Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 400 Everyone expresses their hearts, a family enjoys themselves happily

Chapter 400 Everyone expresses their hearts, and the family enjoys it
He Qingsong took a sip of water, then cleared his throat, looked at the crowd with a smile, and then spoke slowly.

"Everyone knows what happened before, I'll just say something after we left!"

"During the few years I left, I actually missed my hometown. It's not a good thing to be away from home, especially for the elderly like me. The older I get, the more I miss my hometown. If the second child really reformed, I don’t know if it’s possible to go home again in this life!”

"You old man, what are you talking about for the Chinese New Year? Wouldn't it be good to say something festive?"

He Qingsong was interrupted by Wang Huixin in the middle of his sentence.

Everyone laughed, and He Jincheng felt bitter in his heart, with an embarrassing smile on his face.

"Okay, okay, let me say something happy! Since I came to Nandu, I have been reading newspapers every day when I have nothing to do. Although our country's policies have been adjusting, I can also see that we are getting more and more It’s looser, just like the second child’s company, it’s getting more and more popular.”

"I'm not afraid of being laughed at by you. I was a little shocked when I saw the speed of the development of the He Group. I have never seen so much money in my life. At first, I also thought that the second child would do this. It's a little risky, if one day someone labels you a speculator, then our family will be over!"

"However, I thought about it carefully and read a lot of related newspaper reports. I came to a conclusion that we are really going to reform and open up, and the future situation will only get better and better. The He Group, under the auspices of the second child , can definitely grow bigger and bigger!"

"I won't say anything else, just wish our family happiness, good health, and the success of the second child's company!"

In the end, He Qingsong didn't know what to say, so he talked a little bit, and finally came up with a concluding remark.

The crowd applauded.

Although He Qingsong has some culture, he is only a farmer in essence. It is already very good to be able to say so much.

"What my father said is very good, then next, father-in-law, you can also say a few words!"

He Jincheng applauded and said, and then his eyes fell on Ye Shanhe.

"I also said, okay, He Qingsong has already started, so I'm not polite!"

Ye Shanhe chuckled, then pondered.

"He Qingsong and I used to be comrades-in-arms, and we also participated in the battle. In that war, we had a squad of twelve people, and only two of us came back in the end, so He Qingsong and I are brothers who died!"

When everyone heard what Ye Shanhe said, they immediately stood in awe and looked at Ye Shanhe seriously.

In the war that year, although we said that we returned with a big victory, there were still many soldiers whose lives remained on the battlefield forever.

"Jincheng, do you remember what a jerk you were back then? At that time, He Qingsong came to our house to propose marriage and said that he wanted Qingmeng to marry you. Marriage. Originally, I thought that after you got married, you would not be such a bastard if you settled your temper, but I didn't expect my daughter to come to you and never have a good day!"

"You don't know, I have a shotgun at home. If your mother didn't stop me, I would have taken a shotgun and beat you to pieces!"

Ye Shanhe glanced at He Jincheng coldly, but he was taken aback.

This old man, he is the master of his word. He really didn't know about this matter before.

He looked gratefully at his mother-in-law. If it wasn't for his mother-in-law, he might not be where he is today.

"Whatever you look at, at that time, I wanted to come to your house and break your legs personally. If Qingmeng hadn't told me many good things about you, I would have killed your house a long time ago!"

Guo Lan glared at Zhao Dabao.

"Yes, yes, thank you, Mom!"

Zhao Dabao nodded again and again, a layer of cold sweat oozing from his back.

Thinking about it, it's really scary!

"Later, He Qingsong moved away. I really felt sorry for you kid, so I just kept out of sight and out of mind, and didn't care about you anymore. Since you reformed, I think I misjudged you kid before! Especially It was that car accident, if Jincheng hadn't stood by my side day and night, I'm afraid I would have died long ago!"

When Ye Shanhe thought of the car accident, his memory was still fresh.

"Dad, there's no need to talk about this matter. Tell me about the present, talk about the future, what do you want to do, or do you have any wishes to fulfill?"

Zhao Dabao waved his hand, then asked.

"There must be a lot of things I want to do. What I want most is to take my wife on a trip and travel all over China. That war is the only thing I've ever done in my life. I've run the farthest!"

Ye Shanhe said with a wry smile.

"It's convenient now. It's not as difficult as before. You can go wherever you want. I support your decision, Dad!"

Zhao Dabao said with a smile.

"Hahaha, Huixin and I will follow, the four of us can form a team!"

He Qingsong also became interested, and laughed.

Both Wang Huixin and Guo Lan were overjoyed and looked forward to it.

Zhao Dabao secretly made a plan in his heart. Before long, he would take two couples of old people and his family on a trip to see the great rivers and mountains of the motherland.

"Okay, okay, then we can go as a family. I didn't go to the beach last time, but I haven't had enough fun yet."

Ye Qingmeng also said with a happy smile.

"That's right, last time you all went without me, this time I will go with you no matter what."

Ye Chunlin also raised his hand and said.

Last time He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng took his mother out to play together, but he didn't bring himself. Ye Chunlin was already in a mood, and this time when he heard that he would go out to play, of course he quit.

"Look at what you've become. Isn't this just the beginning? I don't have a score yet, so I'm so anxious."

He Qingsong said with a wry smile, these kids still think of themselves as kids.

"Grandpa, grandma, grandpa, grandma, I'm going too, I want to eat big crabs."

When Tingting on the side heard that she was going out to play, she also clapped her hands and shouted.

"Okay, okay, no one will bring it, everyone has to bring Tingting."

He Qingsong fondled Tingting's little head and said kindly.

Erbao lying on the stroller beside him was also giggling, wondering if he understood what the adults were saying.

The family happily ate while talking about something that they are usually embarrassed to say.

The boss, He Jinshan, finally revealed his heart for the first time.

"I really looked down on you before my second child, and I even believed in you, brother. But your change really surprised me, or shocked me. After drinking this glass of wine today, I also tell you something from the bottom of my heart , I really admire you more and more during this time."

(End of this chapter)

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