Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 122 Exploring medical skills, He Jincheng treats baldness

Chapter 122 Exploring medical skills, He Jincheng treats baldness
For other conditions, He Jincheng might not be able to agree to anything.

He Jincheng is good at treating illnesses.

"I don't know where President Guo feels uncomfortable recently?"

He Jincheng asked with a smile while taking his pulse.

"Do I still need to ask? Since Mr. He is a genius doctor, he must be able to see it!"

Guo Qiyuan kept silent about what disease he wanted to see, obviously he wanted to make things difficult for He Jincheng.

He Jincheng smiled and didn't ask any more questions.

It seems that Mr. Guo is still a little angry. Forget it, he just asks for trouble, and he just needs to take a good pulse and see a doctor. I believe that as long as he cures Guo Qiyuan's illness, there should be no problem.

However, 1 minute later, He Jincheng didn't reveal any problem at all.

Mr. Guo has good physical fitness, and he looks like a person who exercises regularly.

Judging from the pulse condition, Mr. Guo seems to be fine and healthy, so what does he want himself to show him?
He Jincheng was very puzzled and didn't know what to do for a while.

"How about Mr. He, do you see what's wrong with me?"

Guo Qiyuan said with a faint smile, a playful look flashed in his eyes, and he said in his heart: "Okay, you Chen Fasheng, you dare to tease me. I knew how such a young guy could have some advanced medical skills. You are just talking nonsense." !"

He Jincheng frowned and thought about it, and suddenly saw the Mediterranean Sea on Guo Qiyuan's head, and immediately knew what was going on, since there was nothing wrong with his body, then this President Guo came to see his hair loss?

That's right, people in their forties are in their prime, with a Mediterranean sea on their heads, which somewhat affects their image, and may even affect their progress.

He Jincheng thought for a while, and immediately had an idea.

"Hehe, if I'm not wrong, Mr. Guo will feel his scalp itching unbearably every autumn and summer, and he wants to pull out all his hair! Even the itching makes people crazy."

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

Guo Qiyuan was slightly taken aback, his face remained unchanged on the surface, but he was shocked in his heart.

Isn't it right, just by feeling the pulse, you can see the baldness that I want to see today?It seems that this He Jincheng really has some real skills!
"Then tell me, what's going on with me?"

Although he didn't admit it, it was a disguised admission of He Jincheng's speculation.

"May I know what shampoo Mr. Guo uses on a daily basis?"

He Jincheng nodded and asked with a smile.

"Oh, it's a shampoo bought in Guangcheng, South China. It says it contains herbal essence, which can nourish hair and relieve fatigue!"

Guo Qiyuan didn't continue to hide it.

After all, he also hopes that his problem will be cured soon, otherwise, with a bald head every day, the image of a lion is not good!
"Herbal essence? That's no wonder, isn't Guo always feeling itchy scalp and feeling extremely uncomfortable after using that shampoo?"

He Jincheng nodded slightly, as if he already knew something.

"That's right, even this season is very itchy. I wonder if Mr. He can tell what's going on?"

Guo Qiyuan said lightly, feeling even more surprised in his heart.

His scalp often itches when autumn and summer meet, but it seems that few people know about it. He can be sure that He Jincheng came to the conclusion entirely by his own pulse.

This young Chinese medicine doctor is indeed a bit unusual!

"Then is there any way to treat Mr. He?"

Guo Qiyuan said quickly.

If He Jincheng can repair his car, that pile of medicinal materials factories will definitely be a great thing.

"If you want to cure it, I'm afraid it's impossible, because the human spine is here, there are many blood vessels, etc., the operation is very difficult, and the prescription I gave you is also very simple, that is, wipe it with ginger every day. Your own head will do,”

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Ginger? Will this help?"

Guo Qiyuan said with some doubts, he would not suffocate himself to death just because these little people were together.

"It has a certain effect, but it still needs to be combined with acupuncture and moxibustion. I will give Mr. Guo two needles first, and you will know when you feel it!"

He Jincheng stood up with a smile, then took out the needle bag he was carrying with him, took out a silver needle, and looked at Guo Qiyuan, asking him what he meant.

"Okay, since you're here, you have to try no matter what you say!"

Guo Qiyuan nodded slightly, but did not hesitate much.

"That's offended!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly, took the silver needle, and stabbed it in Guo Qiyuan's head.

But in just ten seconds, He Jincheng pricked almost a dozen silver needles.

At first, Guo Qiyuan was a little nervous, especially the feeling of the silver needle piercing his head, which was really scary.

But when he found that there was no pain, he was relieved a lot.

After a dozen silver needles were inserted into the back, his brain seemed to be a little more relaxed, and Guo Qiyuan was completely relieved.

But, He Jincheng really has two talents.

Just now I felt a little sleepy, and my scalp was a little itchy, but after He Jincheng's dozens of seals were pierced, the itching feeling was reduced by a large part.

"Keep it on for 3 minutes first, and then I will take it off. The effect should be ideal!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Guo Qiyuan, on the other hand, closed his eyes comfortably and rested comfortably on the chair.

He Jincheng smiled and didn't bother him.

As long as his own method is effective, Guo Qiyuan will definitely not take his word for it.

Three minutes later, He Jincheng removed the silver needle from Guo Qiyuan's head.

Guo Qiyuan also woke up, and immediately felt his head refreshed, as if suddenly enlightened, it was so comfortable.

"Huh? My scalp really doesn't itch anymore, it's great!"

Guo Qiyuan rubbed his head, his face was full of surprise.

Although my scalp would not be particularly itchy on weekdays, after a few acupuncture needles by He Jincheng, even the mild itching disappeared.

"That's good, it shows that my effect is not bad. Next, Mr. Guo can rub his head with ginger for 3 minutes each time, twice a day. This can not only relieve itching, but also help hair The regrowth! I believe that it will not be long before Mr. Guo will have a full head of hair!"

He Jincheng laughed.

"Ah? Hahaha, that's not necessary, I'm already so old, why do I care about these things!"

Guo Qiyuan waved his hands again and again, but his heart was filled with joy and anticipation.

(End of this chapter)

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