Chapter 450
Both the teacher and the student fell into deep thought.

Zhou Sen observed Shibuya Saburo from the corner of his eyes, and found that the expression on his face did not seem to be fake. Could it be that he really didn't know the inside story?
He caught up with the train and came to Xinjing on the way, just to test Saburo Shibuya, to see if the bureau set up by the Security Bureau was aimed at him this time.

But now it seems that it doesn't seem like it.

Zhou Sen knew that this was by no means an isolated incident. There were traitors in the Bingcheng Station of the Military Command, and the traitors were still at the top level with secrets.

Why did this person betray the military command, and what did he want to do?
Whether this person is Jiang Xiao, whose alias is "Zheng Nan", he can only guess, and knows nothing about the others.

Saburo Shibuya has been in Bingcheng for many years, and he knows Jin Ronggui better than Zhou Sen, so if it is a personal vendetta, he can see it.

But clearly not this time.

Jianghu vendetta, really do not have such a great ability to do this, there must be a strong organization behind it.

The level of intelligence is beyond the reach of ordinary people, let alone well-trained shooters.

If such an assassination happened in places like Shanghai and Tianjin, it would be unnecessary to think about it, and Juntong would be listed as the number one suspect.

Because this is what Juntong is good at, and he has repeatedly committed major crimes, giving the traitors a lot of deterrence.

But those two places used to be the sphere of influence of the military command, and the outside of the pass was not the sphere of influence of the military command at all.

If it weren't for Bingcheng being the intelligence center of the Far East, the military command might not have paid much attention to it, and would have set up an intelligence station here.

The organization of military reunification is far from what later generations understand.

The scale and influence of Bingcheng Station is very small, and there is no power to directly confront the Puppet Manchukuo and Japanese special agencies in this place.

If you go too far, the price you pay is unbearable. At present, both the military command and the underground party of the Communist Party of China regard survival as the first priority, rather than taking risks.

Therefore, the military command rarely takes the lead, except for some small publicity moves to attract young people to join.

It is not unreasonable for Saburo Shibuya not to take military control into consideration. An organization that has never committed crimes and has no deep hatred with Jin Ronggui, why should there be any reason to doubt it?

This kind of practice of not making a sound, and making a blockbuster, has always been unexpected.

If Saburo Shibuya didn't mention it, Zhou Sen wouldn't try to lead him in that direction either.

After all, Bai Yulan is still a member of the military command and has not officially broken with the military command. Except for traitors, anyone who resists the Japanese is considered a compatriot.

Shibuya Saburo's wife prepared dinner, and invited Shibuya Saburo and Zhou Sen to the restaurant for dinner, including Ono.

The dinner was very happy, Saburo Shibuya drank a lot of wine, if Zhou Sen hadn't booked a return ticket early in the morning, he would have wanted to stay Zhou Sen at his home.

After drinking and eating, under Shibuya Saburo's repeated instructions, Ono drove Zhou Sen to the guest house of Xinjing Police Department.

The mission and purpose of coming to Xinjing had already been achieved. Early the next morning, Zhou Sen and Wu En boarded the return train early.


"He actually caught up with the train and went to Xinjing?"

"Yes." In Musashino's box, Akiyamanosuke and Kageyama Jiro sat opposite each other, enjoying a drink.

"Obviously, when people are in the ice city, he doesn't go, and insists on catching up with the train when people leave. He really doesn't want to suffer at all." Kageyama Jiro said.

"Qin Xiong has repeatedly targeted him. If it is another day, he will go there and will not give any interpretation to the outside world, but yesterday is not possible."

"Understood, is there no other reason?"

"What Kageyama-kun means is that he took this opportunity to meet Mr. Shibuya?" Akiyamanosuke asked in surprise.

"When he goes to Xinjing, he must go to see the teacher. This is the meaning of the question." Kageyama Jiro said, "The key is, what will he say when he goes."

"Did you not inform Mr. Shibuya about this matter?" Akiyamanosuke was a little surprised.

"This matter is too important. Although Mr. Shibuya is a hero of the empire, heroes also have feelings and will be partial."

"Mr. Shibuya is indeed very partial to Zhou Sen. How many people are dissatisfied with his promotion to Sergeant this time, and this does not include the Japanese."

"Zhou Sen's promotion this time was indeed Mr. Shibuya's intention, but he was promoted because of someone else's help. Otherwise, it would not have been so easy."

"You mean..." Akiyamanosuke stretched out his finger and pointed to the sky.

"Yeah." Kageyama Jiro nodded, "I'll be back early tomorrow morning, you gave him ten days, can you guess what he will do next?"

"The gunman doesn't have many clues, and he hasn't made a breakthrough yet. The letter you gave is not the original, but he doesn't know. I'm afraid that if you follow this direction, you will go astray. Only one person will investigate from the source of the leak. This one is even more difficult, I'm afraid it will be difficult this time." Akiyama nosuke said.

If there is no advance notice from Kageyama Jiro, even if Akiyama Nosuke investigates this case by himself, there is not much good way to do it.

"That person wrote again." Kageyama Jiro said slowly.

"What?" Akiyamanosuke shook the wine glass in his excited hand, and the wine spilled out directly.

"He said in the letter that three Soviet captives from the South Hospital of the Kwantung Army General Hospital escaped more than a year ago and were supported by the military ice skate team."

"What, such a big case was actually done by the military ice skate team?"

"Although this is not safe to believe, but after the incident, we conducted various investigations and found no clues. If it is really the ice skate team, it is not difficult to explain." Kageyama Jiro said.

"He wants us to check the ice skate team?" Akiyama said.

"Yes, to be exact, he wants Zhou Sen to check the ice skate team." Akiyamanosuke nodded and said.

"Why is this?"

"Because I told him that the case of Jin Ronggui was investigated by Zhou Sen from the Special Affairs Division of the National Police Agency, and then he wrote me a letter." Kageyama Jiro explained.

"In his previous letter, he said that Bai Yulan was a member of the military ice skate team, but now he provides such a piece of information, the purpose of which is to get Zhou Sen to investigate. Isn't this contradictory?" Akiyama said, " I think he wants you to prevent Zhou Sen from investigating this case."

"He already told me about Bai Yulan's relationship with the ice skate team, but instead I handed over Jin Ronggui's case to Zhou Sen for investigation. What does that mean?"

"It means you trust Zhou Sen?"

"Since I trust Zhou Sen, how could I easily change my mind because of such a piece of information? Isn't his intention obvious?" Kageyama Jiro said, "He wants me to increase this trust and ask Zhou Sen to investigate His own woman, and he will continue to provide relevant evidence, isn't this a good opportunity for us?"

"So you decided to tell him about it?"

"Of course, it's up to you to say." Kageyama Jiro nodded and said.


As soon as Zhou Sen returned to the police station, Akiyama nosuke called him over.

First, he asked about the meeting and conversation with Jin Ronggui on the train. Zhou Sen naturally answered without reservation.

I asked him about his meeting with the old Shibuya chief.

In the end, it was the turn of the main event to learn about the progress of the investigation of the assassination of "Jin Ronggui".

It's really hard for Zhou Sen to answer. He just came back, even if he had assigned a mission before, he didn't have time to understand it, and he didn't know if there was a clue.

Fortunately, Akiyama nosuke seemed to know his situation and didn't embarrass him, and then took out a letter and handed it to him.

Zhou Sen's face changed drastically after reading it.

This "traitor" is getting more and more excessive and dangerous, and he knows that Malkovich was indeed rescued by Bai Yulan's order of the skate team.

But her rescue was based on the information provided by the Bingcheng Station of the Military Command. The only time the Bingcheng Station of the Military Command provided information and the ice skate team carried out the rescue operation.

Of course, the ice skate team only saved one person, and the other two fell short.

Markovich has returned to China, and Chang Bo is the most involved in this case, and even Zhou Sen is more involved than Bai Yulan.

For the sake of Chang Bo and Malkovich, Zhou Sen killed the director of Hart Spy Toshiyama Yamamoto, of course, not entirely.

It was Yamamoto Toshi who threatened his safety. If he didn't die, Zhou Sen himself would have to die.

Now someone brought up this old case again, and it turned out to be "one of us", how could Zhou Sen not be angry?
"Chief, what do you mean?"

"Since the first letter was handed over to you before, the second letter will naturally be handed over to you, and you will take over the case. This case does not limit your time, and you can check it slowly." Akiyama said.

"But I don't know anything about this case, how can I investigate?"

"Don't worry, the files of this case are all there. As long as you need it, you can read it without worry. I will give you permission."

"What kind of organization is this military ice skate team? Why have I never heard of it before?" Zhou Sen asked.

"Actually, this is the first time I've heard of it. Before that, I only knew that the military commander had set up an intelligence station in Bingcheng. A low-key and mysterious person."

"Section Chief, I still have a doubt?"

"You speak."

"The military command is from Chongqing. The three who fled from the Kwantung Army General Hospital were Soviet prisoners. It stands to reason that they are out of reach. How could they rescue and take care of the Soviet prisoners?" Zhou Sen asked.

Akiyamanosuke was slightly taken aback, yes, why didn't he think of this question, Chongqing had a honeymoon period with the Soviet side, and provided assistance with planes and weapons, but the Soviet side couldn't afford to make such a big detour for three Soviet captives Circle, ask the military commander to arrange someone to rescue him?

If they want to save someone, wouldn't it be more convenient to ask the CCP directly?It just doesn't make sense.

"Tell me your opinion?" Akiyama nosuke asked with a turn of his mind.

"Section chief, tell me, will this person lead the case we are investigating to the military ice skate team?"

"You mean, the assassination of Duke Jin was done by the military ice skate team?"

"No, I think it's too obvious what he did. Isn't it obvious that he sent us such a report letter at this time?" Zhou Sen said, "This military ice skate team was responsible for rescuing Soviet prisoners of war more than a year ago. Why can’t Duke Jin be assassinated now? However, the motivation behind these two incidents is beyond comprehension.”

"But what is this man's motive?"

"Who is the opponent of the military command?"

"Opponent, does this opponent still need to ask?" Akiyamanosuke glared at Zhou Sen. Do you still need to ask such a simple question?
"Section Chief, don't you forget the grievances between the military commander and the CCP?"

"The CCP? What's the motive?"

"Then I don't know, maybe we are all wrong, unless this person can tell us in person." Zhou Sen said.

"I don't care what method you use to find out this case. This is the next task I will give you." Akiyama said.

"Yes, section chief." Zhou Sen said no more, and nodded in response.

This was another tricky case. Zhou Sen came out of Akiyamanosuke's office with his brows tightly furrowed, because he didn't want to let himself have a peaceful life.


Trace inspection stock.

"Old Wu, how's it going? What did you find?" Zhou Sen walked directly into Old Wu's office and asked when he saw Old Wu who was concentrating on his work.

"Oh, you scared me, when did you come back?" Old Wu was so frightened that he almost threw away the magnifying glass in his hand.

"Not long after I came back." Zhou Sen replied, "Didn't you say you would give me the answer this morning?"

"There isn't any useful information in the text. It's printed, although it was written by a human being." Old Wu said.

"Writing habits?" Zhou Sen asked with a frown.

"It's a bit of a discovery. When this person writes the picture of 'hook', he subconsciously uses force, so his tail is a little bit long. Of course, many people have this habit when writing. It's not special. In addition, when he writes, he writes with front-heavy, middle-light, and back-heavy..." Old Wu took apart the strokes of each character, and then analyzed the writing habits to find commonalities. In addition to carefulness, this work also requires patience. , most people really can't do it.

"Does the ink have a source?"

"The ink is very common. The blue and black ink of the 'I' brand on the market is also purchased by our government. In addition to government agencies and departments, schools and industrial and commercial agencies also use it. It has specially added antifreeze formula..." Old Wu Yitong explained.

"That means this letter has no value other than the content?" Zhou Sen asked.

"It's almost like this. I also carefully checked the letterhead and the envelope. You and Section Chief Akiyama's fingerprints were on it. No one else's fingerprints were found at all."

"No fingerprints on the envelope?"

"No, it should be wearing gloves. Even the postman didn't leave any fingerprints." Old Wu explained.

"It's really watertight." Zhou Sen nodded, and then handed the letter that Akiyamanosuke gave him just now to Old Wu, "Old Wu, please help me read this letter again to see if it is written by the same person .”

"Another one?" Old Wu opened it and his expression changed. Obviously, he knew that he had seen something he shouldn't have read, but in the police station, he had seen a lot of secrets, so he didn't panic, "This is simple. I'll give it to you before I get off work at night."

"There are only two hours left before get off work, can you do it?" Zhou Sen raised his wrist and asked.

"This letter is just to verify whether it was written by the same person. It is relatively easy." Old Wu chuckled, he did not dare to keep this letter in his hands overnight.

(End of this chapter)

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