Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 178 Nandu Hotel, spring is here after the banquet

Chapter 178 Nandu Hotel, spring is here after the banquet
"My lord, are you satisfied with the result of this treatment? If you have any dissatisfaction, just ask, I will definitely satisfy you!"

Liao Tianhua said almost flatteringly.

There is no way, it took more than 20 years for me to be able to sit where I am now.

But in Lu Changdong's eyes, it's just a matter of twisting his mouth, and his black hat will be lost.

"We have to ask Doctor He what he means about this matter!"

Lu Changdong didn't have much interest in how to deal with these people.

He was just venting his anger on why Jincheng, as long as He Jincheng was satisfied, of course he would not have any opinions.

Hearing this, Liao Tianhua immediately looked around, he still doesn't know who is Dr. He, the owner of this clinic!

When he found that everyone's eyes were on a young man, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

It never occurred to him that the Doctor He that the eldest son was talking about was such a young man. Looking at it like this, he probably only looked like he was in his early twenties!
How high is such a person's medical attainments?

"This is Dr. He. I'm really sorry. I offended Dr. He because of my laxity. I apologize again here. Please, sir, don't get along with these ignorant little people." Angry!"

Liao Tianhua quickly walked up to He Jincheng again, and said flatteringly.

He Jincheng looked at Liao Tianhua, how could his little trick escape He Jincheng's eyes.

However, after all, Liao Tianhua has some power. If he pursues him, it will be difficult for Lu Changdong. He doesn't want to owe Lu Changdong too much favor.

Although I am a great benefactor of the Lu family, favors are like depositing money in a bank. The more you deposit, the more your balance will naturally increase, and the more you withdraw, the less your balance will naturally decrease.

Now that the other party has dealt with several major responsible persons, there is no need to pursue it further.

"Ju Liao is polite. Now that the matter has been resolved, there is no need to get entangled. There are so many guests here today, and I have to prepare a banquet for you all!"

What He Jincheng said meant that he was not going to pursue it anymore, and I also interrupted the invitation to dinner, so I didn't have time to worry about these small things anymore.

Hearing this, Liao Tianhua was immediately overjoyed.

He Jincheng meant to let himself go.

He rolled his eyes, and immediately said: "Hahaha, Dr. He is really generous. For the banquet, let me prepare it, and treat it as my apology to everyone for what happened today!"

However, He Jincheng waved his hand and said with a smile: "Don't worry about today's matter, Liao Ju. I'm inviting everyone to dinner today. Of course, I can't let Liao Ju arrange it!"

Liao Tianhua still wanted to fight for it, but at this time, Lu Changdong had already spoken.

"Okay, Doctor He treats guests, of course we are going! How about this, I will let people book the restaurant, but when the time comes to pay the bill, how about Doctor He?"

"Of course! I would like to invite everyone to have a few more drinks today, and I, He Jincheng, would like to thank you all for your help!"

He Jincheng agreed without hesitation.

These people are all well-known people in the industry, and if they can establish a good relationship with them, it will be beneficial and harmless.

Liao Tianhua didn't dare to say anything more, the Eldest Young Master has already spoken, can he still argue with the Eldest Young Master?

After the eldest son had booked a hotel, a group of more than a dozen people and five cars headed for the Nandu Hotel in a mighty manner.

Nandu Hotel is one of the best state-run hotels in Nandu.

It is said that the chefs here have participated in the production of state banquets, so it goes without saying that their culinary skills are excellent.

With the appearance of the eldest son, everyone was able to sit in the most luxurious box of Nandu Hotel.

The table in this box is very large, even if there are twenty people seated, it will look very spacious.

The eldest son ordered food first, and everyone also ordered one each, and then the banquet began.

He Jincheng is very happy today.

If he could maintain a relationship with these characters, he would be able to gain a foothold in Nandu, and then he could take over his wife.

During the banquet, He Jincheng let go of drinking for the first time.

His drinking capacity was astonishing, after each toast, he had already drank almost a catty of baijiu.

However, his complexion did not change at all, not even a trace of drunkenness.

Everyone was dumbfounded, they didn't expect He Jincheng to look very young, and his drinking capacity is really amazing!
The Eldest Young Master seldom drinks alcohol, and every time he drinks, he just has two drinks with some high-ranking and influential people.

But today he was also happy, so he drank a few more glasses.

In the end, Liao Tianhua had the cheek to bring a bottle of Moutai over to toast.

"Leaders, I'm still sorry for today's incident. Let's not talk about anything else. I've done this bottle of wine. I have the right to make amends to Dr. He!"

As he spoke, Liao Tianhua didn't wait for everyone's consent, and started gurgling as soon as he raised his head.

Everyone was dumbfounded, what a guy, Liao Tianhua is going all out!

No matter how good the drinker is, he can't bear to drink a bottle of Moutai with a height of 58° in one breath!
In the end, Liao Tianhua really had to bite the bullet and drank the whole bottle of Moutai.

Liao Tianhua only felt his chest cavity was burned, and he almost didn't spit it out directly.

Fortunately, he was determined, and swallowed the thing that was about to be spit out abruptly.

"Ju Liao has a good drinker capacity, sit down quickly, and eat a la carte to fill your belly!"

It was He Jincheng who asked Liao Tianhua to sit down.

For the other party to be able to do this, it can be regarded as a little sincerity, and He Jincheng will naturally not give him any face.

Moreover, maybe He Jincheng will need his help in the future, there is no need to be so stiff.

Liao Tianhua glanced at He Jincheng gratefully, and saw that Lu Changdong had no objection, so he sat down cautiously.

At this time, he had already started to feel a little dizzy, but he still could only hold on.

The meal lasted until three o'clock in the afternoon, and then it was over.

In the end, Liao Tianhua couldn't bear it any longer, so he lay down on the table and fell asleep.

After sending everyone away, He Jincheng called the waiter of the restaurant and sent Liao Tianhua over.

Fortunately, Liao Tianhua can be regarded as a respectable person, and the waiter also knew him, so there was no problem sending him back.

After it was over, He Jincheng stretched and prepared to go back to the medical clinic.

Walking on the road, the cold wind howled, but the air could already smell some spring.

Yes, spring is coming.

(End of this chapter)

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