Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 124 Build a Road, Go to the County as the New Year Comes

Chapter 124 Build a Road, Go to the County as the New Year Is Coming
When there is too much money, how to distribute it becomes a problem.

Huang Baofu was worried all day long, so he wandered over to He Jincheng's side, trying to get him an idea.

"Jincheng, thanks to you this time, it has generated income for the village, but you handed over the 1 yuan to me, which is really worrying me to death. You said so much money, how do we divide it!"

Huang Baofu squatted in the yard with a dry pipe in his mouth, looking at He Jincheng with a wry smile.

"Uncle, you are the village chief. If it weren't for your strong support back then, our medicinal material factory wouldn't have been able to be built, so I don't think everyone has an opinion on how to divide it!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"That's what you think. In the past, when you were poor and white, everyone lived the same hard life, but now it's different. This person will think about it when he's full. Didn't you tell me before that you don't suffer from widowhood? Jun, that’s not the reason!”

Huang Baofu took a deep puff of the cigarette, and said in a deep voice.

"It's true to say that, but we're just starting out this year, and this little money makes you so worried, what if there are more in the future!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"That's the reason. My old man has never seen so much money. I think we still have to hire someone to take care of the money!"

Huang Baofu nodded, agreeing with He Jincheng's statement.

4000 yuan is okay, but if it becomes [-] to [-] yuan in the future, what should I do?

"I'll talk about this later, I have a suggestion, uncle, you can listen to it!"

He Jincheng laughed.

"Tell me, tell me, you're still so polite to me!"

Huang Baofu said with a smile.

"I don't think it's necessary to share all the money. Take half of the money and divide it equally per head. Dissatisfaction is not counted, and it is only distributed according to adults! The adults in our village are about 90 or so. One person It can be divided into [-] to [-] yuan, which is quite a lot.”

He Jincheng said with a smile.

90 yuan, which is higher than the monthly salary of ordinary workers in cities and towns.

"What about the rest?"

Huang Baofu nodded slightly and asked again.

"The rest, I think, can be divided into our village's collective account, which is dedicated to the construction and daily expenses of Lianhua Village, such as pulling wires, repairing roads, buying seeds, watering, etc. Anything that can benefit most people, All can be withdrawn from this collective account.”

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Huang Baofu's eyes lit up immediately.

This is a good way. In this way, not only all adults can get some money, but the funds used for village construction can also benefit most people.

That way, no one will say anything more.

"Okay, this method, the roads in our village should have been repaired a long time ago, just enough to get a sum of money!"

Huang Baofu nodded in approval.

"Yes, our village is actually not far from the county road. If we can build a road that connects to the county road, it will be much easier for us to go to the county town in the future!"

He Jincheng laughed.

"Okay, okay, let's do it like this. We can build a gravel road first, and when we have more money next year, we can build an asphalt road. If this is done, everyone in Lianhua Village will be able to hold our heads high when we go out in the future! Hahaha !"

Huang Baofu has no selfish intentions, and really wants to lead the villagers out of poverty and become rich, so when he planted medicinal materials and built a medicinal material factory, he helped He Jincheng as much as possible.

Still, He Jincheng didn't let himself down. In just half a year, he brought so many benefits to the villagers.

After returning home, Huang Baofu immediately held a village meeting. As soon as he heard that the money was to be distributed, all the villagers who could walk ran out.

After Huang Baofu announced the specific policy, the villagers were very excited, although a few expressed doubts, mainly because their family had many children and few adults, and the money they got was not much.

Huang Baofu also opened up his mind, and gave some compensation specifically for this kind of family with many children, and contributed funds from the village collective account.

There is nothing wrong with the villagers.

Finally, when it comes to road construction, the villagers strongly support it and express their willingness to contribute.

Huang Baofu was very satisfied with the response of the villagers, and immediately called on the villagers to start road construction, and strive to build the gravel road before the Chinese New Year.

In the next month, Lianhua Village became lively.

When trucks full of gravel arrived, the villagers took their own shovels and began to level and widen the road.

The big guys are very motivated, and they can build more than 100 meters in one day. After a month, a gravel road more than six miles long is paved.

Finally, the tractor pulled the millstone back and forth more than a dozen times, and the road was finally completed three days before the Chinese New Year.

Looking at the spacious gravel road, the villagers all had happy smiles on their faces.

In the past, when it rained, the road would be muddy, but now it is paved with stones, so I don't have to worry about it anymore.

The children ran around on the gravel road with bare feet, and they were not afraid of pain, so they had fun.

He Jincheng hugged Tingting and took Ye Qingmeng for a walk on the road, which also gave him a sense of accomplishment.

Now the villagers are completely grateful and respectful of He Jincheng.

If it wasn't for He Jincheng, let alone such a good gravel road, I'm afraid many people would still be hungry!

Guo Lan and Ye Shanhe simply moved to Lianhua Village.

Now that his son-in-law is so competitive and has a high status and prestige in the village, they have a good face when they come to settle here.

Now as soon as they go out, when they see their family, they will greet them enthusiastically, and everyone will look at them with kindness.

For such a change, He Jincheng accepted it frankly.

In fact, he doesn't care about these, as long as his wife and children live well, he is already satisfied.

The New Year is approaching, and He Jincheng is also going to the county to buy some New Year's goods.

Ye Shanhe offered to go with He Jincheng this time, and it would be more convenient for two big men to do the shopping.

So on the 27th day of the twelfth lunar month, the two rode motorcycles to the county seat.

Years ago, the county town was also very lively. Now it has been 82 years, and the spring breeze of reform and opening up has also blown to Beishan County, and many small shops have opened up.

Everyone's faces are filled with smiles, showing yearning and longing for the future.

Life is getting better and better, who can not be happy?
He Jincheng asked the father-in-law to go shopping in the market first, bought some things by himself, and then prepared to visit some acquaintances, such as Chen Fasheng, Liu Hao, Qiu Lin, etc. These relationships still need to be maintained.

After all, these people have helped me a lot, so I can't forget my gratitude, right?

(End of this chapter)

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