Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 197 Another chapter of the manor, too young to be questioned

Chapter 197 Going back to the manor again, questioned for being too young
Liu Lisheng pondered for a while, looked at He Jincheng again and again, then sighed and said: "To be honest, my father did suffer from a strange disease, and the condition was not that critical, but due to some special reasons, It needs to be cured as soon as possible, preferably tomorrow."

"What kind of disease is that, why are you in such a hurry?"

This surprised Gu Fengyue a little.

He thought that Mr. Liu was bedridden now, but according to Liu Lisheng, it was not particularly critical.

You know, Mr. Liu is the Optimus Prime of the Liu family. If he collapses, the influence of the entire Liu family in Nandu will be cut in half immediately.

Therefore, Liu Lisheng absolutely did not dare to be careless about Mr. Liu's illness.

"Please come in with me, both of you, we will talk as we walk!"

Liu Lisheng made a gesture of invitation, and led the two of them back to the manor again.

The three got on the shuttle bus and headed towards the backyard.

Liu Lisheng's simple introduction along the way also made He Jincheng and Gu Fengyue understand the whole story.

Mr. Liu, in the auction business, is a figure at the level of Mount Tai, equivalent to a master of traditional Chinese medicine in the medical field.

It's just that, now that the old man is getting older, he rarely comes forward to preside over the auction in person.

Except for the kind of particularly important auctions, the old man hadn't shown up for nearly a year.

However, half a month ago, the old man set up an auction with some big shots. The auction items were very important and extremely valuable, with an estimated total value of hundreds of millions.

So the old man decided to host the auction himself.

As a result, the second day after agreeing to others, the old man suddenly lost his voice.

The loss of voice here refers to the physical loss of voice, that is to say, the loss of speech.

I thought it was getting angry at first, but I didn't pay much attention at first.

As a result, after several days, the old man was still unable to speak, at most he could only make a hoarse crackling sound, and he couldn't understand what he was saying at all.

But if you preside over an auction and the result is that people can't speak, isn't that an international joke?

Therefore, the Liu family continued to invite various famous doctors to treat the old man.

As a result, Western medicine could not find out the cause of the disease at all, and the condition has been dragged on until today.

Because the old man felt that he had broken his promise, he was depressed, he was listless all day long, and he didn't have the energy to eat. In just ten days, he lost a lot of weight.

If it's a mature man, it's fine to be thinner, but Mr. Liu's age is much older than Gu Fengyue's, he's already seventy and three, his body won't be able to bear it if he loses so much weight.

So, since yesterday, the old man has been bedridden, ate less, and gradually became irritable.

Mr. Liu paid the most attention to his own reputation in his life, but as a result, he was getting old, but he would lose it at the end of the festival, which made the old man secretly sad.

Although it is said that the illness is not serious, but if the old man continues in this state, it may be very dangerous.

There was really no other way, so the Liu family invited Mr. Gu Chen, a famous Chinese medicine expert who happened to be in Nandu to work.

This old Mr. Gu is a well-known master of traditional Chinese medicine in China. Many big figures have asked him to see a doctor, and his status in the country is very high.

Liu Lisheng also used a lot of connections to invite Mr. Gu to see his father.

However, before Mr. Gu arrived, Liu Lisheng was invited out by Gu Fengyue, and then what happened just now.

"Second young master, since you have hired a famous doctor, is it wrong for me to treat the old man?"

He Jincheng also knew Gu Chen's name.

This is a well-known old senior. I also asked him some questions in my previous life and benefited a lot.

Therefore, when he heard that Gu Lao would come, He Jincheng was somewhat excited.

"It's okay, it's okay, Mr. Gu is not the kind of person who sticks to the rules, we just need to explain it carefully!"

Liu Lisheng waved his hand and said.

He Jincheng nodded slightly, with some anticipation in his heart.

In my previous life, my medical skills were not good, but now it can be said that I have definitely surpassed Gu Lao.

I don't know what interesting things will happen in this encounter?

Soon, the three of them came to the small building in the backyard.

Mr. Liu lives here on weekdays.

After entering the small building, I saw a Western medicine doctor and a nurse discussing something.

Seeing Liu Lisheng coming in, the two stopped their discussion and greeted Liu Lisheng.

"Doctor Wu, how is the old man doing now?"

Liu Lisheng asked.

"Second young master, the situation is not very optimistic. Now the old man still can't eat or speak. Even after taking sleeping pills, he often wakes up!"

Dr. Wu said with a worried look on his face, with a wry smile.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work. This is Dr. He Jincheng. I invite you to show the old man."

Liu Lisheng sighed and briefly introduced He Jincheng.

Dr. Wu frowned slightly, thinking that the second young master was really in a hurry to go to the doctor, and unexpectedly invited such a young doctor.

"I don't know where Dr. He is a senior?"

Doctor Wu asked.

"I'm in the Xinsheng Medical Center of Qiangu Street, and I'm a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine!"

He Jincheng said truthfully.

"Chinese medicine?"

Dr. Wu was even more surprised. He didn't expect such a young man to be a Chinese medicine doctor.

"Doctor Wu, I also know a little about Dr. He's medical skills. Let him show the old man first before we talk about it!"

Liu Lisheng knew that Dr. Wu had some doubts about He Jincheng, even he himself doubted He Jincheng very much at first, didn't he?

Therefore, he didn't explain too much. Anyway, what He Jincheng's medical skills are will be revealed later.

"Okay, Doctor He, please come with me!"

Dr. Wu still had some doubts, but the second young master said so, what else could he say, so he led the way and came to Mr. Liu's bedroom.

At this moment, the old man was sitting on the bed, his face was very ugly.

The old man, who had been proud all his life, suddenly couldn't even speak, which was definitely a very big blow to him.

"Dad, this is Dr. He Jincheng. He has a way to cure your illness. Let him show you!"

Liu Lisheng stepped forward and whispered.

When the old man heard this, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, but when he saw He Jincheng's youthful appearance, he frowned a little.

Obviously, he also had some doubts about He Jincheng's age.

This is too young, can medical skills be guaranteed?
"Old man, let me give you a pulse. If you can't agree, you can drive me out again!"

He Jincheng didn't say much, anyway, he was just asking for a pulse, and there were no extra things or explanations, and the old man would not refuse if he thought about it.

(End of this chapter)

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