Chapter 452
"Master Qin, the shooter can accurately know the time and train number of Duke Jin's return, which means that the information about Duke Jin's itinerary has been leaked before then." Zhou Sen continued, "Dong Jin returned to Bingcheng without much fanfare. There are very few people who know about it, and the possibility of leaking the secret is extremely small. I thought about it, the Qin family has just experienced a big change, and people are panicking. Could it be that the eldest son of Qin leaked the news of Jin Gong's secret return to Bingcheng? .”

"I, did you make a mistake later? What reason should I have to tell outsiders about my father-in-law's whereabouts?" Qin Xiong said angrily.

"I didn't mention you, but not necessarily the people in your house. They are under the same roof as you, so it's hard to guarantee that if they overhear something, they will leak the news." Zhou Sen said.

"This..." Qin Xiong couldn't say for sure. Qin Laoqi passed away, and he was so busy, and Jin Ronggui's meeting in Bingcheng, he didn't hide it from his family. There must be many people who know.

If there is one of them, the news will be leaked.

"Master Qin, finding the person who leaked the news to the outside is equivalent to finding the organization behind the assassin. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Officer Zhou, are you sure that the leaker is in the Qin family?" Qin Xiong asked sullenly.

"I just came back from Xinjing, and I had a long talk with Jin Gong on the train back. I deduced that this person is very likely to be in the Qin family, because the news is time-limited. It can be arranged and planned in advance, otherwise, the possibility of improvising an assassination plan is too small." Zhou Sen explained.

"This is just your speculation. If you can't solve the case, wouldn't you want to pour dirty water on my Qin family?" Qin Xiong said angrily.

"That's not the case. Not every case can be solved in the end. I'm not Sherlock Holmes. There are too many unsolved cases in the police department. Even if I don't solve Ling Yue's case, it doesn't affect anything. At least this case It didn't have any serious consequences." Zhou Sen chuckled, "But for Mr. Qin, if there is such a time bomb around you, it may explode again at any time. This time it is Jin Gong, and the next time it will explode Who is it?"

When Qin Xiong heard this, his face changed slightly.

"Master Qin, you cooperate, and I will try to help you find this person. If you don't cooperate, then I will find a way by myself. When the time comes, don't blame me for not saying hello in advance." Zhou Sen He got up and said, "I've said what I said, so leave."

Qin Xiong was stunned for a moment, he never expected that Zhou Sen would leave after saying a few words, it was totally different from what he expected.

"Slow down, Officer Zhou." Qin Xiong was not stupid, and quickly raised his hand to stop Zhou Sen.

"Master Qin, what's the matter?"

"Officer Zhou, if you can find out the leaker, how can I cooperate?" Qin Xiong asked word by word.

"I don't know anyone in your house, but I can do a little test." Zhou Sen chuckled.

"How to do it?"

"The law is not passed on to the six ears, are you sure you want me to say it here?"

"Officer Zhou, please come to my study to talk." Qin Xiong nodded and led Zhou Sen upstairs to the study.

"The plan is very simple, that is, you call everyone in the mansion together to give you a lecture, saying that the seventh master entrusted you with a dream, and someone did something wrong to the Qin family. If he voluntarily resigns and leaves, the seventh master will let the past go, but if he continues to stay in the Qin family, It's just plotting against the law, when the time comes..."

"Can this work?"

"Ghosts and gods are fabricated, but this is a psychological tactic. You only need to find one person to act in a play, and the person who has done something wrong will naturally jump out. Moreover, you can also clean up a group of people who have different intentions." , why not do it?" Zhou Sen said.

"You will help me like this?"

"It's just incidental to helping you. I just want to solve the case." Zhou Sen said, "Although whether the case is solved or not has little effect on me, if it is solved, it will add to my credit book, won't it?"

"Okay, just do as you said, but you have to make sure to find the organization behind the assassination of my father-in-law and eradicate it."

"I can't guarantee this. If the other party is too powerful, let alone me, I'm afraid even the Japanese can't do it." Zhou Sen said.

"As long as you can catch this guy who eats inside and out, I will publish an apology to Bai Yulan in the newspaper." Qin Xiong.

"This matter has nothing to do with the grievances between you and me." Zhou Sen shook his head.

The corner of Qin Xiongqi's mouth twitched, but he had nothing to do with Zhou Sen.

"Then I'll arrange it now?"

"Not today. I've been here before. They're not stupid. They'll think it's a conspiracy between you and me. So, we'll have to quarrel later. You'll announce it tomorrow morning." Zhou Sen said.

"How to fry?"

" Between us, do we still need to consider this issue?"

"Surnamed Zhou, Qunfanglou, you are not unsealed!" Qin Xiong suddenly slapped the table, pointed at Zhou Sen's nose and cursed.

"One day if Yan Yan is not caught, the Qunfang Building will not be unsealed!"

"Surnamed Zhou, wait for what you give me!"

"Hehe, I'm waiting..."

Zhou Sen slammed the door and left, seeing everyone in the Qin family stunned. He didn't know what he said just now was so good, why did he turn his face in the blink of an eye?

This is not surprising, the two already have old grudges, and there is basically no possibility of "turning hostility into friendship".


"Go, go back to the intelligence room." Zhou Sen came out of Qin's house, got into the car and told Wu En that there was no point in going back to the police station, it was better to go back to the intelligence room.

Although the intelligence room is not a place for him alone, it is at least a place where he alone can make decisions.

There are too many eyes in the police department, and it is always uncomfortable to be stared at.

"Why did you take this case? Don't you know how deep this case is?" Zhou Sen hadn't come to the intelligence room for several days. If Anna couldn't leave and couldn't find anyone, she would have told Zhou Sen a long time ago. Questioned face to face.

"Can I refuse?" Zhou Sen asked back, "Chief Akiyama personally ordered me to take over this case. What reason do I have to refuse?"

"You have a case in your hands. Isn't the case of the military commander's 'Iron Blood Society' not closed yet? There is also the start-up of the intelligence room. There are so many things. How can you have the energy to investigate this case?"

"Don't forget, you and I are not Japanese. If you want to refuse, you have to have capital." Zhou Sen said, "Besides, the current intelligence room can only be counted as half, and how many things there are, the higher-ups don't know." '' case didn't make much progress, do you think Section Chief Akiyama will believe this excuse?"

"It was clear that the case could not be investigated, so I pushed it to you. You picked up a hot potato and came back. You really don't think you have too many things to do." Anna complained.

"Okay, the case needs to be investigated, and it needs to be investigated. I won't investigate, and someone else will investigate. As for the result, it depends on luck." Zhou Sen comforted Anna optimistically, "Don't worry about it. , is there any news from the hunter these days?"

"There are a lot of news, all of which are adjusted within the Far East Military Region. It's just some corners and corners that are still being analyzed and screened. Do you want to read it, and I'll bring it for you?" Anna said.

"Well, it's okay to be idle anyway..." Zhou Sen said casually. Indeed, no matter what the case is, there is no result in a short period of time.

Anna put a hand on her forehead.

This guy took such a difficult case, but he still said that he was "idle", what was he thinking.

Anna didn't know that Zhou Sen was really free, but that he had nothing to do now, so he had to wait, one was to wait for news from Ai Qing, and the other was to wait for Qin Xiong's feedback.

This matter has been arranged, then wait, what else can be done, the investigation and solution of the case can't be done without touching the ground?


In the advertising department of Daxi Advertising Company, Ma Rongda came to work early in the morning. He met Lao Mao yesterday and told him that the Chongqing side did not have clear instructions on the deterioration of the ice skates that he reported.

This made him feel a little uneasy.

His biggest reliance is Chongqing, especially Boss Dai's trust in him. After all, he is Boss Dai's student.

His coming to Bingcheng was a task assigned by Boss Dai himself.

Now, Boss Dai doesn't seem to fully believe him when it comes to the "Skate" team, which is one of the sources of his uneasiness.

Also, there was a deviation in his plan, and the Japanese actually changed people to investigate the assassination of "Jin Ronggui" on the train.

This person was the person he least wanted.

He understood that the Japanese wanted to get more from him, but the problem was that he also had his own calculations.

He can sell the ice skate team, but he doesn't want to sell the military commander yet. In other words, he just wants to use Japanese knives to fulfill his ambitions.

He had been waiting for this opportunity for half a year, and it finally arrived, but the result might not be as he imagined.

What are the Japanese doing? If they suspected Bai Yulan, why did they let Zhou Sen take over the case?

Could it be that Bai Yulan really secretly took refuge in the Japanese, and the Japanese replaced Zhou Sen? If so, why didn't they use it in the first place?

He knew very well that the Japanese also wanted to know who he was, and this was forcing him to reveal his identity...

If he continued to hide, his life would probably be lost if Zhou Sen found out. Zhou Sen would definitely attack him in order to save his wife.

For the first time, Mayonda felt that his brain was not enough, his mental state was very poor, and his mood was quite irritable.

One cigarette, another cigarette...

Soon, the ashtray in front of him was full of cigarette butts.

"Manager Ma, the boss informed that there will be a meeting at two o'clock in the afternoon, and all managers and above must attend." The secretary opened the door and came in.

"Understood." Mayonda agreed, signaling the secretary to go out and not to disturb him.

After thinking about it, he still picked up the phone on the table and dialed a number.


It's getting cold, and the weather forecast on the radio said that it might snow soon, but it's hard to say when it will fall.

On the way home from get off work, Zhou Sen went to Haicheng Road and greeted Gu Lao Liu and the others, but they hadn't seen each other for a while.

Then, Zhou Sen asked Wu En to drive to the North Market, bought some mutton and beef, and prepared to go home to eat hot-boiled mutton.

Back home, Zhou Sen handed the beef and mutton to Ah Xiang and asked her to prepare it.

In the evening, the whole family sits around the stove, simmering mutton and eating hot pot. Such days, I am afraid, will become less and less in the future.

Due to the lack of grain harvest in North Manchuria, coupled with the grain rationing system introduced by the Japanese, the price of grain has risen, and the life of ordinary people has become more and more difficult.

Zhou Sen is a government employee, plus he is now a sergeant and works in the intelligence department of the Kwantung Army. The rations of rice and white flour are not enough to eat, so they can only be mixed with miscellaneous grains. As for meat, the price is even more ridiculous .

It is obvious that the standard of living of the parents has dropped a lot compared to last year, especially if there are still pregnant women at home this year.

They have money, and they don't rely on exploitation to squeeze the people. Those people in the police department will not let their lives be poor. They must find a way to make money. The big ones can embezzle, and the small ones can get rich from the common people.

Even "Sen" Ji and Ningxiang Museum will inevitably have to pay various "donations". This is because there are people behind them. How miserable are the fates of ordinary businesses and ordinary people who have no one behind them?
Among them, the "waterproof public bond" is 500 million yuan, and even if it takes care of "Sen" Ji and Ningxiang Museum, it will cost 20 yuan.

This is just one of them, and there are many other miscellaneous things. With such a heavy burden, people like Zhou Sen and Bai Yulan feel the pressure doubled, so what about others?

After dinner, returning to the bedroom, Bai Yulan straightened the bed and said, "Today, Boss Li from Tongji came to visit. What does he mean, he wants me to invest in Tongji?"

"Tongji is facing difficulties?" Zhou Sen was a little surprised. Tongji not only has its own shopping mall, but also has a factory. It also has a brand name in Bingcheng. How is the business situation?

Now I'm afraid that they have a good relationship with the Japanese and puppets, or they can only live with the Japanese and puppets' background and interests.

Of course, you have to accept the blackmail from the Japanese, otherwise you will be eaten without any discussion.

"Tongji's warehouse in Shanghai lost a batch of cloth worth more than 255 million yuan." Bai Yulan said, "Their liquidity is in trouble, and they don't want to accept Japanese capital. The relationship is not bad, so please come to me."

"They shouldn't be begging you alone, right?" Zhou Sen asked.

"I don't know about that. There are not many people in Bingcheng who can come up with 20 yuan in one go." Bai Yulan said.

"Su Wenqing should be fine."

"He is poaching the Qin family's corner now, and the capital chain is relatively tight, and Tong Ji is probably unwilling to cooperate with him."

"Why, there is still trouble between them?"

"Tongji also has a warehouse, and the two used to be competitors." Bai Yulan said, "Tongji's storage is better than Su Wenqing's, and the price is fair. Su Wenqing fought a price war with Tongji, and was finally beaten by Su Wenqing." To steal part of the share, I used to rent Tongji's warehouse, so, you know, Tongji will at least not go to Su Wenqing first, unless I explicitly reject him."

"Is there any Japanese idea of ​​playing with the same reporter?" Zhou Sen asked.

"Yes, Nakamura, an advisor to the Ice City Government, has always wanted to swallow Tongji, but Tongji has never given him a chance. Therefore, Tongji's current difficulties in business operations probably have a lot to do with Zhongcun." Bai Yulan said.

"Nakamura is Qin Xiong's backstage, right?"

"Well, Qin Xiong has a very good relationship with Zhongcun, and Zhongcun invested a lot of money in Qin Xiong's new Taipingqiao gambling house." Bai Yulan said.

That Nakamura advisor, Zhou Sen knew, was a down-and-out descendant of a samurai family who had been in the army for a few years.

He has a nickname called "Nakamura Scoundrel".

(End of this chapter)

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