Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 229 Get Rich Overnight, Liu Lisheng Invites Again

Chapter 229 Get Rich Overnight, Liu Lisheng Invites Again
A piece of imperial green, even in this era, is worth a lot.

The high price of 50 can be said to make people rich overnight.

Gao Ziqiang never thought in his life that he could make so much money all at once.

Of course, he knew very well that the money belonged to He Jincheng and had nothing to do with him.

"He Jincheng, don't be complacent. This time I admit defeat, don't let me touch you in the future, otherwise, I will never forgive you!"

Zhang Hongqi gritted his teeth and said, turning around to leave.

"Young Master Zhang, let's go now. You seem to have forgotten our previous bet!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

Gao Ziqiang stepped forward and stopped Zhang Hongqi and Cheng Yuan.

"what do you mean?"

Zhang Hongqi's face darkened, and he was very displeased.

"What do you mean? Boy, do you think it's a fart bet? So many people are watching, you want to renege on it?"

Gao Ziqiang clenched his fist and said coldly.

He doesn't care about Zhang Shaoma and others, if he provokes himself, he will beat him up.

He wasn't there last time, otherwise, he would definitely beat this kid with He Jincheng.


Zhang Hongqi was furious.

"Zhang Hongqi, I advise you to accept the account and pay the money honestly. Otherwise, your Zhang family will have no reputation in this business. There are so many people who have testified to me. How dare you play tricks? Don't you Is this the kind of virtue of the Zhang family?"

He Jincheng said lightly.

"He Jincheng, don't bully people too much!"

Zhang Hongqi gritted his teeth.


At this time, a loud shout came.

Everyone followed the sound and saw Zhang Yuanchao and Zhang Youde walking towards this side.

Zhang Youde came to Zhang Hongqi in two steps, and slapped Zhang Hongqi without saying a word, causing Zhang Hongqi to stagger and almost fell to the ground.

"It's a shameful thing, but you still don't accept it after losing? Get someone to transfer the money to Mr. He immediately!"

Zhang Youde said angrily.

Although he is more impulsive, he is not a fool.

If Zhang Hongqi really cheated and refused to accept his account today, who would dare to cooperate with the Zhang family in the future?

You must know that those who can participate in this stone gambling conference all have a certain status in Nandu.

To make a fool of yourself here is to make a fool of yourself throughout Nandu.

Zhang Yuanchao was also very depressed.

Today's incident was originally to deal with He Jincheng.

When Zhang Hongqi told himself about this before, he also nodded in approval.

It's just that who would have thought that the most famous stone gambling expert in Nandu City would lose to a kid like He Jincheng.

"Mr. He, I'm really sorry. Hongqi is ignorant. We must teach him a lesson when we go back. This kid doesn't accept this bet, but our Zhang family can't deny it. Don't worry, before six o'clock today, 20 cents is a lot. It will be charged to your account!"

Zhang Yuanchao said with a smile, his face was full of indifference, as if the 20 yuan was like 200 yuan, and he didn't pay attention at all.

"Then I would like to thank Patriarch Zhang!"

He Jincheng slightly cupped his hands and smiled.

"It should be, our Zhang family has always kept their word, isn't it 20, even if it is 200 million, we will accept it! It's just that the bastard Hongqi is too ignorant. It's clearly the sword in front of Guan Gong. He even fought against Mr. He!"

Zhang Yuanchao said with a smile, his face was full of warm spring breeze.

Next, Zhang Yuanchao couldn't continue to show up here.

Zhang Hongqi lost to He Jincheng, which made the Zhang family lose a lot of face. It would be embarrassing to stay here any longer, so they went upstairs to rest with Zhang Hongqi.

It is conceivable that Zhang Hongqi must have suffered some flesh and blood today.

Hu Zhengsheng, who had been watching the situation on the second floor, turned pale with anger at this moment.

"I really didn't expect that He Jincheng, a bastard, still knows how to gamble with stones. I really underestimated this kid!"

This made Hu Zhengsheng very depressed.

I originally thought that I could break He Jincheng's two legs today, and let out a good breath of anger. I don't know if this kid is lucky, or he really has a bright eye, and he cut up three yuan in a row, which is simply unimaginable.

"Ma De, today I let you go, sooner or later, you will fall into my hands!"

Hu Zhengsheng said bitterly.


The three high-quality rough stones were looted by many buyers on the spot.

He Jincheng said that he was not in a hurry, and he unscrambled the remaining rough stones.

In the end, all the 11 yuan rough stones turned out to be green, and among them, there were six pieces of high ice quality or higher, which opened everyone's horizons.

In the end, He Jincheng sold all the emeralds except the imperial green, and recovered 60 yuan, of which 20 yuan was in cash, and the rest was transferred.

Gao Ziqiang was cautious, since he hadn't received the money anyway, he would never give them materials.

But in this era, there is no such thing as mobile phone transfer. Those buyers can only rush to the bank to transfer the money, and then run back to pick up the materials.

After working all day, Gao Ziqiang's mouth and hands never stopped.

I have never seen so much money before, counting it in large numbers, my hands are about to cramp.

In the evening, the two were ready to leave.

At this time, Liu Changhong came over and asked the two to stay.

"Brother He, Brother Qiang, my father has an invitation, please come with me!"

Liu Changhong also admires He Jincheng now.

His family is in this business, and he has heard about it, and has been in contact with jade since he was a child. He claims to know some knowledge about gambling stones, but in front of He Jincheng, he is like a newborn child. There is no comparison at all!

"Okay, let's go then!"

He Jincheng nodded.

Gao Ziqiang happily followed with two handbags full of money.

It's good to hang out with Big Brother He, not to mention making money, now you can get in touch with the top figures in the Southern Metropolis.

After a while, a few people came to a suite on the third floor.

Liu Changhong opened the door and entered, and invited He Jincheng and Gao Ziqiang in, and then He Jincheng saw Liu Lisheng chatting with a 60-year-old old man in Tang suit.

Seeing He Jincheng coming, Liu Lisheng stood up and greeted him.

"Doctor He, you are here, please sit down quickly!"

Liu Lisheng's attitude was very enthusiastic.

Of course, he also knew about the stone gambling, so he sent his own experts to Liu Changhong to take them there, thinking about helping He Jincheng fight for it as much as possible.

What he didn't expect was that He Jincheng won by himself alone.

This made Liu Lisheng look at He Jincheng again. If such a character is not courted properly, it will be called a strange thing!
(End of this chapter)

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