Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 162 Asking questions, giving Gu Fengyue the pulse

Chapter 162 Asking questions, giving Gu Fengyue the pulse
Thinking of this, He Jincheng went to two shops that also had gems and literature, and checked them out.

As a result, these people said that gemstones could not be sold, and even said that if He Jincheng liked it, they would sell it to him at cost price.

In this way, He Jincheng really bought some gemstones, because the price is very cheap, and it is not much different from buying from the place of origin.

When he went back, He Jincheng bought hundreds of gemstones, such as emeralds and agates, countless of them. In the end, the owner of a shop lent He Jincheng a tricycle, which was transported. go back.

Gao Ziqiang was very happy to see that He Jincheng had bought so many things.

He doesn't know much about this business yet, so he doesn't know if these things will sell well in the future.

If he knew that none of these items were sold within the next week, Gao Ziqiang would probably vomit blood.

"Just right, you can use it to practice your hands and learn the simple identification of these things!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Come on, I'll classify now, Brother He, go rest first, leave this matter to me!"

Gao Ziqiang was enthusiastic, and then compared them one by one according to the book, and found that these gemstone objects were neatly placed on the display shelves, and some of the objects that Gao Ziqiang thought were more expensive could be placed in very conspicuous places.

He Jincheng gave Gao Ziqiang to do all these things.

While identifying the objects, he searched for relevant introductions based on the book, which also allowed Gao Ziqiang to quickly understand this area.

Back in his room, He Jincheng sat on the bed and rested for a while.

After thinking about it, he couldn't understand why the people here were relatively indifferent to gems and had no interest at all.

Gemstone Wenwan has a good effect on health care.

How could you not like such a good thing?

Thinking of this, He Jincheng wanted to try.

However, he decided to talk to Master Gu Fengyue first before doing so.

I believe Master Gu should not meet outsiders.

When he arrived at the old house, He Jincheng knocked on the door.

Gu Fengyue opened the door very quickly, seeing that it was He Jincheng, she was also very happy to invite him to have dinner together!
"Oh, Master Gu, this junior has encountered a problem, please ask Master Gu to explain it!"

He Jincheng said very respectfully.

In this line of work, I'm afraid ten of them are not the ability of one Gu Fengyue.

"Hehe, Jincheng, you don't know, we here in Nandu don't have much interest in jade and other things, and because the supply of goods is relatively scarce, the price of this type of cultural play is relatively high, so everyone is more interested in it." I don't like this kind of stuff anymore!"

Gu Fengyue chuckled and directly pointed out the crux of the problem.

He Jincheng raised his brows slightly, and said in his heart that those who know how to do things know best.

It turned out that the problem was here.

The less the supply, the higher the price.

So, if you can solve the problem of raw materials, can you open up the market in this area?

"Master Gu, what do you mean to say that if you want to make jade-like cultural games, you need to solve the problem of supply first?"

He Jincheng sincerely asked for advice.

"Of course, but the supply of goods is a big problem. The best materials in our country are only in a few places, which are far away from our southern capital. If you want to buy goods, let's not talk about the time period, the freight for thousands of miles is not low. !"

Master Gu said with a smile.

Qin Ze understood.

In this day and age, it is not like there will be many high-speed rail in the future.

Any place in the country can be reached in a short time by taking the high-speed rail.

But now there are not many trains, and the speed is relatively slow.

For example, the rough jadeite in southern Yunnan is relatively famous, but if you want to go to southern Yunnan, you need at least a two-day train ride.

When I arrived at the place, I bought raw stone materials, and it was not so easy to bring them back, because the trains did not allow large pieces of materials to be brought, one piece or two was enough, and if there were too many pieces, they would definitely not be able to transport them, and they might even be confiscated directly.

Either take the normal consignment route, in that case, the cost will be high.

"It seems that it won't work for a while! Thank you, Master Gu, for clarifying the confusion! By the way, I'm here this time, and I have something else I want to ask Master Gu to join in on!"

He Jincheng temporarily gave up the idea of ​​making jade, and said with a smile.

"What do you mean, you and I are quite speculative, I just like chatting with young people like you!"

Gu Fengyue was very happy, and felt that he and He Jincheng got along very well.

"It's like this. Apart from opening a cultural and entertainment store, I also want to open a medical center next to Shanbao Zhai. When the time comes, we will open together. I hope Master Gu will join us!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Oh? You kid is looking forward to my illness. I didn't see it. You still want to be a medical clinic, but have you invited a doctor?"

Gu Fengyue was a little surprised, no matter how you look at it, He Jincheng doesn't look like a doctor.

Antiques and medical halls, there seems to be no connection between the two.

"I am not talented, I have studied Chinese medicine for several years, and I am the doctor in our clinic!"

He Jincheng cupped his hands and said.

"You kid is a doctor? Why don't I look like that!"

Gu Fengyue said in surprise.

"If you fake it, you will pay ten! Why don't you ask the little one to feel the pulse of Master Gu, treat the sick, and defend yourself if you don't!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

He knew that Gu Fengyue would die of a disease in the future, but judging from his qi alone, Gu Fengyue's body didn't seem to have any serious problems. He thought that the disease that would kill Gu Fengyue in the future should not be a hidden danger now.

"Okay, why don't the free doctors watch it! But don't fool me, kid, I know my body myself!"

Gu Fengyue did not hesitate and said directly.

"Don't worry, I don't dare to fool the landlord if I fool anyone, I still want to open a medical clinic!"

He Jincheng laughed.

He stretched out his hand to take a pulse, and He Jincheng began to savor it carefully.

After a while, He Jincheng frowned slightly.

"Why, what's wrong with my bones?"

Gu Fengyue said with a smile, thinking that He Jincheng was bluffing.

"Master Gu, you used to be a soldier!"

He Jincheng didn't talk about his illness, but instead talked about Gu Fengyue's previous occupation.

Originally, there was still a playful smile on his face, but after hearing He Jincheng's words, Gu Fengyue was stunned.

"How did you know?"

Gu Fengyue frowned and said in a deep voice.

At the same time, a murderous air suddenly erupted from his body, which actually gave people an extremely astonishing sense of oppression.

He suspected that He Jincheng had investigated him, otherwise, how could he know that he had been a soldier?
(End of this chapter)

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