Chapter 437
Fukuhara Chess Club.

Quiet indoors.

Both Kageyama Jiro and Akiyama Nosuke are wearing loose kimonos, and they are playing chess, Kageyama holds the black stones, and Akiyama holds the white stones.

"Mr. Yingshan, it's been a long time since this happened. Ma Wenhan has been dead for seven or eight years. Is there any point in uncovering this old case?"

"Akiyama-kun, for the great cause of the empire, we have to act cautiously." Kageyama Jiro reached out and caught a sunspot, which landed on the chessboard.

"Do you think Zhou Senjun is possible?"

"He's unlikely, but we can't take this risk. We have to make sure that Bai Yulan is not the person we're looking for," Yingshan said.

"But these years, Bai Yulan has been doing her duty, and she was suppressed by Su Wenqing and Qin Laoqi in the past, and she was unable to fight back. If she had such a status, how could she be so helpless?"

"Yes, when Su Wenqing teamed up with Qin Laoqi, we really wanted to see Bai Yulan's reaction. In fact, we also dispelled our doubts about her. After all, she also cut off the mat with the Ma family. This woman is running Physically, it’s great, but other aspects are not necessarily so.” Kageyama Jiro said.

"Then again this time?"

"I received an anonymous letter saying that after Ma Wenhan's death, Bai Yulan took over most of the property he left behind, as well as Ma Wenhan's subordinates. Although some people refused to accept her and left in the end, most of them stayed." Yingshan Jiro said, "Ma Wenhan's identity is very complicated. In addition to having a good relationship with Ma Zhanshan, he also had a good relationship with the Nanjing Nationalist Government at that time, including the young commander of the Northeast Army, etc. Although he was just a businessman, he was in the military and political circles at that time. There is an extremely deep network of connections and has always been against us."

"Juntong's influence in Ice City is not large, and its activities are not frequent. The harm to us is actually not great. It is difficult to completely wipe it out."

"Chongqing is too busy to take care of itself, so the control over Bingcheng is very weak, and the way to do it is to let it go. These people are as cowardly as mice, and they dare not make any waves at all?"

"Then why..."

"Infighting, Zhou Sen's investigation of the 'Iron Blood Club' case made them nervous and suspicious of each other, that's why I received that anonymous letter." Jiro Kageyama laughed.

"So, Bai Yulan's identity is very suspicious?" Akiyamanosuke figured out the joints here, and he lifted his spirits.

"All of this is speculation now, and it needs to be confirmed." Kageyama Jiro nodded.

"Isn't it Kageyama-kun who arranged the assassination of the military command this time?" Akiyama Nosuke asked in surprise.

"It's not all." Kageyama Jiro said, "I reached an agreement with that person, he wants to get some kind of arbitrary status and power, and I can control the activities of the military command at any time to prevent the unfavorable situation of the empire. .”

"Why not just wipe them all out?"

"This is not the way of smart people, Mr. Qiushan, you know, even under such a high-pressure attack, we can't wipe out all the hostile forces lurking in the ice city, so we have to change our strategy. It will be better." Yingshan said, "If we help him get a higher position, then he will have a handle in our hands, so that we can keep track of their dynamics at any time, and we don't need to worry about them causing us irreparable damage. loss, and once the contract is breached, we can arrest him at any time."

"This is a dangerous game, is that person trustworthy?" Akiyamanosuke certainly understood Kageyama Jiro's thoughts.

"Although the game is dangerous, it's the best strategy at the moment." Kageyama Jiro said, "At least it's a credit to the door, why reject it?"

"Is this why you asked me to block news from Zhou Sen?"

"Yes, with Zhou Senjun's ability, he must have guessed that Jin Ronggui came to Bingcheng by train one day earlier, so will he go back and tell Bai Yulan?"

"If he was reliable, he wouldn't say it. After all, this is the basic quality of an intelligence officer." Akiyama said.

"That's right, if he doesn't say anything, then the assassination operation tonight will proceed as usual..."

"But what if the person who contacted you deliberately stopped the assassination?" Akiyama Nosuke asked back.

"No, if he stopped the assassination, how can he prove that the intelligence was wrong?"

"So, Kageyama-kun, are you killing two birds with one stone?" Akiyamanosuke understood the intention of Kageyama Jiro's move.

"That's right, he told me, let me help him perform an assassination scene to increase his merits and prestige. Of course, the assassination will not be successful, but some casualties will be announced. As for whether he has other intentions , I don't know, but judging from the news that he deliberately exposed Bai Yulan to me, his purpose is not just that simple."

"Can you control him?" Akiyama asked.

"Not yet, but after this action, it will be different. This is a person who will do anything for his own benefit."

"Do you need my cooperation?"

"Be optimistic about Zhou Senjun, he is an important pawn in our future." Kageyama Jiro said, "By the way, what does he think about the next stage of work arrangements?"

"His idea is very simple, that is, to continue to stay in the Secret Service." Akiyama Nosuke said with a chuckle.

"The atmosphere in the Security Bureau is really not suitable for him. Since he wants to stay in the Secret Service Section, let him stay with you."

"it is good."


After a busy day, Zhou Sen came home from get off work, went to hug the two little guys first, and then was called by Bai Yulan to wash his hands and eat.

After the implementation of the food rationing system, coupled with the reduction in grain production in North Manchuria this year, the family's food standard has clearly felt a downward trend.

In order to ensure the nutrition of the mother, Bai Yulan and the nanny can only eat white rice afterwards, and the rest of them eat rice mixed with miscellaneous grains, such as sorghum and beans.

Sometimes it's just sweet potatoes.

The food problem will only become more and more serious, so when Chang Bo proposed to stockpile food, Zhou Sen did not object.

However, even a family like him has to be careful, and outsiders should not know about eating white rice.

Maybe I will give you a report, and even if I can't do anything to him, it will always be troublesome.

Not only is food limited, but the purchase price has also risen, which is not a small increase. This can add a lot of burden to ordinary citizens, especially those with a large family. Quality is bound to go from bad to worse.

"From tomorrow, except for Yulan and Xiumei who can eat steamed buns made of white noodles, everyone else can only eat steamed buns made of mixed noodles. In addition, one of the meat dishes will also be reduced. Let's cut down on food and clothing. Let's start with ourselves," Zhou Sen said.

"Our family has money, so there's no need for it?"

"Our family is rich, but our income has also decreased, and it will continue to decrease in the future. In addition, the apportionment will become heavier and heavier in the future, and the money must be used wisely." Zhou Sen said, "This bitter It won't be too long, four or five years at most, and it will pass soon."

"Four or five years, so long?"

"Four or five years will pass quickly, and it's not that I didn't give you food. Compared with other people's homes, our home is ten times better?" Zhou Sen glared at Axiang, "I know that it's easy to go from frugality to extravagance. It’s hard to be extravagant, but the situation is such that it has to be done.”

None of them are pleasure-seeking people, so Zhou Sen's decision at the dinner table naturally won the approval of everyone.

After eating and feeding the children, and leaving the two boys to Xiumei's care, Bai Yulan and Zhou Sen went back to their bedroom.

"What's the situation? Why did you suddenly mention saving when you were eating today?" Bai Yulan asked.

"I just feel that you don't care much about prices and the economic situation these days. In fact, our economy is already very difficult. Whether it's a teahouse or a tea shop, the customer flow is not as good as before, and the profit has also dropped sharply. Our labor, materials, and operating costs are much smaller than those of the store, and we have already felt that other stores are far more difficult than us. The food rationing system is a curse on our heads. The Japanese say that we must join hands. Manchukuo prospered together, but in fact they just wanted to seize our resources to prepare for their next war." Zhou Sen explained.

"The war has already been fought like this, what will it be like?"

"World wars all over the world include everyone, and no one can be an exception." Zhou Sen said.


"Let me tell you this, now there are two camps in the world, both of which want to dominate the post-war world, whoever wins will be the boss after the war, with Germany, Japan and Italy as the core The Axis powers and the alliance dominated by Britain, France and the Soviet Union, once the war starts, it will be considered as the end only if one side loses. Therefore, the European battlefield has been beaten to a pulp, and the Asian side, although the Sino-Japanese war has been fought for nearly ten years. Japan needs more land, but they need more resources, such as oil, rubber, steel, etc., which he cannot plunder from China at present..." Zhou Sen was patient and meticulous Explain it to Bai Yulan.

Although Bai Yulan has superhuman abilities, her vision still determines a person's pattern. She has never left Manchuria, and she has never even been to the pass.

His understanding of the international situation was limited to what he learned from the newspapers, and his judgment on the future was naturally inferior to that of future people like Zhou Sen.

Everything Zhou Sen does is based on the best choice for the future. Whether he is patriotic or speculative, what he does is correct in the eyes of future generations.

"So, what do we do next?"

"Continue to lurk, develop strength secretly, don't confront the Puppet Manchukuo and Japanese invaders head-on, and wait for the opportunity." Zhou Sen said.

"How to develop power secretly?"

"Relying on the 'Senji' tea shop and teahouse, look for and find the people we need, guide them to join us, and use the name of 'friends with tea' or 'sweet tooth lover' as a cover..." Zhou Sen said to Bai Yulan.

"Komori, your thoughts are too deep. It can be used as the next action plan for the ice skate team." Bai Yulan said, "Should we report to Chongqing?"

"This can only be done, not talked about. Regarding Chongqing, we need to be on guard. After all, you do not belong to the direct line."

"Well, it makes sense. I'll seriously consider your suggestion later." Bai Yulan said.

"Don't worry about this matter, you have to take your time. You must not learn from Bingcheng Station. You are too eager for success." Zhou Sen said.

"Xiao Mori, do you think their assassination operation will be successful tonight?" Bai Yulan still asked with some hope.

"It's hard for me to guess. I don't know what their plan is. Whether to use guns, knives, or poison, how many people participated in the operation, and where to do it. I don't know the details. How can I judge?"

"Hearing what you said, I am even more worried. If the assassination fails, if the person involved in the operation is arrested again..."

"If caught, it will be another serious blow to Bingcheng Station," Zhou Sen said.

"I'm worried that Jiang Xiao will be implicated. He probably knows my identity. What should we do then?"

"Don't worry, with me, Jiang Xiao has never met you, even if he knows your identity, as long as there is no way to prove it, it will be framed." Zhou Sen said.

"Do the Japanese still look at the evidence when arresting people?" Bai Yulan asked.

"Yes, they don't know how to arrest people based on evidence, so as long as Jiang Xiao is arrested, then I can only find a way to silence him." Zhou Sen said, "There is no other way."

Bai Yulan opened her mouth, but stopped talking.

"Don't think too much, it hasn't happened yet." Zhou Sen comforted, "We have enough time to react."

"Xiao Mori, although I don't have Jiang Xiao's real face, I have had contact with him. This person is about three centimeters shorter than you. He is not very thin, but he is not afraid. Judging by his voice and accent, he should be from Liaodong. , His ten fingers are very long, but his nails are very clean. I speculate that his identity should be a teacher or a government servant. I don't know the specific identity."

"Haven't you investigated?"

"No, the relationship is a little awkward. If I investigate the other party's identity, it may cause a bigger conflict. I don't want to fight among myself." Bai Yulan explained.

Well, my daughter-in-law is really too sincere. Of course, she is different from me. Although the military commanders disagree in Bingcheng, they are in the same trench after all, and some things can't be done too much.

Jiang Xiao didn't check her in private, and it's not easy for her to check others. This must be a kind of tacit understanding between the two parties.

Without this tacit understanding, it is estimated that something happened to the ice skate team and Bingcheng Station long ago.

Jin Ronggui had already arrived in Ice City a day earlier, so the person who took the train from Xinjing to Ice City tonight was probably a Xibei product.

And this is most likely a bureau set up by the Japanese and the Puppet Manchukuo secret service. If it is only for the safety of Jin Ronggui, then their goal has been achieved, and there is no need to spread another false news.

Of course, if there is no bureau on the train, it is very likely that it is a fake news, but if the assassination team at Bingcheng Station plunges into it, it will be obvious.

The spy agencies of Japan and the Puppet Manchukuo mastered the assassination.

There is no doubt that there are traitors at the Juntong Bingcheng Station.

(End of this chapter)

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