Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 415 The richest son, the young and humble Wang Yiwei

Chapter 415 The richest son, young and humble Wang Yiwei

After hearing what Wang Jianyun said, He Jincheng knew that his hidden disease must have relapsed.

When he saw Wang Jianyun last time, He Jincheng could tell that he must have just recovered from an illness, and there was still hidden disease in his body, so he gave him a bottle of emergency medicine at that time.

Half a year has passed in the blink of an eye, and it is expected that Wang Jianyun's condition will relapse now.

"Okay, where are you, I happen to have time today, so I can go there."

He Jincheng nodded and said with a smile.

"I've arrived in Nandu now, and I'm at the Nandu Hotel. I'll have someone wait for you downstairs. In addition, I will introduce a special friend to you today. I believe you will be surprised when you see her."

Wang Jianyun was still a bit mysterious.

"Special friend, Mr. Wang, are you still playing tricks on me?"

He Jincheng said with a wry smile.

"Just come here, I'm sure you won't be disappointed, let's not talk about it, the doctor is here!"

After Wang Jianyun finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

He Jincheng shook his head with a wry smile, this old Wang is really an old naughty boy, he is so sick, and still has such a leisurely mood.

After talking to Ye Qingmeng, He Jincheng prepared some necessary medicinal materials and equipment, carried a medical kit, and drove to Nandu Hotel.

After arriving at the place, there was indeed a man waiting at the door.

This man was somewhat similar to Wang Jianyun. He Jincheng took a look and knew who this was. He was not the most famous rich second generation in the future, Wang Yiwei, who was known as the son of the richest man.

The current Wang Yiwei looks very young, only fifteen or sixteen years old, not so rebellious yet.

This time the old man relapsed, but Wang Yiwei was taken aback.

He is far from being a man now, and if something happens to the old man, he will not be able to support such a large property.

So in order to show respect for He Jincheng, Wang Yiwei personally waited at the entrance of Nandu Hotel for a full hour. When he saw He Jincheng's car parked at the door, Wang Yiwei also took the initiative to open the door for He Jincheng.

"Doctor He!"

Wang Yiwei yelled very respectfully. When he saw He Jincheng, he was slightly taken aback. He didn't expect that the miracle doctor that the old man talked about was so young. According to the old man, this is the boss of the He Group. It is comparable to the royal family.

Originally, Wang Yiwei didn't have any feelings for a doctor, but the old man's condition relapsed, and he rushed to the hospital at the first time. The doctors were helpless. Still, when the old man occasionally woke up, according to the old man's arrangement, he took out the old man who was given to the old man by He Jincheng. medicine.

At that time, they only treated He Jincheng's medicine as a living horse doctor, because the hospital was really helpless, and issued critical illness notices several times, and the Wang family was already desperate.

As a result, after taking He Jincheng's medicine, the old man was out of danger immediately, and his physical statistics improved a lot, but he was worried that the old man's condition would recur again, so he quickly contacted He Jincheng.

At first, the old man said that He Jincheng was a young man, but Wang Yiwei thought that He Jincheng would be in his 30s, otherwise, how could he get such a high evaluation from the old man.

Seeing He Jincheng now, he looks like he is in his 20s. I really can't tell that he has superb medical skills.

"You are one-dimensional, right? I heard the old man mentioned you before, saying that you have great ideas, and I believe you will achieve something in the future!"

He Jincheng smiled and shook hands with Wang Yiwei.

"Thank you Brother Jincheng for your praise, I still have to learn from Brother Jincheng! This time, I will leave the old man's illness to Brother Jincheng!"

Wang Yiwei bowed slightly and said respectfully.

He Jincheng nodded with a smile, and said in his heart that he did not expect that the richest man in the future would be so humble. You must know that this man will be very arrogant in the future. Put anyone in your eyes.

It is very rare for him to take the initiative to call himself brother now.

"Okay, let's go in quickly, and let the old man see the doctor first!"

He Jincheng smiled, and then the two entered the Nandu Hotel.

With Wang Yiwei leading the way, the two went straight to the highest suite on the ninth floor.

The entire ninth floor was covered by Wang Jianyun. As soon as he came up, he could smell the strong smell of disinfectant. It seemed that Wang Jianyun was seriously ill this time, and the hotel was almost turned into a hospital.

When a person is sick, they are disinfected in various ways, which may not have any practical effect, but it can be very comforting psychologically.

"Doctor He, this way please!"

Why did Wang Yiwei lead the way in Jincheng, and the two went straight to a suite at the far end.

This suite is a house with two bedrooms and one living room. As the best hotel in Nandu City, the decoration and equipment are very particular. All mahogany furniture, luxurious bathroom, top-level bedroom, what kind of sofa, color TV and tea set in the living room? Everything is available.

After entering, there were still a few people inside, sitting on the other side of the sofa.

As soon as Wang Yiwei and He Jincheng came in, those people immediately stood up and looked at He Jincheng at the same time.

"This is the genius doctor He Jincheng and Dr. He that the old man said!"

Wang Yiwei introduced it to everyone.

"Doctor He, this is my second uncle, this is the deputy director of our company, this is my stepmother, and this is Dean Chen from Nandu No. 1 Civilian Hospital, this is the top cardiology expert in China Professor Li Changli!"

"Hello everyone! I don't dare to be called a miracle doctor, I just do a little research!"

He Jincheng waved his hand quickly and said.

No matter how superb your medical skills are, you can't boast so much.

"I heard that Mr. Wang got sick this time because he relied on Dr. He's medicinal materials to survive the difficulty. To be honest, I didn't believe it at the time, but the result surprised me. Dr. He didn't need to be self-effacing, but he could make that kind of life-saving medicine like an elixir. Yaowan, if you can’t be called a miracle doctor, I’m afraid no one in the world would dare to call yourself a doctor!”

Professor Li Chang said with a smile, and at the same time, there was a bit of surprise on his face.

He originally thought that Jincheng should be a middle-aged man in his 40s and [-]s. After all, his impression of Chinese medicine is that a person who can become a miracle doctor basically has decades of medical experience.

You know, it is generally believed that the older you are in the Chinese medicine industry, the more prosperous you become, because Chinese medicine is a profession that pays great attention to experience and experience.

A 60-year-old Chinese medicine doctor, and a young Chinese medicine practitioner in his early twenties, the patient must choose the old Chinese medicine doctor first.

This is very different from Western medicine.

Although Western medicine also pays attention to qualifications, Western medicine is a very streamlined discipline. As long as a textbook-like diagnosis is made according to the patient's condition, each disease corresponds to a certain medicine. It can be said that it is treated according to the medical book. Both are competent in medicine, but Chinese medicine is different.

Sometimes, when Chinese medicine sees a disease, there may be several completely different treatment methods, and it all depends on experience and experience.

(End of this chapter)

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