Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 369 Returning to the hospital, a patient with sequelae of cerebral infarction

Chapter 369 Returning to the hospital, a patient with sequelae of cerebral infarction

"Okay, then I wish our cooperation success!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

The two shook hands friendly, and then Zhou Qingyuan took Zhang Cheng to rest.

After finishing the bidding, there was nothing else to do at the factory, so He Jincheng went home.

During this period of time, I was busy with the affairs of the factory all day long, and spent less time with my wife and children.

He was going to rest for a few days, and if he had nothing to do, he would go to the doctor's office to have a look, and also had an addiction to feel his pulse.

Everyone has something they like to do, and they may even be addicted to it, but He Jincheng's most addictive thing is to take the pulse of others and see a doctor.

The last time I went to Liu's house, it was just a follow-up consultation, not a consultation.

He hadn't been to the clinic for more than ten days with this face, and he was really thinking about it.

The next day, after sending Ye Qingmeng to school, he came to the clinic and was going to sit for a day of consultation.

At present, there are three Chinese medicine practitioners in the medical center, who can basically meet the daily consultation needs.

When He Jincheng came, the other three doctors were more than happy. They all knew He Jincheng's mysterious medical skills, so naturally they wanted to see and learn more.

And He Jincheng is absolutely not stingy, sharing his own diagnostic methods and theories without reservation, and everyone can gain something from the exchanges.

Why is Chinese medicine now far inferior to Western medicine, and even most people choose Chinese medicine and take Chinese medicine only when they feel that they need to recuperate their bodies.

One of the biggest problems is that traditional Chinese medicine is difficult to pass on.

The Huaxia nation is a nation that pays attention to selfless dedication, but sometimes, because of interests, it cherishes itself.

Many doctors are unwilling to share their experience, for fear that revealing their means of earning a living will affect their income.

He Jincheng has no way to change this situation now, but he can do it himself. As long as he knows, he will say it without reservation. It can be regarded as a small contribution to the cause of Chinese medicine!

"Doctor He, come over to inspect today when you are free!"

Doctor Dong said with a smile.

As long as He Jincheng is not in the medical center, Dong Hao is the chief, responsible for all operations of the medical center.

He Jincheng, the hands-off shopkeeper, can't come a few times a month, but Dong Hao is exhausted, so he said it slightly jokingly.

"Haha, Dr. Dong is teasing me, alas, the factory is a bit busy recently, I can't help but go, otherwise, I'm afraid it will go bankrupt!"

He Jincheng said with a wry smile.

He has a good relationship with Dong Hao, so it's okay to joke a little bit.

"Oh, by the way, it just so happened that you came here today. There is a patient whose condition is a bit complicated. I'm not sure about the treatment plan. You can check it out!"

Dong Hao stopped teasing He Jincheng and said with a smile.

"Oh? There is also a disease that Dr. Dong is not sure about, so I am interested in trying it!"

When He Jincheng heard that he had a difficult and miscellaneous disease, he immediately became energetic.

"I made an appointment at nine o'clock, and it's almost a few minutes away. Let me tell you about the patient's condition first!"

Dong Hao said.

"No, if I take the pulse later, it can be more accurate!"

He Jincheng waved his hand. He is not used to listening to other doctors' diagnosis results, because it will affect his understanding of the patient's condition.

"That's fine, anyway, it's still a little troublesome!"

Dong Hao shrugged his shoulders, and said indifferently, and continued to take the medicine for the pulse.

After about 5 minutes, a middle-aged man and a 15-year-old boy came in pushing a wheelchair.

In the wheelchair was an old man who looked to be in his 70s or [-]s.

The old man's complexion is not very good-looking, his eyes are a little blurred, and his body is very weak at first glance. He must have just had an operation or something.

"Old lady Liao, you are here, hurry up and sit inside, our boss is here today, your illness can be cured!"

Dong Hao smiled and pushed the old lady Liao in.

Mrs. Liao's son is called Liao Yong, and the boy is called Liao Shang, who is the grandson of Mrs. Liao.

"Doctor Dong, I'm sorry, I didn't understand what you said, didn't you treat my mother today?"

Liao Yong didn't know He Jincheng, but he was a little puzzled when he heard that Dong Hao said that his boss would come to treat his illness today.

"It's a coincidence for you, who is the best doctor among our doctors and patients? That is our boss! This is my boss, He Jincheng, Dr. He! Don't think that Dr. He is young, he is very skilled in medicine. Even I am ashamed of myself!"

Dong Hao introduced He Jincheng to several members of the Liao family.

"Push it over here, let me see the situation first!"

He Jincheng asked Mrs. Liao to come over, and then stretched out his hand to feel the pulse.

Liao Yong and Liao Shang on the side were a little worried. After all, He Jincheng looked too young. Could this medical skill work?

However, since Dr. Dong guaranteed it, they couldn't say anything, so they asked He Jincheng to show it to the old lady. If there was no other way, the worst would be to ask Dr. Dong to come again!
After 3 minutes, He Jincheng withdrew his hand and fell into deep thought.

Several members of the Liao family were waiting outside for He Jincheng's results. When they were almost anxious, He Jincheng suddenly slapped his thigh and thought of a way.

"Doctor He, look at my mother's situation, how should I treat her?"

Liao Yong couldn't help asking.

"Oh, the old lady must have just had a cerebral infarction, about a month ago."

He Jincheng said with a smile.

This sentence made Liao Yong look at He Jincheng a little bit higher, but he didn't see that this young man was able to accurately tell the patient's previous situation with a pulse, which showed that He Jincheng was genuine. capable people.

"That's right, Doctor He, you are right!"

Liao Yong nodded repeatedly.

"Tell me the specific situation!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly and said.

"It's like this. My mother is seventy years old. She just had a cerebral infarction a month ago. Fortunately, the treatment was timely, but now there are many sequelae. There are several main symptoms: one is the weakness of the left leg, unable to She walks and needs to sit in a wheelchair when she comes to the clinic; second, she has frequent hiccups, nearly twenty times per minute, and it has been more than ten days, and western medicine treatment has not been effective; Double images, and the complexion is very ugly, dull."

Liao Yong said quickly.

"Well, if I'm not mistaken, sometimes the old lady may not be able to lift her head, and she may also see ice on the tongue, general weakness, sweating, urgency, frequent urination, bloated urine, tea-colored urine, poor sleep, dry before and sticky stools , Inability to defecate. These symptoms must have appeared!"

He Jincheng asked again.

"That's right, it's these symptoms that we don't understand very well, so we can't explain it clearly! Doctor He, please help my mother, my mother has worked hard all her life, and she will be blessed soon, but she encountered this In this case, I really..."

Liao Yong said, his eyes were a little red.

(End of this chapter)

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