Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 310 Unchangeable nature, wonderful education method

Chapter 310 Unchangeable nature, wonderful education method

Although I don't know what He Jincheng did just now, the lesson this time is real.

This completely angered this Young Master Su who had been pampered since he was a child.

If you can't get back this place, how can you hang around in school in the future?
"This is the end of today's class, if you have any questions, you can ask me!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Immediately, many students raised their hands and asked He Jincheng various questions about Chinese medicine, and He Jincheng answered them patiently. If one or two of these students could be responsible or very interested in Chinese medicine People, that can be regarded as I have made some contributions to Chinese medicine!
The entire question-and-answer session lasted for half an hour. The teachers for the next class had been waiting outside for a long time. He Jincheng checked that the time was almost up, so he announced that the get out of class was over.

Ma Xiaoling is now full of curiosity about He Jincheng.

After a quarrel with her brother Ma Jun last time, she also had some hostility towards her friend, her brother. She never expected that listening to his class today would be so interesting.

More importantly, she could also see that He Jincheng was probably venting his anger specifically for himself, so he deliberately punished Su Dacheng in class!
Before leaving, He Jincheng smiled and nodded towards Ma Xiaoling, which also verified Ma Xiaoling's thoughts.

"Mr. He, thank you..."

Ma Xiaoling was very moved, but she could only thank He Jincheng secretly in her heart.

Coming out of the classroom, He Jincheng realized that he was being watched.

He smiled lightly, knowing without thinking, it must be Su Dacheng's group of brats.

It seems that you really remember eating but not beating. Since your parents don't discipline you, let me discipline you for them!

With that in mind, He Jincheng didn't stay long, left the school directly, and walked towards a remote alley.

Su Dacheng was a bully at school, and a group of underlings would mess with him, even the school teachers couldn't do anything about him.

As soon as He Jincheng got out of class here, he followed He Jincheng with four or five younger brothers.

After leaving the school gate, Su Dacheng followed He Jincheng to the alley.

When he saw He Jincheng leaning against the wall as if waiting for him, Su Dacheng had a sneer on his face.

"Mr. He, are you going to give us a small lesson to tutor us?"

Su Dacheng said with a sneer.

"Yeah, you have been following all the way, if I don't stop and wait for you, that would be bad!"

He Jincheng chuckled.

"Tell me that you are only fourteen or five years old. Isn't it good to study hard? Why do you have to regard yourself as a social person and feel very superior?"

"Can you control what this young master does? Call you teacher, you really treat yourself like a dish, don't you?"

Su Dacheng took out a steel pipe from his waist, then swung it violently, and the steel pipe became longer directly. It seems that this kid used this thing a lot on weekdays.

"At such a young age, you have such a cruel heart. It seems that if you don't let your memory grow, you may cause some big troubles in the future!"

He Jincheng squeezed his fist, walked towards Su Dacheng with a smile.

"I think you are looking for death. Do you know who my father is? Even if I beat him to death today, my young master will be fine!"

Su Dacheng said with a sneer, and with a wave of his hand, the younger brothers behind him surrounded He Jincheng with the steel pipes in their hands.

Soon, there were bursts of screams in the alley.

In less than 3 minutes, all six people including Su Dacheng fell to the ground, all of them showed pain, and tried to get up, but they couldn't get up.

He Jincheng shook his head helplessly, knelt down and patted Su Dacheng's head.

"If you want to be a big brother, you have to have this ability. It's a good time, so you should study hard!"

"You... don't leave if you have the guts, I'll call someone again, and I'll kill you!"

Su Dacheng didn't give up, and even kept threatening He Jincheng.

"Oh, it seems that you are really bad to the bottom of your bones. I have to think about how to make you change your ways?"

He Jincheng shook his head with a wry smile, then stroked his chin and began to think.

"Yes, I know there is an acupoint. As long as people get angry, they will feel dizzy and dizzy. I will give you two needles. I believe you will not be so easy to get angry in the future!"

After saying that, He Jincheng took out the needle bag, and under Su Dacheng's horrified gaze, he gave him several needles.

"Okay, it's fine, don't worry, as long as you don't get angry, it will definitely not affect your normal life, don't thank me, this is what I should do as a teacher!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"You...I'll kill you..."

Su Dacheng knew how powerful He Jincheng was, and felt that this was probably true, so he was furious immediately.

As a result, as soon as he yelled, he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the whole world was spinning, and he had no strength at all.

"Look, I didn't lie to you. It's better to be less angry and be kind on weekdays. It's not bad for you! Be good. If you can really change your ways, maybe I'll help you recover if you're in a good mood!"

After He Jincheng finished speaking, he walked away.

In any case, Su Dacheng is just a child who hasn't grown up to him.

It's not good to really break his arms and legs, so I just use this method to intimidate him. I think it will definitely let him calm down his temper!
If Su Dacheng is like this and still refuses to repent, he will definitely become a social cancer in the future.

So, I hope this kid can change his mind!

After cleaning up Su Dacheng, He Jincheng stopped by the Security Bureau and told Ma Jun about it.

After hearing He Jincheng's handling method, Ma Jun gave a thumbs up.

"Brother He, your method is good, so that the kid can't get angry, and he will definitely restrain himself a lot in the future!"

"With little effort, being able to educate a child can be regarded as doing good deeds! But you, you must have brought the official authority home on weekdays. Otherwise, how could Xiaoling not tell you about this matter? So, in the future After you go home, you also need to be kind and communicate with Xiaoling more!"

He Jincheng reminded with a smile.

"Yeah, you're right, I've gotten used to it over the years, and I'll definitely change it in the future! By the way, the results of that boy Hu Zhengsheng's treatment came out. He was detained for half a month and compensated for all the medical expenses of the injured. What do you think? Sample?"

Ma Jun smiled and briefly explained the results of the last incident to He Jincheng.

He Jincheng has no objection, being able to detain him for half a month is already the best result Ma Jun can achieve.

As for Hu Zhengsheng, He Jincheng had already made plans to deal with him.

Not only Hu Zhengsheng, but even their Hu family, He Jincheng, will not let go.

(End of this chapter)

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