Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 253 Xingshi questioned the crime, He Jincheng questioned the therapy

Chapter 253 Xingshi questioned the crime, He Jincheng questioned the therapy
"Okay, okay, let's go now, as long as the little stone can be cured, I'm willing to sell my blood!"

The woman said hastily.

"Come with me!"

He Jincheng helped the woman out, closed the doors of the hospital, and then drove the van to the children's hospital.

at the same time.

In the neurology department of the Children's Hospital, a fat white doctor was sitting behind his desk, scolding the extremely intern doctor in front of him.

"What are you doing to eat? Let the patients run away in broad daylight. They still owe our hospital more than 200 yuan. Who will bear the loss, you, you, or you?"

Doctor Kong was very angry.

I just went out for a trip, but as soon as I came back, the intern doctor under my hand ran over and said that the patient in bed 168 was gone.

Dr. Kong sent someone to look for him immediately, but he couldn't find it for a long time, and even the mother of the child disappeared.

Dr. Kong knew that it must be the mother of the child. She felt that the fee was too much, so she ran away.

200 yuan, which is an amount that ordinary workers may not be able to earn in a month.

"Doctor Kong, we later asked other patients in the ward, and it was the mother who took the child away. She also said that she went out to bask in the sun, but no one saw her!"

said an intern doctor.

"Damn it, these unscrupulous people came here to see a doctor without money, but they just sneaked away. Immediately report to the police and ask them to catch me. 200 yuan is not less!"

Doctor Kong said angrily.

He is about to select the chief physician soon, if there is a problem with the department he manages at this stall, it will definitely be detrimental to his promotion.

Therefore, the 200 yuan must be returned no matter what.

"We have notified the police and they will come to collect evidence soon!"

said an intern doctor.

"Damn it, you have to strictly monitor the patients in the future. If something like this happens again, I will make all of you fail the internship!"

Dr. Kong gritted his teeth and said.

Several trainee doctors suddenly became nervous.

Internship results determine which hospital I will work in in the future.

Some good hospitals are naturally the most popular.

If the internship results are not up to standard, then you will definitely go to a relatively poor hospital, and maybe your life will be over!
At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the room.

An intern doctor looked at Dr. Kong, and after getting permission, he hurried over to open the door.

He saw He Jincheng appearing at the door with a cold expression on his face.

"Who are you? Don't see the doctor now, go out and wait!"

The intern said very bluntly.

"I'm here to see Dr. Kong!"

He Jincheng said lightly.

"Hmph, Dr. Kong is a great authority in our hospital, there are so many people who want to see him every day, what are you?"

The intern doctor's tone was very arrogant. In the hospital, there are not many who can really have a higher status than Dr. Kong.

"Really? That's great! I'm a family member of Xiaoshitou. Today, my sister brought Xiaoshitou out to play, and I found out that Xiaoshitou is sick. So I want to bring my child and my sister over to have a serious discussion with Dr. Kong. Find out how to treat this disease!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

The intern stretched out his head to look behind He Jincheng, and sure enough, he saw the woman and the little stone.

"Hey, hey, you guys still dare to run, hurry up and kneel down!"

Both the woman and Xiao Shitou were startled, Xiao Shitou burst into tears while the woman hid nervously behind.

"Brother, my sister has no money, so she came to me to pay back the money! Let me talk to Dr. Kong!"

He Jincheng said lightly.

Hearing that He Jincheng said that he was here to pay back the money, the intern asked Dr. Kong for instructions.

As soon as he heard that the patient who ran away ran back and found someone to pay, Dr. Kong immediately asked people to come in.

"Hey, tell me about you, why did you run away after looking at the sickness? The little guy's illness hasn't been cured yet. If something happens outside, our hospital will not be responsible!"

Dr. Kong laughed when he saw that the patient who had run away came back again.

Your own cash cow is here!
The woman was a little afraid, but just stood far away.

He Jincheng stepped forward, took out a roll of Great Unity from his pocket, and put it on the table.

"This money is enough to pay the bills owed! Please ask Doctor Zhang to give me a breakdown of the charges!"

"Of course, we are a regular hospital, and every payment is detailed!"

Dr. Kong took out Xiao Shitou's medical records, which included the treatment process and various medical expenses.

He Jincheng took a look and saw that there were more than 2000. The woman saw that she was from an average family, and she took out 2000 yuan to see a doctor for the child, but nothing was found. It is no wonder that the woman wanted to run away with the child.

If I continue to watch this, I am afraid that my old life will be lost here, and it may not be enough!
What is medical treatment? It is clearly a robbery of wealth. They are all useless medicines and useless examinations. This makes the fourth child contribute to the maintenance of equipment for the hospital.Even some examinations are divided into several, and the charges are repeated. Some medicines can be taken orally, but they let you inject, because you can charge once for an injection, and charge you for the infusion fee. The venipuncture fee has different names, but they are all the same thing. Whoever does not puncture the vein for infusion, and there is an additional charge for adding medicine and changing the bottle in the middle.

This is not treating people, it is clearly treating the patient as a cash cow, trying to drain every penny from the patient!
Dr. Kong has already written a new list, brought it in front of He Jincheng, and said, "I suggest using these medicines for the next treatment, which has less side effects and is good for the child!"

He Jincheng took it over, glanced at it, then put it in his pocket, and said, "I don't understand the medicine either. I want to ask Dr. Kong, has the diagnosis been confirmed now, and what disease is the treatment based on?"

"You're a good question!" Dr. Kong likes those who don't understand medicine, and said, "It's basically diagnosed. It's brain dysplasia. We gave some medicines to nourish the brain nerves, and they are all good medicines." !"

He Jincheng ticked off a few medicines on the fee bill. Xindao was nothing but common medicines such as vitamin B1 and oryzanol. As a result, these medicines, which cost a few cents, became good medicines when they came to Dr. Kong’s mouth. The price of medicine has also increased dozens of times.

He Jincheng paused for a moment and asked again: "May I ask what diseases have you been treated for before?"

"Before I suspected epilepsy and high blood pressure in children, and finally ruled it out!"

Dr. Kong said with a smile, "But the small stone is so small, it should be able to be photographed!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly, crossed out a few more medicines, and asked, "Is there anything else?"

Dr. Kong felt that He Jincheng's behavior was a bit strange, but he still said, "There is still neurosis!"

He Jincheng ticked off two more medicines and said, "Is there any more?"

"It's gone! The child's disease is an intractable disease, and the suspected diseases have to be ruled out one by one."

Dr. Kong looked at He Jincheng and said, feeling something was wrong in his heart.

There are probably too many problems with this person.

He Jincheng read the medical records in his hand before and after, calculated carefully, and showed the medical records to Dr. Kong.

"Then I would like to ask Dr. Kong, what diseases are the remaining 36 medicines used to treat?"

(End of this chapter)

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