Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 220 Stone Gambling Conference, Hu and Zhang's Plan

Chapter 220 Stone Gambling Conference, Hu and Zhang's Plan
"What? Who dared to treat you so cruelly after having the guts of a bear? Tell brother, I will break his legs!"

Hu Zhengsheng looked angry, as if his own brother had been beaten.

"Brother Sheng, you are so loyal. To be honest, I was taken care of by a kid. That kid is a doctor, and he is in the Xinsheng Medical Center in Qiangu Street!"

Zhang Hongqi told how he was beaten by He Jincheng.

Of course Hu Zhengsheng knew that this kid was beaten by He Jincheng. He had already investigated it before he came, and the reason why he pretended not to know was to fool Zhang Hongqi into seeking revenge on He Jincheng.

He doesn't dare to come forward to deal with He Jincheng directly now, but Zhang Hongqi is a simple-minded kid who has the same virtues as his father, so it's relatively easy to take advantage of him.

"Xinsheng Medical Center? My brother, why are you still being cleaned up by a small doctor? The wild man who ran out of nowhere dared to touch your Zhang family. It's really unreasonable!"

Hu Zhengsheng looked filled with righteous indignation.

"Yeah, Brother Sheng, I'm ashamed. I don't know if Brother Sheng can help me deal with that kid. He broke one of my legs. I want to break both of his legs!"

Zhang Hongqi wanted to take someone directly to He Jincheng and break his leg.

But I haven't recovered yet, and that kid He Jincheng is really good at it, so if I bring someone there by myself, I may not be able to deal with him.

But Hu Zhengsheng is different. He is the leader of the younger generation of the Hu family, and the energy he can use is far beyond what he can match. If he is willing to make a move, it will be different.

"Hongqi, don't worry, whoever we brothers are with whom, if you hit you, you will hit me, and I will avenge this revenge for you! But..."

When Hu Zhengsheng said this, he deliberately hesitated.

"But what? Brother Sheng, just say, as long as you can help me get revenge, I can do anything!"

Zhang Hongqi said quickly, eyes full of anticipation.

"However, we are all dignified people. Now the crackdown on gangsters and crimes is very strict. If we do it directly, I'm afraid it's not right. After all, He Jincheng is just a small doctor, so there is no need for us to commit crimes." thing!"

Hu Zhengsheng said with an inscrutable look on his face.

"Brother Sheng, what can you do?"

Zhang Hongqi didn't understand, how could he deal with He Jincheng if he didn't do it directly?
"I heard that He Jincheng also opened an antique shop. Last time at the auction of the Liu family, he picked up a big leak. He was very proud. Just a few days later, the five of us will jointly hold a stone betting conference. It's about to be held, we can make some articles on it, and then let the kid return all the principal and interest!"

As Hu Zhengsheng said, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

His hatred for He Jincheng is definitely no lower than that of Zhang Hongqi.

But he is not stupid, after he failed to clean up He Jincheng for the first time, he knew that he would definitely not be able to deal with that kid He Jincheng, if that was the case, then he could only use his brain and the energy of his own family.

It is estimated that He Jincheng will definitely participate in the Stone Gambling Conference.

That kid may have some knowledge about antiques, but he definitely doesn't know much about gambling with stones.

This thing has only recently become popular in Nandu. He Jincheng has never even gone out of Pingyao Town before, so he will definitely not come into contact with gambling stones.

At that time, it will be much easier to find a stone bettor and let Zhang Hongqi deliberately provoke He Jincheng.

There is no father and son in the casino, so just bet with him that he must make that kid He Jincheng kneel down and beg for mercy.

In this way, even if He Jincheng is killed, it will not cause trouble for himself and his family.

Of course, all of this needs to be on the premise that He Jincheng lost the stone bet.

And Hu Zhengsheng has this self-confidence, as long as this kid dares to participate in the stone betting meeting, then he will definitely lose.

After hearing Hu Zhengsheng's plan, Zhang Hongqi showed excitement on his face.

"Okay, okay, this time I see how this kid He Jincheng is still jumping around. The stone gambling conference held by the five of us, forgive him for not causing any big disturbances!"

The two continued in the ward, discussing the specific plan for a long time, and finalized every detail.

In this way, He Jincheng lived a peaceful life for another two days.

On the third day, He Jincheng came to Zhang's house for the third time and gave Zhang Wuye the last acupuncture.

Zhang Wuye's deafness has been cured, and his whole body is much more energetic.

"Hahaha, Dr. He is indeed super skilled in medicine. In the future, Dr. He will often come to my Zhang family as a guest. We will definitely treat Dr. He as our guest of honor!"

Zhang Wuye said with a smile, but when he said this, he sneered in his heart.

I just hope this kid can have a chance to see me again.

"As a doctor, the last thing I want is to see patients often. This shows that my medical skills are not up to par! Now that Mr. Zhang has recovered, my mission is considered complete, so I won't stop any longer!"

He Jincheng smiled, packed his medical kit and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute, Doctor He. I heard that Doctor He seems to be doing some antique business. I just have an invitation letter here, which is a stone gambling conference held by our Zhang family and the other four major families in Nandu. If Doctor He is interested, You can also come and play!"

Zhang Wuye smiled and gave He Jincheng the invitation letter he had prepared a long time ago.

He Jincheng accepted the invitation letter and nodded slightly.

He has also been in contact with stone gambling in his previous life. It can be said that it is a sword of heaven and a sword of hell.

Later, he thought of using the method of pulse diagnosis to diagnose stones. Although he dare not say that he can bet [-]%, the success rate can reach more than [-]%. He was also well-known in this field in his previous life.

"Thank you Zhang Wuye, this is a rare event in the Stone Gambling Conference, I will definitely participate in it then!"

He Jincheng didn't think too much about it. Betting on stones is the fastest way to buy goods. When the time comes, go to the conference to have a look. Maybe you can really find something good, so it's considered a purchase.

"Hahaha, okay, after that three days, I'll be waiting for Dr. He to drive me home!"

Zhang Wuye laughed and sent He Jincheng out of the gate.

After He Jincheng's figure disappeared, the smile on his face gradually dissipated and turned into a sneer.

Zhang Hongqi came out from the side and bowed slightly towards Master Zhang Wu.

"Grandpa, it seems that He Jincheng has taken the bait!"

Zhang Hongqi told Zhang Wuye about this matter as soon as he was discharged from the hospital, but he did not say that Hu Zhengsheng instructed him, but said that it was his own idea, which made Zhang Wuye appreciate him a lot.

"Hehe, you're not bad, you can come up with such a method, and operate it well. After it's done, I'll consider splitting up some properties for you to take care of!"

Zhang Wuye laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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