Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 421 Photographic Association, the initial establishment of the photography team

Chapter 421 Photographic Association, the initial establishment of the photography team
The photography team is not so easy to form.

After all, in this day and age, everyone is very poor, and it would be nice to be able to eat enough, so where is the money to play this.

This is not like in the later generations, the mobile phone can be used as a camera, and you can take pictures anytime, anywhere.

Nowadays, if anyone has a camera, it is definitely a very face-saving thing, even more face-saving than someone who owns a TV.

And what He Jincheng wanted to do was not only to be able to take pictures, but also to be able to shoot videos.

This is even more difficult to find.

However, Ye Qingmeng knew someone who was also a student of Nandu Normal University. He was a senior student this year, two years older than Ye Qingmeng. He was also an educated youth who went to the countryside to join the queue. The latter two were admitted to university and studied in Nandu Normal University.

The name of this person is Lin Haiyuan. His family used to be quite rich, but after the house was confiscated, he became lonely. Although the house was later given to him, there was nothing valuable left in the house, only an empty house and a movie. camera.

Lin Haiyuan likes photography very much, but it's a pity that in the whole school, except for him, no one has a camera, so he advocated the establishment of the Society for Photography Lovers, only he and two students who have a good relationship with him, a total of three personal.

Because Lin Haiyuan took pictures part-time to earn some living expenses, Ye Qingmeng also asked him to take pictures before, and thought his photography skills were very good, so when He Jincheng wanted to form a photography team, Ye Qingmeng thought of Lin Haiyuan.

Today, Lin Haiyuan had just finished taking pictures of a young couple and was packing up when Ye Qingmeng came to him.

"Senior Lin, hello, my name is Ye Qingmeng, and I'm a junior in the English Department!"

Ye Qingmeng smiled and greeted Lin Haiyuan.

Because of Ye Qingmeng's outstanding appearance, Lin Haiyuan also had some impressions of her.

"Oh, I remember you. At that time, you took a few classmates in your dormitory to take pictures together, right? Do you still need me to take some more pictures for you?"

Lin Haiyuan said with a smile.

"No, I have other things to ask you. I don't know if senior Lin has time. How about we chat?"

Ye Qingmeng shook her head slightly and said.

"No problem, wait for me to pack up, or make an appointment?"

Lin Haiyuan looked at his equipment and said with some embarrassment.

"I can't clean up your equipment for you. If you break it, it won't be good. How about it? See you at the school teahouse in half an hour?"

Ye Qing dreamed and wanted to say.

"Okay, then I'll do it as soon as possible!"

Lin Haiyuan nodded repeatedly.

His camera and film are all his precious bumps, and he doesn't want others to help clean them up.

Half an hour later, Lin Haiyuan and Ye Qingmeng met at the school teahouse.

Ye Qingmeng asked for a pot of green tea and poured Lin Haiyuan a cup.

"Senior Lin, you will graduate in half a year. Have you ever thought about what you will do after graduation?"

Lin Haiyuan was stunned for a moment, with a sad expression on his face.

"I'm only obsessed with photography all day long. To be honest, I haven't found a good job yet, and I don't really want to go to the job assigned by the school!"

Because Lin Haiyuan has no background, the school assigned him to work in a steel factory. As a person who regards photography as his life and a college student, Lin Haiyuan does not want to give up his dream of photography.

Therefore, he even planned to give up the job assigned by the school.

It's just that in this case, he may not even be able to afford food.

"Senior Lin, you really like photography. I have a job here. Do you want to consider it?"

Ye Qingmeng's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and asked quickly.

"If you just go to work in the factory, then forget it. After I graduate, I will walk all over the country on foot, and use the camera in my hand to record the great rivers and mountains of the motherland!"

Lin Haiyuan waved his hand and said with a wry smile.

"No, I want you to help me form a photography team to take photos and advertisements for our company, what do you think?"

Ye Qingmeng quickly explained.

"Photography team? Are you..."

Lin Haiyuan was startled, but did not realize what Ye Qingmeng meant.

"Senior Lin, my husband started a company. Recently, the company needs to increase its publicity and has invited many celebrities, so we want to form a special photography team, and you are best at photography, which happens to be what we need. If you are willing to join our company, your salary will definitely not be less!"

Ye Qingmeng laughed.

"It doesn't matter what the salary is, as long as I can take pictures, student Ye, is what you said true?"

Lin Haiyuan was overjoyed.

It's not that he doesn't want to work. If he doesn't have money, his dream will only be short-lived. Otherwise, he wouldn't work part-time at school to take pictures of people to subsidize his family.

It's just that he doesn't want to bow his head to reality. If there is a job related to his dream, of course he will agree to it without hesitation.

"Of course, this is my husband's business card. You can discuss all the conditions with my husband directly. Our company is called He Group. You can also inquire about it. In the same industry, our benefits and salaries are the highest!"

Ye Qingmeng smiled and handed He Jincheng's business card to Lin Haiyuan.

After receiving the business card, Lin Haiyuan's hands trembled slightly.

Ordinary people may not understand Lin Haiyuan's mood, he can give up everything for photography.

And the pressure of life had to make him realize the reality.

Now, such an opportunity is in front of him, and Lin Haiyuan has no reason to refuse.

"Thank you, classmate Ye. Although I, Lin Haiyuan, am not a big shot, I will spend my whole life repaying you for today's kindness!"

Lin Haiyuan held He Jincheng's business card tightly and said seriously.

"Then we've decided that, besides you, we also need to recruit some people who understand photography and videography technology, a professional team, if you know senior Lin, you can introduce them! Of course, You may have to discuss the specific treatment with my husband."

Ye Qingmeng was also very happy, she didn't expect things to go so smoothly.

That afternoon, Lin Haiyuan met with He Jincheng.

He Jincheng was also thirsty for talents, so he arranged to meet Lin Haiyuan that day.

In addition to Lin Haiyuan, there were also two other photographers named Wu Ming and Ren Lili.

Both of them are children from poor families, and they don't even have cameras. All photography techniques are taught by Professor Lin Haiyuan.

When they came to He Jincheng's office, the three of them were a little cautious, feeling like a student meeting a teacher, very nervous.

He Jincheng smiled and beckoned them to sit down.

"The three of you know how to take pictures, right? They are talents. Our group needs talents like you right now!"

(End of this chapter)

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