Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 423 Heading to the scenic spot, Wang Yiwei made a sudden visit

Chapter 423 Heading to the scenic spot, Wang Yiwei made a sudden visit

"Great husband, I heard that Liu Feifei is very young and beautiful. I can't imagine how such a girl can sing so beautifully. Do you think that if I talk to Liu Feifei, will she talk to me?"

Ye Qingmeng hugged He Jincheng's arm and said happily.

"No, Liu Feifei is very approachable, I think you may become girlfriends!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Hey, I hope so, but having said that, I did a good job this time, and I found the photographer so quickly, do I have any rewards?"

Ye Qingmeng blinked her big eyes, looked at He Jincheng and said.

"Of course there is, look what this is!"

He Jincheng smiled and took out a small red box from his pocket.

Ye Qingmeng was very pleasantly surprised, she was just talking, but she didn't expect that He Jincheng really prepared a gift for herself.

"what is this?"

"Guess it!"

"It's so small, I can't guess it. Could it be an earring?"

"No, open it and see for yourself!"

Ye Qingmeng took the box, and slowly opened it. When he saw the gift inside, he let out a scream.

"Ah, this is..."

He Jincheng laughed, took out the diamond ring from the box, and put it on Ye Qingmeng's ring finger.

"This is a diamond ring. I have been preparing it for a long time. Today is our sixth wedding anniversary. Six years ago today, you married me, my wife. Thank you for staying by my side and never leaving me!"

He Jincheng said softly.

Ye Qingmeng covered her mouth, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Oh, why are you crying? You should be happy!"

He Jincheng quickly put his arms around Ye Qingmeng and said distressedly.

"I...I'm so happy, husband, thank you too...I married the best husband in the world!"

Ye Qingmeng choked up and said.

"You are also the best wife in the world!"

After saying that, He Jincheng's lips dropped, blocking Ye Qingmeng's mouth to say anything else.

A night of lingering, endless wind and rain.

Three days later, Ye Qingmeng got up early in the morning to pack her things.

Tingting and Meng En stayed at home and let their grandparents and grandparents take care of them. Ye Qingmeng and He Jincheng planned to travel lightly this time, and this was also a rare opportunity for the two of them to live together.

The company bought a crown, specially for He Jincheng to travel.

This time it was a follow-up shoot, and He Jincheng didn't bring anyone else with him, just himself, Ye Qingmeng, three people from the photography team, and finally his assistant Wang Qianqian, a total of six people.

There are not many people on Liu Feifei's side. Besides Liu Feifei, there is also an agent, Liu Lanhua, Liu Feifei's cousin, and Liu Lanhua's husband, Liu Feifei's brother-in-law Yang Chenggong. personal.

Several people made an appointment to meet at the Nandu Hotel, and had a simple breakfast at the hotel. Everyone also got to know each other. After eating, they were going to Nandu Mountain.

He Jincheng, Ye Qingmeng and Wang Qianqian have a car, Lin Haiyuan, Wu Ming and Cheng Lili have a car, and then Liu Feifei, Liu Lanhua and Yang Chenggong have a car.

Nine people and three cars set off from Nandu Hotel all the way.

These days, a bicycle is the dream of ordinary people, let alone a car. Traveling together with three cars has attracted a lot of attention along the way.

Half an hour later, everyone arrived at Nandu Mountain and checked in at the Nandu Mountain Hotel.

As long as it is a scenic area, the consumption level is often much higher than that of ordinary places. It is the same in this era. The hotel on the top of the mountain costs 100 yuan a night, which is worth the wages of ordinary workers for a day.

But this time He Jincheng hired Liu Feifei, and he already spent a lot of money, so he didn't care about the 100 or [-].

The room arrangement was that He Jincheng shared a room with Ye Qingmeng, Liu Feifei shared a room with herself, Liu Lanhua shared a room with Yang Chenggong, Lin Haiyuan shared a room with Wu Ming, and finally Wang Qianqian shared a room with Cheng Lili.

The few people had just checked in, and after putting down the salutes, He Jincheng received a call from the front desk, saying that someone was looking for them.

This made He Jincheng very strange. He thought that he didn't know anyone here, and it was even his first time visiting Nandu Mountain. Who would come to him?
With doubts, He Jincheng came to the front desk, and then saw a young man wearing sunglasses and a leather jacket, sitting on the sofa in the lobby drinking water.

Seeing He Jincheng coming, the young man tilted his sunglasses, stood up and greeted him with a smile.

"Brother He, you are indeed here!"

He Jincheng took a closer look and smiled immediately.

The person who came was none other than Mr. Wang's precious son Wang Yiwei.

"Yiwei, why are you here?"

He Jincheng greeted him with a smile.

"Hey, what you said is that the big star is the thread that I pulled for you, why don't you let me watch your filming?"

Wang Yiwei put his arm around He Jincheng's shoulder and said with a smile.

"Haha, of course we welcome Young Master Wang to come to guide the work, but we may not have enough manpower, I'm afraid we can't take care of Young Master Wang!"

He Jincheng laughed out loud.

He is about the same age as Wang Yiwei, and Wang Yiwei is a little familiar, so it is easy to establish a good relationship, so now the two are relatively familiar.

Although Wang Yiwei is a bit of a dandy style of a young master, but generally speaking, he is still a good person. He Jincheng thinks that he can still make friends with him. Otherwise, He Jincheng would not even bother to look at the general dandy young master.

"Then I have to guide you in your work. I heard that you brought your sister-in-law here. As a younger brother, of course I have to come to see my sister-in-law. Let's go and show me my sister-in-law. I have prepared a gift." !"

Wang Yiwei laughed.

"Have you checked in?"

He Jincheng looked at the front desk.

"It's all done a long time ago, are you still waiting for you, let's go!"

Wang Yiwei dragged He Jincheng in.

He Jincheng had no choice but to take him to his room.

Ye Qingmeng was packing her things, when she heard movement at the door, she got up and walked over to have a look.

"Hello, sister-in-law!"

As soon as Wang Yiwei saw Ye Qingmeng, he immediately put away his cynical look and shouted very respectfully.

Ye Qingmeng looked at He Jincheng suspiciously, wondering who is this?
"Qingmeng, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Wang Jianyun's son, Wang Yiwei and Wang Shao! Yiwei, this is my lover, Ye Qingmeng!"

He Jincheng introduced the two with a wry smile.

"So it's Young Master Wang, hello!"

Ye Qingmeng was slightly startled. She had also heard of Wang Jianyun's name. The industry was much bigger than that of the He Group. She never thought that the prince of Qianyun Group would appear here.

(End of this chapter)

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