Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 260 Hidden dangers continue, Ye Shanhe is out of danger

Chapter 260 Hidden dangers continue, Ye Shanhe is out of danger
With a pulse, it shows that Ye Shanhe's body functions have begun to recover.

This made He Jincheng overjoyed, the most capable level was finally passed.

"Dad, you have to hold on, our family can't live without you!"

Only at this time did He Jincheng dare to show a little emotion in his heart, holding Ye Shanhe's hand tightly, and said in a trembling voice.

On the heartbeat monitor next to him, the indicators suddenly jumped.

He Jincheng grasped this point very keenly, and immediately gave Ye Shanhe another injection.

After working for half an hour, He Jincheng was finally relieved and slumped on a chair beside him after seeing the gradually rising indicators on all the instruments.

The entire county hospital was shaken.

It is unbelievable that a dying person miraculously survived in the hands of He Jincheng after a day and a night of rescue!
"Doctor He, you haven't closed your eyes all day and all night, why don't you go to the side and take a rest, we are watching over here, if there is anything wrong, we will notify you as soon as possible!"

Zhang Wenjin looked at He Jincheng's exhausted face. This day and night, He Jincheng seemed to have aged several years, and he was extremely emaciated.

"Alright, the injured are showing signs of recovery now, please take good care of them!"

He Jincheng rubbed his temples.

He didn't close his eyes all day and night, and he was exhausted in the treatment. He almost exhausted all his physical strength and energy. If he didn't take a rest, he might fall down first.

Walking out of the ward, he saw Ye Chunlin lying on the chair and falling asleep.

This kid also hadn't had a good night's sleep for a long time. Although he couldn't help him much, it was a very frustrating thing to wait outside anxiously for news.

"Chun Lin!"

He Jincheng patted Ye Chunlin's arm lightly.

"Ah! Dad, how is my dad?"

Ye Chunlin woke up suddenly and shouted hastily.

"Chun Lin, don't get excited, Dad has passed the first level, and his life is not in danger for now!"

He Jincheng said quickly.


When Ye Chunlin heard what He Jincheng said, tears came down, he hugged He Jincheng, and burst into tears.

"Brother-in-law, thank you, really thank you, without you, I really don't know what to do!"

In the past two days, Ye Chunlin almost collapsed.

The dignified seven-foot man, in the face of his father's serious injury, could only wait.

No one can bear such a taste.

"It's okay, it's okay! You go and have a rest, after you wake up, maybe Dad will be fine!"

He Jincheng comforted him.

He understood Ye Chunlin's mood, who could be calm when encountering such a thing.

Even after seeing Ye Shanhe's tragic situation, he almost didn't tense up.

It's just that I can't be messed up, otherwise, who can save Ye Shanhe?

After taking a nap in the next room for two hours, He Jincheng couldn't fall asleep anymore, so he continued to go to the ward to watch.

Ye Shanhe's condition is getting better and better, and his breathing has gradually become even.

However, He Jincheng knew that this was just the beginning.

Next, there may be problems such as high fever, rapid heart rate, difficulty breathing, etc., and we must wait all the time.

Just like that, He Jincheng stayed up for another day and night, his eyes were bloodshot.

Ye Shanhe did experience various postoperative syndromes, such as fever, tremors, and difficulty breathing.

Fortunately, He Jincheng was always on the sidelines and prepared all kinds of medicines. In addition to traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions, he also used some western medicine medicines. The combination of Chinese and Western medicine has better effects.

As the syndromes were solved one by one, Ye Shanhe had fewer and fewer difficulties to overcome.

In this way, after three days, all of Ye Shanhe's physical indicators have returned to normal levels, and all he needs to do next is to wait for him to wake up.

At this moment, He Jincheng was truly relieved.

Fortunately, I came in time. If I was half an hour late, the difficulty of treatment would increase several times.

"Brother-in-law, go and rest, I'll watch over here!"

Seeing that her brother-in-law has hardly had a rest these days, and has been treating his father day and night, Ye Chunlin's respect and gratitude to He Jincheng have also reached the extreme.

He secretly swore that his brother-in-law would be the person he respected most in the future, and he would listen to He Jincheng no matter what happened in the future.

"Okay, my dad is basically fine now. You can talk to him more and talk about the past. Although the old man is still in a coma, he can still hear your voice. This will help him wake up as soon as possible. !"

He Jincheng said very tiredly, after giving instructions, he went back to his room to rest.

As soon as his head touched the pillow, He Jincheng felt as if he had fallen into endless darkness, his consciousness and feelings were slowly being swallowed up, and then he knew nothing.

He had a long dream.

In the dream, he became the bastard man in the previous life again.

Ye Qingmeng was crying, Tingting hid in the corner and shivered, yelling at her father not to beat her.

His parents left Lianhua Village angrily, and He Jincheng had no chance to see the old man die until he died of illness.


At this time, He Jincheng felt that someone was calling him.

Waking up suddenly, he saw Ye Chunlin standing beside his bed with surprise on his face.

"what happened?"

He Jincheng asked.

"Dad is awake, go and have a look!"

Ye Chunlin said in surprise.

He Jincheng got up quickly, only to realize that it was already dark, then he looked at the time, and suddenly smiled wryly, he slept from eight o'clock in the morning until after nine o'clock in the evening, it seemed that he was really exhausted.

When he came to the ward and saw Ye Shanhe who was talking to Zhang Wenjin, a long-lost smile appeared on He Jincheng's face.

"Dad, how are you feeling now?"

He Jincheng inspected Ye Shanhe immediately, and after confirming that there were basically no problems, he was relieved.

"Jincheng, this time... thanks to you, although I have been in a coma, I know that you have not slept for almost four days and four nights in order to save me!"

Ye Shanhe looked at He Jincheng with relief in his eyes.

Maybe he didn't like this brat He Jincheng before, but now Ye Shanhe has completely accepted this son-in-law.

"Dad, don't say that. If I don't try my best, am I still human? After you leave the hospital, you should go to Nandu with me. There is a mother to take care of you, so I can rest assured!"

He Jincheng shook Ye Shanhe's hand and said.

"Okay, I miss your mother too, I'm old, it's time to enjoy my life!"

This time, Ye Shanhe did not refuse.

The reason why he didn't follow him before was because Ye Shanhe felt that he was still very strong, and he was at home managing the herbal medicine factory, planting fields and so on, that would be considered carefree.

(End of this chapter)

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