Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 436 Insurance Fund, 1 Strange Letter

Chapter 436 Insurance Fund, A Strange Letter
"Okay, don't get up, how about it, are you still used to living here?"

He Jincheng joked.

Being in a hospital is not a hotel, so how can we talk about habits or not.

"Mr. He, I'm sorry, we delayed the progress of the filming!"

Lin Haiyuan said guiltily.

If he had been able to restrain himself a little at that time, he wouldn't have had to confront Liu Qiang and the others, and he would have retreated at worst, and the equipment would not have been destroyed.

"It's not your fault. I've already settled this matter. You don't have to worry. In addition, you are also injured for the company. In addition to the medical expenses, all of them will be reimbursed. These are some compensations. You can accept them!"

He Jincheng took out two envelopes, each containing 1 yuan.

It's not that He Jincheng is stingy, after all, he got 300 million from Feilong.

He knew that everything needs to be done with a degree. If He Jincheng compensated Lin Haiyuan and Wu Ming with 300 million yuan because they were beaten, the company would be in chaos.

At that time, some people who must have ulterior motives will come out like this. No matter how rich the He Group is, it will not be able to make up for it.

"Mr. He, this won't work. We feel guilty for not doing a good job. How can we still take the company's money!"

Lin Haiyuan and Wu Ming waved their hands quickly, with flattered expressions on their faces.

"Don't be polite to me, this is what you deserve, and it is the compensation given to you by the assailant! In addition, after this incident, I have thought a lot. In the future, the company will need to establish an insurance fund for all employees. When the time comes Anyone who is injured on duty can take part of the insurance fund to compensate, and you are considered to be the first batch of beneficiaries of the insurance fund!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

The state has established an employee insurance system that was formally established in [-], and it was first developed in state-owned enterprises. So far, private enterprises basically have no insurance system to speak of.

He Jincheng proposed the annuity system last year, which is already relatively advanced.

However, annuities are more like endowment insurance, and the amount is not much. There is no good way to deal with accidental work injuries like Lin Haiyuan's.

So He Jincheng thought about setting up an insurance fund to protect the rights and interests of employees.

It is probably that the company takes out a sum of money and has a special person to operate it, such as buying time deposits, treasury bonds and other financial products. If there is no need to spend, it will be kept in a passbook to generate interest and accumulate funds. If necessary, it will be used.

The 300 million that I got from Feilong happened to be enough to do this.

In the future, a certain amount of funds will be invested every year, and the insurance fund will grow bigger and bigger. After the stock market and the fund market go online, it can be used for investment and so on.

Of course, this is just a preliminary idea of ​​He Jincheng, and the actual implementation is not just talking about it.

Lin Haiyuan and Wu Ming were extremely grateful to He Jincheng, which made them feel that the beating was not in vain.

1 yuan is higher than their annual salary, and what they have to do is to recuperate in the hospital, and then go back to work after the injury is healed.

It is a great blessing in life to be able to work with such a boss.

Because of Lin Haiyuan and Wu Ming's hospitalization, this shooting must not be possible. Fortunately, Cheng Lili was not injured, so He Jincheng simply asked Cheng Lili to help them take some life photos together.

Liu Feifei and Ye Qingmeng, two beauties, have also become good friends after getting along these few days.

After playing on the mountain for two days, a few people went back temporarily. As for when the next shooting schedule is, they can only make an appointment.

After returning to the company, He Jincheng immediately began to arrange for people to prepare the insurance fund.

It's just that there are really few financial talents in the company. Let's find two college students who don't know much about this. He Jincheng has no choice but to give the money to the finance department and let them go to the bank Save a regular one.

The temporary method is to divide the 300 million into twelve shares and deposit a one-year fund every month. In this way, after one year, a one-year fund will expire every month and can be withdrawn for use. .

When there are more funds in the future, the term and funds of the deposit can be increased.

It will be December soon, and the financial statements of various aspects have also begun to be collected. Looking at the gratifying results in the reports, He Jincheng is very happy.

Although the final statistics have not been made yet, He Jincheng has already roughly estimated a value. The gross profit of the He Group this year is estimated to reach [-] million.

In an era when households with ten thousand yuan are a rarity, it is self-evident what one hundred million means.

Just when He Jincheng was a little complacent, He Jincheng received a very strange letter.

The signature of this letter is very strange, a clothing person.

He Jincheng specially set up the chairman's mailbox to collect letters from consumers all over the country who have any opinions on the company's products or others.

Every month He Jincheng can receive hundreds of letters, sometimes even thousands of letters, and he will take the time to read some of them. Own.

In these letters, He Jincheng also learned a lot and got some good advice.

So this habit, he has always maintained.

And the letter in his hand was very strange, and the signature of the costumer made He Jincheng feel a little throbbing in his heart, and felt that he had to read the letter carefully.

Opening the envelope, there were three yellowed sheets of paper with neat writing on them, densely packed with letter paper.

Judging from the font, this should be written by an old man, with every stroke and stroke, neat and tidy, it can be seen that a lot of thought has been used.

After reading the letter carefully, He Jincheng's complexion gradually darkened, and finally he slapped the table with his palm, his complexion turned extremely ugly.

"Wang Qianqian, call me Du Fei!"

He Jincheng shouted towards the outside.

Wang Qianqian was taken aback, and thought to herself what happened to the boss, she had never seen him get so angry, she must have eaten gunpowder!
Seeing the boss like this, Wang Qianqian didn't dare to neglect her at all, she hurriedly called Du Fei, and finally found him.

When Du Fei came, he greeted Wang Qianqian with a smile on his face.

"Qianqian, what's the matter, calling me over in such a hurry?"

"You can be careful, I think the boss's face is not very good-looking, think about whether there is something wrong with your work!"

Wang Qianqian reminded in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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