Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 402 The arrest operation, both leaders ran away

Chapter 402 The arrest operation, both leaders ran away
On the first day of the new year, everyone is at home to celebrate the new year, get together and have fun.

He Jincheng, Du Fei and a police officer, Xiao Chen, were sitting in the car at the moment, their eyes fixed on the alley where the traffickers were.

Captain Ma has led people to surround the entire alley, and will immediately arrest the buyer as soon as he appears.

The three of them waited until twelve o'clock in the morning, and everyone began to feel a little sleepy. At this time, a car suddenly appeared on the road in the distance and slowly drove towards it.

He Jincheng immediately woke them up.

"Wake up, it should be the buyer!"

Xiao Chen and Du Fei woke up immediately and looked at the car.

Soon, the car stopped at the entrance of the alley, but the people inside never got off.

The three of them stared at each other just like that, temporarily standing still.

Not long after, several figures appeared in the alley, one of them was carrying a sack, and the others carefully observed the surroundings, cooperating very tacitly.

"It should be the buyer, and that person is Wang Sandao!"

He Jincheng pointed to the man with the scar on his face. This Wang Sandao is still limping when he walks, but it is much better than at the beginning. It seems that this guy is still taking the medicine he prescribed. Woolen cloth.

"Let's do it, it's not good if the child is sent to the car!"

Xiao Chen said in a low voice, and at the same time he took out his weapon, ready to rush down to fight the gangsters.

"Okay, be careful, these people are vicious, and they must have weapons!"

He Jincheng nodded, and the three of them opened the car door at the same time, and quickly rushed towards Wang Sandao and the others.

"Don't move, policeman, put down all weapons in your hands, squat down with your head in your arms, don't move!"

Xiao Chen took out his weapon, aimed at Wang Sandao and the others, and yelled sharply.

Wang Sandao and the others were shocked, they would not listen to Xiao Chen's words, they dropped the sack in their hands and ran away.

Seeing that something was wrong, the car rushed out with a kick of the accelerator, regardless of Wang Sandao and the child in the sack.

"I'll go after it!"

Du Fei immediately jumped into the car and drove after him.

The buyer was very vigilant. After stopping the car, he didn't turn off the engine, nor did he get out of the car. When he found something wrong, he put it in gear and drove away.

Xiao Chen fired several shots and failed to hit the car, so he can only hope that Du Fei will catch up.

The few people on Wang Sandao's side, when they heard the gunshots, immediately fell out of their wits and crouched down with their heads in their arms.

On the contrary, Wang Sandao was in this line of work after all, he turned his head and ran away, his speed was faster than that of a person with normal legs.

"Go and save the child, I'll chase Wang Sandao!"

He Jincheng said.

"Ah, no, that Wang Sandao is a bandit, he must have a weapon, I'll chase after him!"

Xiao Chen said quickly, but before he finished speaking, He Jincheng had already chased after him, and then went to look at the child in the sack. Xiao Chen hesitated for a while, and could only save the child first, and then go to help after ensuring the child's safety. He Jincheng is gone.

This Wang Sandao ran very fast. Although one leg was still not very flexible, but his own life was at stake. He could be considered to have unleashed all his potential, running as fast as a rabbit.

And this guy was very cunning, he didn't run to his den, but turned around an alley, jumped over the wall and jumped into someone's house.

For a moment, chickens flew like dogs, and the whole alley became annoyed.

Captain Ma also started to act, immediately surrounded Wang Sandao's den, forcibly broke through the door and rushed in.

Those traffickers didn't know what happened, but they were pressed against their heads by the muzzles of black holes, and their faces turned pale with fright.

In less than 3 minutes, Captain Ma's men had all the scene under control.

At this time, Xiao Wang ran over with the child in his arms.

"Captain Ma, this child is Ma Dong's daughter!"

"Oh, that's great. Hurry up and bring all the children out, confirm their identities, send them to the Security Bureau, and then notify their families to claim them. Take all the suspects back, not one less!"

The horse captain was overjoyed and said immediately.

He also knew that Ma Dong, and he was still a fellow villager with him, but he was not very familiar with him.

Ma Dong and his wife also had some energy in Nandu, and they were under a lot of pressure in the past few days. Fortunately, today's operation went smoothly. All the traffickers were arrested and the children were rescued. This is definitely a big victory.

"Captain Ma, someone escaped from the secret passage, and refused to explain. The escaped person is their second-in-command, named Liu Chunhua!"

Someone hurried forward to report.

"What? Such an important person, how could she let her run away and lead someone to chase after me!"

Captain Ma was furious.

The No. [-] person escaped, so the results of today's operation will be greatly reduced.

"Captain Ma, that Wang Sandao also... ran away too!"

Xiao Chen said hesitantly, feeling a little depressed in his heart.

The No. [-] people all ran away. What kind of thing is this? What's the point of today's actions?
"What? How do you do things, such a strict control and people run away?"

Captain Ma was furious, and his face was extremely ugly. If the two leaders really ran away, then today's action could not be said to be a success, it was a failure to the extreme, which he could not bear.

"Shame, it's simply a shame, how do I usually teach you, is this what you do for me?"

"Cavalry, getting angry now won't help, let's find a solution as soon as possible!"

The deputy captain stepped forward to persuade him at this time.

"Well, you immediately arrange manpower and try to catch me back in the shortest possible time!"

Captain Ma gritted his teeth and said.

"Yes, we have sent people to chase them, and they can't run very far."

The deputy captain said quickly.

"Captain Ma, Du Fei went after that buyer, and He Jincheng went after Wang Sandao. We also need support as soon as possible!"

Xiao Chen quickly told what he knew.

"What? Dr. He is chasing after Wang Sandao? Come on, call the master, hurry up and chase with me, which direction?"

When Captain Ma heard that He Jincheng was chasing him, he immediately panicked, and quickly asked his master to follow him.

What is Dr. He's identity? He has connections with several big bosses. If something happens to this, it will be really bad!

While running to chase He Jincheng, buying the captain is also praying that nothing will happen to He Jincheng, otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep my captain hat!

Half of the people stayed to deal with the scene, and the remaining half were divided into three groups to pursue the fleeing suspects.

At the same time, He Jincheng had already chased him five or six streets away. Not to mention, this Wang Sandao could still run, and even after running so far in one breath, he still seemed to have the strength.

(End of this chapter)

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