Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 344 The Warehouse Problem, Actually I Still Care About It

Chapter 344 The Warehouse Problem, Actually I Still Care About It
He Jinshan looked at Cheng Li who was leaving, feeling a little angry.

Although he is honest, he is not stupid. Of course, he can see the change in Supervisor Cheng's attitude towards him.

But he doesn't care about these things, since he chooses to come here, he should just do his job well.

After looking at the goods on the car, He Jinshan no longer hesitated, and immediately began to carry them.

The small truck bears two tons, and a bag of fabric is one hundred catties, which is twenty bags.

He Jinshan didn't feel that heavy at first, and it was easy to carry a bag and walk to the location 50 meters away.

However, he still overestimated his physical strength a bit. After going back and forth five times like this, he was a little out of breath, and when he went back and forth for the sixth time, he felt a little strenuous.

After moving ten times, He Jincheng was so tired that he couldn't stand it. It took a full hour, his whole body was soaked in sweat, his breathing became heavy, his mouth felt dry, and the breath he exhaled was hot.

When he went to pick up the water, he heard cheerful laughter from the office, as if Cheng Li and the two were playing poker.

This gave He Jinshan the urge to kick the door directly.

Although he said that he didn't want to rely on He Jincheng, this factory was run by his younger brother, so he couldn't tolerate these silverfish eating and drinking in the factory!

However, after thinking about it, He Jinshan still held back.

Since I have chosen such a path, I can only get through it. After I have achieved results, it is not too much to deal with these silverfish.

After resting for more than ten minutes, He Jinshan continued to unload the goods.

It's just that his speed is getting slower and slower, and it was not until noon that he just moved the cloth for the first car.

After lunch in the cafeteria at noon, he went back to the warehouse to rest.

Take advantage of this effort to quickly recover your strength.

As a result, as soon as he fell asleep, he was woken up by the sound of a car horn, and the fabric for the second car was delivered.

"Hey, hurry up and unload, I'm still in a rush for the next trip!"

The driver saw that He Jinshan was waiting here alone and fell asleep, so he said very dissatisfied.

"Oh, ok, unload immediately!"

He Jinshan quickly got up and continued to unload the goods. The truck driver didn't help, and went to Cheng Li's office while playing a ditty. It seemed that he was not in a hurry at all.

All this was seen in He Jinshan's eyes, and he was very angry, but more worried.

If my brother's factory is full of employees like this, something will happen sooner or later!

Do you want to talk to your brother about these things?

He Jinshan was very conflicted.

It took more than two hours, and all the fabrics of the second car were unloaded.

As a result, the third car came right after. He Jinshan continued to work without taking a break.

Cheng Li and the two workers just stayed in the office playing poker and chatting, as if they were just looking after the warehouse and didn't need to do any work at all.

By the time the third car was unloaded, it would be dark.

Cheng Li walked over at this time, saw He Jinshan who was sweating profusely, tired and out of breath, and nodded with a smile.

"Not bad, Xiao He, the first day's work was excellent. It seems that Director Zhou is right about you. A talent like you has to work harder. There are three more fabrics tomorrow, and the goods in one location will be delivered. Remember to come here early!"

Cheng Li praised with a smile, and left with a cigarette in his hand.

He Jinshan clenched his fists and almost couldn't hold back his hands.

When she got off work, Li Meili was waiting for He Jinshan at the door. Seeing his embarrassed appearance, Li Meili was shocked.

"Hey, Jinshan, what's wrong with you, why are you so tired!"

Li Meili stepped on the sewing machine in the workshop, but no one made things difficult for her. She didn't expect her husband to become like this.

"It's okay, there is a lot of work in the warehouse today, it will be fine in a few days!"

He Jinshan didn't want to tell Li Meili about these bad things, otherwise, with Li Meili's personality, he would definitely tell He Jincheng, and he would lose face!
"That's true. Our workshop has never stopped. You haven't visited our sewing workshop. There are so many sewing machines that you can't see the end at a glance. Because wages are paid on a piece basis, everyone works hard, and even eats very fast. , I was a little rusty at the beginning, but it got better in the afternoon. Today I made more than 20 pieces of clothing, which has reached the average level. You don’t know, Miss Wang in the workshop can make more than 40 pieces a day. One piece, that one can get ten cents, four yuan a day, my brother's business is too big..."

Li Meili didn't think too much, and excitedly shared her experience on the first day of work.

Although her speed is not particularly fast, there is a piecework wage of 20 yuan for 80 pieces a day, plus the basic salary of [-] yuan, that one can earn at least [-] yuan, which was unthinkable before. Thinking of things ah!
He Jinshan listened to his daughter-in-law nagging in his ear, but his mind was full of thoughts.

He has been thinking about what He Jincheng said to himself before, and then thinking about what happened in the warehouse, he was very bored, and he only responded without a word when talking to Li Meili.

After returning home, he took a shower and didn't even eat, so He Jinshan went back to the house to sleep. As soon as he lay on the bed, he immediately fell asleep. Today is really exhausting.

At night, He Jinshan woke up hungry, so he wanted to get up and find something to eat.

Li Meili was woken up by He Jinshan's movement, and got up with some complaints to serve him hot meals.

"Look at you, what are you working so hard for? The factory belongs to our younger brother. It's okay to work a little less. I know you haven't eaten. I'll heat up the rice specially reserved for you!"

Although Li Meili was nagging, He Jinshan could feel her concern for him, so he was not angry.

While eating, He Jinshan said: "Daughter-in-law, you can't think so, the factory is owned by Jincheng, but when I was working today, I found that there was really a big problem. I don't go to Jincheng on weekdays. Over at the factory, they must have not noticed it!"

Li Meili froze for a moment, then suddenly smiled, He Jinshan who laughed was inexplicable.

"What's the matter, what are you laughing at?"

"You, you've been putting on a bad face at Jincheng all day long, but you still care about him a lot in your heart, right? This is the first time I've heard you call your younger brother Jincheng!"

Li Meili smiled and rubbed He Jinshan's shoulders.

These words made He Jinshan stunned for a moment. If it wasn't for his face being a little dark, it could be seen that his old face was already a little red.

They are all brothers, so there is no such thing as a lifetime of deep hatred!

If something happened to him, how could he not care about it?

(End of this chapter)

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