Chapter 425
"Brother Sen, here comes a man named Cheng Yunfeng, who claims to be your subordinate." Ale knocked on the door to report.

"Well, that's right, this Cheng Yunfeng is my subordinate, you go and invite him in." Zhou Sen ordered.


"Brother Sen, Sister Anna asked me to bring you this. All the newspapers on the market today that reported on last night's full moon banquet are here." Cheng Yunfeng came in with a stack of newspapers.

"Okay, thank you, Yunfeng." Zhou Sen nodded. He really wanted to see how the newspapers in Bingcheng reported the full moon banquet last night. Anna thought of it and sent someone to deliver it to him. come over.

"It's not hard, it's my honor to be able to work for Brother Sen." Cheng Yunfeng said hurriedly.

"Those of you who followed me didn't have invitations, so you probably didn't get any presents. You will go to Wu En later and I'll give you one, but the pastry is gone."

"Thank you Brother Sen, Boss Bai already gave it to us yesterday." Cheng Yunfeng thanked him.

"Oh, it was all due to drinking, and I didn't care about it. No one told me when I woke up. Since I took them all, that's fine." Zhou Sen chuckled.

"Then look, if you need to know anything, you can ask me at any time, I will be on duty by your side today."

"Okay, what about Anna?"

"Sister Anna went to the intelligence room."

"Okay, let's do it this way. In fact, I don't need you here. You should go back to the police station in case something happens there." Zhou Sen nodded and asked A Le to help him see off someone, while he sat down. After coming down, he picked up the top newspaper and read it.

There were quite a few reporters outside "Food is the Sky" last night, but they had no chance to get in, and were all blocked from the door.

However, it is not ruled out that these powerful reporters obtained information on the "banquet" through other means.

Even photos.

At the child's full moon banquet, Zhou Sen invited all distinguished guests, so it was understandable to check the invitations, but it was absolutely impossible to search the body.

So it was not unusual for a guest to bring a camera in and take photos. Zhou Sen also arranged for a photographer himself to preserve this precious scene.

In fact, guests like to take pictures. If it is for private use, he will not mind, but if it is for commercial use, it is another matter.

Even if he doesn't pursue it, the integrity level of the person who took the photo will drop a notch from his side in the future. At least if there is cooperation, he will not give priority to cooperation with him.

If there are photos of the internal banquet, the internal photos will naturally be used. If there are no photos, the external scene of "food is the sky" can only be used as the photo.

Anna was determined, and searched almost all the large and small newspapers in Bingcheng, including Chinese, Japanese and Russian editions.

In fact, newspapers that are published publicly have a record in the police department. Every day a newspaper is published, a copy of the record must be sent to the police department.

The reports of the big newspapers are quite satisfactory, and they will not take the initiative to cause trouble for themselves. Naturally, the Japanese newspapers are not worried, so they naturally exaggerate the "co-prosperity" ideas they have always wanted to express, and then involve the Nisman family and so on. To Zhou Sen He and Bai Yulan also praised them so much that they were short of writing "Riman Family" on their foreheads as a model family.

The Russian version of the newspaper controlled by Belarus has a slightly sour taste. After all, the people Zhou Sen lost to them are now drifting away from them, and even have less contact with them. If they can have a spokesperson for interests like Zhou Sen , life is much better than now.

The tabloids have no scruples, but they don't dare to be too presumptuous. There is praise between the lines, but in fact there is a grotesque atmosphere.

Why did Zhou Sen eat soft food!Bai Yulan is a woman after all, the old cow eats young grass...

Anyway, it’s just to expose the past love history of Zhou Sen and Bai Yulan, especially Zhou Sen’s pursuit of Jin Suying in Nangang Police Station, and the experience of being a dog licker. The writing is extremely bloody, but these things are true and false False, how many people can tell the difference, it will inevitably become the talk of the people after dinner?

Youyou's mouth can't be stopped, even if the newspaper office is shut down today, as long as it doesn't involve "politics", you can't do anything to him.

Of course, if he really wanted to take advantage of the power in his hands and act perversely once, it was not impossible.

The question is, can he do it?

After looking around, there really wasn't anyone who dared to call him a "traitor" by name, otherwise, Anna would have ordered the newspaper to be shut down a long time ago.

But last night, almost all the heads of the Bingcheng military, police, and special agencies were present. Almost all newspapers described the scene, and some even published the list directly.

If this is a real traitor, I'm afraid he will get carried away with complacency. This is the highlight moment of his life, but Zhou Sen can't be happy.

Be cautious, low-key and wretched development.

This trick has been defeated, and after today, who doesn't know that Zhou Sen is a rising star in the "traitor" circle in Bingcheng?
He was deliberate and didn't make a big deal of it, but he couldn't hold back and started, so he couldn't shrink back.

It's kind of shooting itself in the foot.

People, who has never been involved in a few stupid things, now it seems that there are more bad things or more good things, it is still unclear.

This full moon banquet is helpful for him to sneak into the Japanese intelligence agency, but it is definitely not good for his reputation and safety.

It's just that at this point, I can only bite the bullet and go on.

"Wu En, tie up these newspapers and put them away." Zhou Sen called Wu En and gave instructions.

"Come on, I haven't read it yet." Bai Yulan came in from the outside and said hastily when she saw a stack of newly published newspapers on the coffee table.

"It's not worth it if you look at it and still feel angry about it."

"Just take it as a way to pass the time. You see, I can't do anything else besides babysitting at home." Bai Yulan said.

Zhou Sen requested that Bai Yulan be able to work at least after two full moons, and it's only been a month now.

"Okay, just don't get angry." Zhou Sen also knew that even if he refused, Bai Yulan could still see it if he wanted to.

"Stop sticking around here, the baby's diapers should be washed..." Bai Yulan waved her hand and ordered.

In fact, with so many people in the family, and a helper like Aunt Chun, it really wasn't his turn to wash diapers.

However, as a qualified father, it doesn't count if you haven't washed your child's diapers, otherwise how would you know how hard it is to raise a child.

Only when you have raised your own children can you know the hard work of your parents.

The yard, next to the well.

"Oh sir, I'll wash the baby's diapers..."

"It's okay. I have nothing to do. Aunt Chun, go and do other things. It's just a few diapers, and they are not dirty. They will be washed soon." Zhou Sen turned his head.

"Sir, you are the best person I've ever met. I've never seen you before." It wasn't the first day Aunt Chun was working as a servant, and she was already the fourth or fifth in Ningxiang Restaurant.

"Thank you for the compliment. From now on, my son and daughter will grow up. As a father, I have to tell them that when you were young, your father washed your diapers. This is true!" Zhou Sen laughed .

Zhou Sen was humming a little tune, washing diapers happily, over and over again, when Chang Bo walked over quickly.

"Uncle, I have something to report to you." Chang Bo saw Zhou Sen squatting on the ground washing his diaper, leaned down slightly and said.

"What's the matter, say?"

"This year's autumn grain production in North Manchuria may be reduced on a large scale, at least 20.00% per mu, maybe even more." Chang Bo said with a hint of worry on his face.

"What, cut production by 20.00%?" Zhou Sen was shocked when he heard this, and stopped scrubbing his hands.

"This is the conclusion based on the investigation below. There are still about ten days before the autumn grain harvest." Chang Bo said, "Should we secretly search for a batch of grain and stock it up?"

"As you know, the purchase of grain is controlled by the Japanese, and the processing companies are also restricted by it. If they buy grain privately, they will lose their heads if they are caught." Zhou Sen said.

"Remote areas can still exploit loopholes."

"Is the risk high?" Zhou Sen asked after careful consideration.

Chang Bo didn't speak.

The risk is naturally high. Can the risk of losing your head be small?
"You can hoard a little bit, but not more than [-] catties. Safety must be the top priority." Zhou Sen thought about it carefully. He didn't hoard food for business, and he didn't hoard it for the market. It is to prepare for the food shortage in a few years.

"Understood." Chang Bo nodded, he knew that Qin Lang was not allowed to do business in the black market of grain, not for his own sake, but because he wanted to hoard grain and wait for the opportunity.

Zhou Sen has money in his hands now, but the money is a bit shady, how to spend it is the right way, stockpiling food is one of the ways, and as long as the food is kept well, there will be no problem for a few years, even if it becomes old food, then For hungry people, taste and nutritional issues are not a problem at all.

"Can warehouses and transportation be kept secret?"

"It's not a big problem, we have our own solutions," Chang Bo said.

"Okay, then do as I said." Zhou Sen nodded, planning for a rainy day, and doing some things in advance.


No. 3 Yiyuan Road, Nangang District, Kwantung Army Intelligence Department, Headquarters.

A second lieutenant of the Japanese army rushed over and knocked on Hideo Sato's office: "Sir, that signal has appeared."

"Oh, where is it?" Hideo Sato heard that, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and he stood up suddenly.

The second lieutenant of the Japanese army walked behind him, opened the curtain, and an accurate map of the ice city appeared behind him. He picked up a wooden stick in the corner and looked for it with his eyes for a while. Then, the pointed end of the stick , drew a circle in an area in the southwest corner: "At this location."

Hideo Sato frowned slightly when he saw it. This place is the family area of ​​the railway staff of the Middle East Railway Administration.

Since the Japanese army took over the Middle East Railway, it has become a mixed residential area of ​​Japan, China and Russia. The Japanese were driven out by the Chinese railway staff and their families who wanted to live there, but there was great resistance.

Unless it is forced to drive away, this matter is really not easy to handle, but the economic artery of Manchuria, the relationship between the Middle East Railway, has too much influence, and the Japanese are also afraid that forceful action will lead to serious consequences. Besides, it is really unreasonable to do so, and Finally let it go.

The Middle East Railway is the main artery of North Manchuria. At its busiest time, 10 people rely on this railway for food.

Moreover, the Middle East Railway Bureau, the vehicle maintenance station and other institutions are all located in Ice City, and there are tens of thousands of people working for the railway in Ice City alone.

When someone returns home, the father and son work on the railway for two generations. There are at least 5000 people living in this family area.

The living facilities here are complete, water supply, electricity supply, and even security inside are under the control of the railway police.

It is indeed a very good choice to set up the secret station here.

Because this place is relatively self-sufficient, and once outsiders enter, they will be found immediately. It is safe, and the road facilities here are relatively good, extending in all directions. Even if they are discovered, they will evacuate quickly.

There are quite a few hidden "anti-Manchurian anti-Japanese" groups in the railway system. However, they usually do not take the initiative to express their positions and opinions, and they are relatively closed to outside contact, so it is difficult to find out.

The biggest problem is that the Chinese, the Japanese, and the remaining Belarus are all grouped together, and they usually do their own thing, but as long as someone gets close to someone and is bought off, they can't hide it at all. Hideo Sato is basically sure that as long as the radio station As soon as the direction-finding vehicle enters that area, this mysterious underground station will disappear immediately and will not reappear in a short time.

And it is impossible for them to stare at this underground radio station for a long time, trying to determine which house this mysterious underground radio wave is in.

It's really tough.

The scope is too large, and the blanket search is simply to scare the snake away. The accuracy and sensitivity of the direction finding equipment is not high, which is also the reason why it is currently impossible to accurately locate.

Of course, the time for each activity of the mysterious radio station is very short, which is also one of the reasons why the radio direction-finding vehicle cannot be accurately located.

But in terms of radio direction finding technology, Japan is blocked by European and American countries, and it is difficult to get it.

Now there is only one way, and that is the Germans to help, but the Germans are not philanthropists, even if they are allies, the brothers are clear about their accounts. Japan is weaker than Germany in all aspects except the navy. German submarines Japan is also coveting technology, not to mention army equipment, which Japan cannot afford to buy or equip.

Only in terms of intelligence, the two sides cooperate very frequently. After all, one is in the east and the other is in the west. Both have ambitions that are several times larger than their own appetites, and they also have a common enemy: Soviet Russia.

Germany's ambitions for Soviet Russia have long been faintly revealed.

"Focus on this signal and find a way to narrow the scope. Can you determine which party's contact signal it is?" Wu Tengying asked.

"According to their callsigns, they may be military commanders," the second lieutenant said.

"Military commander, the military commander's organization in Ice City is not active. It is nothing more than spying on some intelligence and doing sabotage. For us, their destructiveness is not great, and they are not our urgent target, but we still have to limit Its development," said Hideo Sato.


"You go, and invite Director Ono of Ice Special Agent, I have something to discuss with him." Sato Hideo ordered.

(End of this chapter)

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