Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 189 Drive up the price, some people are happy and some are worried

Chapter 189 Drive up the price, some people are happy and some are worried
"Everyone has seen the lot, and I believe everyone has made their own judgments. Now the auction starts. The starting price is 2000 yuan, and each increase should not be less than [-]. Please start!"

Qi Linger's voice is mellow, like a lark.

With the sound of her hammer, bids began immediately.

"Two thousand and two!"

"Two thousand six!"

"Three thousand two!"


Soon, the price broke through three thousand.

Obviously, everyone felt that this ancient bronze lamp was genuine, and it was also an extremely rare treasure.

I knew earlier that bronze wares generally cannot be traded, but given the reputation of the Nandu Auction, as long as it can be taken out, it must come from a formal channel.

That's why everyone bid so frantically.

"four thousand!"

Hu Zhengsheng finally started bidding.

He Jincheng smiled secretly, sure enough, Hu Zhengsheng was determined to win that ancient bronze lamp.

If that's the case, then you're welcome too.

After that, Hu Zhengsheng offered several times in succession.

This ancient bronze lamp was directly added to more than 6000.

This price is already not low, even Hu Zhengsheng is under some pressure.

However, as long as you can win this object, everything is worth it.

He Jincheng also found out that none of the big shots in the box on the second floor made any bids, which also surprised He Jincheng.

"Six thousand and eight!"

Hu Zhengsheng gritted his teeth again and offered a price.

The venue immediately fell silent.

This price, more than a lot of people's price is overdue.

After a long silence, someone gritted their teeth and raised a placard to bid.

"My last bid is seven thousand and two, and whoever bids more than me will give up the bidding!"

A balding middle-aged man held up a sign and gritted his teeth.

Obviously, this price is extremely high for him.

"Seven thousand five!"

Hu Zhengsheng was about to scold that bald middle-aged man to death, but there was no other way, he couldn't just give up now that it was all here.

Seeing that Hu Zhengsheng offered a high price of [-] yuan, the bald middle-aged man shook his head and stopped bidding.

He just likes this ancient bronze lamp, but he doesn't have to.

The price of seven thousand five is too high, so I can only give up.

Hu Zhengsheng was full of ambition, he just felt that this ancient bronze lamp already belonged to him.

"Young Master Hu bid [-] yuan. Is there any higher price? This is a rare treasure. It is hard to come by. I hope everyone will bid enthusiastically!"

Qi Linger smiled.

The price is actually quite high.

However, out of professional habits, Qi Linger still had to ask again, the higher the price, the better.

But with the current high price, no one would bid again.

"Seven thousand and five times!"

"Seven thousand and five times!"

"Seven thousand five..."

"8000 yuan!"

Just when Qi Linger raised the wooden hammer, a voice broke the silence.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound, with strange expressions on their faces.

After seeing who the bidder was, Hu Zhengsheng's face became even more ugly.

The bidder was none other than He Jincheng.

The price of the previous painting was doubled by Hu Zhengsheng. How could He Jincheng allow Hu Zhengsheng to take down the ancient bronze lamp so comfortably?

Hu Zhengsheng's eyes were full of viciousness, wishing he could rush over and strangle He Jincheng to death right now.

"eight thousand five"

Hu Zhengsheng gritted his teeth and bid.

He is determined to get this ancient bronze lamp, not to mention that there is a kid like He Jincheng who is messing with him.

So I added five hundred directly from the opening.

"Nine thousand!"

He Jincheng said lightly.

How old-fashioned he is, the more casually he behaves, the more he will be unconvinced when dating someone like Hu Zhengsheng.

"Nine thousand five! Kid, you are deliberately against me, aren't you!"

Hu Zhengsheng's face turned dark.

Originally, 2000 yuan could be won, but He Jincheng's disturbance will directly cost at least [-] yuan more.

"Hehe, Young Master Hu is not arrogant, let's order a bigger one, just in case!"

He Jincheng laughed and added one thousand and five.

Hu Zheng's forehead burst into green with anger, this He Jincheng is really hateful.

Of course he knew that He Jincheng was raising the price on purpose, but he couldn't help it. Could he let He Jincheng, a bastard, ride on his head to shit and pee?
No, absolutely not!
"twelve thousand!"

Following Hu Zhengsheng's quotation, the entire venue was in an uproar.

Everyone is an expert. The highest value of this so-called ancient bronze lamp will not exceed [-]. Buying this for [-] is really not attractive to them, and there is still a lot of risk.

Unless it is some bronze collectors, and after identification, this thing is [-]% real.

"Hehe, it seems that Young Master Hu really likes this object, so let me give it to you!"

He Jincheng chuckled, and if he continued to increase the price, he might shoot himself in the foot.

Now He Jincheng only has more than 3000 in his pocket. If Hu Zhengsheng doesn't bid directly, he will be the one who is unlucky.

Without money, he intentionally drove up the price of the auction and broke the rules of the auction. He was afraid that he would not be able to leave Nandu Manor today.

Moreover, the price of [-] can be regarded as a dull loss for Hu Zhengsheng.

"He Jincheng, I am at odds with you!"

Hu Zhengsheng gritted his teeth and roared, wishing he could drink He Jincheng's blood and eat He Jincheng's flesh.

He Jincheng shrugged. What he said, he seemed to be good friends with him.

"Hehe, Young Master Hu, don't forget our bet, you will kneel down and apologize to me later!"

He Jincheng laughed.

"Fart, just because you want to win me? Wishful thinking! My ancient bronze lamp, even if my bid is a bit high, the valuation can reach 3000. This is the profit difference of [-] yuan. Your broken painting is only a few Qian, if you want to compare with me, do you deserve it too?"

Hu Zhengsheng said with a sneer.

In his opinion, He Jincheng has already lost, and he seems to have seen the pitiful appearance of He Jincheng kneeling in front of him begging for mercy!
"Hehe, let's wait and see!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly, wondering if this Hu Zhengsheng would cry!
Seeing He Jincheng's calmness, Hu Zhengsheng couldn't help but feel a little ominous in his heart, but he quickly denied his own thoughts. This He Jincheng is just a kid. How can a broken painting be compared with his ancient bronze lamp? Well, it is absolutely impossible for him to lose.

Next, the auction will continue.

Hu Zhengsheng made several more bids, but every time He Jincheng would raise the price, but the next few times He Jincheng's bids were relatively conservative, and he would withdraw from the bidding when he felt that it was almost done.

Hu Zhengsheng tried to punish He Jincheng several times, but all failed. He gritted his teeth in anger, but there was nothing he could do.

After almost an hour, the auction was finally over.

Some people are happy that someone is worried.

(End of this chapter)

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