Chapter 443 Report Together

Zhou Sen really didn't expect that "Jiang Xiao" would be Zheng Nan, the owner of "Old Fengtian Tailor Shop", the "Brother Nan" in Hong Lianghui's mouth.

But did Jiang Xiao go by himself, or did he ask this "Brother Nan" to go for him?

This is unknown.

You know, he hasn't met the other party before, and the only person who knows "Jiang Xiao" is probably Bai Yulan herself.

But if Bai Yulan really knew the exact identity of the other party, she shouldn't be able to hide it from herself.

"Ale, don't tell anyone about this, especially your sister Yulan." Zhou Sen ordered.

"I know, my uncle is doing this to protect Miss." Ale nodded. He is actually very smart and understands many things, but he never talks about it.

"Okay, you go to rest."

"Uncle, the sweet potato is burnt..."

"Oh." Zhou Sen smelled a burning smell coming from the stove, quickly took a pair of tongs, and pulled the scorched sweet potato out of it.

Fortunately, it was only burnt on the outside. After breaking open, the inside was still edible.

"Would you like one?"

"No, I'm very full from dinner, and I'm almost finished eating now, so I can go back to sleep." Ale shook his hand quickly.

"I'll just have two, give you one, what should I eat?" Zhou Sen muttered in his heart as he looked at the back of Ale's back after he closed the door and left.

After eating two sweet potatoes, the hunger disappeared immediately. I couldn't eat too much, and I probably wouldn't be able to sleep in a while.

"Why is your mouth dark?" Back in the small building, Bai Yulan was still asleep, lying on her side on the bed, flipping through a book boredly, probably waiting for him.

"Ah, it might have stuck to the roasted sweet potato you ate just now." Zhou Sen smiled mischievously, took off his coat and hung it on the hanger.

"Houde House also sells roasted sweet potatoes?"

"The Houde building didn't sell it. I didn't have enough to eat, so I baked it in my kitchen when I came back." Zhou Sen chuckled.

"You said you went to Houde Building for dinner, but Ah Xiang didn't leave food for you. What's the matter, the food is not good?" Bai Yulan closed the book and said.

"The food is not bad, but I just can't eat it." Zhou Sen said.

"What's the matter, Lin Dakuan made things difficult for you?"

"It's not really difficult, but the matter is a bit complicated, and he probably has a headache now." Zhou Sen said.

"I'm still worried that something will happen at Bingcheng Station." Bai Yulan said while rubbing her forehead.

"There is indeed an accident at Bingcheng Station. I guess it's not a small one this time." Zhou Sen took off his clothes and lay down next to Bai Yulan.

"Is there really a traitor?"

"I'm still speculating now, but there are indications that someone in Bingcheng Station disclosed the news of the assassination of Jin Ronggui to the Japanese, and the Japanese made preparations in advance, allowing Jin Ronggui to come to Bingcheng quietly the first day, and the next morning. It took a lot of trouble to arrange a play at the railway station for us to see."

"So, if you just got the exact news, then just arrange to arrive early and set up an ambush on the train. There is no need to arrange for Jin Ronggui to go to the train station to make a fuss again. Isn't it superfluous?"

"You can also see that the Japanese are protecting this traitor in Bingcheng Station."


"No, we provided the information. The Japanese should protect a 'traitor' like me." Bai Yulan thought for a moment and said.

Zhou Sen was a little surprised, his daughter-in-law was still very perceptive, she didn't see through the essence of things all at once without being pregnant for three years.

"The Japanese play is actually full of loopholes. If you want to find out, you can still find out. On the surface, it is to protect you, a 'traitor'. In fact, it is to provoke an internal fight between the skate team and Bingcheng Station." Zhou Sen said.

"But how do the Japanese know what's going on inside us?"

"The problem is not our side, so who else could it be?" Zhou Sen said with a curl of his lips.

"Jiang Xiao betrayed?"

"Jiang Xiao can't do that. If he rebelled, then Bingcheng Station would completely change his gender, but he couldn't stop the high-level executives from becoming distracted. In other words, he was caught by the Japanese, surrendered under duress, and became a traitor. It's not impossible, this person should have access to the core secrets of Bingcheng Station, and even the high-level officials of Bingcheng Station." Zhou Sen analyzed.

"Shouldn't that be the first time to remind Jiang Xiao?"

"Is the reminder useful? He will believe you. Or, this person's purpose is even more sinister. Is this traitor's assassination plan aimed at you?" Zhou Sen asked rhetorically.

"Attack me, I never interfere with the affairs of Bingcheng Station, what is he doing at me?"

"What if this person wants to take down Bingcheng Station and annex your skate team?"

"How is this possible? The members of the ice skate team are basically left behind by the old horse, unless I betrayed the old horse and became a traitor..." Bai Yulan couldn't continue, she felt that this seemed to be a problem possible.

"The most frightening thing is that he also secretly colluded with the Japanese, or directly surrendered to the Japanese, and the military command in Bingcheng will be wiped out by him. At that time, as long as he is in power, the military command in Bingcheng will become a It’s a tool for the Japanese to spy on Chongqing’s intelligence.”

"If it's as you said, then this person's intentions are too sinister, and he deserves to be cut to death." Bai Yulan said angrily.

"So, no matter what information they give you, don't reply now. As long as you don't reply, they won't be able to determine that you are a 'traitor'." Zhou Sen said.

"If I don't reply, won't I be accused of being a 'traitor'?" Bai Yulan asked puzzled.

"The accusation of 'traitor' is not something they can frame you for if they want to. You also have a channel to communicate with Chongqing. They can't stop you, and don't try to justify it. Once they first accept that you are a 'traitor' It is presumed that they will no longer believe anything you say, this is human psychology, you have to write a report on the cause and effect of assassinating Jin Ronggui, and send it directly to Chongqing." Zhou Sen said.

"But what if they go first?"

"That depends on who the Chongqing side believes. If the Chongqing side believes in them, there is no need to have anything to do with them. Anyway, they can't help us now. If they don't trust anyone, or send someone over to actually If you want to investigate, then wait for the results of the investigation, if the Chongqing side believes you, then it is worth continuing." Zhou Sen said.

"But what should I do if the Chongqing side believes in Bingcheng Station?"

"Without the identity of the military commander, we will not resist the Japanese?" Zhou Sen asked back, "Having the identity, how can it help us, but without the identity, it may not be so difficult, is it?"

If it doesn't work, let's do it with the real anti-Japanese.

Of course, he can't say these words yet, it depends on how that Boss Dai in Chongqing chooses. If he helps, Bai Yulan can completely get rid of the identity of the military commander, which is a great thing for him.

Bai Yulan frowned slightly, obviously she was still worried and uneasy.

"Don't worry, I'm here." Zhou Sen stretched out his hand and put his arms around the almost recovered waist, "Sleep, I don't have a good rest, how to take care of the child."

Under Zhou Sen's comfort, Bai Yulan also lay down and subconsciously leaned into Zhou Sen's arms. It felt so good to have a man's shoulder for her to lean on.


It has been two days since the three days stipulated by Akiyamanosuke to solve the case, and Lin Dakuan has no clue about the progress of the case investigation.

There is still one more day to go, the case will not be solved no matter what, the assassins are all dead, how to find out who is behind it?
Without a confession, just relying on the traces left at the scene, even if the report is written as a flower, the case cannot be solved.

But now, there is obviously something hidden behind this assassination case, so asking him to investigate the case like this is not embarrassing!
He has to figure out the purpose of Akiyamanosuke. The three-day time to solve the case is just talk, or it is true. If it is true, he will not be afraid to point it out. If it is just a gesture, then he will see through it. Let's not talk about it, anyway, the case will be investigated slowly.

There are also the parties involved in the case, Jin Ronggui, Lin Dakuan felt that he should know the inside story, otherwise he would not cooperate with the Japanese in acting.

Lin Dakuan decided to go to Qin's house to find out.

Finding the parties to understand the case is also a normal way of thinking for investigation and case handling.

The Jin family had a house in Bingcheng, but no one lived in the old house, and this time they returned because of an emergency.

So when Jin Ronggui came back this time, he directly lived in Qin's house.

Firstly, the Qin family has a place to live, and secondly, it is convenient for someone to take care of them, and they can live with their daughter and son-in-law.

"Master Qin, my condolences." Lin Dakuan had no friendship with Qin Laoqi, nor was he related to him, so he naturally couldn't take the initiative to come to express his condolences.

But in order to come to see Jin Ronggui, since he is here, he still has to offer a stick of incense to the dead, after all, the dead are the most important.

"Director Lin, thank you." Qin Xiong thanked him in his sackcloth and filial piety.

"Firstly, I came to offer incense to Master Qin Qi, and secondly, I wanted to see the old head of the department, and I would like to ask the young master to make it easier for me." Lin Dakuan explained the purpose of his visit.

"Jiayue was assassinated on the way here, he was a little frightened, and felt a little sick, I'm afraid he will disappoint Director Lin." Qin Xiong declined.

"Understood, understood, then I won't force you, Mr. Qin, take your leave." Lin Dakuan didn't say any more, just cupped his hands and left.

Qin Xiong looked at Lin Dakuan's leaving back, a cold light flashed in his eyes, he knew the relationship between Lin Dakuan and Zhou Sen.

His father passed away, and he always came to see him. Now that his father-in-law is here, he came here to please him. How can there be such a good thing in the world?

If you want to see Jin Ronggui, let's pass his test first.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Zou Shuxun was smoking outside, saw Lin Dakuan coming out not long after entering, and hurried forward to ask.

"Let's go, the old director doesn't see me."

"I don't see, why, big brother, you haven't offended him?" Zou Shuxun asked very incomprehensibly.

"I don't know either. It's not enough to try to get something out of the old director's mouth." Lin Dakuan sighed, "Let's find clues from the two dead men."

"This person is dead, and he can't speak. What clues can he have? Three days have passed, no, let's tell Section Chief Akiyama..."

"What do you know? You can't say anything until the last moment when you have no choice." Lin Dakuan waved his hand, "Go, go back and talk to Shaotang."


Waterway Street, inside the "Old Fengtian Tailor Shop".

"Old Mao, what do you mean? The facts are already obvious. Both the ice skate team and that woman have betrayed the Party and the country and defected to the Japanese. It was she who provided false information and led our two brothers to sacrifice. You still What is there to be suspicious about?" Mayonda asked the old cat Zheng Nan angrily.

"You said the information provided by the ice skate team was false, where is the evidence?"

"Fang Zhiping saw it with his own eyes at the train station, but he didn't see Jin Ronggui in the carriage at all," Ma Rongda said.

"But at the train station that day, the Japanese and the officials of the Puppet Manchukuo went there, and Jin Ronggui really got off that train." Zheng Nan retorted, "There are not only reports in this newspaper, but also photos, which cannot be faked. Bar?"

"What I'm saying is that Jin Ronggui is not in that VIP box. This information is wrong. The VIP box is a trap!"

"Trap, did the Japanese know in advance that we were going to assassinate, so they set up a trap?" Zheng Nan was not stupid to be sent to Ice City as the station master.

"That's why I said that the woman betrayed us and betrayed this operation!" Ma Rongda argued, "Otherwise, how did the Japanese know that we would assassinate Jin Ronggui, and they had already made arrangements?"

"Information will be wrong, not to mention that it is very difficult to figure out Jin Ronggui's itinerary in such a short time. As for what will happen on the car, the Japanese took precautions in advance. Becoming a traitor means equating, have you ever thought about what will happen if we judge so arbitrarily?" Zheng Nan scolded, he is the stationmaster of Bingcheng Station, before being removed by the superior, Mayonda was still his subordinates.

"As long as she is exempted from the position of the ice skate team leader, we can take care of the ice skate team, so that the Juntong Bingcheng Station will be worthy of its name."

"I think you want to be the team leader of the skate team." The old cat Zheng Nan saw that Mayonda's goal was to be the team leader of the skate team.

"I'm just taking back what belongs to me," Mayonda said.

"Is that your thing? It belongs to the party state." The old cat corrected severely.

"Yes, it belongs to the party-state, but this position was originally mine. It was the woman who bewitched my adoptive father to cheat me of this position." Mayonda said with a twitching muscle in the corner of his eyes.

"Back then you left because you disobeyed your adoptive father Ma Wenhan's arrangement. Isn't it for your own selfishness that you are doing this now?"

"Station Master, we killed two brothers, this responsibility is either you or me, or she. Are you asking us to be held accountable?"

"But you can't casually shift the responsibility to others." The old cat Zheng Nan said.

"Isn't this responsibility theirs?"

"I think we'd better report the matter to Chongqing and let Boss Dai decide." The old cat Zheng Nan took a deep breath and said.

"Okay, let's do it that way." Mayonda nodded, but Lao Mao didn't nod. If he reported without authorization, it might not be convincing.

(End of this chapter)

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