Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 40 Sudden incident, intractable disease in the county hospital

Chapter 40 Sudden incident, intractable disease in the county hospital
The next day, He Jincheng went to work in the clinic as usual.

Ye Chunlin followed Xiao Jingran to Pingyao Winery to work, and was responsible for running the business.

There is only one person on He Jincheng's side.

Fortunately, there are not many patients, but they can handle it.

At the end of the day, nothing special happened. After seeing that there were no patients in the evening, He Jincheng packed up and prepared to go home.

At this moment, a Santana came galloping and stopped at the gate of He Jincheng Medical Center.

The car door opened, and a person jumped down in a hurry. Before He Jincheng could react, the person dragged He Jincheng to the car.

"Doctor He, hurry up and follow me, help!"

The person who came was none other than Director Hao who had troubled him before.

It wasn't until a few days ago that He Jincheng knew that Officer Hao's name was Hao Changzhu.

He Jincheng was a little puzzled, why Hao Changzhu suddenly drove to find him, and he seemed very anxious.

"What happened?"

After a slight start, He Jincheng got rid of Hao Changzhu. It must be inappropriate to be taken away so vaguely.

"Doctor He, I'm sorry, I'm really in a hurry. Leader Chen asked me to pick you up to the county seat. Leader Chen's wife suddenly fell ill. The county hospital didn't help, so I was in a hurry to find you!"

Hao Changzhu was in a hurry and quickly explained.

He Jincheng didn't hesitate when he heard that Chen Fasheng's wife was ill.

This leader Chen has also helped him a lot. Now that he is needed, of course he cannot refuse.

"Let's go, go to my house and talk to my wife first."

He Jincheng took the initiative to get into the car, and Hao Changzhu didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly drove towards He Jincheng's house.

After talking to Ye Qingmeng, the two hurried towards the county hospital.

The road to the county seat was not very good, but Hao Changzhu didn't dare to walk slowly, the wind was so fast along the way that he almost knocked out He Jincheng's internal organs.

The original one-hour drive forced Hao Changzhu to drive for four or ten minutes.

This guy is really a good driver, but He Jincheng's internal organs are suffering.

After getting out of the car, He Jincheng took a couple of deep breaths, which could be regarded as calming down the turmoil in his body.

"I'm sorry Doctor He, I was really in a hurry, so I drove faster..."

Hao Changzhu looked apologetic.

Since being taught a lesson by He Jincheng last time, he has completely changed himself, and he is very humble in everything he does.

Although he made a mistake, he found that he acted so low-key, but he was getting more and more attention from the leaders.

For example, when He Jincheng was invited to come over this time, Chen Fasheng asked him to drive directly. This is a great trust in himself.

"It's okay, let's go up and have a look! Do you understand what's going on?"

He Jincheng waved his hand, and then said as he walked.

"I don't know the details, but it is said that the wife of Leader Chen suddenly fell into a coma at noon today and was sent to the hospital, but the hospital did not find anything! When I left, the wife was still in a coma."

Hao Changzhu said quickly.

"it is good."

He Jincheng nodded slightly and didn't think much about it.

There are many reasons for coma, and the patient has not seen it so far, and he cannot determine the cause.

The two entered the hospital and went straight to the ward on the third floor.

This is a separate ward specially arranged for important people, one for each person, and the bathroom and dining table are equipped.

At this moment, Chen Fasheng was talking to the doctor at the door, his tone was very severe, and he seemed very angry.

"What are you doctors doing? You've been living here for half a day. You haven't even found out the cause of the disease. It's ridiculous!"

Chen Fasheng was very angry, and scolded the doctor in charge as bloody.

The attending doctor, Zhang Youshun, who is also the director of the county hospital, is also secretly complaining in his heart at this moment.

Where have I seen such a strange case? When it was delivered at noon, the patient was indeed in a coma.

All kinds of instruments in the hospital were used, and it turned out that the patient's body was completely normal without the slightest problem. Except for coma, he was just like a normal person.

Just now the patient woke up by himself, only a little weak and dizzy, and had no other symptoms of discomfort.

However, not long after waking up, the patient fell into a coma again.

This kind of disease is really strange. As the director, Zhang Youshun has never encountered it in the past 20 years of practicing medicine.

What's even more exasperating is that Chen Fasheng actually wanted a local doctor to come over to see his wife.

In Tangtang County Hospital, all doctors can't cure the disease, if it is cured by a local doctor, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

Of course, although he was unwilling, he couldn't say anything.

Anyway, in his opinion, even if he called the local doctor over for the illness that he couldn't cure, it would be useless.

He Jincheng and Hao Changzhu came straight to the ward, and they were seen by Chen Fasheng the moment they appeared in the corridor.

"Doctor He, you are here!"

As soon as he saw He Jincheng, Chen Fasheng seemed to see hope, he stretched out his hand from a long distance, and took the initiative to greet him.

He Jincheng also quickened his pace a little, and shook hands with Chen Fasheng vigorously.

"Needless to say too much, let's go see the patient first!"

He Jincheng cut straight to the point. It is useless to say anything now. The key is to cure the patient as soon as possible.

"Okay, please tell Dean Zhang about your condition!"

Chen Fasheng nodded, then glanced at Dean Zhang, who reluctantly gave a brief introduction to his condition.

After listening to Dean Zhang's narration, He Jincheng nodded slightly, already having some direction in his mind.

"Judging from the description, it shouldn't be a big problem!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Dean Zhang almost couldn't hold back his curse.

Not a big problem?You are not a big boy, but you have a big tone!

When he saw He Jincheng just now, Dean Zhang was a little displeased. He thought this local doctor was an old Chinese doctor in his seventies and eighties, but he didn't expect him to be so young.

With such a big tone now, the anger in Zhang Youshun's heart suddenly came up.

"Doctor He, don't talk too much. I have been practicing medicine for 20 years, and this is the first time I have seen this kind of symptoms. You should be more cautious!"

Dean Zhang said sourly.

"That's natural. There is no diagnosis yet. I need to give the patient another pulse!"

He Jincheng smiled, seeing Dean Zhang's careful thinking, but didn't say much.

The so-called literati look down on each other, which also exists among doctors.

Especially when encountering doctors who are younger than themselves, they often feel jealous. This is natural and inevitable.

However, He Jincheng was just telling the truth about his views on the disease, and had no other intentions.

(End of this chapter)

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