Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 102 Meticulously designed, Ye Qingmeng was tricked into the wild

Chapter 102 Meticulously designed, Ye Qingmeng was tricked into the wild
Li Donglai is very unhappy these days.

As the workshop director of Pingyao Town Garment Factory, who is not polite to him on weekdays?But Ye Qingmeng didn't even look at him.

This made Li Donglai very unhappy.

Li Donglai is 35 this year. Relying on his family connections, he became a workshop director in a garment factory.

But he doesn't have a diploma, that is, the level of a junior high school graduate.

If you want to go further, you have to get a technical secondary school, so that you have the opportunity to work in the county or a larger factory.

Therefore, relying on his connections, Li Donglai went to Pingyao Middle School and prepared to take the college entrance examination.

In the last English speech contest, Li Donglai almost didn't understand English at all. He didn't even recognize the 24 letters of ABCD. He participated in this competition purely for the sake of his qualifications.

As a result, after the first game, Gu Rongan kicked him out regardless of his relationship.

However, Li Donglai didn't dare to do anything to Gu Rongan even if he still had to go to Pingyao Middle School.

But that beautiful girl, Ye Qingmeng, was always on his mind.

Later when Ye Qingmeng came to teach English, Li Donglai was very happy and felt that his chance had come.

He took the initiative to approach many times, but was coldly rejected by Ye Qingmeng.

This made Li Donglai very unhappy,

Ye Qingmeng's husband, He Jincheng and Li Donglai, had also met him. He was just a poor boy, and he didn't know why Ye Qingmeng followed him so wholeheartedly.

In the past few days, Li Donglai waited at the school gate as soon as school was over.

Every day He Jincheng would come to pick Ye Qingmeng home on time. He wanted to find a chance when He Jincheng was late to get close to Ye Qingmeng again.

If he didn't get this woman, he was itching all the time.

On this day, Li Donglai stayed at the door as usual.

Ye Qingmeng also showed up at the school gate on time.

For some reason, He Jincheng didn't come here on time.

Li Donglai was overjoyed immediately, and hurried to ride his bicycle, as if passing by by chance.

"Miss Ye, why didn't your husband come to pick you up!"

Li Donglai stopped the car, looked at Ye Qingmeng on the side, and asked with a smile.

"It will come soon!"

Ye Qingmeng said lightly.

She knew what Li Donglai was thinking, and she hated him extremely.

It's just that this is a school, and it's not easy for me to put on airs and ignore the students, so I just said it perfunctorily.

"It's getting late, why don't I see you off, I'm fine this afternoon!"

Li Donglai said with a smile.

He was used to Ye Qingmeng's cold attitude, but in order to get this woman, it's okay to be thick-skinned.

"No thanks!"

Ye Qingmeng's words were concise and to the point, she turned her eyes to one side, not wanting to say anything more to this Li Donglai.

A flash of anger flashed in Li Donglai's eyes, he really doesn't know what is good or bad, he is so polite, you bitch don't give face at all, do you really take yourself seriously?
But this is a school, so I can't get angry.

If you are caught molesting a married female teacher in public, you will be committing hooliganism and the consequences will be very serious.

After thinking about it, a sneer appeared on the corner of Li Donglai's mouth,

"Well, I'll go first, maybe I can meet your husband again, and I'll tell him you're waiting for him here!"

Li Donglai said with a smile, and then left on his bicycle.

Ye Qingmeng hated Li Donglai very much.

My husband comes to pick me up every day, so how could I not know where I am waiting for him? Isn't this nonsense?
It's just that He Jincheng seems to be a little late today. Is there something that delays it?

After waiting for another ten minutes, Ye Qingmeng became a little worried when he still hadn't seen He Jincheng's figure.

If there is nothing else, He Jincheng will definitely come here on time. What's going on today?

At this moment, Ye Qingmeng saw Li Donglai came back again, with an anxious expression on his face, he pedaled his bicycle fiercely and rushed to Ye Qingmeng.

"Ms. Ye is not well. I saw your husband on the road just now. He hit someone on his motorcycle and was injured himself. Come with me quickly, and I will take you there!"

Li Donglai's face was full of anxiety, coupled with his profuse sweating, Ye Qingmeng immediately believed it.

"Ah? Where?"

Ye Qingmeng's brain was short-circuited, and He Jincheng had a car accident?As soon as she was anxious, she didn't doubt Li Donglai's words at all.

"It's not far ahead, at the intersection of Hurrying into the city, the blood all over the place is terrible, get in the car, let's go there quickly!"

Li Donglai said quickly.

At this time, Ye Qingmeng was completely lost.

She was very scared, He Jincheng was her everything, if something happened, how would she live?
She didn't hesitate at the moment, taking Li Donglai's bicycle to go there was the fastest way, and she jumped into the car immediately.

"Quick, please hurry up!"

Ye Qingmeng urged anxiously.

There was a smug sneer at the corner of Li Donglai's mouth, he promised, and then he rode his bicycle towards the outside of the city.

He rode very fast, and it didn't take long before he left the city and came to a remote road.

"Student Li, where is it? Does this road seem to be the road of our Lianhua Village?"

Ye Qingmeng was very anxious, why hasn't he arrived yet?

"The small road over there is just ahead, and it will be there soon!"

Li Donglai pointed to the front and said, and then he stepped a little faster.

After another 2 minutes of riding, Li Donglai stopped.

Ye Qingmeng quickly jumped out of the back seat of the car and looked around, but found nothing, only the cornfields on both sides that were taller than people.

"Student Li, where is my husband? Why isn't there?"

Up to now, Ye Qingmeng, who is pure in heart, has not realized that she has been fooled.

"It's right there, don't you see it?"

Li Donglai looked serious and pointed behind Ye Qingmeng.

Ye Qingmeng turned around quickly, but before she could react, Li Donglai hugged her from behind.

"Ah! What are you doing, let me go!"

Ye Qingmeng suddenly exclaimed and shouted loudly.

"Hey, Teacher Ye, don't be nervous, I just want to chat with you alone, I won't hurt you! No one passes by here, even if you call again, no one will come to rescue you!"

Li Donglai sneered endlessly, the evil in his heart completely broke out.

Ye Qingmeng finally figured it out now, Li Donglai was lying to him, trying to plot something wrong!

"Bastard, if you dare to touch me, my husband will never let you go!"

Ye Qingmeng shouted angrily while struggling desperately.

"Hahaha, as for your husband, that trash, even if I raped you, would he dare to come to me? Who would spread the story of his wife being played with by others, and it will be even more embarrassing for you then!"

Li Donglai said with a lewd smile.

"Miss Ye, just be obedient, I'm very gentle, after making me happy, I will never trouble you again in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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