Chapter 455 surfaced
Once Jia Liu was caught, the others would not have to investigate. Zhou Sen ordered them all to be released, as for the things they confessed.

Naturally, it is sealed up. It is better not to spread these secrets.

Some things are not necessarily true.

Get it all done.

Zhou Sen went back to the police station in person and reported to Akiyamanosuke.

"So, you have found the source of the leak, the gardener named Jia Liu in the Qin family's old house?" After hearing this, Akiyama's nosuke was also surprised.

"Yes, and someone deliberately bought him as my wife's senior brother. This person should have an old grudge with my wife, otherwise he wouldn't do it."

"You mean he did it deliberately to frame him?"

"Yes, but it doesn't rule out that he has other purposes." Zhou Sen said, "I don't know who he is yet, but I will definitely catch him."

Akiyama nosuke nodded.

Although the identification was arranged by Zhou Sen, not all of them were from Zhou Sen at the scene of the identification, so this cannot be faked.

"Continue to investigate, I hope you can find out who is behind the scenes!" Akiyama said.

"Yes, Chief."

"By the way, there is a case here, which may be related to Jin Gong's assassination case." Akiyama nosuke handed Zhou Sen a file, "I was going to call you back. When you come back, I will spare no effort to send someone to look for it." is you."

Zhou Sen took the dossier in surprise, opened it, and said in surprise, "A special underground radio station has been found in the special high school?"

"Well, it has been confirmed that this is not a secret radio station that belongs to the Bingcheng Station of the Military Command. This radio station has been in frequent contact with the Chongqing side in the past few days. Only then was it discovered by our detection vehicle, and it was successfully recovered last night. Except for the radio station In addition, a family of three was also arrested. The male traffic officer worked in the railway department, the female was a telegraph operator and worked as a music teacher in a railway primary school, and a three-year-old boy. Inside the detention center." Akiyama Nosuke explained.

"Chief, can I meet this couple?" Zhou Sen asked cautiously.

"Of course, according to this man's confession, the Juntong Bingcheng Station is likely to be related to the assassination of Jin Gong, so you have the opportunity to learn about this case." Akiyama said.

"Okay, I'll go find out the situation now."

"Well, let's go." Akiyamanosuke nodded.

Zhou Sen took the file and turned to leave, but there was a huge wave in his heart. The Japanese actually took the underground secret contact radio station of the Bingcheng Station of the Military Command.

There is only one radio station left in the military command that can communicate with Chongqing, and that is the radio station of the "skate team" in Bai Yulan's hands.

This is a fatal thing.

But for the "skate team", what has not been seen is a bad thing. Bingcheng station has lost the communication channel with Chongqing.

Then the "skate team" has the right to speak.

This turn of events really surprised him, after all, there are still many things in Bingcheng that he can control.

What Zhou Sen didn't know was that shortly after he walked out of Akiyamanosuke's office, Akiyamanosuke picked up the phone and dialed a number: "Hello, Kageyama-kun, according to your instructions, the file is given to him .”

"Very well, we'll see his reaction." Kageyama Jiro's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Akiyamanosuke put down the phone, his eyes narrowed slightly, not knowing what was going on in his heart.


"I'm looking for the director of the extra-high school, Chuanhe."

"Wait a moment." The Japanese soldier at the door nodded politely. Zhou Sen spoke Japanese, and he subconsciously regarded him as a Japanese.

Zhou Sen naturally uses this kind of convenient convenience, not because he is spineless, but since he is lurking in the heart of the enemy, sticking to the so-called principles and not knowing how to adapt it will cause trouble for himself. ?
Sure enough, not long after, the sentry ran out and invited him in.

It's not the first time he met Chuanhe Dingkichi, and even performed missions together, of course, it was just a casual acquaintance.

"Zhou Sen-jun is here, I should greet him personally, but I can't get away." Chuanhe Dingkichi walked over with a smile, and stretched out his hand.

Zhou Sen smiled politely, reached out to shake his hand, he is now a police officer, theoretically on the same level as Sadakichi Kawai, but the other party is Japanese, so naturally he should be higher, but Zhou Sen is not ordinary Manchurian, he still works in the intelligence department of the Kwantung Army, and he belongs to the kind of Manchurian who can get in touch with the core and top secrets.

This kind of person is generally a high-level existence in the puppet Manchukuo, and there are very few people like Zhou Sen.

Because the Japanese Empire wants to rule and control the Puppet Manchukuo, it needs puppet Manchukuo elites like "Zhou Sen" who are willing to serve the Great Japanese Empire, especially the young people educated and trained in their hands.

In order to give these people enough power and status, the corresponding respect is also necessary, at least on the surface.

After Zhou Sen explained his intentions, Chuanhe Dingkichi did not refuse, and directly promised Zhou Sen to meet his captured wife.

Her husband was lying in the hospital because of his injuries. Although he was out of danger, he was still in a coma.

The testimony on the file that Zhou Sen saw was all confessed by the telegraph operator's wife.

Don't say that this captured woman is too spineless, no woman can calmly watch others torture her child?
Not to mention, the Japanese just led a wolf dog and put her son in an iron cage. Who can bear it?

So, she confessed.

Say everything you know.

Zhou Sen was also very helpless. Although he also hated this kind of betrayal, he could also understand it. Therefore, working as an undercover agent and lurking is really not something that ordinary people can do.

If this woman has no children, or another situation, of course, her ending will not be good.

Now, she is a shameful traitor, and her husband is in doubt, but her son may survive.

The woman was tortured and her body was covered with cuts and bruises. It can be seen that she persisted. At least she never thought of betraying her compatriots at first.

But the Japanese used the most unacceptable thing for a mother, she succumbed, for the child to survive.

She spoke.

However, she is just a telegraph operator and doesn't know much, while her husband is a traffic operator and obviously knows much more than she does.

However, her husband was shot and injured, and after being sent to the hospital for emergency surgery, he was still in a coma.

"Tang Xiaoru, you can answer whatever I ask you next. If you hide anything, you will know the consequences."

Tang Xiaoru nodded, except that her son can cause her strong mood swings, everything else is almost like a walking dead.

"When did you come to Ice City?"

"The 27th year of the Republic of China..."

"What is the mission for you and your husband Chen Zhihong to come to Bingcheng?" Zhou Sen continued to ask.

"The two of us came to Bingcheng as a husband and wife, and secretly established contact with the headquarters of the Chongqing Military Command Bureau. At the same time, we used our work as a cover to lurk down to work for the Bingcheng Station of the Military Command. My husband served as a traffic officer, and I served as a radio operator..." Tang Xiaoru thought for a moment and continued to answer.

"Who is your superior?" Zhou Sen continued to ask.

"I do not know."

"You do not know?"

"My husband does all the liaison work, and he doesn't let me know about it. This is also a rule." Tang Xiaoru said.

"Are you sure you didn't lie?"

"I've told you everything I know, what's the point of me deliberately concealing this?" Tang Xiaoru said with tears, "Sir, can you let me see my child?"

Zhou Sen didn't refuse. The request was not difficult. He nodded and asked someone to bring the little boy in.

"The band, frequency, and code book for contacting Chongqing?"

"Zhou Sen-jun, she has burned the code book, but the communication frequency, band and call sign have been explained." Kawahe Singkichi said.

"It's the basic ability of a radio operator to let her write it silently. If she can't even do this, how can she become a qualified radio operator?" Zhou Sen said.

Chuanhe Dingji's eyes lit up: "Yaoxi, Zhou Senjun is more powerful than you."

Zhou Sen smiled awkwardly, how could Chuanhe Dingkichi not think of it, it was just that he didn't think of it for a while, it will be a matter of time before Tang Xiaoru writes the encrypted code book for communication.

"Section Chief Chuanhe, what do you plan to do with this child?" Zhou Sen asked casually. With the viciousness of the Japanese, once the mother is worthless, they probably won't keep the child.

At that time, I'm afraid that this child will still become a big meal for those ferocious wolf dogs outside.

"What good advice does Mr. Zhou Sen have?" The cunning Kawai Singkichi kicked the ball back to Zhou Sen.

How could he fail to see what Zhou Sen was thinking.

"This child is the couple's only weakness. Keeping it will allow them to continue to confess things that are useful to us, and even help us get rid of the military's intelligence station in Bingcheng." Zhou Sen said.

"Well, it's consistent with what I thought, but no one here knows how to take care of children..."

"Sect Leader Chuanhe, I have a suggestion..." Zhou Sen turned his ear and said a few words in Chuai Dingkichi's ear.

"Yaoxi, Zhou Senjun, your proposal is very good, hahaha!" Chuanhe Dingji laughed out loud after hearing this.

"Chuanhe Section Chief, can I go to the hospital to see that Chen Zhihong?" Zhou Sen asked.

"Of course, Section Chief Akiyama has said hello, and I can do everything conveniently for you." Chuanhe Dingkichi agreed without hesitation, and ordered his subordinates to accompany Zhou Sen to the hospital where Chen Zhihong was operated.

In the hospital, Chen Zhihong was lying on a hospital bed with a bandage wrapped around his abdomen. His injury was actually not serious, it was a penetrating injury, but he had lost a lot of blood and he was still in a coma.

When he will wake up is still unknown.

But Chuanhe Dingji gave the hospital a death order, and Chen Zhihong must be rescued. This person is much more valuable than Tang Xiaoru.

Zhou Sen glanced at Chen Zhihong, and didn't know what to say. Although lurking work is very dangerous, especially those engaged in underground radio communication, they are in danger anytime and anywhere.

This couple is really big-hearted, and they have a three-year-old child with them. This weakness is too big.

If it were him, he would not be able to keep the child by his side.

Of course, there was probably no other way. From what he knew, the child was born after they arrived in Bingcheng.

Could it be that the couple should give their child to others to be raised?

This is so inhumane.

It is estimated that their parents and family members are not in Bingcheng either, so staying with them to raise them is also a last resort.

Although he doesn't have much affection for the military command, as long as he is dedicated to resisting Japan, no matter what his status is, he respects him, and the military command is not all vicious and murderous people without blinking an eye.

He couldn't say anything, and he couldn't even take the child away, because his every move was under the nose of the Japanese, and any abnormal behavior would be suspected.

The Japanese never really trust the Chinese, they are just using themselves, Zhou Sen is very clear about this, and he must always be vigilant.

However, he also tried his best to help that child, that mother, if he couldn't help, even if she survived, she would not escape the trial in the future.

The child is innocent, he hasn't seen the new world yet, he shouldn't just lose his life like this, it's not fair to him.

Coming out of the hospital, Zhou Sen got into the car and didn’t send a single glance. He was in a bad mood, although he didn’t know why the underground radio station of Juntong was seized, whether it was betrayed by a traitor, or the signal was detected when they sent a telegram, Positioned.

He didn't want to ask more, because he didn't handle the case, and Akiyama's help let him know that it was probably a temptation.

Although that Tang Xiaoru's testimony mentioned some circumstances of the assassination of "Jin Ronggui" at the train station, it can be inferred that the assassination case is connected with the Juntong Bingcheng Station.

He also knew that if this case continues to be investigated, sooner or later it will be found at the Bingcheng Station of the Juntong. He can delay it, but it won't last long.

"Ask Muren to come over and stay here. Once Chen Zhihong wakes up, notify me as soon as possible." Zhou Sen ordered.

The super high class is eyeing the military command Bingcheng station.

Chen Zhihong is the breakthrough point. If this person dies, the clues will be broken, but the problem is that Chuanhe Dingji will definitely send someone to protect him closely.

Moreover, very few people know about Chen Zhihong's matter now. Once he has an accident or is assassinated.

It is inevitable that he will be suspected.

"Chuanhe Dingji!" Zhou Sen muttered to himself.

"Brother, where are you going now?" Wu En, who was sitting in the driver's seat, asked.

"Go to the railway department where Chen Zhihong works." Zhou Sen ordered. He always felt that Chuanhe Dingkichi would not just arrest someone and settle down. There must be someone behind him.

"I asked for leave, who asked for leave?"

"The person who called to ask for leave said that he had diarrhea and was weak..." The staff gave Zhou Sen such an answer, and he understood it instantly.

Chuanhe Dingji blocked the news, and a "wait for the rabbit" came. Of course, this method is a bit stupid, but maybe a fool can really be caught.

Because the arrest was at night, although there were only a few gunshots, but they disappeared soon, Chen Zhihong and Tang Xiaoru probably had no chance to pass on the news, so if someone really came to them...

This person must be stopped before he appears near Chen Zhihong's house, otherwise, once it falls into the hands of the Japanese, the Juntong Bingcheng Station is in danger of being caught in a pot.

(End of this chapter)

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