Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 449 Meeting with the leader, Jiang Hai's request for medical treatment

Chapter 449 Meeting with the leader, Jiang Hai's request for medical treatment
He Jincheng didn't think so much, and he didn't notice Lili's eyes.

It was purely because he saw his old classmate that he was very happy, thinking that he must have two more drinks with Niu Dazhuang later.

After waiting in the lobby for another ten minutes, a middle-aged man walked in. Seeing He Jincheng sitting there reading a newspaper, he quickly walked towards him.

"Excuse me, you are Mr. He Jincheng, right?"

The man's voice was very magnetic and his tone was very polite. He was the leader Jiang Haijiang whom He Jincheng was waiting for.

He Jincheng quickly stood up and stretched out his hand towards Jiang Hai.

"You must be Leader Jiang. I am He Jincheng. Nice to meet you!"

"Hahaha, I saw your picture in the newspaper, you are very good, a hero born in a teenager, in his early twenties, you can achieve such an achievement, much better than an old guy like me who has worked in revolution for most of his life It's gone!"

Jiang Hai laughed out loud, He Jincheng spoke in a tone that made him very comfortable, and he couldn't help but think highly of He Jincheng.

Jiang Hai came here privately today, and like He Jincheng, he didn't bring anyone with him.

"Leader Jiang has been praised too much. I just do what I can. Now that our policy is good, of course we must seize this opportunity!"

He Jincheng laughed.

After the two exchanged a few pleasantries, He Jincheng called someone to lead the way, and they went to the No. [-] box together.

The private room is located on the third floor, with a large area, a table can seat 30 people, but today there are only He Jincheng and Jiang Hai.

When Manager Meng heard that the leader was coming, he immediately came to the box with the wine himself.

"Leader Jiang, Mr. He, you two are here, our small restaurant is full of splendor, this is our kindness, and I hope you can accept it!"

Manager Meng said very enthusiastically, and then took a special bottle of red wine from the waiter and carefully placed it on the table.

"Haha, Manager Meng, this bottle of wine is not common, it made you bleed a lot today!"

When He Jincheng saw the red wine, he knew Manager Meng's intentions. This bottle of wine was probably worth a meal in Box 888.

"That's what it should be. As long as you can satisfy the two of you, even if you take out all the good wine in our hotel, it's worth it!"

Manager Meng said with a smile.

"Thank you, but this wine is a bit too high-end, I dare not drink it!"

Jiang Hai said half-jokingly.

"No, no, this kind of wine is only served in our hotel, that is, to entertain distinguished guests. In fact, if it is really discussed, it is nothing. Leader Jiang must not mind!"

Manager Meng said quickly.

What to do and what to say, you still need to be careful, otherwise, if the other party misunderstands, it will not be good.

"Okay, Manager Meng, please serve the food first, I still have some things to discuss with Leader Jiang!"

He Jincheng looked at Manager Meng and said.

He knew that Manager Meng wanted to talk to Jiang Hai more, but this kind of thing was too much, and He Jincheng and Jiang Hai did have important things to discuss.

"Okay, okay, the dishes are ready, I'll have someone bring them up right now, you two take your time, call me if you have any orders, I'll be waiting outside!"

Of course, Manager Meng understood what He Jincheng meant. In their business, what they needed was to see all directions and listen to all directions. He only needed to think a little to figure out who said what and what subtext was in it. .

As Manager Meng retreated, dishes were quickly served one after another.

When the dishes were ready, He Jincheng poured Jiang Hai a glass of wine himself.

"Leader Jiang, I am very glad to be able to cooperate with you. Among other things, I will drink this glass of wine first as a respect!"

He Jincheng raised his glass and drank it down.

"Mr. He is polite. I am also following orders. The smooth development of the fair is of great significance to our entire province, so we will definitely do our best to assist you in completing this fair!"

Jiang Hai also raised his glass and drank it down.

The two chatted while eating, finalizing some details of the trade show little by little, and when the wine was over, the matter was almost finished.

Although Jiang Hai is in a high position, He Jincheng does not feel that he is superior and has a heavy official authority. On the contrary, he is very approachable. If you don't know the identity of the other party, you will definitely think that this is a gentle and humble uncle. It's easy to feel close.

"Haha, Xiao He, I heard that you not only have a strong ability in business, but also have good medical skills. I don't know if this is true?"

After talking about the business, Jiang Hai chatted about some personal matters.

"It's just a little understanding, but it's not as amazing as the rumors say!"

He Jincheng waved his hand quickly and said, at the same time, he thought of his plan to establish a pharmaceutical factory, and thought that he could talk to Jiang Hai, maybe he could help him promote this matter.

"Hahaha, you are being modest. I know Liu Lisheng very well. He is full of praise for your medical skills. I'm really not feeling well recently. How about you help me take a look?"

Jiang Hai said with a smile.

"So it turns out that Uncle Liu and the general leader seem to be friends! Since Leader Jiang said so, I can only make a fool of myself. If you don't see anything, please don't blame the general leader!"

Suddenly, He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Don't call me Jiang Boss Jiang Boss, it seems too natural, you can call me Uncle Jiang just like calling me Liu Lisheng!"

Jiang Hai waved his hand and interrupted He Jincheng.

"Hahaha, that's naturally good. It looks like we're close. Uncle Jiang, let me take your pulse first. I drank some wine today. Just by looking at your complexion, I'm really not sure!"

He Jincheng laughed loudly, and was not polite to Jiang Hai, and called him uncle directly.

"Okay, you can look at it as you like, and I will fully cooperate!"

Jiang Hai smiled happily.

He Jincheng stretched out two fingers to give Jiang Hai a pulse.

After a while, He Jincheng withdrew his hand, with a wry smile on his face.


Jiang Hai asked quickly.

"Uncle Jiang, do you often have insomnia and dreamy dreams recently, and you are prone to night sweats. Sometimes when you wake up in the morning, the sheets are all wet, making it very uncomfortable to sleep?"

He Jincheng asked in a deep voice.

"That's right, you're right. These days, I really haven't had a good night's sleep. I don't know what's wrong. The first day was fine, but it happened suddenly, but it tortured me. Already!"

Jiang Hai nodded quickly, approving He Jincheng's deduction, and at the same time he was extremely surprised. He had never told Liu Lisheng about his illness, and it was even more impossible for He Jincheng to know in advance.

It can be deduced just by feeling the pulse. He Jincheng's reputation as a genius doctor is really well-deserved!
(End of this chapter)

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