Chapter 416 The Associated Person
Get out of Guo Laosi's house and go back to the car.

"How credible do you think Guo Laosi's words are?" Zhou Sen asked Anna. It was the first time for him and Anna to see Guo Laosi, and the first impression was the most important.

"This Guo Laosi doesn't feel like he's lying to me."

"Well, his thinking is clear and organized, and it can be seen that he is a very self-disciplined person."

"Yes, although the family is poor, it is very clean and tidy. Of course, many scholars are like this. It's not surprising."

"Students have ideals and noble aspirations, but in the eyes of ordinary people, that is arrogance, even pedantic and weird."

"What about you, what do you think about Old Four Guo?"

"I'm thinking about how Wen Lin joined the Jagged Society, and how he came into contact with the underground organization of the Bingcheng Military Command," Zhou Sen said.

"What's so strange about this is that Wen Lin's family is treated unfairly by the family and society, so he is naturally resentful. As long as someone guides him, he will naturally be lured to join." Anna said.

Zhou Sen didn't speak.

It is also reasonable for Anna to say this. Wen Lin's family situation makes it easy to feel dissatisfied with the society. As long as this emotion is guided by others, it will easily lead to a radical path.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether this road is right or wrong, but once you embark on it, it will inevitably be full of dangers and thorns.

We all know that the "Iron Blood Society" is the outskirts of the underground organization of the Bingcheng Military Command, but how did Wen Lin join?
That's the most important thing.

And Hong Lianghui said that he joined after Wen Lin's introduction, which shows that Wen Lin joined earlier than him.

So what about the rest of the ice industry?

The development of the "Iron Blood Society" in the Ice Industry University must have a first person. This first person may not be the general convener, but it must be the most critical person.

The internal organizational structure of the "Iron Blood Society" is as follows. The code name of the president (general director) is Glauber's salt, and then there are six officers who are mainly responsible for social affairs. The Ice Workers' Branch is the most important branch of the "Iron Blood Society".

Among the six officers, two were from the University of Ice Works, Wen Lin was one of them, and the other was Zhao Qian. After being arrested, he couldn't take it anymore and died during the subsequent torture.

The reason why Wen Lin is alive is that he confessed some people. This Zhou Sen has seen from the file, from this aspect.

It is no exaggeration for Wen Lin to be a traitor of the "Iron Blood Society", and the military commander has never been lenient in dealing with traitors.

Therefore, the members of the "Iron Blood Club" who were arrested because of Wen Lin's confession naturally did not have any good feelings for him.

In the correctional institution, they didn't dare to deal with Wen Lin openly, but they could treat him coldly and violently. Only Hong Lianghui was left by Wen Lin's side.

Hong Lianghui's betrayal came after he was arrested. He and Wen Lin were originally friends, and now they did something "shameful" together, so they sympathized with each other.

Wen Lin is a director, so he must know the identity of the director-general "Granny's salt", but he said that he didn't know.

Of course, Zhao Qian, who could not be tortured, gave the same answer. If not, he would not have been sent to the correctional institution, but would have continued to be tortured to extract a confession.

The director-general: Glauber's salt has a mysterious identity and should be the core figure of the Bingcheng station of the military command. Bai Shoutian's investigation stopped at this step and could not break through.

This case cannot proceed.

As for the other four officers, they seldom participated in the activities of the "Iron Blood" branch of the Ice Industry University. Except for later, these four people disappeared.

Obviously, they had received the news and fled ahead of time.

Zhao Qian is mainly responsible for the work of the Iron Blood Branch of the Ice Industry University. He is the branch secretary, and Wen Lin is only assisting and planning.

Zhao Qian's eloquence is very good, and his speech is very contagious and friendly. Therefore, he was able to develop more than a dozen people in the Ice Industry University to join the "Iron Blood Society", becoming the most influential branch and important force of the "Iron Blood Society".

Moreover, the members of the Ice Industry University are all a group of young people with such high IQ and vigor. Compared with other branches, their weight is undoubtedly the greatest. "A heavy blow.

Since then, the monitoring and ideological censorship of Bingcheng universities by the Japanese special agencies and the Puppet Manchurian secret agencies have become more stringent, and it has become even more difficult for the "Iron Blood Club" to develop personnel in it.

With Wen Lin's death, even the only clue was broken, because now only he could know the identity of "glauber's salt".

Of course, he may not really know.

Otherwise, the case would not be closed in the end because the investigation could not go on.

He would be suspicious of anyone who had a close relationship with Wen Lin, especially those who had a great influence on Wen Lin.

Uncle Guo Lao Si is naturally also among his suspicions. Some people are the least like people, and they are probably the ones who hide the most.

This is also the reason why Zhou Sen wants to meet Guo Laosi in person. He can only judge the speculation in his heart if he sees this person with his own eyes.

However, after meeting Guo Laosi, he didn't find any flaws, either he suspected that it was false, or the other party's disguise had reached the point where there were no traces, so he couldn't find it.

No matter which one it is, it seems that the result is not bad.

Now it's not that there is a target person, just keep watching. If Zheng Nan from the old Fengtian tailor shop really has a problem, it will be revealed sooner or later.

Not in a hurry anyway.

"Do you want to arrange someone to investigate this fourth Guo?" Anna has cooperated with Zhou Sen so many times, how can she not understand his thoughts.

"Do we have manpower?" Zhou Sen asked.

"Squeeze, there will always be something, at least check it, you can rest assured, right?" Anna said, taking a look at Zhou Sen.

Zhou Sen couldn't deny it.

Anna didn't ask any more questions, and the car returned to the police station all the way.



"Section Chief Akiyama, let me report to you about the investigation of the case of the military commander 'Iron Blood Club' that you handed over to me."

"Oh, there are clues so soon?" Akiyamanosuke was a little surprised.

"It can only be said that we have found some information, but it is not a clue. After all, Director Bai of the Nangang Police Station has also investigated this case. Director Bai is a well-known expert in solving crimes. However, it is very difficult for others to investigate the cases he has handled. .” Zhou Sen said hurriedly.

Akiyamanosuke nodded. He used to be the chief of the special affairs department and director officer of the Nangang Police Station. He naturally knew Bai Shoutian's ability.

There is basically no need to investigate the case that Bai Shoutian has handled, and the reason why he handed over this case to Zhou Sen for investigation is that the reason is unknown to outsiders.

"Oh, tell me, what did you find?" Akiyamanosuke asked.

"Just when we went to the correctional institution to investigate the case, the key person in this case, Wen Lin, died suddenly. After the on-site investigation, the possibility of homicide was ruled out..."

"So, someone wanted to silence Wen Lin's death, to prevent him from revealing some secrets?"

"I can't say that, maybe it was an accident. After all, under such circumstances, a person's spirit is under the double blow of his future and feelings, and it is very possible to go from one extreme to another. However, someone passed It's hard to say why people disclose information from the outside world to Wen Lin," Zhou Sen said.

"It's really unbelievable that one piece of news can make people commit suicide. Zhou Senjun, what do you think?" Akiyama Nosuke is also an old spy and old policeman. .

"Now, we need to find out the person who delivered the news, and what is his purpose?" Zhou Sendao, "I have already made a portrait sketch of the person he met based on Hong Lianghui's description, but we went to Neither the brick factory nor the correctional institution has received relevant information, and the brick factory is not easy to investigate, after all, there is no authorization, and I have no right to question the citizens of the Great Japanese Empire."

"For this authorization, you need to go to the Japanese consulate and let the director of the special high school, Kawai, accompany you there." Akiyamanosuke said.

"But I'm not very familiar with Section Chief Chuanhe, besides, is Section Chief Sichuan Cooperation willing to cooperate with me?" Zhou Sen asked.

"Don't worry, I'll say hello to you, just go to him directly, and say that I arranged for you to go to him." Akiyama said.

"Understood, then I'll go after you say hello."

"Well, I'll ask Special Assistant Jin to inform you later, and she will also accompany you. Special Assistant Jin and Section Chief Chuanhe are also friends." Akiyamanosuke said.

Zhou Sen froze for a moment, then nodded.

The brick factory in the eastern suburbs was run by the Japanese. They were able to get the ideological prisoners of the correctional institution to do hard work for him. The background was obviously unusual. Zhou Sen didn't dare to come to investigate rashly.

What's more, he is a puppet policeman, if he goes to the door, he might be thrown out immediately, that's so embarrassing.

Therefore, to investigate, it is natural to obtain the authorization of Akiyama. If Akiyama is unable to do so, then the case cannot be investigated, and it has nothing to do with him, and he does not have to bear responsibility.


"Uncle Lin, you must come on the sixth day of next month!" Zhou Sen went to see Lin Dakuan and handed the invitation to him.

"Hehe, don't worry, I must go. I still remember the ice and snow burn in your house, and I will never forget it after drinking it once!"

"Don't worry, that night is enough!"

"Okay." Lin Dakuan laughed and accepted Zhou Sen's invitation.

Zhou Sen sent invitations to Li Shaotang and Zou Shuxun respectively. The two were naturally very happy and promised on the spot that they would go there on time.

As for the other people in the police department, Zhou Sen also distributed the invitations one by one, but it was not as solemn as these people.

Those who received the invitation basically promised to go to congratulate at that time.

As for Director Bai and Deputy Director Matsuda Kikuo of the Police Department, Zhou Sen naturally delivered the invitations in person, but he didn't dare to ask if the two of them could be there, as the other party accepted the invitations to save face.

Of course, Zhou Sen didn't necessarily want them to be there. He wanted to keep a low profile.

However, this invitation had to be sent out.

After finishing the work on the invitation, Zhou Sen finally finished his task and was about to go home from get off work.

Su Wenqing's old housekeeper, Su Xing, stood guard at the gate of the police station and stopped him.

Su Wenqing is waiting for him at "Food is the Heaven" right now.

"Food for Heaven" has already started to close down, because Zhou Sen's office needs a place, tables and chairs, and the store needs to be re-arranged.

Therefore, except for the boxes, the dine-in in the hall is not open to the public, and only reservations are accepted.

However, the turnover has not decreased. This is the off-season of summer, and the flow of people to eat in the restaurant is not large.

And "Food is the Heaven" has enough private boxes, basically all of them are enough.

It's just that the service will be affected. After all, for the full moon banquet, a large number of personnel need to be trained.

"President Su, I'm going home to take care of my children after work. You sent someone to stop me here. What happened?" Zhou Sen expressed his heart to Su Wenqing as soon as he entered the door. dissatisfaction.

"Brother Zhou, forgive me. If it wasn't for something important, I wouldn't make such a bad move and let Su Xing block people."

"Call me if you have anything to do. I know, so I'll come to you naturally?" Zhou Sen sat down.

"I can't always call the police station, no, our relationship is low-key and nothing bad, right?" Su Wenqing said with a chuckle.

"Is there any movement from Feng Hua?" Zhou Sen rolled his eyes and guessed why Su Wenqing was so anxious to find him.

"It's a quarrel. Feng Hua has nothing to do these days. Sitting and eating, that Xiao Wan is not happy anymore. They find faults all day long, and the two start bickering, and then the quarrel gets louder and louder. Feng Hua was so angry today that he hit Xiao Wan. A slap in the face." Su Wenqing said.

"You designed it?"

"It's up to me to design this. This will stir up conflicts between husband and wife, so that Feng Hua can smoothly enter Qin Xiong's subordinates to work."

"Xiao Wan must have gone to Qin Xiong and cried?"

"Well, today Qin Xiong went directly to find Feng Hua at home. The two of them didn't quarrel this time. Qin Xiong wanted Feng Hua to help him in his casino. Feng Hua directly refused this time." Su Wenqing said.

"Qin Xiong is very suspicious. He won't believe it once or twice. Even if Feng Hua promises to help, he won't believe it easily. Therefore, if Feng Hua goes, he will not only sit on the bench for a while, but also To be able to suffer some sarcasm, he has to be able to stand the sarcasm and sneer from these people, and he has to pretend to be unbearable, how to grasp this scale depends on himself." Zhou Sen said.

"You are a professional in this area, so I have to ask you to help guide, don't let Qin Xiong see the flaws." Su Wenqing was very excited and enthusiastic about Feng Hua's undercover Qin Xiong. In the past business battles, such a thing has never been done.

"Qin Xiong is suspicious and cunning. It is not easy to gain his trust. He will not trust anyone easily. Moreover, we have to be careful of another person." Zhou Sen said.


"Jin Yazhen, Qin Xiong's wife, she is not just a rich daughter. What kind of person is Qin Xiong? This Jin Yazhen can secure the position of Qin Xiong's daughter-in-law not only because she has a good father, but also because of her social skills and The wrist is also top-notch, we only thought of Qin Xiong as an opponent before, but in fact, our opponent is this couple." Zhou Sen said.

"Jin Yazhen, is it because Huang Fujun, the murderer who killed Ye San'er, is related to the Jin family?" Su Wenqing asked.

"Huangfu Jun didn't get any benefit from Qin Xiong, so it's worth working for him?" Zhou Sen sneered, "Only the Jin family can do it. If it wasn't for Jin Yazhen to come forward, Huangfu Jun would go to the hospital knowing that murder is a capital crime." Do it?"

(End of this chapter)

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