Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 342 Familiar with the environment, He Jincheng's future plans

Chapter 342 Familiar with the environment, He Jincheng's future plans
"Come on in, we'll have plenty of time to watch in the future!"

Guo Lan smiled and pulled Wang Huixin inside.

Where has Wang Huixin seen such a big house? She was so nervous that she couldn't even walk.

Li Meili walked in with Ye Qingmeng holding the child in her arms, her face full of surprise and excitement.

He Qingsong and He Jinshan were fine. Although they were shocked, they acted very calm.

Their personalities are relatively good and strong, of course they don't want to be seen as ignorant.

"Hey, old He, it's good if you come here, you don't know, since I recovered from my illness, I can't do anything, let's go for a walk, I don't know those old men very well, give me I'm suffocated, we can play chess and chat when you come!"

Ye Shanhe laughed.

"Just your stinky chess, I don't even bother to play with you!"

He Qingsong said angrily.

"Dad, Mom, you should live on the first floor too. It's more convenient. Brother and sister-in-law live on the second floor, which happens to be vacant. Qing Meng and I live on the third floor with our children. The house is relatively big. You should familiarize yourself with it. It's very convenient." You'll get used to it soon! You don't have to do anything about sanitation, I hired a part-time worker to clean it!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

He is so happy that his parents and eldest brother and sister-in-law can move here.

The biggest regret since rebirth has finally been made up for.

"Okay, okay, such a nice house, what can we choose!"

Li Meili smiled and agreed, and went to visit the house with Ye Qingmeng.

"I'll move out when I make money!"

He Jinshan was very unconvinced and said something unsightly.

After settling down with his parents, brother and sister-in-law, He Jincheng asked Ye Chunlin to book a table for dinner at the restaurant and have a get-together in the evening.

The standard of the meal was not low, and it cost hundreds of dollars.

This frightened He Jinshan, this meal cost hundreds of dollars, how much money did He Jincheng make!
In this way, after about three days, He Qingsong, He Jinshan and the others got used to life in Nandu.

On this day, He Jinshan took the initiative to find He Jincheng to talk about the matter.

"He Jincheng, didn't you say you asked me to help with the work? What can I do?"

Although He Jinshan's tone was not very good, the meaning in these words was obviously much better than the disgust that was revealed everywhere before.

"Brother like this, I now have three main industries, one is the Chinese medicine clinic, I can do it by myself, and the other is the antique shop, which may require some professional knowledge. If you are interested, you can learn from Gao Ziqiang , to help him there, and the other is the clothing store, we have four stores and one factory in the south, you can tell me what you think you can do."

He Jincheng had long thought of arranging a job for his eldest brother, but he was afraid of hurting his self-esteem, so he didn't make up his own mind.

"Then let's go to the garment factory!"

Sister-in-law Li Meili said directly.

She is also a person who can't be idle, and she told He Jincheng before that she would arrange a job.

"I can step on the sewing machine, and it's no problem to make some clothes!"

Li Meili said.

"Okay, or sister-in-law, you can become the workshop director!"

He Jincheng thought for a while, nodded and said.

"Ah? Director, don't laugh at my sister-in-law. I don't even know a few big characters. How can I be a director? Just let me be a small worker. Don't give me any special care, sister-in-law." I don’t have any skills, but making money to support myself down-to-earth makes me feel at ease!”

Li Meili quickly waved her hand and said.

She is not the kind of person who likes to rely on others, it is better to rely on her own hands for everything.

"Then I'll go to the warehouse to move things, and I'll be counted as a small worker. He Jincheng, I know you are amazing now, but you have to know that even without your care, our husband and wife can support ourselves!"

He Jinshan said in a deep voice.

"Oh, well, then do as you wish! I'll take you to the factory tomorrow, don't worry, I won't give you any special care, but brother and sister-in-law, I want to ask you for help!"

He Jincheng said helplessly.

"Little brother, what do you say, why are you being polite to us?"

Li Meili said with a smile.

"Actually, I'm in the clothing industry and the antique business. I just want to make money to support my family. I don't have much interest in it. My interest is still in Chinese medicine. I invite you to come to Nandu. What you owe is also because of some selfishness, I just hope that you can help me take over all the businesses except Chinese medicine in the future."

He Jincheng said sincerely.

"Take over? Impossible! These are all built by you yourself, why should we take over?"

He Jincheng stared and refused directly.

"Brother, I have already said that my heart is not in these things. Healing diseases and saving talents is what I want to do most. If you don't take over in the future, then I have to deal with it! Moreover, I don't want you to take over now. I I want you to practice each link for a period of time, and then consider taking over after you are familiar with the entire company's process!"

"Of course, in addition to going to work, you also need to strengthen your cultural studies. I'm going to enroll you in a class to learn some cultural and management knowledge. Believe me, even if you don't want to take over the He Group in the future, these things are still useful to you With great benefits!"

He Jincheng said seriously.

He Jinshan and Li Meili looked at each other, thoughtful.

If what Jincheng said was true, it would be a pity to lose such a large property.

"Brother, I know you don't like to take advantage, but I will rest assured only if the He Group is handed over to you! If you think it is not good to take over the He Group for no reason, then you will make the group better than me , wouldn't this also prove your ability?"

After some painstaking persuasion, He Jinshan was finally moved.

"Let's talk about this later!"

He Jincheng nodded.

It is true that this is not the time to talk about this matter. The He Group has only taken a prototype, and there is still a long way to go before it can be stabilized.

Now even if He Jinshan is willing to take over, the He Group will not be able to operate!
After talking about this matter, He Jincheng's mood improved a lot, and his plans for the future became much clearer.

Next, in addition to continuing to practice his own Chinese medicine, he will develop the Ho Group into a truly large company, a large group, and lay a solid foundation for the elder brother to take over the group, so that the future will be much easier for the elder brother.

(End of this chapter)

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