but Anna is his partner, and opinions must always be referred to.

"Although I don't agree with agency romances, things are always divided into two. If two of them are sent to work in the enemy, if they are together, there will definitely be problems, but if one of them has a problem, the other will It will be very big, which is very dangerous, but if you are doing things behind the scenes, having such a stable relationship will be helpful, it depends on how you use them." Anna said.

"Well, some things can be restricted and controlled, but suppression is not enough. Once suppressed too much, it will be counterproductive. Nina's personality is more suitable for back office work, but Bekovsky can do field work. I think his military intelligence His grades are good, and he can do intelligence analysis, for the time being, let's take them both together." Zhou Sen nodded.

Ozawa doesn't care, anyway, it doesn't matter where these students go, for him, they are all passers-by in his special training work.

There are already two women and one man, not counting Muren, the number Zhou Sen wants is actually enough.

But Zhou Sen still chose two more, one is Molos, a descendant of Cossack cavalry, Chinese-Russian mixed blood, his father is Russian, and the other is Manchurian, surnamed Fu, named Fu Changming.

In this way, there are five people in total, plus the non-staff, excluding Muren who is on the list, there are six people.

Zhou Sen took this list to find Yamagata Qiuma, without Yamagata Qiuma's permission, he could not take these six people away.

"So many, how many colleges do I have in total this term, and you picked so many at once?" Yamagata Kouma looked at the list and asked in surprise.

"Sir Yamagata, I'm also here for the mission, otherwise I wouldn't have come to bother you." Zhou Sen handed over the pen.

"If it's like you, I, the commander of the base, don't do it." Yamagata begged Ma to take the pen, and Zhou Sen came over. The higher up said hello, otherwise, he wouldn't be so easy to talk to.

Most of the trainees sent for special training were booked, and some of them just came for training and then had to go back.

But in name, after these students come, they have nothing to do with the original organization and need to be reassigned.

If it wasn't for the order of the intelligence department of the Kwantung Army, Zhou Sen would not have given it to Zhou Sen.

However, the Intelligence Department of the Kwantung Army was the superior organization in charge of him, and he dared not disobey the orders signed by the Minister of Intelligence.

"Do you have to take these five people away?"

"To be honest, even if you give me five more people, I don't think it's too many." Zhou Sen said with a chuckle.

"I'll give you five more, those people will tear down my special training base." Yamagata Kouma snorted coldly, and then signed the document.

"When will you take them away?"

"Of course, the sooner the better, it's best to go back with me today." Zhou Sen said.

"You're not being polite at all."

"This is not the time to be humble. It's better to strike first." Zhou Sen also said without any concealment.

"Okay, as long as they are willing to go with you today, I will not stop them, but the training and assessment must pass."

"That's right, I've seen their training results, and they are basically qualified." Zhou Sen chuckled.

"Let Ozawa give you a ride, just go to the town to pick up a batch of supplies." Yamagata ordered.

"Thank you, Commander Yamagata."

"It's different if you're the first student to come back after leaving the base." Yamagata Kouma chuckled.

Back in the dormitory, Zhou Sen immediately called Anna: "Notify the people on the list, pack your luggage immediately, and leave with me."

"In such a hurry?"

"I'm afraid something will happen, so it's better to take the person away first." Zhou Sen said, "Go to the town to rest at night, and go to the train station tomorrow morning."

"Okay, how do so many people get there? If you walk, you may not be able to get there before dark?" Anna said.

"Ozawa-kun will also go with us, he will arrange it, you don't have to worry about it." Zhou Sen explained.

"That's good, I'll notify them one by one now." Anna promised.

End the special training early, and still go to work in Ice City, the salary and benefits are definitely not bad, no one would be unwilling.

Even if there are other reasons, this opportunity is rare. Once missed, there will probably not be a second time.

The selected people naturally packed their luggage at the first time and went through the formalities of leaving the special training base, which is actually a certificate of completion.

As for the follow-up courses, in fact, it is just to strengthen it, and I have learned everything that should be learned. The real thing to learn is to wait until work.

Cars cannot be used to transport supplies in the mountains, only horses are available, and the base naturally has a horse farm, otherwise it would be difficult to train equestrian skills.

But if you want to go out on horseback, you must get a permit.

After Zhou Sen had lunch at the base, the group left the base with their luggage and headed for Mianmianpo Town.

The weather in the afternoon is a bit hot, but the wind in the mountains is quite pleasant.

Everyone is not familiar with them, so apart from Zhou Sen's brief conversation with Ozawa, they all hurried on their way.

In summer, the sunshine time is long. When we arrived at Mianmianpo Town, the sky was still bright. If it were winter, it would have been dark for a long time.

I've been waiting for two days at the Wuen Hotel, and I'm really a little bored. When I saw Zhou Sen, Anna and others coming back, I was overjoyed and greeted them.

"Wuen, arrange a room, one for each person, eat first, and then rest." Zhou Sen got off his horse and ordered.

"Okay." Wu En agreed, and arranged for Nina and others to stay in the hotel.

"I will return the horse I rented, and I will rent two carriages to go to the county seat." Zhou Sen turned to Anna and said, "I leave this place to you. I asked Ozawa to have dinner tonight. He will go to the county seat with us tomorrow."

"Okay, let's go." Anna clicked on the picture.

After returning the horses, they rented two more carriages, and agreed on a time, so that the handlebars would come directly to the hotel tomorrow to pick them up.

Although the Japanese army's carriage could be used, Zhou Sen didn't want to be too high-profile, it's better to keep a low profile.

It's also for safety's sake.

Early the next morning, Zhou Sen and a group of people took two carriages to the county railway station, but there was no noon ticket, and there was only a car passing through Bingcheng at night.

Otherwise you have to wait until the next morning.

Zhou Sen didn't want to stay another night, so he arranged to buy a ticket for the night. This time, he bought a sleeper berth.

"With so many people going back, where do you plan to arrange for them to live?" Anna asked.

"The house given to us by the Ministry of Intelligence needs to be refurbished. It can't live in people temporarily. Let them find a hotel nearby to live for a while, or let them rent a house by themselves." Zhou Sen said, "How to survive in a strange city? , is also a test."

"Okay." Anna nodded, "I want Nina and Han Songyue to live with me at your house."


"As for the other four, it depends on their wishes." Anna said, "I'll arrange a hotel for them first, and then see what they think."

"it is good."

"Let them get acquainted with the environment first, know what kind of city they are in, the main streets, landmark buildings, etc. In this regard, you can arrange it and give them three days." Zhou Sen ordered.

(End of this chapter)

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