Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 316 Tingting made a mistake, He Jincheng blamed himself

Chapter 316 Tingting made a mistake, He Jincheng blamed himself
"Okay, boy, I remember you, don't let me meet you in the future!"

Wu Sande covered his face, and after saying a harsh word, he ran away in despair.

Although he is arrogant, he is not stupid. There is no one on his side, and he is not He Jincheng's opponent at all. He should leave first and find a chance to take revenge later.

Seeing Wu Sande's distressed appearance, Ye Qingmeng finally burst out laughing.

"Husband, you are still the best, this Wu Sande is like a brown sugar, no matter how you shake it, you can't get rid of it!"

Ye Qingmeng took He Jincheng's arm and said with a smile.

"Didn't I teach you a few tricks to prevent wolves, just deal with him directly, you can't be polite to this kind of person!"

He Jincheng said helplessly.

"Then I can't suddenly hit someone in public. This Wu Sande just followed me all the time and didn't do anything excessive."

Ye Qingmeng was also very helpless, and said with a wry smile.

"Hey, my wife is too beautiful and it's a trouble! It seems that I have to teach you a few tricks!"

He Jincheng sighed.

He is busy making money now, Qingmeng Clothing, Shanbaozhai and Xinsheng Medical Center all need his attention, and it is impossible to come to the school to accompany Ye Qingmeng all the time.

"Okay, the school also has a martial arts team, I can join then!"

Ye Qingmeng seemed to have some interest in practicing martial arts, and said with a smile.

As soon as they got home, they saw Tingting crying, sitting on the floor with aggrieved face.

Guo Lan was sitting on the sofa with Erbao in her arms and coaxing, while Ye Shanhe was reprimanding Tingting with a serious face.

"Dad, what's the matter? This is, Tingting is so young, even if she made a mistake, she shouldn't be so strict!"

Ye Qingmeng hurriedly stepped forward to hug Tingting, and said distressedly.

"Just saying a few words is harsh? You don't know, this little girl almost choked Er Bao to death!"

Ye Shanhe said angrily.

Both He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng were taken aback when they heard the words, and He Jincheng went to check Er Bao's situation immediately. Even though Er Bao's condition is stable now, and even fell asleep, he was still a little worried, and After checking his pulse and making sure everything was fine, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Tingting, what's going on, can you tell mom?"

Ye Qingmeng asked Tingting anxiously.

"Mom... I didn't mean it, I just wanted to give my brother candy, the candy is delicious..."

Tingting's small shoulders twitched and she said aggrievedly.

In her eyes, candy is sweet and delicious, and she really wants to share it with her brother.

It's just that Erbao is too young now, where can I eat candy? I got stuck all of a sudden. Fortunately, Ye Shanhe and Guo Lan found out in time, otherwise, Erbao might really have an accident.

After listening to the description of the mother-in-law and the old man, He Jincheng smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Tingting didn't do it on purpose, just tell her it's wrong, don't blame her anymore!"

He Jincheng hugged Tingting with a smile, and said earnestly, "Tingting, Dad knows that you want to share delicious food with your brother, but my brother is still too young and his teeth haven't grown yet, so there are many hard things. I can’t even eat it, so we must not give my brother food indiscriminately in the future, okay?”

"Dad, I was wrong. I will ask you guys when I feed my brother in the future!"

Tingting is very smart, and now she is more than four years old, as long as you tell her many things, she can remember them.

"Oh, Tingting is really my father's good friend, she's so obedient!"

He Jincheng rubbed Tingting's little head and said dotingly.

Because he was too busy during this period, He Jincheng knew that he had less time to spend with his family, especially Tingting. If something like this happened today, it could be that he had not educated too much in his daily life as a parent.

This gave He Jincheng the urge to make the company bigger and stronger as soon as possible.

When the company really operates like a behemoth, I don't have to stare at it all the time, and I can spend more time with my family.

More importantly, only strong energy can get the protection it deserves. He Jincheng doesn't want his family to suffer any harm.

The next day, He Jincheng first went to Qingmeng Clothing.

Now, all matters in the store, big or small, are basically handed over to Zhou Qingyuan, so it is basically enough to come here to meet Zhou Qingyuan.

"Jincheng, I have calculated carefully these few days. Our store sells about [-] pieces a day. Every time we order goods, the cycle is about half a month, so we need to prepare at least [-] pieces of inventory each time. It can guarantee the normal daily operation. Of course, this is only the minimum guaranteed amount. If calculated according to the normal situation, at least two thousand pieces are needed. It seems that we really need to have a supply here in Nandu Business is the way to go!"

Zhou Qingyuan quickly discovered the biggest problem of Qingmeng Clothing. Although Zhao Qianlan is helping, the clothes in the store are still sufficient, but it cannot withstand any accidents. For example, if Zhao Qianlan's delivery is late If it takes one day, Qingmeng Clothing will have to be idle for a day and cannot open.

"Then what do you think, should we own a factory ourselves, or find another supplier?"

He Jincheng nodded, he had already discovered this problem.

Because the styles of clothes in the store are all sketches provided by him, these products are absolutely fashionable, and the sales volume is not a problem at all. The sales volume will only increase in the future, and the supply problem will become a big problem sooner or later.

"If possible, it's better to have our own factory, so that we have sufficient independence and autonomy, and we can completely rely on the factory to sell our best-selling products in Nandu and all over the country!"

Zhou Qingyuan pondered and said, he has thought about this matter a lot, but a factory is not that simple, the biggest problem is the capital, without hundreds of thousands, it is impossible to get a factory done.

"Have you estimated how much a garment factory will cost?"

He Jincheng asked.

I also have a lot of money on hand now, at least 10,000+ can still be taken out.

"According to my estimation, it takes at least 30 yuan to handle a Chinese clothing factory with a daily output of thousands of dollars!"

Zhou Qingyuan spoke out his estimate.

"Thousands per day? This is definitely not enough. Although it can meet the current demand, but the scale of my business will become larger and larger in the future, the output of this thousand pieces will definitely not be enough. It is better to make it in place at one time, at least to achieve five per day." More than a thousand pieces!"

He Jincheng thought for a while and said.

If you want to make Qingmeng clothing bigger and stronger, you must go out. If you can open up markets in other cities, the output of this thousand pieces will definitely not be enough.

(End of this chapter)

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