Chapter 419
Masako doesn't have a special car.

Therefore, he got into Zhou Sen's car as a matter of course.

"East Suburb Brick Factory."

Zhou Sen gave an order, and Wu En understood it in seconds. He immediately started the car and headed towards the eastern suburbs, walking on the street all the way.

"Where is Miss Masako from?" Zhou Sen broke Chen Mo in the car first.

"I'm from Kyoto." Masako nodded slightly.

"Kyoto, I haven't been there, I must go to see it if I have the chance, can Miss Masako be my guide then?"

"of course."

"Officer Zhou has been reused at such a young age, he has a bright future."

"Miss Masako, you're being polite. I just did what I can, and I can't talk about a bright future..."

The two of them chatted in the car without saying a word, which felt like an awkward conversation. In the end, Zhou Sen couldn't find anything to talk about, so he had to roll down the window to let the outside wind blow in.

"Is Officer Zhou married?"

"Ah?" Zhou Sen didn't expect Masako to ask him such a personal question out of the blue. After all, they just met, and the other party was a young woman.

"It's fine if it's not convenient to answer." Masako blushed slightly, lowered her head and said.

"Oh, it's nothing inconvenient." Zhou Sen chuckled, "I'm married, and my wife just gave birth to a pair of twins, which will be full moon on the sixth day of this month."

"Really, then congratulations to Police Officer Zhou." Masako looked up in surprise, a faint disappointment flashed in her eyes.

"Thank you." Zhou Sen did not invite Masako.

The brick factory has arrived.

Because I called the person in charge in advance, the person in charge had already sent someone to wait at the door. A Japanese man with a figure like a short winter melon ran over with short legs, like a pig.

"Miss Masako, if you have something to do, just give me an order, and come here in person." The other party obviously knew Masako, and that was flattery.

"Officer Zhou, let me introduce you. This is Director Yoshikawa." Masako introduced the chunky middle-aged Japanese man to Zhou Sendao.

Zhou Sen stepped forward and bowed slightly. He had been to the brick factory several times, but he had never seen this Yoshikawa. It was obvious that he was looked down upon by others and was unwilling to show his face.

The Japanese are all this kind of virtue, and they have long been used to it.

"Manager Yoshikawa, hello, my humble servant Zhou Sen, from the Special Affairs Section of the Bingcheng Police Department." Zhou Sen also introduced his identity politely.

"It's Police Officer Zhou, hello." Yoshikawa responded to the above with an indifferent expression, but when he turned to face Masako, he was smiling again, and he had brought the face-changing technique into full play.

"Miss Masako, please, I have prepared good tea for you..."

The office of the brick factory is small and poorly furnished. It is estimated that Yoshikawa doesn't come here very often, but he cleaned it up before they came, and there are traces of water dragging on the ground.

"Miss Masako, the place is simple and neglected." Yoshikawa enthusiastically invited Masako to sit down, but chose to turn a blind eye to Zhou Sen.

Obviously, he didn't take Zhou Sen seriously at all. Fortunately, he had found someone from a special high school, otherwise Zhou Sen would come by himself, not only would no one see him, he might not even be allowed to enter the door.

Masako also noticed that when she sat down, she also took Zhou Sen along to avoid embarrassment for both parties.

There was nothing to talk about, Masako and Zhou Sen got straight to the point, stated their purpose, and showed the sketch of the person he saw described by Hong Lianghui to Yoshikawa, asking him to identify whether this person was in the brick factory work.

Although Yoshikawa is the manager, he doesn't know the people in the factory, at most he can know a few team leaders.

Call the head of the shift on duty.

"This, this is a bit like that kid Huang Xiyuan." One of the team leaders came up to him, carefully looked at the sketched portrait, thought for a while, and stammered.

"Huang Xiyuan, where is he?"

"He, he's been on sick leave for a few days..." The team leader was frightened and stuttered even more nervously.

"Sick leave, when did you ask for it?"

"Three days ago, he suddenly fainted at work. He must have suffered from heat stroke. Then he asked me to ask for leave, saying that he would go home and rest for two days. He would come back to work when he recovered from his illness," the team leader explained.

"Do you know where he lives, can you take me there?" Zhou Sen asked eagerly.

"Yeah, yeah, I've been there twice..."

"Miss Masako, I want to go to Huang Xiyuan's house first, so I will trouble you here." Zhou Sen begged Yazi.

"Okay, Officer Zhou, go ahead, I'll help you with the following investigation." Masako nodded.

Zhou Sen immediately drove the team leader to the home of the team leader named Huang Xiyuan.

This Huang Xiyuan lived not far away. His family lived in a village near the brick factory, and he used to make bricks. Otherwise, he would not have come to work in the brick factory, and he would have become the team leader.

In the car, Zhou Sen also asked the team leader about Huang Xiyuan's situation. Huang Xiyuan is usually taciturn, but he has a good temper and good skills, so the big guy recommended him to be the team leader. He also has the highest rate of good products , Therefore, all the team leaders like him, after all, this is what the brick factory needs.

The car drove into a section of dirt road, which was a little bumpy, but soon arrived at the door of Huang Xiyuan's house.

"Huang Xiyuan, brother Xiyuan..." The team leader got out of the car, opened his mouth and shouted loudly into the yard.

He yelled a few times, but there was no movement inside.

"Is he the only one in his house?" Zhou Sen asked strangely.

"He has a wife and a son, a family of three." The team leader shook his head and replied.

"Then will you go to work in the field?"

"At this point, probably not, besides, there is no farm work in the field at the moment, and Huang Xiyuan has suffered from heat stroke, so he can't go to the field..."

"Go, go in and have a look." Zhou Sen ordered, he didn't need to have a premonition, he felt that the situation was not very good, Huang Xiyuan probably got the news and ran away.

The courtyard door was not locked, and it opened with a push. Zhou Sen, Wu En, and the team leader directly entered the courtyard.

Huang Xiyuan himself works in a brick factory, but his house is still an adobe house with a thatched roof, but it doesn't look like it has been in disrepair for a long time, and the yard is pretty clean. It seems that he is also a hardworking person at home.

After entering the house, it is the main hall, the bedroom is on the left, and the kitchen is on the right. The water in the tank is full, but the stove is cold.

Lifted the lid and found a trace of rust on the bottom of the pot.

This is at least three days without touching the stove.

Whose house does not use the pot and stove for three days? Obviously, there is no one living in this house for at least three days. The bedroom is basically unnecessary to look at, and the clothes are probably gone.

Sure enough, when Zhou Sen went to check the bedroom again, although the inside was clean, the change of clothes was gone.

It was obvious that the family had long since emptied out.

"This, this, what's going on here..." The team leader who came with Zhou Sen was stunned by this situation, and didn't know what to say.

"Do you know anyone around, or are there other workers in the village of the brick factory?" Zhou Sen asked.

"There are a few, all from this village, but they are all in the class." The class leader said.

"First ask the neighbor next door to see when the person left." Zhou Sen nodded and immediately gave instructions.

Always find out when the family left. Also, since his family left, there should be relatives in the village. It is impossible for him to remove all social connections.

Now it can basically be concluded that this Huang Xiyuan is the person they are looking for, otherwise, why did the whole family suddenly disappear?

Knocking on several houses near Huang's house, as a worker, Zhou Sen asked about some situations. Most of them said that they had seen Huang Xiyuan three days ago, and hadn't seen each other since.

Obviously, Huang Xiyuan came back from the brick factory on leave three days ago, then packed his luggage that night, and left with his wife and children in the dead of night.

It's summer now, so if you go out at night, you don't have to worry about the temperature being too cold, and they are going out at night.

The neighbors are all asleep, so of course no one knows.

Moreover, although Huang Xiyuan has lived in the village for many years, he was not from the village at the beginning, and there is no relative in the village, and the big guys don't know the origin of their family of three very well.

Anyway, when I first came here, the accent didn't sound like a local, but after living for a long time, the accent gradually became similar to the local.

If you have been with him for a long time, you really can't hear it.

"Huang Xiyuan's blank-making skills are so good, why didn't he bring any apprentices in the brick factory?" Zhou Sen asked the team leader on the way back.

"I brought two apprentices with me. I asked for leave that day due to heat stroke, and it was one of the apprentices who sent him back." The team leader said.

"Go, go back, take me to meet this apprentice."

"Hey." The team leader was very nervous, no matter how stupid he was, he could tell that Huang Xiyuan was in trouble, and he secretly ran away with his wife and children, but he didn't dare to ask more about what was going on. It is obviously not a trivial matter for the Japanese to intervene.

The worst thing is, don't get yourself involved in this matter.

Back at the brick factory, the team leader immediately took Zhou Sen to meet the apprentice named Xiao Ding. He had been with Huang Xiyuan for a long time, more than half a year.

A dark-skinned, honest-looking young man was a little nervous when he saw Zhou Sen.

"Don't be nervous, we'll just ask you about your master Huang Xiyuan's situation, just tell me the truth." Zhou Sen said.

Although he couldn't judge Huang Xiyuan's identity, he should have a deep relationship with the 'juntong'.

Maybe it was arranged for him to work in the brick factory from the very beginning. After all, the brick factory has a group of thought prisoners who came from the correctional institution to punish labor, and only the people in the brick factory have the opportunity to get in touch.

But these arrested people are basically worthless, unless they are burying dark chess. If Bai Yulan's "skate knife" team is understandable, but at the Bingcheng Station of the military command, do they have such a long-term consciousness?
Zhou Sen didn't dare to underestimate the heroes of the world. Those who can be sent undercover to lurk in the enemy's lair are naturally courageous people. If this is an idiot or a coward, it doesn't matter if something happens to him, and I'm afraid it will implicate the entire organization .

"How long have you been learning to make bricks from your master Huang Xiyuan?"

"It's been more than half a year. I started to learn from him at the beginning of the year, and then I have been working with him." Xiao Ding said.

"What are your master's usual preferences, for example, what does he like to eat, what kind of cigarettes he likes to smoke, and what color of clothes does he like to wear?"

"My master likes to eat pork head meat. He doesn't like to smoke cigarettes. He buys tobacco leaves and rolls cigarettes by himself. Usually in the brick factory, we work barefoot and wear burlap jackets, which are durable. ..."

"Yeah." Zhou Sen nodded. He did see a bundle of uncut tobacco leaves and a set of homemade cigarette rolling tools at Huang Xiyuan's house. There are many cigarette factories in Bingcheng, and many people have worked in tobacco factories. , Cigarettes are not a highly skilled job, but for ordinary people, rolling their own cigarettes is much cheaper than buying cigarettes.

Of course, self-rolling cigarettes depends on personal preference, and some people like to add other ingredients in it.

"You sent your master back that day, what's going on at his house?" Zhou Sen asked.

"It's nothing, but Master was taken aback, and quickly asked Master to lie down on the bed to rest, and then made Master soup to relieve the heat."

"How is your master, do you usually suffer from heat stroke?" Zhou Sen asked.

"My master is in good health. If you suffer from heat stroke, this often happens in the brick factory. Usually, you will be fine after taking a rest. When I sent the master back, he was just a little dizzy, and the rest is fine." Xiao Ding said.

"Does your master usually behave strangely in the brick factory, or make excuses to send you away?"

"It doesn't seem to be..." Xiao Ding thought about it carefully and shook his head.

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation." After Zhou Sen finished asking, he sent someone to go directly, and then asked the team leader to find a worker who was familiar with Huang Xiyuan, and asked him about the situation. The questions were all the same, and he went to Huang Xiyuan for lunch again. And took a look at the resting place.

Nothing worthwhile leads.

At this time, the communication between Masako and Yoshikawa is over. Masako mainly understands the situation of the workers in the brick factory.

The problem lies in the brick factory. Someone infiltrated into the brick factory and had secret contact with the thought prisoners in the correctional institution.

There is obviously a problem with the management of the brick factory. How can the brick factory say that it is not responsible for such a thing.

The director of the factory, Yoshikawa, is the first person in charge, and he is obviously responsible. Zhou Sen can't take care of it, but the special high school can take care of it.

When Yoshikawa saw Zhou Sen again, he was no longer as arrogant as before. Obviously he was scolded by Masako.

Of course, he would probably place the hatred on him, because if he hadn't investigated the case of Wen Lin's suicide, perhaps all of this would have nothing to do with him.

"The man ran away, now we can only issue a warrant first, it may be difficult to catch him." Zhou Sen said to Masako.

"If you had come here sooner..."

"Miss Masako, do you think I would have experienced seeing Yoshikawa without you coming here?"

Zhou Sen asked back.

Masako nodded approvingly.

She wasn't a fool, and it was obvious from Yoshikawa's attitude towards Zhou Sen from the very beginning that he would never let Zhou Sen enter the brick factory for investigation.

In fact, they were only two days late, and that Huang Xiyuan had sneaked away three days ago.

This shows that people have received the letter a long time ago, or they have already prepared to sneak away, and they just need to find a reasonable excuse to hide it for so many days without being noticed.

(End of this chapter)

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