Merchant and doctor

Chapter 173 The Strange Infirmary

Chapter 173 The Strange Infirmary

"Antai" company headquarters, No. 35 office building, with arched roof, three ups and downs, Western-style main body, Chinese and Western-style buildings, with a total height of 100 floors, [-]% self-owned property rights, it looks very grand from a distance.

Room 0906, Chen Yueqing's private office, more than 200 square meters, with simple facilities, spacious and bright.

"Oh! Mr. Cao! I never expected that you are so familiar with Dr. Bian! Please sit down, both of you!" Chen Yueqing respected the two of them.

"Uncle Chen! I won't see you for a long time, so please stay safe! I am a patient of Dr. Bian, and I just happened to meet. I hope it won't affect the two of you talking about business." As he spoke, Mr. Cao, a "chess idiot", deliberately sat a little farther away. on the sofa.

"They're not outsiders, don't be so ostentatious! Dr. Bian is here, I don't know what advice I can give you!" While speaking, Chen Yueqing returned to her original position, and said to Bian Mu very politely.

"I'm here to return the car today, so I dare not accept such an expensive thing! Besides, I have no merit to the Chen family, so accepting this kind of gift will make my family feel uncomfortable." Bian Mu said very politely. The car key was placed on the large file bag, and he pushed it outward.

Smiling slightly, Chen Yueqing didn't give in.

"The subordinates are a bit reckless, which caused Dr. Bian to make a special trip. I am not careful in handling things, please forgive me! But... Doctor Bian must have read the procedures! My name is used, although some The people under him have put in a lot of thought for not being able to do things well. It's nothing but to express their respect to Dr. Bian. Since you mind so much, I'll let them take it back and use it as the company's official car. Please also ask Bian Don't be offended, doctor!" Chen Yueqing explained with a smile, although the old man is not young, he speaks with a lot of air.

However, Bian Mu felt that Chen Yueqing should suffer from severe arteriosclerosis syndrome.

"You're too polite! Now that I've said everything clearly, I won't bother you any more. Goodbye!" After finishing speaking, Bian Mu stood up and was about to return to the hospital for outpatient consultation.

"I know that Dr. Bian is usually very busy,'s hard to come here, can I ask Dr. Bian to do a little favor?" Chen Yueqing got up and said with a smile.

"Oh! You are such a big company, how can I help as a layman?" Although Bian Mu said so, he started to mutter in his heart.

"Our company has established a clinic for a long time, in order to deal with emergencies encountered by employees on the spot in a timely manner. Not to mention, the results are quite good. After so many years, it has been integrated into our corporate culture and has become an indispensable part of our company. Doctor Bian is a great talent. Can you condescend to give me some pointers on what is lacking? They rectified immediately, no matter what, it's a good thing to do good deeds, isn't it?" Chen Yueqing suddenly said such strange words.

"Infirmary? Your company really cares about its employees! That's fine! Go over and have a look, but I only asked for a short leave from the hospital, and I have to go back when the time comes." Without thinking too much, Bian Mu replied casually.

"Don't dare to waste your precious time too much, it's a great way to save face in the past, please! Mr. Cao! Are you going to go with me? Or drink coffee here?" While talking, Chen Yueqing did not forget to say hello "Chess crazy" Mr. Cao said a few words.

The Cao family is an important and powerful faction in the financial circle of Lijin City. Chen Yueqing dare not treat the eldest son of the Cao family lightly. Although the "chess idiot" has never been involved in the financial circle, even people with a little brains have to be polite to him. angry.

"Hehe... It's boring to stay here alone, I'll go around with you." As he spoke, Mr. Cao, a "chess idiot", followed the two of them out to the elevator entrance.

On the 33rd floor, the entire floor is actually full of so-called infirmaries. The relevant practitioners are much more complete than Bian Mu imagined, and the facilities are not to mention. They are all the latest serious medical equipment. This means that there is no operating room, otherwise , Outsiders came in and thought it was a serious hospital.

Turning around, Bian Mu found that this place is basically a small hospital that focuses on traditional Chinese medicine physiotherapy.

"Chen Dong! Do you have formal procedures?" Bian Mu asked with a smile.

"Approved by the [-] health bureaus, there are also a lot of related records, and all the doctors and nurses are from serious courses, without exception!"

"No wonder your company has made a fortune! People-oriented! Benevolence and righteousness! If all the companies on the ground in Lijin were like yours, we 'Huikang' might have to close down!" Bian Mu joked with a smile .

"Doctor Bian is just joking! We haven't done enough. One day when Doctor Bian passes by, please come over and give some advice. The majority of the staff will also benefit from your reputation as a famous doctor." Chen Yueqing said with a smile.

"Don't dare to be! The time is too short, I don't dare to talk nonsense, see you if you are destined!" After finishing speaking, Bian Mu pulled the "chess idiot" Mr. Cao and was about to leave.

Chen Yueqing didn't say much, and politely took the two to the ninth floor, and at the same time arranged for the driver, Master Ma, to drive the two of them in his special car.


At the gate of "Huikang" hospital, I thanked Master Ma and watched the luxury car drift away. Then Bian Mu said to Mr. Cao, "Chess idiot", "I have to go to the outpatient clinic later! Let's make a long story short, what are you doing?" Think about discussing business with me? I'm a layman! I can't help you!"

"My sister means that you understand my weaknesses better, and I would like to ask you to help me block some of my business from a medical point of view, so as to save me from following the footsteps of Go in the future." "Chessman" Mr. Cao explained with a smile.

Hearing this, the expression on Bian Mu's face immediately became much more serious.

"Oh! Your sister is indeed a business leader in the investment bank! This thinking logic is quite clever! I'm sorry, I was negligent, sorry! In principle... you'd better not engage in that kind of brain-consuming business, you'd better Start a small, light-hearted business, say, open a coffee shop or something."

"Coffee shop? Can it make a profit?" "Chess Crazy" Mr. Cao asked blankly.

"I'm just making an analogy. I'm not suggesting that you open a coffee shop! Hey! It's almost time, I can't be late. This matter is actually quite complicated. I really can't give you any good ideas in a short while. Let’s not do this! On Saturday afternoon, we’re going to visit an old man, and we’ll have a good discussion on the way.”

"A word is settled!"

"It's a deal! Then go slowly!"

"That's easy! Thank you for causing trouble to Doctor Bian! See you later!" After finishing speaking, Mr. Cao, a "chess idiot", walked away excitedly.


That night, Qian Xiaotong sent two medical professional papers on his mobile phone, all of which belonged to the category of traditional Chinese medicine, and asked Bian Mu to read them.

Bian Mu read through it carefully, and found that the two papers looked okay on the surface, but once they were studied in depth, the concepts were unclear, the logical details were vague and chaotic, and they lacked new ideas... Such big problems were all exposed.

For a while, Bian Mu felt particularly embarrassed, change it!You have to move a lot, and it’s not much different from rewriting; don’t change it!Dean Feng will be offended immediately.

After thinking about it for a long time, Bian Mu hit it off. He planned to find a special time to write two outlines of revision proposals for the two so-called relatives of Dean Feng's family, and let them figure out how to revise.


In the next few days, Bian Mu received more and more follow-up patients who were lost from colleagues. Bian Mu felt that there was something abnormal in it. Because of the limited time, he really couldn't find it out for a while. What's wrong.

On Saturday afternoon, after three o'clock, Bian Mu made an appointment with Mr. Cao, a "chess idiot", to take the private car of Mr. Wu, the security guard, to Mr. Wu's old mother's house to go to the clinic.

(End of this chapter)

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